The aim of this study was to explore prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ perspectives on... more The aim of this study was to explore prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ perspectives on WebQuest learning through the design of topics in elementary mathematics. The data sources included prospective teachers’ written responses to the assignments developed for forming their opinions and understanding how they perceived the WebQuest learning process. 48 prospective teachers were participated in this study. Participants’ written responses were analyzed according to three underlying constructs of WebQuest learning affecting teachers’ perceptions: constructivist problem solving, social interaction, and scaffolded learning. While designing WebQuest, findings revealed that most of the responses addressed making real-life connections in WebQuest learning. Moreover, prospective teachers were aware of the importance of transferring knowledge from different fields (art, science, and architecture etc.), developing better interpersonal and small group skills, and facilitating mathemat...
This study focused on students’ use of Internet and web 2.0 technologies for general and educatio... more This study focused on students’ use of Internet and web 2.0 technologies for general and educational uses in terms of gender, technologies ownership, Internet connection, Internet and computer skills levels and years of use. 350 middle school students and two IT teachers were participated to the study. Descriptive data collected through a survey that designed by the researchers and based on these results, semi-structured interviews were conducted with their teachers. The results indicated that students with high confidence on computer and Internet use preferred to use social networking, video sharing and game sites than blogs, wikis e-mail services and cloud technologies like google drive for their general Internet and computer use. They use these technologies for homework and practice the previous content than communicating with their peers and teachers and also for educational games and educational videos. The findings obtained through teachers supports the data gathered from the ...
The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards co... more The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards computers. The study focuses on preservice teachers (N=46) included 33 male and 12 female from Middle East Technical University, Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) department. The study is delimited to first grade preservice teachers of CEIT department because computers are indispensable not only for their academic program but also for their professional development as teachers. The questionnaire included twenty items and demographics of the participants. Four independent variables; gender, having a computer, years of computer experience and competencies of computer skills; and one dependent variable (item scores) compose the instrument. The results of questionnaire were carefully scrutinized by statistical methods. Recommendations were provided for further studies to yield more application concerning attitudes toward computers.
Accelerated competition, increased economic issues, and rapid technological improvements force or... more Accelerated competition, increased economic issues, and rapid technological improvements force organizations to implement IT projects to survive. Although organizations' enormous dependence on IT has increased, failure risks have also been synonymous with IT projects over the years. A better understanding of its usages and approaches, tools and models of HPT as a growing field may offer different angles and help improve the success of implementation of IT projects. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the role of evaluation methods in IT projects from the HPT perspective. In that sense, formative, summative, confirmative, and meta evaluation models are presented, and then the connection between these models in IT involving specific strategies that can be used when IT projects are established. The chapter is finalized with practical and methodological implications pointing out recommended actions to overcome the reliability and the validity issues encountered through evaluat...
The implementation of Web 2.0 technologies and related research studies are in their early stages... more The implementation of Web 2.0 technologies and related research studies are in their early stages. Therefore, this study addresses the utilization of the most commonly used microblogging website, Twitter, in a higher education course. Study participants (n = 48) filled out a quantitative survey before, during, and after participating in a course that utilized Twitter as an instructional tool. At the end of the course, the participants responded to eight open-ended questions about the process and idea of using Twitter. The study result showed that the participants increased their uses of Twitter for learning purposes. The participants’ ideas of using Twitter as a teaching or learning tool progressed during the course. They also remarked about the possible negative effects of Twitter in instruction.
