Conference Presentations by Dr Ipek Saralar-Aras
British Society for Learning into Mathematics Education 2022 Autumn Day Conference, 2022
Numerous academics have emphasised the potential of STEM education for student comprehension and ... more Numerous academics have emphasised the potential of STEM education for student comprehension and motivation when teaching mathematics. Studies indicate that mathematics instructors' attitudes about and knowledge of this potential influence their instructional strategies, and as a result, their attitudes affect whether and how they incorporate STEM lessons into their curricula. According to recent studies, teachers also need to learn more about how to include STEM learning scenarios into their classes (Papadakis & Stavrakis, 2020). To better instructors' comprehension of STEM education and scenarios, this study aimed to examine the efficacy of a STEM education programme for instructors. Specific learning sessions on STEM education in general, STEM scenarios using the 5E, problem-based scenarios, and project-based scenarios were included in this programme (see Tiflis & Saralar-Aras, 2021), where 489 instructors attended. Data was collected through surveys prior to and after the programme, including open-ended questions on their perspectives of STEM and the programme and session video recordings. The findings showed that the programme was found to be effective for those who have some prior knowledge and experience of STEM education, while it can be facilitated for those who do not have such experience. This research brings an important instructor perspective to the field of STEM education at a time when the government supports integration of STEM in K-12 and higher education.
the Oxford Summer Symposium, 2023
Preservice mathematics teachers seem to need professional support regarding the use of educationa... more Preservice mathematics teachers seem to need professional support regarding the use of educational technologies to teach geometry topics. Particularly, our previous study showed that when it comes to their techno-pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), they self-report to need guidance to teach with technology. The purpose of this study was to develop a 14-week course to increase their TPACK in hopes of bridging the knowledge gap identified in earlier studies. This paper summarized the course content with a humble expectation to get valuable feedback from an international audience. The developed course included lessons on components of TPACK, which were found to require improvement to best meet future students’ needs in teaching geometry with technology. We hope that preservice teachers’ TPACK levels will be improved after the course.
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Plus, 2022
[How to cite: Gunes, H., & Saralar-Aras, İ. (2022, October 1-10). Developing educational proficie... more [How to cite: Gunes, H., & Saralar-Aras, İ. (2022, October 1-10). Developing educational proficiencies of mathematics teachers in distance education with micro-teaching and peer assessment. Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) Plus. Online and Yerevan, Armenia.]
Since post-pandemic educational environments are more intertwined with distance education all over the world, pre-service teachers’ current teaching knowledge may not be sufficient in these environments, such that they need to include new technological developments and tools in our teaching process (Koehler, Mishra & Zellner, 2015; Mishra, 2019; Saralar-Aras & Gunes, 2022). For effective teaching and learningexperience for teachers and students, students need to be more active learners and manage their learning processes (Nixon & Crook, 2021). Moreover, pre-service teachers are also required to have some roles that require various competencies, which are recently summarized under the following seven headings: technological, managerial, evaluative, instructional designer, pedagogical, facilitator, and social (Aydin, 2017; Kavrat & Türel, 2013). Given these, this study aimed at answering the following research question: What is the perceived competency levels of pre-service mathematics teachers in the seven roles of distance education? This study followed a case study approach (Merriam, 1988) being an exploratory case study as in Pan and Scarbrough (1999) where 20 pre-service mathematics teachers’ development of proficiencies in teaching mathematics during distance education was detailly investigated through a course. In this study, a 14-week course for pre-service teachers was designed based on the needs analysis in an earlier study(Saralar-Aras & Gunes, 2022) and sample courses (e.g., Ak, Gökdaş, Öksüz & Torun, 2021). In this course, applications that pre-service teachers can use in their distance education mathematics lessons for each of the seven roles were introduced. We suggested (but not limited to) GeoGebra for the technological role, Edmodo for managerial role, Kahoot and Mentimeter for the evaluative role, instructional design models used in distance education for the instructional designer role, Padlet and Tricider for the pedagogical, Powtoon and Canva for the facilitator role and discussion boxes on Edmodo for the social role. At the end of the 14-week process, pre-service teachers were asked to give a presentation, a micro-teaching, on the mathematics subject of their choice individually, via Zoom. Their micro-teaching sessions were recorded and peer-reviewed. Hence, the data was generated through lesson observations, recordings of micro-teaching, peer evaluations, and analysed using a rubric to assess pre-service teachers’ proficiency in roles. The first week of the course was devoted to managerial and instructional designer roles where students' needs, preparing syllabuses, models of teaching activities that can be used and the ethical behaviours in distance education and their sustainability were discussed. The second, third, and fourth weeks were on technology roles where pre-service teachers worked on effective use of available software and tools that are widely used in mathematics. The content of the lessons of the fifth week was evaluative roles which focus on alternative measurement and evaluation techniques that can be used in distance education; and the sixth week was on social, pedagogical and facilitator roles which aimed at developing knowledge on various topics in distance education including ice-breaking activities, giving feedback, student-student and student-teacher interaction, methods of taking students' attention to the lesson, and teachers' involvement in communities and social networks that will feed their professional development. The remaining lessons were more student-centred where pre-service teachers presented their designed lessons for 30 to 45 minutes on a topic of their choice by paying attention to seven roles. To conclude, this study aimed at improving pre-service teachers’ teaching skills in distance education. Hence, an instructional intervention was carried out to improve and support those areas that are reported by pre-service teachers as open for improvement. The course was found to help pre-service teachers develop the basic skills they need to gain for each role. In particular, they have enriched their content knowledge by learning new tools especially in social and technological roles, as well as having started to follow the developments in their fields in the social role. The reason for this probably was the course context where they learned pedagogical approaches, activities and tools specific to the mathematics that they could use with their students in synchronous or asynchronous lessons. Another reason for the improvement might be receiving and giving feedback on their micro-teaching since the participants received feedback on their micro-teaching performance from their peers; as found in the study of Acikgul and Aslaner (2019), the use of microteaching and GeoGebra improved pre-service teachers' TPACK skills and self-efficacy skills; they reported that pre-service teachers who gave feedback to each other about their micro-teaching performance established student-student communication among themselves. Moreover, we found that the improvement of the teaching performance was more obvious after the second micro-teaching experience of the participants. This finding confirms the results of the study of Mutlu, Polat and Alan (2019) that reported that teachers perform better in their second presentations in micro-teaching than in their first presentation, so it seems necessary to provide at least two micro-teaching chances to them to see the development (Koech & Mwei, 2019). Hence, we suggest teaching these roles to pre-service teachers not only in our context but also in wider Europe so that they could make a better start to their teaching practices.
