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Odd cropping of Meta Icon on profile page

I went to a user's profile page that I saw had joined a chat room. On that user's profile page, I noticed the image for the Meta Stack Exchange was oddly positioned, offset too high, causing it to be ...
Dragonrage's user avatar
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No bottom lines for last row of tags in next tag badge popup

In your profile you can track your next tag badge. In some cases there are not bottom lines for tag blocks in next tag badge popup: Animation with scrolling popup content: Reproduced on iPad Pro 11&...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Text is not wrapping in the tag popup of "Top Tags" section in profile

As can be seen in the below screenshot, it's all messed up:
Daviid's user avatar
  • 323
25 votes
1 answer

On/off switch on mobile has shrinkable width

The on/off switch widget on mobile doesn't have fixed width and shrinks depending on other elements, e.g. in settings: It's OK for one-line text, but shrinks otherwise.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Empty area in tags block on user profile page

In my profile there's an empty area in the Tags block: Each tag on that block occupies 66px in height. The last tag here is bug, and this tag occupies 144px height, so it easily can contain at least ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
1 vote
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Account info section doesn’t fit into background block on narrow screen

Account info section on profile page doesn't fit into screen on mobile device with narrow width:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
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User name overlaps Network Profile button

In this user profile the user name overlaps "Network profile" button on narrow screen: Yet another one: And even for staff member:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
3 votes
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The 'Next badge' popup is appearing in the wrong place

The 'Next badge' popup in the profile page expands page width on mobile: Positioning the popup entirely in the original page area will prevent width expansion.
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Long location is unnecessarily truncated on user's profile page

Really long locations are truncated on users' profile pages. As here, for example: Instead of the full location, it's cut off and the last few characters are replaced by an ellipsis. On the other ...
CDR's user avatar
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Don't cut badges too early

Some long-named badges are truncated too early on the profile page when viewed on narrow screens (e.g., on Android Chrome): Reproducible on Windows 10 desktop Chrome as well: Could we just display ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
6 votes
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Move achievements to the right on accounts block

On the activity page of profile achievements block needs to be moved to the right part for the items with long enough site names. When they don't fit on the single line. E.g.:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Bind right corner of the next badge progress bar to the badge block border

On most cases (screen width) the right corner of the next badge progress bar is aligned with bronze badge block. But sometimes when newest badge and next badge can not fit into single line, the right ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
2 votes
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Inconsistent vertical spacing to tooltip on impact block [duplicate]

There's an inconsistency with vectical space for tooltips in impact block of profile page: Helpful flags tooltip looks generally correct: But others have much more vertical space as expected between ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
9 votes
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The background highlight color for the selected menu in the Activity tab can be improved

The background highlight color for the selected menu in the Activity tab is very low, whereas the background highlight color in the Settings tab is more optimal. Can the same highlight color from the ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
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Current profile section is not properly selected in narrow mode

In narrow mode (e.g. on mobile phone) if you select “Question subscription” in profile setting page you will be redirected to the page that is not adapted for mobile view. Going back (via browser ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
6 votes
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Align reputation to the right in community list

To be consistent with other blocks in profile page, the reputation part in community blocks should be moved to the right: Compare with badges block:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
5 votes
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Add the "view all" link to the sidebar list of communities on your own profile

When viewing someone else's profile, there's a list of their top few sites on the side. This includes a "view all" link to the network profile: When viewing your own profile, though, this ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 84.5k
22 votes
1 answer

Green reputation badges on Summary page have black text

There has been change in style for reputation badges on Profile Summary page which makes text harder to read. What used to be white text on green background has changed into black text on green ...
Resistance Is Futile's user avatar
3 votes
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Activity submenu refusing to become muscle memory

There's this list of Activity submenu options in my profile ("Summary", "Answers", "Questions", ...): Which for some reason refuses to become muscle memory for me. Every ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
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Incorrect tag badge interface [duplicate]

I just received the Archaeologist badge on Stack Overflow: When I clicked Track the next one, I was displayed a choice of the tag badges I had made progress in instead: Then when I clicked on the &...
Joundill's user avatar
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Is the alignment incorrect on the tag badge congratulations message? [duplicate]

The congratulations message and icons which are displayed when I receive a new tag badge are top-left aligned in the Summary box on my profile page. Is this how it's supposed to look?
Joundill's user avatar
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Reputation Overflow™ on activity page sidebar

Some of the sidebar links in your personal activity page have badges to indicate certain updates. Sometimes, they become too large and overflow the labels: I can reproduce this on the latest Firefox ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Hyphen and ellipsis overlap for certain long titles

Under certain circumstances, a browser's word break and text overflow functionalities collide, producing a hyphen that overlaps the ellipsis. This is how this user's profile looks like in the latest ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Expanding a post with a large code block in profile pages breaks the design

After expanding a post that contains a large code block in a profile, the design of the page breaks and creates a horizontal scroll. Collapsing the question afterwards does not fix the design, and the ...
Dan's user avatar
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Moderator sign is overlapping with network profile [duplicate]

As you can see, the moderator and network profile overlap each other. I am on Chrome (version 103.0.5060.71) for Android, resolution 2220×1080 on mobile.
DialFrost's user avatar
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Bug with the profile edit save buttons

The 2 buttons seem too close to each other. Can this be fixed? To get this you need to have an account on any site that you have not edited your profile before. So if you have customized your account ...
DialFrost's user avatar
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Minor alignment issue in Activity page Impact section's tooltip