Article History: Purpose: WebQuests are employed for many different instructional aims by offerin... more Article History: Purpose: WebQuests are employed for many different instructional aims by offering students to take an active role and encouraging their critical thinking skills to construct their own meaning about an inquiry. The purpose of the study was to explore pre-service mathematics teachers’ decisions about the organization of information sources in which students are supported to think critically for school algebra using WebQuests. Method: The case study approach was utilized in this study. The participants were pre-service mathematics teachers attending a Bachelor’s program in mathematics teaching in middle school (N = 48). The WebQuest design was addressed to prompt pre-service teachers to connect mathematics with technology. The framework of critical thinking skills developed by Jonassen (2000) was used for data analysis. Received: 03 Feb. 2020 Received in revised form: 26 Sept. 2020 Accepted: 18 Nov. 2020 DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.91.11
Mobil teknolojiler gunumuzde kolayligi, kullanisliligi ve kisisellestirilebilmesi ozellikleriyle ... more Mobil teknolojiler gunumuzde kolayligi, kullanisliligi ve kisisellestirilebilmesi ozellikleriyle en yaygin kullanilan bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerinden biridir. Mobil teknolojilerin yayginlasmasi sonucu egitim ve ogretim faaliyetlerinde kullanimi da artmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci alandaki onemli uc dergide (Egitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama - ETKU, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education - TOJDE) 2015 – 2018 yillari arasinda ve 2019 yili ilk ceyreginde yayinlanmis mobil ogrenmeyle ilgili calismalarin incelenmesi ve genel egilimin belirlenmesidir. Icerik analizi yonteminin kullanildigi calismada mobil ogrenme ile ilgili toplam 37 calisma farkli konular ve arastirma yontemleri baglaminda incelenmistir. Arastirma bulgularina gore mobil ogrenme teknolojileri, tutum ve algi calismalari en cok arastirilan konular arasinda olup nicel arastirma yontemleri en cok tercih edilen arastirma yontemidir. Mobil ogrenme konusunda ...
Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri, insan yasamini derinden degistirmistir. Ote yandan, herkesin gel... more Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri, insan yasamini derinden degistirmistir. Ote yandan, herkesin gelisen bu teknolojilere erismek ve kullanmak adina yeterince sansli olmadigi da gorulmektedir. Bu anlamda insanlik sadece teknolojik gelismelere degil, ayni zamanda dijital bolunmelere de tanik olmaktadir. Literatur, dijital ucurumun (ya da bolunmenin), cinsiyet, yasanilan yer, sosyo-ekonomik durum veya egitim gecmisi gibi faktorlere bagli olarak cesitlendigini gostermektedir. Bu calisma, lise ogrencilerinin (n = 412) kitap ve bilgisayarlara karsi tutumlarini karsilastirarak kirsal alan baglaminda dijital bolunme konusuna odaklanmaktadir. Teknolojiler isiginda, kirsal alanlardaki dijital bolunmeyle halihazirda dezavantajli duruma gelen ogrencilerin bilgisayarlarla daha iyi ogrenenler olup olmayacagi konusunda onemli tartismalar surmektedir. Calismanin very kaynagi olan olcek uc bolumden olusmaktadir; (i) demografik bilgiler, (ii) bilgisayarlara (21 maddeye) ve kitaplara (21 maddeden), karsi ayri ayri tutum sorulari (toplam 42 maddeden), (iii) kitaplara gore bilgisayarlardaki tercihlere iliskin 17 madde. Erisilebilir ornekleme yontemiyle toplanan veriler analiz edilmis ve ogrenme etkinlikleri icin kitaplara, eglence amacli etkinlikler icin ise bilgisayarlara yonelme oldugu tespit edilmistir. Cinsiyet (erkek - kadin), kayitli okul turu (duz veya meslek), evde kutuphane veya kisisel bilgisayar sahibi olma ve yasadigi yer (koylere karsi ilce merkezi) kirsal alandaki tutumlara yonelik diger degiskenler olarak calismada incelenmistir.
As Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) infuse more into our daily lives, their effe... more As Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) infuse more into our daily lives, their effects and significance become more visible for everyone. On the other hand, not all ICTs are welcomed by everyone. Some technologies or tools are more preferable whereas some people totally ignore some ICTs. In that sense, diffusion of any innovation is significant to implement research studies. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal current situation on diffusion of innovation tendencies for Faculty of Engineering (92 students from Computer, Industry and Mechatronic engineering, and departments) who will be the prospective adapters of ICTs into different sectors in their jobs. Tendency on adapting and implementing current ICTs could be listed within the most important competencies of any engineering department. The study instrument which was adapted by researchers starts with 10 demographic questions (gender, department, what social media tools they use, and etc…) one question asks for possible barriers, 20 questions on 5-point-Likert scale focusing on unfolding their tendencies on diffusion of innovations. The concept of time and administration gained prominence made a statistically significant difference among participants in revealing current situation on diffusion of innovation tendencies for students from faculty of engineering.
