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Questions tagged [vote-to-delete]

The process by which high-reputation users and moderators can vote to delete a post from the site.

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17 votes
1 answer

Answers with positive score can now be deleted by non-mods?

The way things usually work is that if an answer has a positive score, it can't be deleted by non-mods - neither by manual delete votes (which aren't even available until the score is negative) nor ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Allow users with the ability to Vote To Delete to always see how many delete votes an answer or closed question has

Users with more than 10,000 reputation on sites with "Full" reputation requirements and 2,000 reputation on sites with "Beta" reputation requirements have the "Access to ...
Starship's user avatar
  • 8,006
5 votes
1 answer

How did a non-moderator single-handedly delete an answer?

Seems fine. Except… Journeyman Geek is neither a moderator nor was one 3 days ago. (He was a mod in the past, maybe that's related?) Furthermore, the answer in question had a score of 14, so he ...
Starship's user avatar
  • 8,006
9 votes
0 answers

Error message “User has already voted this way. Undo the vote, or change the vote to continue” when trying to retract a delete vote [duplicate]

There is an existing question about the same error but when trying to unfollow: Error message “User has already voted this way. Undo the vote, or change the vote to continue” when unfollowing posts. ...
wjandrea's user avatar
  • 660
5 votes
0 answers

Clarify the values for delete/undelete votes on 10k tools page

There are items with delete/undelete votes on 10k tools page. But the values specified there are not clear: Actually it's relate to number of votes already given (the first one), and the number of ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Possible bug with question deletion

I just tried casting a delete vote on a question. I was given an error because the question was a target of a duplicate closure. In addition, the question closed as a duplicate was later merged with ...
miken32's user avatar
  • 2,034
5 votes
2 answers

How can a mod undelete a question if they have already cast an undelete vote before becoming a mod?

Assume that a user cast an undelete vote on a post. The user later became a mod and now wants to use their mod powers to undelete that post. How can they do so?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

The delete button doesn’t wait for confirmation on iOS

On iOS (Safari iOS 16.5), when I vote to delete a question or answer, an alert appears asking if I’m sure. However, the page refreshes out from under the alert, and the vote is recorded — in some ...
Bbrk24's user avatar
  • 325
8 votes
0 answers

"Delete this answered question?" dialog shows up but it's not my question

I just got shown the "Delete this answered question?" dialog for a question that isn't mine. I think (it's not easy to reproduce for testing) the circumstances that led to this were: Try to ...
miken32's user avatar
  • 2,034
6 votes
0 answers

Can OP see the list of users who voted for deletion on their question? [duplicate]

My question is simple: is it possible for OP to see the list of users who voted for deleting their question in the question's timeline? If this answer is still correct, the OP can see the names of ...
Black Soul's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Users can vote to delete/undelete again if the question is reopened and closed again

About a year ago, a feature request to Restrict the delete/undelete vote privilege to once per post was implemented network-wide. However, this restriction doesn't always apply. For example, the ...
cigien's user avatar
  • 1,960
3 votes
1 answer

Has the warning/question about retracting delete votes been (intentionally) removed? [closed]

As far as I remember (and It's possible to retract and re-cast a delete vote on answers, contrary to the tooltip's advice confirms this) there used to be a warning/question whether to retract ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
58 votes
2 answers

Allow moderators to view close and delete vote history

Currently, moderators cannot view anything in the "Votes" tab of the profile of other users. Quite sensibly, we can't view individual up/down votes at all. However, the other four tabs (...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 28.6k
7 votes
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Popup shown to authors attempting to delete answered questions is incorrectly shown to other delete voters, if there are no pending delete votes

When voting to delete this question I got the following popup message: This appears to be the popup user's get when trying to delete their own answered question. I'm not the author of this question, ...
cigien's user avatar
  • 1,960
13 votes
1 answer

It's possible to retract and re-cast a delete vote on answers, contrary to the tooltip's advice

When retracting a delete vote, the following popup is displayed: To quote the text directly: says Retract your vote to delete? You won't be able to vote again on this post. ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
59 votes
3 answers

Make the "delete" button different when you already voted to delete

This is extremely annoying behaviour. If you've voted to delete a post and then you press the delete button again, you can now rescind that vote, but then you can't vote again! Because the button is ...
Dharman's user avatar
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18 votes
0 answers

Make it clear in the moderator tools when a delete vote is retracted

(Origin of this request: Users can now retract delete votes. Moderators can also see a second date entry on the timeline for retracted votes. However, ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 16.9k
48 votes
1 answer

Make the pop-up for retracting your delete vote different from the pop-up for casting it

When voting to delete a question one gets thrown a pop-up to confirm their choice. This is in the general style of your browser. Since recently one is also able to retract their delete vote. Today I ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k
11 votes
1 answer

Has there been a recent change in the ability to vote to delete again, after a post was undeleted?