Conference: The 10th International Congress on Curriculum and Instruction / ICCI-EPOK 2022 X. Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Kongresi, 2022
Education is one of the most important elements, which shapes the future of both the individuals ... more Education is one of the most important elements, which shapes the future of both the individuals and countries. As stated in many sources, education is “the process of deliberately creating a desired behavior in an individual’s behavior through his/her own experience” (Brighouse, 2006; Dewey, 1986). It seems necessary to provide students with the 21st century skills that include mathematical skills such as problem solving, as well as the need to acquire critical, comunivative, creative and collaborative thinking (4C dimension), which are the four qualities of thinking, that were clearly stated in the MoNE’s 2023 Education vision document (Ministry of National Education, 2018). One of the biggest roles in gaining these skills belongs to teachers. Teachers, who actively search for developing technologies, follow innovation and development in educational technologies, feel following innovations as a social responsibility and live accordingly, have important duties and responsibilities in this regard. In this context, it was aimed that students become individuals who think, question, discover and produce in the process of laying the foundations of education (MEB, 2018). In addition to these, it seems essential in this process to have the ability to think carefully, cooperate and think creatively and constructively. The subject of our research is to examine the reflections of Philosophy for Children practices on pre-school students in the 4C dimension of thinking and problem solving skills. In other words, the aim of the study, the 4C dimension of thinking and the reflections of the Philosophy for Children practices on the student's contribution to reaching problem solving skills were examined. ************* Hem bireyin hem de ülkenin geleceğini şekillendiren en önemli unsurlardan biri eğitimdir. Eğitim, birçok kaynakta da belirtildiği gibi “bireyin davranışında kendi yaşantısı yoluyla ve kasıtlı olarak istendik davranış meydana getirme sürecidir” (Brighouse, 2006; Dewey, 1986). Problem çözme gibi matematiksel becerileri de dâhil eden 21. yüzyıl becerilerini her eğitim öğretim sürecinde öğrencilere kazandırmak ve bu alanlarda öğrencilerin farkındalıklarını arttırmak gerektiği, aynı zamanda düşünmenin dört niteliği olan eleştirel, özenli, yaratıcı ve dayanışmacı düşünmenin kazandırılma ihtiyacı Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nca (2018) açıkça ifade edilmektedir. Bu becerilerin kazandırılmasında en büyük rollerden biri de öğretmenlerindir. Gelişen teknolojileri araştıran, yeniliği ve gelişimi takip eden, yenilikleri takip etmeyi bir toplumsal sorumluluk olarak üzerinde hisseden ve buna göre yaşayan öğretmenlere bu konuda önemli görev ve sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Bu bağlamda, eğitimin temellerin atıldığı süreçte öğrencilerin düşünen, sorgulayan, keşfeden ve üreten bireyler olması amaçlanmaktadır (MEB, 2018). Bunların yanında özenli düşünme, iş birliği yapma ve yaratıcı, bir o kadar da yapıcı eleştirel düşünme becerisine sahip olması bu süreçte elzemdir. Çocuklar İçin Felsefe uygulamalarının düşünmenin 4C boyutunda ve problem çözme becerilerinde okul öncesi öğrencilerine yansımaları incelemek araştırmamızın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Başka bir deyişle, çalışmanın amacı, düşünmenin 4C boyutu ve problem çözme becerilerine ulaşmada Çocuklar İçin Felsefe uygulamalarının öğrenciye katkısına yönelik yansımaları incelenmiştir.
The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Autumn Conference 2021, 2021
It is often argued that teachers are one of the most important factors in teaching. Teachers’ exp... more It is often argued that teachers are one of the most important factors in teaching. Teachers’ experiences of education are, inevitably, important so that one can design studies to meet their needs when necessary. With the Covid-19 pandemic, crisis-prompt distance education has started. This abstract is prepared to present preliminary findings of a case study, which aimed at learning about 12 in-service teachers' (6 females, 6 males) experiences with distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study group was selected using a criteria sampling method. Various positions of teachers and varying levels of professional experience were used to develop the criteria (such as 1-10 years and 11-20 years). Open-ended semi-structured interviews, which took 30 minutes to 40 minutes to complete, were employed. Then, the content analysis approach was used to evaluate the data. The data revealed four major trends concerning teachers’ experiences of distance education during the pandemic: the need for guidance and support, planning online materials and teaching with them, technical issues, and the use of technological tools. Because the majority of the findings were contextual, we suggest schools should give some school-based training sessions to assist teachers and parents in this process. Moreover, university teacher training departments may give comprehensive pedagogical knowledge support, particularly to pre-service teachers who will be the teachers of the future.
14. Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitapçığı, 2021
Ortaokul da dâhil olmak üzere birçok okul kademesinde öğrencilerin akademik başarısının gelişmesi... more Ortaokul da dâhil olmak üzere birçok okul kademesinde öğrencilerin akademik başarısının gelişmesi ve eğitim programlarındaki ilgili kazanımların öğrenciler tarafından öğrenilmesinin sağlanması uzun süredir öğretmenler tarafından hedeflenmiştir. Bu hedefe ulaşabilmek amacıyla, farklı öğretim metotları ve teknikler denenmiş, birçok kez sıraların grup çalışmasına uygun taşınması, sınıfın sıcaklık ve ışığının ayarlanması gibi öğretim alanında değişikliklere gidilmiştir. Yenilikçi öğrenme alanları, teknoloji ve pedagojilerden yararlanma fikri ise en yaygın görüşlerdendir. Bu yarı deneysel çalışma, Geleceğin Sınıfını Tasarlama (Future Classroom Lab; FCL) modelindeki öğrenme alanları, pedagoji ve teknolojilere göre hazırlanan sınıflarda ortaokul birinci sınıf (diğer bir değişle, beşinci sınıf) öğrencilerinin matematik derslerindeki akademik başarılarındaki değişimi araştırmak ve geleneksel sınıflardaki akademik başarıdaki değişimle karşılaştırmak üzere yapılmıştır. Bu modele göre öğrenciler, üretim, etkileşim, iş birliği, araştırma, kendilerini geliştirme ve sunum yapabilecekleri alanlarda, öğretmenlerinin tavsiye ettiği yenilikçi teknoloji ve pedagojilerden yararlanarak öğrenim görürler. Bahsi geçen ve FCL modelindeki derslerde kullanılabilecek teknolojiler şu şekilde örneklenebilir: Canva, Powtoon ve Nearpod (üretim), Socrative, MentiMeter ve Trello (etkileşim), Drawchat ve Learningapps (iş birliği), Pixabay, Audionautix, Pearltrees ve SchoolTube (araştırma), SeeSaw, Issuu ve iRubric (geliştirme) ve Peardeck, iMovie ve Emaze (sunum alanı). Bu çerçevede söz konusu FCL sınıfında Canva, Stopmotion, Powtoon,, Slack, Plickers ve Scratch kullanılmıştır. Gözlemlenen FCL sınıflarında kullanılan yenilikçi pedagojiler ise iş birlikçi öğrenme, oyun tabanlı öğrenme, problem temelli öğrenme ve sorgulamaya dayalı öğrenmedir. Farklı çalışmalarda öğretmenler aynı göreve sahip başka teknolojik araçlar ve pedagojiler kullanmayı da tercih edebilir. Çalışmamıza katılan öğretmenlerin tamamı teknoloji, pedagoji ve alan bilgileri konusunda verilen yüz yüze ve çevrimiçi eğitimlerle desteklenmiştir; böylelikle öğretmen yeterliliklerinin değişkenlerden olabildiğince kaldırılması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmada, kız ve erkek öğrenci sayısı da birbirine olabildiğince yakın olan sınıflar tercih edilmiştir. 20 öğrenci (9 kız, 11 erkek) FCL modeline göre eğitimlerini almış, 41 öğrenci (23 kız, 18 erkek) ise geleneksel derslerini almaya devam etmiştir. Geleneksel derslerine devam eden grup da ikiye ayrılmış, ilk kontrol grubunda FCL sınıfı ile aynı sosyoekonomik statüde bulunan bir okuldaki 14 öğrenci (10 kız, 4 erkek), ikinci kontrol grubunda ise daha yüksek sosyoekonomik statüde bulunan bir okuldaki 27 (13 kız, 14 erkek) öğrenci ile çalışma yapılmıştır. Veri toplama süreci toplamda yedi ay sürmüştür. Çalışmanın başında, 4. ayında ve 7.ayında olmak üzere öğrencilerin matematik başarısı üç kez ölçülmüştür. Yedi ay boyunca, FCL modeli ile öğrenen sınıfın başarısındaki değişim, aynı süre boyunca aynı ve farklı sosyoekonomik statüde eğitim gören iki sınıf (iki kontrol grubu) ile karşılaştırmıştır. Çalışmanın pilot verileri göstermektedir ki 1. ve 3. ölçümlerde deney ve kontrol grupları arası matematik başarısındaki farklılık anlamlı düzeydedir (1. ölçüm: F(1,61)=142.114, p=.000; 3. ölçüm: F(1,61)=8.653, p=.001). 2. ölçümde ise bu gruplar arası matematik başarısı farkı anlamlı düzeyde değildir (F(1,61)=3.066, p=.054). 1. ölçümde FCL sınıfı ile ilk kontrol grubunun matematik başarıları arasında FCL sınıfı lehine anlamlı fark tespit edilmiştir (p=.011). 3. ölçümde yine FCL sınıfı ile ilk kontrol grubu matematik başarıları arasında anlamlı fark FCL sınıfı lehine olarak tespit edilmişken (p=.013) ikinci kontrol grubu ile FCL sınıfının matematik başarıları arasında anlamlı fark görülmemiştir (p=.491). Post-hoc testler göstermektedir ki, FCL modeli ile eğitim alan sınıfın öğrencilerinin matematik derslerindeki akademik başarısı kendileri ile aynı sosyoekonomik düzeyde olan kontrol grubundan daha fazla artmıştır (p<.05). Ancak, FCL sınıfının akademik başarısındaki artış ile kendilerinden daha yüksek ekonomik düzeyde olan kontrol grubunun başarısındaki artış arasında anlamlı bir fark gözlemlenmemiştir (p>.05). FCL sınıfından daha yüksek sosyoekonomik düzeydeki okulla FCL sınıfı arasında bu farkın olmamasının sebebi ilgili okulun hâlihazırda FCL modeline benzer yenilikçi pedagoji ve teknolojiler kullanması olabilir. Çalışma bulguları, 5. sınıf matematik dersinin yenilikçi pedagojiler ve teknolojilerle, yenilikçi ortamlarda görüldüğünde etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Buna göre, öğretmen adaylarının ve öğretmenlerin yenilikçi teknolojiler, pedagojik yaklaşımlar ve öğrenme ortamları ile ilgili farkındalıklarının arttırılması öğrencilerin matematik başarılarını olumlu yönde etkileyebilir. Sınıfların ilgili tekno-pedagojik yaklaşımları uygulamaya elverişli hale getirilmesinin de öğretmenleri yenilikçi teknoloji ve pedagojileri kullanmaya teşvik edeceği düşünülebilir. Araştırmacılar için bu çalışmanın farklı ve daha büyük örneklemlerde, farklı teknoloji ve pedagojilerle tekrarlanması ve genişletilmesi, farklı sosyoekonomik düzeydeki ortamların etkileri üzerine araştırmalar yapılması önerilebilir.
The 14th International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium (ICITS 2021). Rize, Turkey & Online, ICITS. , 2021
It has long been aimed by teachers to improve the academic success of students at many school lev... more It has long been aimed by teachers to improve the academic success of students at many school levels, including secondary school, and to ensure that students learn about the relevant learning objectives in education programmes. To achieve this goal, different teaching methods and techniques have been tried, and amendments have been made in learning environments, such as moving the desks in accordance with group work, adjusting the temperature and light of the classroom. The idea of utilizing innovative learning spaces, technology and pedagogies is among the most common views to achieve this goal. This quasi-experimental study aims at investigating the change in the academic achievement of middle school students in their freshman year (ie, fifth grade) in a mathematics course, in classes prepared according to learning spaces, pedagogy and technologies in the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) model and compare it with the change in academic achievement in traditional classrooms. According to this model, students learn by making use of innovative technologies and pedagogies recommended by their teachers in areas where students can interact, and create, exchange, investigate, develop and present their ideas and products. Some of the suggested technologies that can be used in the courses in the FCL model are as follows: Canva, Powtoon and Nearpod (creation area), Socrative, MentiMeter and Trello (interaction area), Drawchat and Learningapps (exchange area), Pixabay, Audionautix, Pearltrees and SchoolTube (investigation area), SeeSaw, Issuu and iRubric (development area) and Peardeck, iMovie and Emaze (presentation area). Following this model, Canva, Stopmotion, Powtoon,, Slack, Plickers and Scratch were used in the FCL class of this study. Innovative pedagogies used in the observed FCL class were cooperative learning, game-based learning, problem-based learning, and inquiry-based learning. In different studies, teachers may also prefer to use other technological tools and pedagogies with the same task. All of the teachers participating in this study were supported by face-to-face and online training sessions on technology, pedagogy and content knowledge to decrease the effect of teacher competencies. In the study, classes with a close number of male and female students were chosen, where possible...