Today, educators and researchers are taking advantage of the advances in the Internet more than e... more Today, educators and researchers are taking advantage of the advances in the Internet more than ever before. With the advent of social media tools, a new paradigm of teaching and learning has emerged. This study aims to explore social media uses in informal learning activities among CEIT students. A descriptive survey method was used in the study. The participants of the study were 357 undergraduate students in the department of CEIT in a state university. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire developed by the researchers. 18 popular social media tools and 6 major informal activities were selected and integrated into the questionnaire so as to identify the social media tool preferences of the students. Additionally, the participants were asked to identify their main reasons for not using social media tools. The results were presented with frequency and percentage tables. The findings indicated that Facebook is an important social media tool preferred by the majority of the students to fulfill their informal learning activities. This study also point out that besides Facebook, other social media tools are used for different purposes. The results also revealed that barriers for nonuse of social media tools can be grouped under psychological and technological factors. In light of the study results, some methodological and practical suggestions are made for further studies regarding the utilization of the utilization of the social media tools for informal learning activities.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the concerns of last year preservice teachers at the depar... more The purpose of the study is to analyze the concerns of last year preservice teachers at the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, at one university in Ankara, toward the use of e-learning. These preservice teachers were assumed as prospective change agents for the use of e-leaning in any organization such as school, company and so on. The participants consisted of 48 forth-year preservice teachers, 33 male (68.8%) and 15 female (31.2%). The Stages of Concern Questionnaire was used to analyze their concern toward the use of e-learning. Results indicated the respondents have high personal, informational and awareness concerns toward the e-learning. Some suggestion is also presented.
The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards co... more The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards computers. The study focuses on preservice teachers (N=46) included 33 male and 12 female from Middle East Technical University, Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) department. The study is delimited to first grade preservice teachers of CEIT department because computers are indispensable not only for their academic program but also for their professional development as teachers. The questionnaire included twenty items and demographics of the participants. Four independent variables; gender, having a computer, years of computer experience and competencies of computer skills; and one dependent variable (item scores) compose the instrument. The results of questionnaire were carefully scrutinized by statistical methods. Recommendations were provided for further studies to yield more application concerning attitudes toward computers.
This study described the process of developing and validating the cause analysis scale (CAS) that... more This study described the process of developing and validating the cause analysis scale (CAS) that can be utilized by governmental organizations to determine possible causes of performance factors. In the first phase of the study, data collected from 315 CSI officers provided evidence for the validity and reliability of the scale. After exploratory factor analysis, three factors emerged: the workplace, competency, and job value. To confirm the factorial structure of the 25-item CAS, in the second phase, data collected from 1176 CSI officers. The confirmatory factor analysis results indicated that the three-factor model was confirmed a good fit with high indices. Followed by the further validation studies, the CAS will be used as a diagnostic tool for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to determine performance factors from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
The primary goal of this study was to present the summative evaluation findings of an initial imp... more The primary goal of this study was to present the summative evaluation findings of an initial implementation to investigate the impact, effectiveness and perceived benefits of the Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) on the performance of Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) officers in Turkey. A sequential explanatory strategy as a procedure of mixed method design was used to collect data through a survey, interviews, and computer logs. While 191 CSI officers participated in the quantitative part of the study, the researchers also conducted interviews with 12 officers. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results showed that intrinsic support made a major contribution to officers’ performance with positive reactions. It revealed also that generating reports and establishing standardization were one of the main factors providing impacts on society. This study provides a viable application of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation model for the CSI Unit; however, the model’s extended adaptations should also be carried out in different workplace settings for further studies.
The aim of this study was to explore prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ perspectives on... more The aim of this study was to explore prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ perspectives on WebQuest learning through the design of topics in elementary mathematics. The data sources included prospective teachers’ written responses to the assignments developed for forming their opinions and understanding how they perceived the WebQuest learning process. 48 prospective teachers were participated in this study. Participants’ written responses were analyzed according to three underlying constructs of WebQuest learning affecting teachers’ perceptions: constructivist problem solving, social interaction, and scaffolded learning. While designing WebQuest, findings revealed that most of the responses addressed making real-life connections in WebQuest learning. Moreover, prospective teachers were aware of the importance of transferring knowledge from different fields (art, science, and architecture etc.), developing better interpersonal and small group skills, and facilitating mathemat...