Clarification: This question did not promote any change, as did @Machavity's question posted eight months ago. That post received an "answer" approving the feature request. My question ...
amWhy's user avatar
  • 944
-20 votes
2 answers

Is there any way we can encourage people to explain delete votes?

If I were to cast the most annoying feature of Stack Overflow, I would say delete vote definitely. I probably can understand the design logic behind it, e.g., as When should I vote to delete a ...
Qiulang 邱朗's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Why is there an inconsistency in the display order of delete voters? Can it be made consistent?

When an answer is deleted, not by the answer poster themselves or by the Community bot, the users who contributed to deleting the answer are shown in the following order: If the post was deleted by ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Improve/remove the First Posts review guidance text about (voting to) delete

When reviewing First Posts, the guidance text is slightly off when reviewing answers; one of the bullet points is Delete questions that are noise or are of extremely poor quality The text is already ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
73 votes
4 answers

Restrict the delete/undelete vote privilege to once per post

I am aware of the reasons delete has not been restricted before, but the reasoning has begun to unravel on Stack Overflow, where a fairly large pool of users now have access to that privilege. I give ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 27.5k
16 votes
1 answer

How should I deal with unregistered users trying to delete their question?

Recently, I came across a question that had been vandalized by the OP. I left a canned "Don't vandalize posts" comment I use for these situations that contains the text: ... If you want to ...
cigien's user avatar
  • 1,960
42 votes
0 answers

Show you've already voted to delete a post in the 10K tools

In the 10K tools "Delete votes" page, posts that you cannot vote to delete/undelete are grayed out but shown for the sake of consistency. I'd like it if there were something similar for ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 26.9k
15 votes
1 answer

Is there a reason some moderators don't delete NAAs immediately?

Something I've noticed on a lot of SE sites outside the largest ones is that often moderators comment on NAAs without actually deleting them straight away. This is an example I flagged five hours ago ...
PeterJ's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Will an upvote cancel my delete vote, or would it still be there if the question is downvoted again?

I cast a delete vote for a question, after downvoting it to the minimum of -3 score. Later, someone upvoted the question and the delete link is gone, so I cannot see if others also voted for deletion. ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do I vote against pending delete votes?

I’ve opened someone’s existing old closed question and noticed that it has two pending delete votes. I disagree and want to vote against its deletion. How can I do it? The similar process for close is ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

How was this user able to delete their own question that was a duplicate target of another question?

A user recently deleted their own unanswered question (later undeleted by the community, but deleted again by the Roomba). However, there was this other question that had been closed as a duplicate of ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

In which order are delete voters shown?

When a post is deleted, a banner is shown indicating which users voted to delete the post: What determines the order in which these users are shown? Often, it seems to be a chronological order (like ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
-13 votes
2 answers

How to delete my own question to prevent new comments and answers? [duplicate]

I have recently asked a question where I wanted to scrape data from Google maps, but it turns out it's ethically wrong. I would have liked to delete my question, but as other people have spent time on ...
Suraj's user avatar
  • 83
1 vote
1 answer

Why can't I delete answers at 20k rep? [duplicate]

I have 20k reputation on Puzzling. This answer does not meet the standards of our site, and I wanted to vote to delete. Why can't I?
Omega Krypton's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

Is there any valid reason to delete the "SE Inc answer" given to "Firing community managers..."?

