Papers by Ebenezer Cavalcanti
This work presents an experimental procedure involving susceptometric measurement of a fluid labe... more This work presents an experimental procedure involving susceptometric measurement of a fluid labeled with nanoparticles magnetic and, simultaneously, the detection of vibration of these nanoparticles by an ultrasound. This vibration was generated by the action of alternating magnetizing field from susceptometric system. Measurements was performed in a paraffin gel phantom with a spherical inclusion of olive oil. The inclusion contains 5% of magnetic nanoparticles (20-30 nm diameter). The magnetoacoustic transducer, used in measurements, was a hybrid system composed of an AC biosusceptometer (ACB) with an ultrasonic transducer fixed in its core.. Using ultrasound power Doppler image mode was possible to obtain quantitative data on the location and distribution of the particles. On the other hand, using susceptometric image it is possible to estimate the concentration of nanoparticles. Thus, it was shown the complementarity of the data obtained by ultrasound and magnetic images, as we...
ABSTRACT This work presents an experimental procedure involving susceptometric measurement of a f... more ABSTRACT This work presents an experimental procedure involving susceptometric measurement of a fluid labeled with nanoparticles magnetic and, simultaneously, the detection of vibration of these nanoparticles by an ultrasound. This vibration was generated by the action of alternating magnetizing field from susceptometric system. Measurements was performed in a paraffin gel phantom with a spherical inclusion of olive oil. The inclusion contains 5% of magnetic nanoparticles (20-30 nm diameter). The magnetoacoustic transducer, used in measurements, was a hybrid system composed of an AC biosusceptometer (ACB) with an ultrasonic transducer fixed in its core. Using ultrasound power Doppler image mode was possible to obtain quantitative data on the location and distribution of the particles. On the other hand, using susceptometric image it is possible to estimate the concentration of nanoparticles. Thus, it was shown the complementarity of the data obtained by ultrasound and magnetic images, as well as the feasibility of using magnetic nanoparticles with a future contrast . Palavras-chave: Ultrassom, Doppler, Susceptometria, nanopartículas, vibromagnetoacustografia.
Em primeiro lugar minha gratidão ao Ser Supremo, Maravilhoso Conselheiro e Doador da vida, fonte ... more Em primeiro lugar minha gratidão ao Ser Supremo, Maravilhoso Conselheiro e Doador da vida, fonte de toda energia, pela saúde e força para suplantar minha inércia psicológica e física. A cada caminho trilhado, muitas vezes de modo solitário, não nos torna pretensioso sobre a natureza deste trabalho. O que seria injusto e irreal atribuir todo o mérito e resultados aqui alçados, apenas àquele que o fez. Muito pelo contrário, um trabalho comunitário, onde pessoas de inestimável valor e com uma visão multidisciplinar trouxeram valiosa colaboração, cada qual a seu modo e com diferenciada dedicação. A todos aqueles (familiares, amigos, pesquisadores e colegas) que de algum modo contribuíram para concretização deste trabalho, no decorrer das diversas trajetórias percorridas, alternando sentimentos de motivação e desânimo, perseverança e desilusões, fazendo despertar em nós um 'modus' diferente de perceber nossas diversidades e riquezas. Em particular, meu pai, Misael Freire Cavalcanti pelo incentivo. Posso dizer também que "sou vencedor". Abraço! A esposa e filhas que muitas vezes absorveram, sem saber, as decepções e frustrações de alguns caminhos errantes, meu pedido de perdão. Aos colegas do IFBA que assumiram parte de meu trabalho para que pudesse estar disponível, a fim de partir nesta jornada e que manifestaram de maneira explicita, seu apoio e compreensão, obrigado!. Ao Antonio Adilton Oliveira Carneiro, orientador, avalista e acima de tudo, um grande amigo por ter aceito meu pedido de orientação, acreditado em mim e dispensado seu tempo para ponderar minha formação. Pela atuação sincera, pela disponibilidade nos momentos de dúvida, pelo empenho na correção e formação dos conceitos deficitários e acima de tudo pelo respeito e profissionalismo no trato das questões acadêmicas e relacionais, eternamente grato. Aos Prof es . do Programa FAMB aos quais tive oportunidade de beber v vi do saber de suas especialidades, em especial, o Prof o . Dr. Marcelo Mulato; o
Conference Presentations by Ebenezer Cavalcanti
This work presents an experimental procedure involving susceptometric measurement of a fluid labe... more This work presents an experimental procedure involving susceptometric measurement of a fluid labeled with nanoparticles magnetic and, simultaneously, the detection of vibration of these
nanoparticles by an ultrasound. This vibration was generated by the action of alternating magnetizing field from susceptometric system. Measurements was performed in a paraffin gel phantom with a spherical inclusion of olive oil. The inclusion contains 5% of magnetic nanoparticles (20-30 nm diameter). The magnetoacoustic transducer, used in measurements, was a hybrid system composed of an AC biosusceptometer (ACB) with an ultrasonic transducer fixed in its core.. Using ultrasound power
Doppler image mode was possible to obtain quantitative data on the location and distribution of the particles. On the other hand, using susceptometric image it is possible to estimate the concentration of nanoparticles. Thus, it was shown the complementarity of the data obtained by ultrasound and magnetic images, as well as the feasibility of using magnetic nanoparticles with a future contrast .
Papers by Ebenezer Cavalcanti
Conference Presentations by Ebenezer Cavalcanti
nanoparticles by an ultrasound. This vibration was generated by the action of alternating magnetizing field from susceptometric system. Measurements was performed in a paraffin gel phantom with a spherical inclusion of olive oil. The inclusion contains 5% of magnetic nanoparticles (20-30 nm diameter). The magnetoacoustic transducer, used in measurements, was a hybrid system composed of an AC biosusceptometer (ACB) with an ultrasonic transducer fixed in its core.. Using ultrasound power
Doppler image mode was possible to obtain quantitative data on the location and distribution of the particles. On the other hand, using susceptometric image it is possible to estimate the concentration of nanoparticles. Thus, it was shown the complementarity of the data obtained by ultrasound and magnetic images, as well as the feasibility of using magnetic nanoparticles with a future contrast .
nanoparticles by an ultrasound. This vibration was generated by the action of alternating magnetizing field from susceptometric system. Measurements was performed in a paraffin gel phantom with a spherical inclusion of olive oil. The inclusion contains 5% of magnetic nanoparticles (20-30 nm diameter). The magnetoacoustic transducer, used in measurements, was a hybrid system composed of an AC biosusceptometer (ACB) with an ultrasonic transducer fixed in its core.. Using ultrasound power
Doppler image mode was possible to obtain quantitative data on the location and distribution of the particles. On the other hand, using susceptometric image it is possible to estimate the concentration of nanoparticles. Thus, it was shown the complementarity of the data obtained by ultrasound and magnetic images, as well as the feasibility of using magnetic nanoparticles with a future contrast .