There is an alignment issue in the Activity page Impact section's tooltip for the "people reached" and "votes cast" captions. The tooltip is displayed correctly for the "...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
9 votes
1 answer

Under-labeled & Over-labeled Tables

Any particular tag's Top Users page has some tables. The Top Answerers (for the Last 30 Days and of All Time) and Top Askers (not shown) are listed along with two columns of numbers: These tables ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
10 votes
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'Next badge' overflows if it and the newest badge have long names

The name of 'next badge' overflows its progress bar if both the 'newest badge' and itself have long names: Here is a live example provided by @NilayGhosh, and a Wayback Machine snapshot in case it ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
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"Congratulations!" and subsequent text is incorrectly positioned

I recently earned a tag badge. On my profile, the "Congratulations!" and subsequent text looks incorrectly positioned. Perhaps it is meant to look like this: (my mockup)
Panda's user avatar
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Long site names shown in the visible communities in the Profile tab are not truncated, resulting in inconsistent left-column widths

When users have accounts on sites with long names (for example, History of Science and Mathematics) and have them displayed in the visible communities list in the Profile tab, the width of the left ...
Justin's user avatar
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Properly insert breaks in titles on the profile's reputation page

I was browsing a user's profile, when I saw this monstrosity: In the screenshot, the first and third line look fine. The last line looks okay-ish. I'm impartial if the title should break here, or ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k
12 votes
1 answer

Alignment issue in the toggle for tracking a tag badge/next privilege

There's an alignment issue in the toggle for tracking a tag badge/next privilege:
Justin's user avatar
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Moderator flair and "Meta user" link overlap

Moderator flair and "Meta user" link overlap sometimes, eg from on Chrome for Android on a Google Pixel 6:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes
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The date overflows the reputation graph's tooltip bounds [closed]

In the reputation subtab on the Activity page, in the graph view, there's a bug: The year (e.g., 2022) does not fit in the tooltip (shown when you hover over a bar on the graph). I'm using Chrome, ...
Justin's user avatar
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Inconsistent whitespace between statistics and tooltips in the Impact summary [duplicate]

On the Activity page, in the Summary subtab, there seems to be an inconsistency in the amount of whitespace between the statistics and tooltips in the Impact summary. The spacing is fine between the &...
Justin's user avatar
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Inconsistent alignment in the reputation summary

There seems to be an inconsistent alignment in the reputation summary. For example, on Stack Overflow, a user with 147 reputation has the following alignment: However, another user with 172 ...
Justin's user avatar
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Blue reputation marker on profile sidebar doesn't go back to original reputation when suspension ends

My suspension on Stack Overflow recently ended, but the blue reputation marker on the sidebar of my profile settings is still negative as though my reputation were still 1: This is clearly a bug, ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Missing space between bounty amount and remaining duration in user bounties page

This was previously reported as an answer to the announcement New responsive Activity page. However, the answer was posted more than two months after the announcement. The team only monitors ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
8 votes
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Make profile page "Answers" and "Questions" clickable links

When you visit the new profile page, you see the Answers and Questions columns below: Neither the Answers or Questions headers are hyperlinks. You must click below on "View all 123 answers" ...
pkamb's user avatar
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Checkmark for obtained badge overflows for badge with long names

When selecting a next tag badge to track, and choosing a category, e.g. Silver, you first see badges you already obtained. When the badge name is long, the checkmark overflows the container: This ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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"Approved and Leave Closed" overlaps with the post title in the activity tab [duplicate]

The bug is the title. Screenshot: I chose "Approve and Leave Closed", but the text is overlapping with the title of the post I reviewed. It looks bad... It's a bug surely.
U13-Forward's user avatar
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Inconsistent formatting and styling in my Applications page

(Android v.11 Galaxy XCover Pro, and Google app version This is what I see when I visit: User -> Settings -> Applications... The text formatting is inconsistent: The first ...
Rick's user avatar
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11 votes
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The Winter Bash modal window in my profile page is too big

The Winter Bash modal window in my profile page is so big that I can't read the buttons at the bottom. I also can't scroll down to read the buttons. Is this a bug?
JRN's user avatar
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"Followed posts" filter drop down has misaligned arrows

In the following posts tab of my profile I see these arrows:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Quicker way to reach all communities from your own user profile

As of now, this is what I see in Chrome on my Android 10, Regularly I'm in one community analyzing the profile and would like to quickly navigate to the profile in another community. I can do that ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
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Top tag is dimmed with low contrast on activity profile page

I noticed the Top tag currently has very low contrast in the activity tab of the user profile - using light theme. I think this happens if you're not tracking any badge and it's likely to affect user ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 28k
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2 answers

White circles overlap badge icons when viewing user profiles on mobile

When viewing a user profile on a mobile site, the badge icons are overlayed with a white circle. This seems to happen across sites and badge types. I observed this both on Chrome 95.0 and Firefox 94.0....
GoodDeeds's user avatar
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Accepted top meta/network posts aren't green colored in the profile

My profile link. Most "top meta posts" and "top network posts" are accepted but they're not green colored like the "top posts" are.
Wenfang Du's user avatar
13 votes
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Please put the user profile activity sub-menus within an UpdatePanel or at least preserve scroll position

On the user profile page, clicking any of the sub-menus in the Activity section (such as Questions, Answers, Reputation, All Actions, etc.) causes the whole page to reload, and you loose your scroll ...
TylerH's user avatar
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