Imanol Merino
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Papers by Imanol Merino
During the Ancien Régime, the Spanish Monarchy had a composite juridical-political composition. One of the communities within it was Biscay and its natives,who had a local code of laws: the Fuero Nuevo. Among their fundamental privileges, there was a space in a superior court of Castile, the Chancery of Valladolid, wherethere was the Grand Judge of Biscay, the jurisdictional key and symbol of thatprivileged community. This paper will be focus on the chamber where that special judge resided and its contents until it was closed, along with the Chancery, in the19th century. That courtroom was the architectural evidence of Biscay’s and its native’s particular law and jurisdiction during the Ancien Régime. Thus, a study ofthis space in the building and what it cointained will explain the symbolic scope ofit.
ordenamientos jurídicos. Con sus intervenciones y actuaciones, estos letrados, instruidos en el ius commune impartido en las universidades castellanas en las que se habían formado, contribuyeron a definir y redefinir la foralidad. En este texto estudiaremos la figura de los consultores del Señorío, exponiendo sus orígenes y evolución, los perfiles del cargo y los principales cometidos que tuvieron.
At the dawn of the provincial era, the provincial institutions of Biscay were equipped with legal advisors to defend and interpret the Biscayan Fueros (special charter), while other territorial corporations did the same with their legal systems.
With their interventions and actions, these lawyers, trained in the ius commune (common law) imparted in the Castilian universities in which they had been trained, contributed to defining and redefining the foral system. In this text we will
study the figure of the consultants of the Lordship, explaining their origins and evolution, the profiles of the position and the main tasks they had.
Generales, donde se reunían los representantes de las corporaciones territoriales del Señorío. En este texto analizaremos cómo la Corona
trató de acudir a otros cauces de negociación para evitar las Juntas Generales ante el temor de tumultos, en un contexto crítico como
los años previos a 1640, cuando el recuerdo de lo sucedido durante la matxinada del estanco de la sal seguía presente.
During the Ancien Régime, the Spanish Monarchy had a composite juridical-political composition. One of the communities within it was Biscay and its natives,who had a local code of laws: the Fuero Nuevo. Among their fundamental privileges, there was a space in a superior court of Castile, the Chancery of Valladolid, wherethere was the Grand Judge of Biscay, the jurisdictional key and symbol of thatprivileged community. This paper will be focus on the chamber where that special judge resided and its contents until it was closed, along with the Chancery, in the19th century. That courtroom was the architectural evidence of Biscay’s and its native’s particular law and jurisdiction during the Ancien Régime. Thus, a study ofthis space in the building and what it cointained will explain the symbolic scope ofit.
ordenamientos jurídicos. Con sus intervenciones y actuaciones, estos letrados, instruidos en el ius commune impartido en las universidades castellanas en las que se habían formado, contribuyeron a definir y redefinir la foralidad. En este texto estudiaremos la figura de los consultores del Señorío, exponiendo sus orígenes y evolución, los perfiles del cargo y los principales cometidos que tuvieron.
At the dawn of the provincial era, the provincial institutions of Biscay were equipped with legal advisors to defend and interpret the Biscayan Fueros (special charter), while other territorial corporations did the same with their legal systems.
With their interventions and actions, these lawyers, trained in the ius commune (common law) imparted in the Castilian universities in which they had been trained, contributed to defining and redefining the foral system. In this text we will
study the figure of the consultants of the Lordship, explaining their origins and evolution, the profiles of the position and the main tasks they had.
Generales, donde se reunían los representantes de las corporaciones territoriales del Señorío. En este texto analizaremos cómo la Corona
trató de acudir a otros cauces de negociación para evitar las Juntas Generales ante el temor de tumultos, en un contexto crítico como
los años previos a 1640, cuando el recuerdo de lo sucedido durante la matxinada del estanco de la sal seguía presente.
El impacto de las instituciones en el mercado del libro durante la Edad Moderna: entre la regulación y la promoción" (Sevilla, 6-7.II.2020)