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2020: a year in closing

I am thrilled to share that this year we are continuing a tradition started by Shog9 five years ago. Please welcome stats that highlight how many questions were closed on different Stack Exchange ...
Nicolas Chabanovsky's user avatar
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2019: a year in closing

Closing and reopening questions is a very small part of what goes on around this network... But it gets a lot of attention, and always has. Particularly over the past year, as we've tested some pretty ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
53 votes
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2018: a year in closing

Continuing my sometimes-annual practice of posting these numbers, here is the information on how many questions were closed on various sites around the network in 2018: Site ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
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2017: a year in closing

Last year I posted some numbers on how many questions were closed on various sites around the network in the preceding year. This ended up being kinda handy to refer back to, so I'm gonna do it again: ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
61 votes
4 answers

2016: a year in closing

A moderator asked me for data on the percentage of questions closed across all sites. This doesn't strike me as information that needs to be restricted to moderators, so for your idle enjoyment I ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k