This study focused on students’ use of Internet and web 2.0 technologies for general and educatio... more This study focused on students’ use of Internet and web 2.0 technologies for general and educational uses in terms of gender, technologies ownership, Internet connection, Internet and computer skills levels and years of use. 350 middle school students and two IT teachers were participated to the study. Descriptive data collected through a survey that designed by the researchers and based on these results, semi-structured interviews were conducted with their teachers. The results indicated that students with high confidence on computer and Internet use preferred to use social networking, video sharing and game sites than blogs, wikis e-mail services and cloud technologies like google drive for their general Internet and computer use. They use these technologies for homework and practice the previous content than communicating with their peers and teachers and also for educational games and educational videos. The findings obtained through teachers supports the data gathered from the ...
The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards co... more The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards computers. The study focuses on preservice teachers (N=46) included 33 male and 12 female from Middle East Technical University, Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) department. The study is delimited to first grade preservice teachers of CEIT department because computers are indispensable not only for their academic program but also for their professional development as teachers. The questionnaire included twenty items and demographics of the participants. Four independent variables; gender, having a computer, years of computer experience and competencies of computer skills; and one dependent variable (item scores) compose the instrument. The results of questionnaire were carefully scrutinized by statistical methods. Recommendations were provided for further studies to yield more application concerning attitudes toward computers.
Accelerated competition, increased economic issues, and rapid technological improvements force or... more Accelerated competition, increased economic issues, and rapid technological improvements force organizations to implement IT projects to survive. Although organizations' enormous dependence on IT has increased, failure risks have also been synonymous with IT projects over the years. A better understanding of its usages and approaches, tools and models of HPT as a growing field may offer different angles and help improve the success of implementation of IT projects. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the role of evaluation methods in IT projects from the HPT perspective. In that sense, formative, summative, confirmative, and meta evaluation models are presented, and then the connection between these models in IT involving specific strategies that can be used when IT projects are established. The chapter is finalized with practical and methodological implications pointing out recommended actions to overcome the reliability and the validity issues encountered through evaluat...
The implementation of Web 2.0 technologies and related research studies are in their early stages... more The implementation of Web 2.0 technologies and related research studies are in their early stages. Therefore, this study addresses the utilization of the most commonly used microblogging website, Twitter, in a higher education course. Study participants (n = 48) filled out a quantitative survey before, during, and after participating in a course that utilized Twitter as an instructional tool. At the end of the course, the participants responded to eight open-ended questions about the process and idea of using Twitter. The study result showed that the participants increased their uses of Twitter for learning purposes. The participants’ ideas of using Twitter as a teaching or learning tool progressed during the course. They also remarked about the possible negative effects of Twitter in instruction.
Article History: Purpose: WebQuests are employed for many different instructional aims by offerin... more Article History: Purpose: WebQuests are employed for many different instructional aims by offering students to take an active role and encouraging their critical thinking skills to construct their own meaning about an inquiry. The purpose of the study was to explore pre-service mathematics teachers’ decisions about the organization of information sources in which students are supported to think critically for school algebra using WebQuests. Method: The case study approach was utilized in this study. The participants were pre-service mathematics teachers attending a Bachelor’s program in mathematics teaching in middle school (N = 48). The WebQuest design was addressed to prompt pre-service teachers to connect mathematics with technology. The framework of critical thinking skills developed by Jonassen (2000) was used for data analysis. Received: 03 Feb. 2020 Received in revised form: 26 Sept. 2020 Accepted: 18 Nov. 2020 DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2021.91.11
Mobil teknolojiler gunumuzde kolayligi, kullanisliligi ve kisisellestirilebilmesi ozellikleriyle ... more Mobil teknolojiler gunumuzde kolayligi, kullanisliligi ve kisisellestirilebilmesi ozellikleriyle en yaygin kullanilan bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerinden biridir. Mobil teknolojilerin yayginlasmasi sonucu egitim ve ogretim faaliyetlerinde kullanimi da artmaktadir. Bu calismanin amaci alandaki onemli uc dergide (Egitim Teknolojisi Kuram ve Uygulama - ETKU, Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology - TOJET, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education - TOJDE) 2015 – 2018 yillari arasinda ve 2019 yili ilk ceyreginde yayinlanmis mobil ogrenmeyle ilgili calismalarin incelenmesi ve genel egilimin belirlenmesidir. Icerik analizi yonteminin kullanildigi calismada mobil ogrenme ile ilgili toplam 37 calisma farkli konular ve arastirma yontemleri baglaminda incelenmistir. Arastirma bulgularina gore mobil ogrenme teknolojileri, tutum ve algi calismalari en cok arastirilan konular arasinda olup nicel arastirma yontemleri en cok tercih edilen arastirma yontemidir. Mobil ogrenme konusunda ...
Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri, insan yasamini derinden degistirmistir. Ote yandan, herkesin gel... more Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri, insan yasamini derinden degistirmistir. Ote yandan, herkesin gelisen bu teknolojilere erismek ve kullanmak adina yeterince sansli olmadigi da gorulmektedir. Bu anlamda insanlik sadece teknolojik gelismelere degil, ayni zamanda dijital bolunmelere de tanik olmaktadir. Literatur, dijital ucurumun (ya da bolunmenin), cinsiyet, yasanilan yer, sosyo-ekonomik durum veya egitim gecmisi gibi faktorlere bagli olarak cesitlendigini gostermektedir. Bu calisma, lise ogrencilerinin (n = 412) kitap ve bilgisayarlara karsi tutumlarini karsilastirarak kirsal alan baglaminda dijital bolunme konusuna odaklanmaktadir. Teknolojiler isiginda, kirsal alanlardaki dijital bolunmeyle halihazirda dezavantajli duruma gelen ogrencilerin bilgisayarlarla daha iyi ogrenenler olup olmayacagi konusunda onemli tartismalar surmektedir. Calismanin very kaynagi olan olcek uc bolumden olusmaktadir; (i) demografik bilgiler, (ii) bilgisayarlara (21 maddeye) ve kitaplara (21 maddeden), karsi ayri ayri tutum sorulari (toplam 42 maddeden), (iii) kitaplara gore bilgisayarlardaki tercihlere iliskin 17 madde. Erisilebilir ornekleme yontemiyle toplanan veriler analiz edilmis ve ogrenme etkinlikleri icin kitaplara, eglence amacli etkinlikler icin ise bilgisayarlara yonelme oldugu tespit edilmistir. Cinsiyet (erkek - kadin), kayitli okul turu (duz veya meslek), evde kutuphane veya kisisel bilgisayar sahibi olma ve yasadigi yer (koylere karsi ilce merkezi) kirsal alandaki tutumlara yonelik diger degiskenler olarak calismada incelenmistir.
As Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) infuse more into our daily lives, their effe... more As Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) infuse more into our daily lives, their effects and significance become more visible for everyone. On the other hand, not all ICTs are welcomed by everyone. Some technologies or tools are more preferable whereas some people totally ignore some ICTs. In that sense, diffusion of any innovation is significant to implement research studies. Therefore, this study aimed to reveal current situation on diffusion of innovation tendencies for Faculty of Engineering (92 students from Computer, Industry and Mechatronic engineering, and departments) who will be the prospective adapters of ICTs into different sectors in their jobs. Tendency on adapting and implementing current ICTs could be listed within the most important competencies of any engineering department. The study instrument which was adapted by researchers starts with 10 demographic questions (gender, department, what social media tools they use, and etc…) one question asks for possible barriers, 20 questions on 5-point-Likert scale focusing on unfolding their tendencies on diffusion of innovations. The concept of time and administration gained prominence made a statistically significant difference among participants in revealing current situation on diffusion of innovation tendencies for students from faculty of engineering.