Anatolian Congresses: 7th International Social Sciences Congress / Anadolu Kongreleri: 7. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 2021
English: The physical climate in schools, together with the teaching strategies it allows, has be... more English: The physical climate in schools, together with the teaching strategies it allows, has been suggested as a crucial component aiding educational improvement in recent studies. A number of variables surround schools, including physical space, digital space, teachers, students, and the learning process. It is crucial to evaluate how these were used to create pedagogically beneficial learning environments for students. In this study, the significance of using learning spaces and related pedagogies for teaching and learning in school settings have been extensively examined using a comparative case study design. A comparison of learning spaces in a typical traditional school and a school with the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) Model in Bayern, Germany was used to examine how learning spaces are organized at the school level to enable active learning and teaching. The data was collected through observations, photographs, and video-recordings. The findings showed that the physical characteristics of the educational setting can influence student learning, performance, attitude, and behaviour, and that the physical environment provided by the school was conducive to learning. The case school with FCL exemplified how to make effective use of space for the benefit of students. Therefore, it is suggested that students' learning environments are basic aspects of learning and teaching that should not be limited to the type of instruction given, namely the pedagogies used, and should fulfil the needs of all students. Learning spaces should be carefully created and modified as needed to reflect the shift from teacher-centred education to student-centred education using technology-enhanced pedagogies. Türkçe: Okullardaki fiziksel iklim, izin verdiği öğretim stratejileri ile birlikte, son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda eğitimin iyileştirilmesine yardımcı olan önemli bir bileşen olarak önerilmiştir. Fiziksel alan, dijital alan, öğretmenler, öğrenciler ve öğrenme süreci dahil olmak üzere okulları çevreleyen bir dizi değişken vardır. Bunların öğrenciler için pedagojik açıdan faydalı öğrenme ortamları yaratmak için nasıl kullanıldığını değerlendirmek çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, okul ortamlarında öğretme ve öğrenme için öğrenme alanlarını ve ilgili pedagojileri kullanmanın önemi, karşılaştırmalı bir durum çalışması tasarımı kullanılarak kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Almanya Bayern’deki tipik bir geleneksel okulun Future Classroom Lab (FCL) Modeli kullanılan bir okul ile karşılaştırılması, aktif öğrenme ve öğretmeyi sağlamak için öğrenme alanlarının okul düzeyinde nasıl düzenlendiğini incelemek için kullanılmıştır. Veriler gözlemler, fotoğraflar ve video kayıtları yoluyla toplanmıştır. Bulgular, eğitim ortamının fiziksel özelliklerinin öğrencinin öğrenmesini, performansını, tutumunu ve davranışını etkileyebileceğini ve okul tarafından sağlanan fiziksel ortamın öğrenmenin verimliliğinde etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. FCL kullanılan okul, öğrencilerin yararına öğrenme alanının nasıl etkili bir şekilde kullanılacağını örneklemiştir. Bu nedenle, öğrencilerin öğrenme ortamlarının, verilen öğretim türüyle yani kullanılan pedagojilerle sınırlandırılmaması ve tüm öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılaması gereken temel öğrenme ve öğretme yönleri olduğu önerilmektedir. Ayrıca, teknoloji destekli pedagojiler kullanılarak öğretmen merkezli eğitimden öğrenci merkezli eğitime geçişi yansıtmak için öğrenme alanları dikkatli bir şekilde oluşturulmalı ve değiştirilmelidir.
ECER ERC 2021 Conference, 2021
Considering that the PGCE course only lasts one year and people who have bachelor’s degrees from ... more Considering that the PGCE course only lasts one year and people who have bachelor’s degrees from very different subjects can apply for it to be primary school teachers, the PGCE course seems to take a more significant role. Pre-service teachers attending to the PGCE constitute the next year’s primary school teachers. Current PGCE programmes in many universities are in the progress of developing to meet pre-service teachers’ and their students’ needs (Sullivan, 2018). Therefore, it is important to look at training sessions on technology integration through the eyes of current PGCE students and their experiences as their current views will potentially give insights into their attitudes toward using technology after being a qualified teacher.
In light of this, the research questions of this study are:
1) What are the perspectives of pre-service teachers on technology training throughout the PGCE year?
2) How do the pre-service teachers benefit from the PGCE course with regard to technology integration into their future lessons?
EARLI JURE 2021 Conference, 2021
Teachers are one of the key factors in students' learning; they shape the future of their student... more Teachers are one of the key factors in students' learning; they shape the future of their students. TPACK is a framework designed by Mishra and Koehler (2006) to evaluate teachers' knowledge. Learning mathematics is an essential competency for students for their future lives. There are also many variables that influence the teaching of this discipline, such as human factors, social factors, and educational/ instructional factors.
