As you may have noticed, I missed my usual Monday update. Life has been a whirlwind since school has started, and busy season has commenced at work. Also add in my "gear-up" for the annual Get Fit Challenge, and training for tax season at work. *whew* When can I take a breather?
So anywho... Here I am on Thursday!
SCHOOLI'm pleading temporary insanity when the college counselor talked me into taking two accelerated classes (which is considered full time, btw) while I work full time. This route will have to be re-assessed at the end of the semester.
This is what has been consuming (and I'm not exaggerating) my time outside of work. Intermediate Accounting II and Business Ethics.
IA II is an online class which requires at least 1½ evenings of textbook reading and another 2 evenings of homework. We had our first test this week. It took me two evenings to answer the questions. I was pretty confident when I submitted my answers. I got an 85%! It just irks me when I go back to review the questions I missed only to find out I made "stupid" errors/omissions in which I knew better. Oh well... I'm happy with the 85

For BE, we have to write a paper a week on an current events article. At the end of the semester a compilation of the articles is turned as a portfolio. In class, we have this group project where we have to decide on a controversial issue, then write a little "skit". At the end of the semester, we have to give an oral presentation on one of the case studies in our textbook, then write a paper on it to be turned in. Oh, and there's also a 4-page paper which will be assigned next week.

I can still hear the college counselor saying, "It's mostly class discussion. It will be a good one to take with another class. Just try it." Ummm..... Yeah. I am already two weeks behind on writing the papers for the articles, and a week behind on the reading. Which, btw, that blue textbook is the WORST book I have ever read. I consider myself pretty intelligent, but when I have to exclude what I call unnecessary "chatter" from sentences just so I can understand what the
hell heck they're getting at, it's pretty frustrating. I'm also finding myself re-reading a lot of sentences/paragraphs.
Oh, and the instructor... He has got to be the most
boring monotone instructor I've ever had. His lectures? He uses a powerpoint presentation (great!) but goes through them so fast and really doesn't elaborate on what he's talking about. Our first night of class (last week), several students asked him to slow down. It worked for 2-3 slides and then he was back at it again. There will be 2 tests in the class. I have NO idea what they're going to be like. *sigh*
TRIVIAI just heard on the radio that my county is the second top producer of dairy in the state of Illinois. Who'da thunk it?
WEATHERThe weather really hasn't been too bad (considering it's winter!), until yesterday afternoon. It started raining. Then it froze.
I couldn't even drive my car up my driveway because of the ice. Halfway up the incline, my car started spinning and sliding sideways. So, I stopped and it started sliding backwards down the driveway! Panic set in as I scanned the street for cars (I live on a busy street). It stopped sliding just as I got the end of the driveway. Hey, if ya didn't know... Brakes don't work on ice!!
I parked my car out on the street until after I put some salt down. Yes, I fell on the driveway trying to WALK up it to get to the house/garage. Annoyingly, my neighbors were being
nosey neighborhood watchful and stared at my progress. It rained/froze a bit overnight and I ended up putting more salt down in the early morning hours today in order for me to get to work.
GET FIT CHALLENGEOnce again, my office is participating in the Get Fit Challenge offered by the local hospital and fitness centers. Once again, I am participating. It officially doesn't start until January 31st, but I thought I'd get a jump start on a routine.
Week One (last week)
Mon: 30 min ab workout, 50 min cardio/strength
Tue: 30 min ab workout, 25 min cardio/strength
Thu: 15 min ab workout
Sat: 15 min ab workout, 15 min cardio
Week Two (this week)
Mon: 30 min stregth/cardio
As you can see, I'm failing miserably this week. In my defense, I've worked a lot of overtime so far this week. When I get home, I try to study and then go to bed. Thursday night, my class goes from 5:30-9pm (or later). Excuses, excuses! (Hey, 30 minutes is better than none, right?!)

SHOPPINGI did take a couple hours for myself over the past few weeks to visit the two thrift stores in my town. The second one had ALL their ladies sweaters and long sleeve tops for ONE DOLLAR each. I'm not one to browse the clothing racks very often, but I couldn't pass the opporunity up. Especially since I was in dire need of sweaters and casual winter tops. I looked through every-single-rack there was. I came home with a new winter wardrobe of sweaters and shirts for less than $20! Some of the sweaters still had the tags on them! The best part? People say, "Oh that's cute. Is it new?" LOL "Why yes it is!"
STITCHY STUFFYou can't help but smile when a package like this shows up in your mailbox:

Last week, I was the lucky recipient of a RAK (random act of kindness) from the "
Cowgirl from Hanna", Christine. You're probably saying saying, "Well, what is it?!"
Q-Snap HuggiesChristine actually makes these. She told me a while back how to make them, and I intended to make some for myself. Christine sent me not one, but 2 huggies... for my 8" and 11" q-snaps. Thank you again, Christine!