I am talking about this answer by SE staff member Juan M. Obviously, many community members aren't happy about that answer (right now: 660 downvotes). But what caught my attention: Specifically: ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 38.1k
7 votes
0 answers

No feedback for delete problems on mobile site

I’ve noticed a number of issues with casting delete votes from mobile. The common thread is a failure to notify the user of problems with the vote. I’ve seen it in the following situations: trying to ...
miken32's user avatar
  • 2,034
11 votes
1 answer

My last Delete vote of the day used in Low Quality Posts queue always triggers an error and invalidates the review

I've experienced this almost daily on Stack Overflow, and now I believe I've recently figured out the pattern of this bug. Requirements: over 10,000 reputation if the low quality post is a question (...
Cœur's user avatar
  • 2,682
18 votes
1 answer

Let me filter just questions in the mod tools for deletion and undeletion

I've recently gotten to 10K reputation on Sci-Fi. It's pretty cool, but there's an annoying thing about the mod tools: the lists of delete and undelete votes include both questions and answers. As I ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

Vote to delete via mobile web doesn't check for duplicates

I've just voted to delete this question even though it's used as the original question for a duplicate, namely this one. The popup informing you that it can't be deleted isn't shown on the (old) ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
6 votes
2 answers

Do I regain reputation from voting to close my own massively downvoted question?

I have a massively downvoted question with no answers and already has 2 votes to close. Does closing or deleting both refund my reputations lost?
NoName's user avatar
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13 votes
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Let us delete our own comments even if the post is locked

I tried to delete a comment I posted, and got the "Comments on locked posts are not eligible for voting" error. The lock in that case is of type "locked while disputes about its content are being ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Why do "Delete" reviews show up in user's profiles but not "Recommend Deletion" reviews?

You can view a user's review history by going to the Activity -> All Actions -> Reviews section of their profile. I've come across one strange behavior: Delete reviews in Low Quality Posts do show up ...
Picachieu's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What happens when "recommend deletion" and "delete" are mixed in LQP review? [duplicate]

In Low Quality Posts review, what happens when <20k users chose "recommend deletion", and 20k users chose "delete" for the same review? For example, if a post had 3 "recommend deletion" reviews and ...
Picachieu's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to find duplicates that could be deleted?

From the faq post How should duplicate questions be handled? Should duplicates be deleted? ... Duplicates that are word-for-word copies or that are so poorly written that they are not useful may be ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
  • 2,002
19 votes
3 answers

Why do you need 250 reputation to view close votes on your own posts, but you can always see delete/undelete votes?

I've noticed that users can always view delete/undelete votes on their own posts, regardless of their reputation. However, it takes 250 reputation to view close/reopen votes on your own posts. I can ...
Picachieu's user avatar
  • 8,781
-5 votes
1 answer

Deleting my downvoted, but answered question [duplicate]

I asked a question on Stack Exchange that got downvoted multiple times, but I can't delete it since people have answered it. What should I do?
arty's user avatar
  • 25
-26 votes
4 answers

Don't delete questions! [duplicate]

I have a hard time verbalizing how shocked and horrified I am to learn that questions can be and actually are deleted. The only reasonable use case I see is spam or very clear abuse. But anything ...
summerrain's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How can I delete a duplicate question? [duplicate]

Here there is a "insightful" question about basic programming with 105 upvotes, and it has got 14 answers. But okay, life is not fair , so asking about the unfairness also gets 75 upvotes. ...
Prem's user avatar
  • 219
3 votes
1 answer

Do delete/undelete votes age away? [duplicate]

This doesn't seem to be specificed in the docs and the FAQ. I see this suggested in Let's Plan the Second Iteration of the Stack Exchange Quality Project! (10.2016) and mentioned as an existing ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 2,684
9 votes
0 answers

Subsequent offensive-deletion of post you voted to delete normally incorrectly attributes intent

This is a small bug but nonetheless. There was an answer where I felt it was teetering on the edge of merely NAA and rude & abusive. I downvoted it and cast a delete vote. It was latter destroyed ...
Magisch's user avatar
  • 25.6k
2 votes
0 answers

Client-side error when attempting to delete own question

My question has no answers, only a comment. The button seems completely unresponsive and does not delete it. I remember that a while ago I was able to delete all my questions. For example, I have a ...
user9549355's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Under what conditions can accepted answers be deleted?

I was under the impression that accepted answers could not be deleted (except by diamond mods). However, on RPG.SE we had a question in which it seems like the answer was deleted by the community ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
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