EARLI JURE 2021 Conference, 2021
The issue of teaching through and with technology received considerable attention in the last dec... more The issue of teaching through and with technology received considerable attention in the last decade and using various technologies to enhance pre-service teachers’ understanding of geometry has been suggested by many researchers. However, given the number of studies and the importance of integrating technology into geometry teaching, many pre-service teachers still find it challenging to teach geometry with technology in their first years of teaching. In our previous research, we observed a number of mathematics teachers when they were teaching 3D geometry in middle school classes and noted the difficulties of both students when learning these with the available tools and methods (Saralar & Ainsworth, 2018) and teachers when teaching certain objectives (orthogonal and isometric drawings of 3D shapes) from 3D geometry (Saralar, Ainsworth & Wake, 2019). The study reported in this paper focused on finding specific challenges of the pre-service teachers using a techno-pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) survey as the first cycle of a design-based research study. Consequently, we plan to design a 14-week course to improve pre-service maths teachers TPACK with hopes of overcoming the observed lack of knowledge found in this study. Keywords: Preservice maths teachers, geometry knowledge, TPACK, design-based research, survey
The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 2021 Summer Day Conference, 2021
The issue of teaching spatial geometry with technology has received a lot of attention in the las... more The issue of teaching spatial geometry with technology has received a lot of attention in the last decade. Several researchers have proposed using different software packages to improve middle school children’s understanding of spatial geometry. However, given the number studies on the importance of integrating such software packages into the classrooms, many maths teachers still find it challenging to teach spatial geometry with technology, particularly at the initial years of their teaching. Probably considering this, many maths programmes started to include examples on use of dynamic geometry software packages when introducing spatial geometry objectives, in addition to education authorities offering courses on various software packages. The Ministry of Turkish National Education (2018, 2021), where the researcher works, is one of these authorities which aims at improving maths teachers’ techno pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) (Koehler & Mishra, 2005), through not only giving courses on effective uses of dynamic geometry software packages but also specifying learning objectives in the middle school curricula where technology integration would be beneficial for students’ learning. This paper introduces these courses and presents example uses of dynamic software packages for the specific objectives from spatial geometry (e.g., The student realizes that the formal properties of geometric solids and shapes do not change when their direction, position or size changes.)
Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongresi [National Science and Maths Education Conference], Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, Türkiye: UFBMEK, 2021
Matematik öğretiminde öğrencilerin matematiksel bilgi sahibi olma, matematiksel kavramları ve ili... more Matematik öğretiminde öğrencilerin matematiksel bilgi sahibi olma, matematiksel kavramları ve ilişkileri keşfetme, tanımlama ve derse karşı motivasyonlarının arttırılmasında eğitim teknolojilerinin azımsanmayacak bir potansiyeli olduğu araştırmacılar tarafından vurgulanmaktadır (Koehler & Mishra, 2009; Polly & Orrill, 2016). Araştırmalar, matematik öğretmenlerinin bu potansiyele olan inanışlarının, benimsedikleri öğretim yöntemlerini değiştirdiğini, teknolojiyi derslerine entegre edip etmeyeceklerini ve eğer etmeye karar verirlerse nasıl entegre edeceklerini etkilediğini ileri sürmektedir (Ernest, 1989; Saralar, 2016). Bahsi geçen öğretmen inanışları, öğretmenlerin önceki deneyimleri ile bağlantılı ve/ya kültürel olarak şekillenmiş olabilir (Correa, Perry, Sims, Miller & Fang, 2008). Ülkemizde yapılan çalışmalar, matematik öğretiminde öğretmenlerin teknolojiyi kullanırken bazı sorunlar yaşadığını göstermiş ve sorunlara getirilen çözüm önerilerine genellikle ülkemiz perspektifinden bakmıştır (Bozkurt & Çilavdaroğlu, 2011; Yazlık, 2019). Bu çalışmada matematik eğitiminde öncü olarak kabul edilen İngiltere ve Çin’deki matematik öğretmenlerinin yaşadıkları sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri tespit edilmiştir. Bunun temel amacı ülkemizde bu konu özelinde yapılan ve yapılacak çalışmalara farklı bir perspektiften ışık tutmaktır. Son zamanlarda, öğretmen değişimi projesiyle İngiltere’ye, çok sayıda Çinli matematik öğretmeni ilk ve ortaokullarda çalışmak üzere gelmiştir ve İngiliz-Çin matematik öğretmeni değişim projesi en az iki yıl daha uzatılmıştır (Liang, 2018; NCETM, 2018). Geçmiş deneyimler ve kültürel farklılıklar göz önüne alındığında, Çinli ve İngiliz matematik öğretmenlerin matematik derslerine teknolojinin entegrasyonu konusundaki inanışlarını tartışmak, ülkemizde yapılan çalışmalara ışık tutması açısından önemlidir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmanın amacı, Çinli ve İngiliz matematik öğretmenlerinin derslerine teknoloji entegrasyonuna ilişkin algı ve inançları arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları incelemektir. Durum çalışması olarak tasarlanan bu araştırmada veriler, sekiz Çinli ve İngiliz matematik öğretmeni ile yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Bu bildiride, İngiliz ve Çinli matematik öğretmenlerinin sınıfta eğitim teknolojileri kullanımı açısından bakış açılarını ve uygulamada gerçek sınıflarda eğitim teknolojisi kullanımı farklılıklarını ortaya çıkarmak için tasarlanan çalışmanın temelini oluşturan literatür taraması sunulmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Matematik Öğretmenleri, Teknoloji Entegrasyonu, Eğitim Teknolojileri
The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, BSRLM Spring Conference, 2021
The potential of STEM education for student understanding and motivation in teaching mathematics ... more The potential of STEM education for student understanding and motivation in teaching mathematics is stressed by many researchers (Abramovich, Grinshpan, & Milligan, 2019; Pantziara, & Philippou, 2015). Studies argue that maths teachers’ beliefs and understanding of this potential have an effect on their teaching methods and thus their beliefs influence whether and how they use STEM scenarios in mathematics lessons. Recently, researches also showed that teachers need to learn more about the ways to integrate STEM scenarios into their lessons (Burbaite, Drasute & Stuikys, 2018; Papadakis, & Stavrakis, 2020). Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of a STEM webinar programme series, which aimed at improving teachers’ understanding of STEM education and scenarios. This series included specific webinar sessions on STEM education in general, STEM scenarios with 5E, problem-based scenarios and project-based scenarios. Data is collected through surveys prior to and after the webinar and webinar recordings which include teachers’ questions on STEM, which is used as a way to investigate their understanding of STEM. In this paper, we present our literature review findings which created the basis of our study for revealing the differences between 5E, problem-based and project-based scenarios.
