Sunday, 7 February 2021

New Workshop coming up in June


I am very pleased to announce a new workshop coming up next June in Maleny, please find all the information following this link:

I look forward to spending two days sharing skills and techniques on watercolour painting!

I hope to see some of you there.


Sunday, 9 August 2020

New Merchandise Available

I am very excited to announce the launch of a collection of products featuring my artwork. In case you are looking for gifts, mugs, blankets, pillows, prints, bags and cases, you can find a wide collection at

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Finishing 'Crested Pigeons'

I love early morning watercolour painting. And this particular painting now, whatever will happen with it, will remind me of a wonderful weekend spent sharing skills and experiences with other artists. I am using a new ceramic palette given to me by one student, it is working wonderfully.

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Photos from the Birds in Watercolour Workshop

We had such a great experience exploring all the secrets of watercolour painting last weekend. Huge thanks to the Queensland Wildlife Artists Society for organising the workshop and to all the fifteen artists who were very dedicated and keen to paint birds. Most photos here are from the attendees.

Personally, I had heaps of fun, it was a great pleasure and honour to share my skills with others. 
I hope we'll do it again soon!

For now, I offer private, one to one tuition on weekends on drawing and watercolour painting on any natural subject, birds in particular in Brisbane.
Send me an email if you are interested at [email protected]

My few and very trusted tools and my own work in progress for one of our subjects, the Crested Pigeon, which allowed us to explore the practice of choosing and mixing colours, building up layers of washes, blending, iridescence and fine detail.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Birds in Watercolour Workshop

I am very excited to announce my first workshop in early February! There are only a few places left. I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Friday, 15 November 2019

Awards and Ducklings

My series of small-size sketches of the birds of Banks Street Reserve continues with a Pacific Black Duckling.

Happy memories from the latest Queensland Wildlife Artists Society exhibition 'Wild Impressions'. My Southern Boobook received Best Australian Wildlife on Exhibit award, thank you to the society and judge Philip Farley.

With Secretary Esther Horton, President Cathy Howie, Judge Philip Farley.
Photos copyright QWASI 2019

Sunday, 13 October 2019

Sketches of the Birds of Banks Street Reserve and 'Wild Impressions' Exhibition

After two years of visiting Banks Street Reserve, a beautiful urban park at only five kilometres from the Brisbane city, I felt like starting a series of small-size watercolour sketches about the birds I can see there. Starting with an Eastern Spinebill and a White-browed Scrubwren.

I am very excited to be part of this coming exhibition in Brisbane with the Queensland Wildlife Artists Society, I will be demonstrating on the Sunday afternoon. 

For those of you who are on Instagram, you can now follow my artwork and photography there too! I post some material that does not get share anywhere else like some of my best photos taken after my birding outings.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Double-barred Finches - Indian Yellow - The Holmes Art Prize for Realistic Australian Bird Art

August Dry (Double-barred Finches) Handmade watercolour on Khadi handmade watercolour paper, 30 x 42cm, © Matteo Grilli

I was visiting a popular birding spot in Brisbane, Oxley Creek Common, on a very dry August day, a small flock of Double-barred Finches was busy finding food on the path and on the dry grasses nearby.

Indian Yellow makes a wonderful primary yellow, it leans towards orange in thick applications while it becomes a lemony yellow in light tints and washes. The Indian Yellow I make mixes beautifully with Prussian Blue for very natural greens or with Madder Red Deep for muted oranges, and Carmine for bright oranges and reds. It is staining and only lifts to a degree. Find it on Etsy.

One of my watercolours (Summer's End - Chestnut-breasted Mannikins) was selected as a finalist together with 34 more artists for the Holmes Art Prize for Realistic Australian Bird Art 2019, all the amazing artworks will be exposed at Mary Cairncross Reserve, Maleny until October 13.

Saturday, 17 August 2019

Making Terra Pozzuoli

Terra Pozzuoli is a natural red-earth colour, although originally from southern Italy, it can be found in  many other locations around the world, to me it would be the perfect colour to paint the Australian desert and similar landscapes. It is a very strong colour with a big personality, while mixing, a little will go a very long way, overpowering all other colours, it is in fact, the strongest of my palette. Used in small amounts with other colours can create the most beautiful, natural and harmonious mixes ideal to paint anything nature-related, from landscapes to architecture, wildlife and portraits.

Handmade Terra Pozzuoli watercolour paint on Etsy

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