Today, educators and researchers are taking advantage of the advances in the Internet more than e... more Today, educators and researchers are taking advantage of the advances in the Internet more than ever before. With the advent of social media tools, a new paradigm of teaching and learning has emerged. This study aims to explore social media uses in informal learning activities among CEIT students. A descriptive survey method was used in the study. The participants of the study were 357 undergraduate students in the department of CEIT in a state university. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire developed by the researchers. 18 popular social media tools and 6 major informal activities were selected and integrated into the questionnaire so as to identify the social media tool preferences of the students. Additionally, the participants were asked to identify their main reasons for not using social media tools. The results were presented with frequency and percentage tables. The findings indicated that Facebook is an important social media tool preferred by the majority of the students to fulfill their informal learning activities. This study also point out that besides Facebook, other social media tools are used for different purposes. The results also revealed that barriers for nonuse of social media tools can be grouped under psychological and technological factors. In light of the study results, some methodological and practical suggestions are made for further studies regarding the utilization of the utilization of the social media tools for informal learning activities.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the concerns of last year preservice teachers at the depar... more The purpose of the study is to analyze the concerns of last year preservice teachers at the department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, at one university in Ankara, toward the use of e-learning. These preservice teachers were assumed as prospective change agents for the use of e-leaning in any organization such as school, company and so on. The participants consisted of 48 forth-year preservice teachers, 33 male (68.8%) and 15 female (31.2%). The Stages of Concern Questionnaire was used to analyze their concern toward the use of e-learning. Results indicated the respondents have high personal, informational and awareness concerns toward the e-learning. Some suggestion is also presented.
The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards co... more The purpose of the study is to explore the attitudes of first year university students towards computers. The study focuses on preservice teachers (N=46) included 33 male and 12 female from Middle East Technical University, Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT) department. The study is delimited to first grade preservice teachers of CEIT department because computers are indispensable not only for their academic program but also for their professional development as teachers. The questionnaire included twenty items and demographics of the participants. Four independent variables; gender, having a computer, years of computer experience and competencies of computer skills; and one dependent variable (item scores) compose the instrument. The results of questionnaire were carefully scrutinized by statistical methods. Recommendations were provided for further studies to yield more application concerning attitudes toward computers.
This study described the process of developing and validating the cause analysis scale (CAS) that... more This study described the process of developing and validating the cause analysis scale (CAS) that can be utilized by governmental organizations to determine possible causes of performance factors. In the first phase of the study, data collected from 315 CSI officers provided evidence for the validity and reliability of the scale. After exploratory factor analysis, three factors emerged: the workplace, competency, and job value. To confirm the factorial structure of the 25-item CAS, in the second phase, data collected from 1176 CSI officers. The confirmatory factor analysis results indicated that the three-factor model was confirmed a good fit with high indices. Followed by the further validation studies, the CAS will be used as a diagnostic tool for researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders to determine performance factors from both theoretical and practical perspectives.
The primary goal of this study was to present the summative evaluation findings of an initial imp... more The primary goal of this study was to present the summative evaluation findings of an initial implementation to investigate the impact, effectiveness and perceived benefits of the Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS) on the performance of Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) officers in Turkey. A sequential explanatory strategy as a procedure of mixed method design was used to collect data through a survey, interviews, and computer logs. While 191 CSI officers participated in the quantitative part of the study, the researchers also conducted interviews with 12 officers. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results showed that intrinsic support made a major contribution to officers’ performance with positive reactions. It revealed also that generating reports and establishing standardization were one of the main factors providing impacts on society. This study provides a viable application of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation model for the CSI Unit; however, the model’s extended adaptations should also be carried out in different workplace settings for further studies.
Papers by Ilker Yakin
investigate the impact, effectiveness and perceived benefits of the Electronic Performance Support System
(EPSS) on the performance of Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) officers in Turkey. A sequential explanatory
strategy as a procedure of mixed method design was used to collect data through a survey, interviews, and
computer logs. While 191 CSI officers participated in the quantitative part of the study, the researchers also
conducted interviews with 12 officers. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
The results showed that intrinsic support made a major contribution to officers’ performance with positive
reactions. It revealed also that generating reports and establishing standardization were one of the main factors
providing impacts on society. This study provides a viable application of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation
model for the CSI Unit; however, the model’s extended adaptations should also be carried out in different
workplace settings for further studies.
investigate the impact, effectiveness and perceived benefits of the Electronic Performance Support System
(EPSS) on the performance of Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) officers in Turkey. A sequential explanatory
strategy as a procedure of mixed method design was used to collect data through a survey, interviews, and
computer logs. While 191 CSI officers participated in the quantitative part of the study, the researchers also
conducted interviews with 12 officers. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis.
The results showed that intrinsic support made a major contribution to officers’ performance with positive
reactions. It revealed also that generating reports and establishing standardization were one of the main factors
providing impacts on society. This study provides a viable application of Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation
model for the CSI Unit; however, the model’s extended adaptations should also be carried out in different
workplace settings for further studies.