The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics, 2020
The potential of educational technologies for student understanding and motivation in teaching ma... more The potential of educational technologies for student understanding and motivation in teaching mathematics is stressed by many researchers (Koehler & Mishra, 2009; Niess, 2008; Polly & Orrill, 2016). Studies argue that maths teachers’ beliefs on this potential have an effect on their teaching methods and thus their beliefs influence whether and how they integrate technologies into their lessons (Ernest, 1989; Saralar, 2016). These beliefs might conceivably be connected to previous experiences and culturally embedded (e.g., Correa et al., 2008; Stipek et al, 2001). For example, Correa et al. (2018) found that Chinese and American teachers have a distinct way of thinking about their students’ learning of mathematical topics. Recently, with the teacher exchange project, England recruited a large number of Chinese mathematics teachers to work in public primary and secondary schools and English-China mathematics teacher exchange extended to for at least two further years, to 2020 (Liang, 2018; National Centre for Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), 2018). Considering the cultural differences, it is important to discuss the beliefs of Chinese and British teachers on technology integration. “There is no one best way to integrate technology into the curriculum. Rather, integration efforts should be creatively designed or structured for particular subject matter ideas in specific classroom contexts” (Koehler & Mishra, 2009, p. 62). Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate similarities and differences between Chinese and English mathematics teachers’ perceptions of and beliefs regarding technology integration into their lessons. In this paper, we present our literature review findings which created the basis of our study for revealing the differences in the perspectives of British maths teachers and Chinese maths teachers, in terms of technology use.
The EARLI JURE 2020 Conference: Generation Change: The Future of Education in a Diverse Society, 2020
The problem of learning three-dimensional (3d) geometry received considerable attention in the la... more The problem of learning three-dimensional (3d) geometry received considerable attention in the last decade and using dynamic technology to enhance students’ learning of 3d geometry has been suggested by many curricula including English, American, German and Turkish. However, given the number of studies, many middle school students struggle to learn 3d geometry and mathematics teachers find it challenging to choose these tools wisely so that they can prevent and/or overcome possible errors of students. In our previous research, we observed a number of mathematics teachers when they were teaching 3d geometry in middle school classes and noted the difficulties of both students when learning these with the available tools and methods (Saralar, Ainsworth & Wake, 2018) and teachers when teaching certain objectives (orthogonal and isometric drawings of 3d shapes) from 3d geometry (Saralar, Ainsworth & Wake, 2019). The study reported in this paper focused on classifying students’ errors in orthogonal and isometric drawings of 3d shapes, particularly cube constructions. Consequently, we designed a four-week course to teach orthogonal and isometric drawings with hopes of overcoming observed errors in both orthogonal and isometric drawings by emphasizing four design principles: realistic, exploratory, technology-enhanced and active.
Keywords: middle school students, orthogonal drawings, isometric drawings, 3d shapes, 3d geometry, misconceptions
The European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction Conference, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany: EARLI, 2019
The problem of teaching 3D shapes has received considerable attention in the last decade and inte... more The problem of teaching 3D shapes has received considerable attention in the last decade and integrating technology into the teaching of 3D shapes has been suggested by many curriculum developers. However, given the plethora of existing tools available for use, teachers can struggle to know and choose them and use these effectively in their classroom. In our previous research, mathematics teachers were observed teaching 3D shapes, interviewed about their teaching choices, and they discussed their challenges in teaching 3D shapes with technology. As a result, a 6-lesson course was designed and then tested with an initial sample of students by the researcher and pre to post scores showed it was successful. The next stage of this design-based research project, which reported in this paper, was to work with a teacher who had not previously been involved as she adapted and adopted the lesson plans for her own classrooms. Interviews, lessons observations and children's test scores were utilised to examine the challenges and the opportunities for the teacher in this approach, how the lessons were enacted by the teacher and how students were helped to learn about 3D shapes using approaches neither they nor the teacher had encountered previously. Extended Summary: Study background The researchers designed, implemented and evaluated a series of lessons based on a new model. This theoretical model is called the RETA Three-dimensional Shapes Teaching Model and it emphasized four design principles for three-dimensional shapes learning in middle school geometry lessons: lessons should be Realistic (refers to the intent to integrate real-life examples and contexts into the lessons), Exploratory (refers to the use of worked examples in lessons that support students in exploring the topic), Technology-enhanced (refers to the strategic use of dynamic geometry tools in teaching) and Active (refers to the learning environments where students themselves have control of the use of tools and manipulatives). The RETA designed lessons were tested with an initial sample of students (Saralar, Ainsworth & Wake, 2018). Researchers used pre (M=5.88, SD=2.85) and post (M=8.75, SD=1.58) scores to detect any improvement due to these lessons. The maximum possible
The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa ON, Canada: MCLS, 2019
Here, we present four different intervention methods that aim to improve numerical and mathematic... more Here, we present four different intervention methods that aim to improve numerical and mathematical abilities. These used different specific methods and designs, targeted different sub-domains of mathematics (basic number processing, arithmetic, and geometry), and involved different populations (children and adults, with typical and atypical mathematical performance). Yet crucially, all four intervention programs exploited our understanding of certain aspects of mathematical cognition: one program, Low-Interference Memorization, teaches the multiplication table by capitalizing on the sensitivity of verbal memory to similarity. A second program, the Numeracy Musical Training, stimulates the core numerical cognition systems by exploiting the properties of musical sounds. A third program, the RETA 3D Shapes Teaching Model, teaches orthogonal and isometric drawings through realistic, exploratory, technology-enhanced and active lessons to improve spatial thinking. Last, the Catch Up Numeracy program focuses on assessing primary school children with low mathematical attainment on ten separate components of numeracy, and then giving them half an hour a week of individualized teaching thatfocuses on the components where they show weaknesses.
The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Conference, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK: BSRLM, 2019
It is argued that spatial thinking and geometry are related to each other. This relation can be d... more It is argued that spatial thinking and geometry are related to each other. This relation can be described as two sets having an intersection which shows issues common to both. Our current work situated in this intersection focuses on improving children’s geometrical drawings. For this purpose, a set of lessons was designed by the researchers and tested with initial samples. The lessons are based on the RETA principles which support realistic, exploratory, technology-enhanced and active learning. This approach was found to be an effective and engaging way of teaching two-dimensional drawings. Consequently, we scaled this approach to include more teachers and students to be able to report how this approach works in mainstream contexts. This study with 205 students in middle schools was the final cycle of our design-based research. The findings confirmed the results of previous cycles and showed that RETA-designed lessons provided more effective instruction than traditional methods. Note: 6-page proceedings was published in July 2019.
