use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Alien::Base::ModuleBuild;
use Config;
my $image_magick_version = 'latest';
if ($ENV{PERL_ALIEN_IMAGEMAGICK_VERSION} =~ /\A(?:latest|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){2}(?:\-[0-9]+)?)\z/) {
$image_magick_version = $ENV{PERL_ALIEN_IMAGEMAGICK_VERSION};
else {
warn 'ignoring invalid environment variable PERL_ALIEN_IMAGEMAGICK_VERSION';
my $perlbin = $Config{perlpath};
my $perlversion = $Config{version};
my $siteprefix = $Config{siteprefix};
my $dataprefix = $Config{siteprefix} . '/etc/';
my $core_lib = $Config{archlib}.'/CORE/';
my $use_threads = $Config{usethreads} ? '' : '--without-threads';
my $enable_shared = ( ( $Config{useshrplib} || '' ) eq 'false' ) ? '' : '--enable-shared';
my $LDFLAGS= '-L'.$core_lib;
my ($ldconfig) = grep { -x } map { "$_/ldconfig" } split(/:/, $ENV{PATH});
$ldconfig = "$ldconfig || true" if $ldconfig;
my $builder = Alien::Base::ModuleBuild->new(
module_name => 'Alien::ImageMagick',
license => 'perl',
dist_author => q{Jerome Eteve <[email protected]>},
dist_version_from => 'lib/Alien/',
configure_requires => {
'Alien::Base::ModuleBuild' => 1.15,
'Module::Build' => 0.38,
build_requires => {
'Test::More' => 1.001014,
'Alien::Base' => 0.009,
'IO::Socket::SSL' => 2.070,
requires => {
'perl' => 5.006,
'Alien::Base' => 0.009,
add_to_cleanup => [ 'Alien-ImageMagick-*' ],
alien_name => 'MagickWand',
alien_repository => {
protocol => 'https',
($image_magick_version eq 'latest'
? (
host => '',
location => '/archive/',
exact_filename => 'ImageMagick.tar.gz',
) : (
host => '',
location => '/ImageMagick/ImageMagick/archive/refs/tags/',
exact_filename => $image_magick_version . '.tar.gz',
alien_install_type => 'share',
## For development, to save the download time,
## download the package once and put it in an 'inc' directory.
# alien_repository => {
# protocol => 'local',
# location => 'inc',
# exact_filename => 'ImageMagick.tar.gz',
# },
alien_build_commands => [
## This siteprefix will install the execs in perl's /bin and the libs in perl's lib/
'LDFLAGS='.$LDFLAGS.' %c --prefix=%s --sysconfdir='.$dataprefix.' --exec-prefix='.$siteprefix.' --with-perl='.$perlbin.' '.$enable_shared.' '.$use_threads . ' --with-modules',
# Patch the PerlMagick makefiles to reflect lib installation places.
# This is because ImageMagic's PerlMagick package comes with Makefile.PL files
# containing a relative reference to the build directory ../magick/.libs
# This causes
# This (fairly) dirty patch solves the issue.
# If this breaks, refer to the original source in:
q|echo "Patching Makefile.PL files in `pwd`. See |.__FILE__.q| for more"|,
q|perl -pi -e 's:^(\s*.INSTALL_BASE.*$):#$1:' PerlMagick/Makefile.PL|,
q|perl -pi -e 's:-L\.\./magick(.*?)/\.libs:-L|.$siteprefix.q|/lib:gi' PerlMagick/Makefile.PL|,
q|perl -pi -e 's:-L\.\./\.\./magick(.*?)/\.libs:-L|.$siteprefix.q|/lib:gi' PerlMagick/quantum/Makefile.PL|,
q|perl -pi -e 's:-L\.\./\.\./magick(.*?)/\.libs:-L|.$siteprefix.q|/lib:gi' PerlMagick/default/Makefile.PL|,
alien_install_commands => [
'LDFLAGS='.$LDFLAGS.' make install', # This will build the included PerlMagick package.
$ldconfig // "",
$perlbin.' -e "use Image::Magick; print Image::Magick->QuantumDepth"', # This checks Image magick is there fine.
meta_merge => {
resources => {
repository => "",