The British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics Conference 2018. King's College London, London, UK: BSRLM., 2018
The challenge of learning two-dimensional representations of polycubical shapes has received cons... more The challenge of learning two-dimensional representations of polycubical shapes has received considerable attention in the last decade (e.g., Fujita et al., 2017; Saralar, Işıksal, & Bostan, 2018; Widder & Gorsky, 2013). For example, in our previous research published in BSRLM Spring 2018 proceedings, we reported average or low performance of middle school students in their use of orthogonal and isometric drawings and exemplified their common mistakes (Saralar, Ainsworth, & Wake, 2018a). Our current study focused on improving these students' learning experiences and understanding of the topic with the help of the RETA (Realistic, Exploratory, Technology-based, and Active) three-dimensional shapes teaching model (For further information about this model see Saralar, Ainsworth, Wake, 2018b). We prepared six lesson plans and an experienced mathematics teacher volunteered to teach these lesson to one of her Grade-7 classes (16 females, 14 males) after making minor changes such as the order and details of the discussion questions. Our findings showed that the planned lessons have the potential to solve the challenge of learning 2D representations. After the intervention, students answered all of the orthogonal drawing questions on the worksheet correctly (Mpre = 14.97, SDpre = 4.88; Mpost = 20, SDpost = .0), and they performed better in the isometric drawing questions (Mpre = 9.07, SDpre = 6.41; Mpost = 17.6, SDpost = 2.63). Keywords: middle school students' learning; two-dimensional representations; three-dimensional shapes, polycubical shapes
Conference Presentations by Dr Ipek Saralar-Aras
Since post-pandemic educational environments are more intertwined with distance education all over the world, pre-service teachers’ current teaching knowledge may not be sufficient in these environments, such that they need to include new technological developments and tools in our teaching process (Koehler, Mishra & Zellner, 2015; Mishra, 2019; Saralar-Aras & Gunes, 2022). For effective teaching and learningexperience for teachers and students, students need to be more active learners and manage their learning processes (Nixon & Crook, 2021). Moreover, pre-service teachers are also required to have some roles that require various competencies, which are recently summarized under the following seven headings: technological, managerial, evaluative, instructional designer, pedagogical, facilitator, and social (Aydin, 2017; Kavrat & Türel, 2013). Given these, this study aimed at answering the following research question: What is the perceived competency levels of pre-service mathematics teachers in the seven roles of distance education? This study followed a case study approach (Merriam, 1988) being an exploratory case study as in Pan and Scarbrough (1999) where 20 pre-service mathematics teachers’ development of proficiencies in teaching mathematics during distance education was detailly investigated through a course. In this study, a 14-week course for pre-service teachers was designed based on the needs analysis in an earlier study(Saralar-Aras & Gunes, 2022) and sample courses (e.g., Ak, Gökdaş, Öksüz & Torun, 2021). In this course, applications that pre-service teachers can use in their distance education mathematics lessons for each of the seven roles were introduced. We suggested (but not limited to) GeoGebra for the technological role, Edmodo for managerial role, Kahoot and Mentimeter for the evaluative role, instructional design models used in distance education for the instructional designer role, Padlet and Tricider for the pedagogical, Powtoon and Canva for the facilitator role and discussion boxes on Edmodo for the social role. At the end of the 14-week process, pre-service teachers were asked to give a presentation, a micro-teaching, on the mathematics subject of their choice individually, via Zoom. Their micro-teaching sessions were recorded and peer-reviewed. Hence, the data was generated through lesson observations, recordings of micro-teaching, peer evaluations, and analysed using a rubric to assess pre-service teachers’ proficiency in roles. The first week of the course was devoted to managerial and instructional designer roles where students' needs, preparing syllabuses, models of teaching activities that can be used and the ethical behaviours in distance education and their sustainability were discussed. The second, third, and fourth weeks were on technology roles where pre-service teachers worked on effective use of available software and tools that are widely used in mathematics. The content of the lessons of the fifth week was evaluative roles which focus on alternative measurement and evaluation techniques that can be used in distance education; and the sixth week was on social, pedagogical and facilitator roles which aimed at developing knowledge on various topics in distance education including ice-breaking activities, giving feedback, student-student and student-teacher interaction, methods of taking students' attention to the lesson, and teachers' involvement in communities and social networks that will feed their professional development. The remaining lessons were more student-centred where pre-service teachers presented their designed lessons for 30 to 45 minutes on a topic of their choice by paying attention to seven roles. To conclude, this study aimed at improving pre-service teachers’ teaching skills in distance education. Hence, an instructional intervention was carried out to improve and support those areas that are reported by pre-service teachers as open for improvement. The course was found to help pre-service teachers develop the basic skills they need to gain for each role. In particular, they have enriched their content knowledge by learning new tools especially in social and technological roles, as well as having started to follow the developments in their fields in the social role. The reason for this probably was the course context where they learned pedagogical approaches, activities and tools specific to the mathematics that they could use with their students in synchronous or asynchronous lessons. Another reason for the improvement might be receiving and giving feedback on their micro-teaching since the participants received feedback on their micro-teaching performance from their peers; as found in the study of Acikgul and Aslaner (2019), the use of microteaching and GeoGebra improved pre-service teachers' TPACK skills and self-efficacy skills; they reported that pre-service teachers who gave feedback to each other about their micro-teaching performance established student-student communication among themselves. Moreover, we found that the improvement of the teaching performance was more obvious after the second micro-teaching experience of the participants. This finding confirms the results of the study of Mutlu, Polat and Alan (2019) that reported that teachers perform better in their second presentations in micro-teaching than in their first presentation, so it seems necessary to provide at least two micro-teaching chances to them to see the development (Koech & Mwei, 2019). Hence, we suggest teaching these roles to pre-service teachers not only in our context but also in wider Europe so that they could make a better start to their teaching practices.
In light of this, the research questions of this study are:
1) What are the perspectives of pre-service teachers on technology training throughout the PGCE year?
2) How do the pre-service teachers benefit from the PGCE course with regard to technology integration into their future lessons?
Keywords: middle school students, orthogonal drawings, isometric drawings, 3d shapes, 3d geometry, misconceptions
Since post-pandemic educational environments are more intertwined with distance education all over the world, pre-service teachers’ current teaching knowledge may not be sufficient in these environments, such that they need to include new technological developments and tools in our teaching process (Koehler, Mishra & Zellner, 2015; Mishra, 2019; Saralar-Aras & Gunes, 2022). For effective teaching and learningexperience for teachers and students, students need to be more active learners and manage their learning processes (Nixon & Crook, 2021). Moreover, pre-service teachers are also required to have some roles that require various competencies, which are recently summarized under the following seven headings: technological, managerial, evaluative, instructional designer, pedagogical, facilitator, and social (Aydin, 2017; Kavrat & Türel, 2013). Given these, this study aimed at answering the following research question: What is the perceived competency levels of pre-service mathematics teachers in the seven roles of distance education? This study followed a case study approach (Merriam, 1988) being an exploratory case study as in Pan and Scarbrough (1999) where 20 pre-service mathematics teachers’ development of proficiencies in teaching mathematics during distance education was detailly investigated through a course. In this study, a 14-week course for pre-service teachers was designed based on the needs analysis in an earlier study(Saralar-Aras & Gunes, 2022) and sample courses (e.g., Ak, Gökdaş, Öksüz & Torun, 2021). In this course, applications that pre-service teachers can use in their distance education mathematics lessons for each of the seven roles were introduced. We suggested (but not limited to) GeoGebra for the technological role, Edmodo for managerial role, Kahoot and Mentimeter for the evaluative role, instructional design models used in distance education for the instructional designer role, Padlet and Tricider for the pedagogical, Powtoon and Canva for the facilitator role and discussion boxes on Edmodo for the social role. At the end of the 14-week process, pre-service teachers were asked to give a presentation, a micro-teaching, on the mathematics subject of their choice individually, via Zoom. Their micro-teaching sessions were recorded and peer-reviewed. Hence, the data was generated through lesson observations, recordings of micro-teaching, peer evaluations, and analysed using a rubric to assess pre-service teachers’ proficiency in roles. The first week of the course was devoted to managerial and instructional designer roles where students' needs, preparing syllabuses, models of teaching activities that can be used and the ethical behaviours in distance education and their sustainability were discussed. The second, third, and fourth weeks were on technology roles where pre-service teachers worked on effective use of available software and tools that are widely used in mathematics. The content of the lessons of the fifth week was evaluative roles which focus on alternative measurement and evaluation techniques that can be used in distance education; and the sixth week was on social, pedagogical and facilitator roles which aimed at developing knowledge on various topics in distance education including ice-breaking activities, giving feedback, student-student and student-teacher interaction, methods of taking students' attention to the lesson, and teachers' involvement in communities and social networks that will feed their professional development. The remaining lessons were more student-centred where pre-service teachers presented their designed lessons for 30 to 45 minutes on a topic of their choice by paying attention to seven roles. To conclude, this study aimed at improving pre-service teachers’ teaching skills in distance education. Hence, an instructional intervention was carried out to improve and support those areas that are reported by pre-service teachers as open for improvement. The course was found to help pre-service teachers develop the basic skills they need to gain for each role. In particular, they have enriched their content knowledge by learning new tools especially in social and technological roles, as well as having started to follow the developments in their fields in the social role. The reason for this probably was the course context where they learned pedagogical approaches, activities and tools specific to the mathematics that they could use with their students in synchronous or asynchronous lessons. Another reason for the improvement might be receiving and giving feedback on their micro-teaching since the participants received feedback on their micro-teaching performance from their peers; as found in the study of Acikgul and Aslaner (2019), the use of microteaching and GeoGebra improved pre-service teachers' TPACK skills and self-efficacy skills; they reported that pre-service teachers who gave feedback to each other about their micro-teaching performance established student-student communication among themselves. Moreover, we found that the improvement of the teaching performance was more obvious after the second micro-teaching experience of the participants. This finding confirms the results of the study of Mutlu, Polat and Alan (2019) that reported that teachers perform better in their second presentations in micro-teaching than in their first presentation, so it seems necessary to provide at least two micro-teaching chances to them to see the development (Koech & Mwei, 2019). Hence, we suggest teaching these roles to pre-service teachers not only in our context but also in wider Europe so that they could make a better start to their teaching practices.
In light of this, the research questions of this study are:
1) What are the perspectives of pre-service teachers on technology training throughout the PGCE year?
2) How do the pre-service teachers benefit from the PGCE course with regard to technology integration into their future lessons?
Keywords: middle school students, orthogonal drawings, isometric drawings, 3d shapes, 3d geometry, misconceptions
öğrenme ve bağlantı kurma şekillerini etkilemektedir. Teknolojik olarak sürekli gelişen ve
değişen dünyaya adapte olmaya ve değişimi takip ederek başarılı olmaya katkı sağladığı
düşünülen STEM eğitimi, anaokulundan liseye kadar zorunlu eğitimdeki öğrencilerimizin
hayatında önemli bir yere sahiptir. STEM’in M harfi, geometrinin bir dalı olduğu, matematiği
sembolize etmektedir. Bu bölüm, geometri eğitimine genel bir giriş yaptıktan sonra,
geometrideki farklı yaklaşımları ele almakta, geometri eğitiminde STEM yaklaşımı ile ilgili
literatürden bahsederek devam etmektedir. Bölüm, aynı zamanda odak noktası olan, geometri
dersinde yapılan örnek STEM aktiviteleri ile sürmekte; benzer aktivitelerin birleştirilerek
hazırlandığı, geometrinin dâhil edildiği ve/ya merkeze alındığı STEM projelerinin tanıtımı ile
sona ermektedir. Bölümün, öğrencilerin matematiksel becerilerinin ve 21. yüzyıl becerilerinin
gelişimine katkıda bulunacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca, üniversitelerdeki araştırmacılar ve
eğitimciler, bu aktivitelerden geometriyi gerçek hayat problemleri ve STEM disiplinleri ile
bütünleştirmek için yararlanabilir. Son olarak, öğretmen ve öğretmen adayları için de örnek bir
kaynak olması hedeflenmiştir.
Keywords: active learning pedagogy, learning space design, educational technology.
FCL’deki esnek öğrenme alanlarının, Avrupa Komisyonu’nun yayınladığı beceriler ile doğrudan ilişkili olduğu gözükmektedir.
promote an effective STEAM approach in education and to enhance the related teachers’ skills and curriculum. This report introduces the needs analysis performed in order to meet the general aim of the EDUSIMSTEAM project, whilst valuing the general input given by STEAM educators on different countries adjacent to the project committee. The data were collected through surveys and interviews conducted between February 2020 and October 2020. The participants were 1108 teachers from Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Ireland, and the Netherlands. In the analysis of the data, SurveyMonkey’s statistics interface for questionnaires and content analysis for interviews were used. The particular analysis focused on determining teachers’ needs for STEAM education and 21st-century skills. Results revealed that although teachers from the participating countries have some information about STEAM education, there is still need for further training sessions on STEAM practices.
Keywords: EDUSIMSTEAM, STEAM, needs analysis, surveys, interviews, report