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Questions tagged [vector-bundles]

A continuously varying family of vector spaces of the same dimension over a topological space. If the vector spaces are one-dimensional, the term line bundle is used and has the associated tag line-bundles.

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Examples of nontrivial morphism between simple bundles but not isomorphism

We know stable bundles have a good property: If $f: E\longrightarrow E'$ is a nontrivial morphism where $E,E'$ have the same rank and degree, then $f$ must be an isomorphism. I'm wondering does this ...
Z. Liu's user avatar
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Kobayashi-Nomizu "Foundations of differential geometry" on page 117 wrong?

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, $G$ a Lie group and $P(M,G)$ a principal $G$-bundle and $\rho: G \to \GL(V)$ of $G$ a representation with $V$ finite-dimensional $\mathbb{F}$-...
psl2Z's user avatar
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Square root of relative Kähler differentials and families of curves

Let $f: X \to S$ be a smooth morphism of schemes of relative dimension $1$. Then $K=\Omega^1_{X/S}$ is a line bundle on $X$. I am interested in the following question: When does $\Omega_{X/S}$ have a ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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Almost Complex Structure extending to Complex Structure, aka "Integrable"

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold of (real) dimension $2n$. An almost complex structure $J$ on $M$ is a linear vector bundle isomorphism $J \colon TM\to TM$ on the tangent bundle $TM$ such that $J^2 = − 1 \...
user267839's user avatar
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Intuition on geometry of sections

Premise: I have asked the same question on math.stackexchange about a week ago, without receiving answer. Therefore I've decided to ask it also here. If this violates the rules, I apologize and I'll ...
YetAnotherMathStudent's user avatar
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Connectedness of degeneracy loci

Let $E, F$ be vector bundles of ranks $e, f$ on a smooth variety $X$ of dimension $n$. Let $\varphi : E \to F$ be a morphism and let $k$ be such that $n > (e-k)(f-k)$. Fulton-Lazarsfeld's theorem ...
Cob's user avatar
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Parametrized moduli spaces of semistable bundles by varying Kähler classes

Inspired by Liviu Nicolaescu's answer here, I was eager on trying to come up with examples of parameter spaces $\Lambda$, configuration spaces $\mathscr{C}$ and parametrized moduli spaces $\mathscr{M}$...
Niemero's user avatar
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Conceptual understanding of the Néron–Severi group

I'm trying to understand the importance of the Néron–Severi group $\operatorname{NS}(X)$ when $X$ is, say a complex manifold. My background is in the analytic side so I'm much more familiar with line ...
Niemero's user avatar
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Is every connection locally flat for an other connection?

Consider a $C^{\infty}$ connection $d_A = d+A$ on the unit ball $B^n\subset \mathbb{R}^n$. Does there exists another connection $d_{\tilde{A}} = d+\tilde{A}$ such that $d_{\tilde{A}} A = 0$? That is ...
Dorian's user avatar
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About Chern classes via Atiyah class

I am trying to understand a construction of the Chern classes of a vector bundle $\mathcal{E}$ via the Atiyah class, like is done in this text and here in section 1.4. I am interested in the case ...
numberwat's user avatar
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Is the vector bundle over a vector bundle, a vector bundle over the base scheme?

Suppose we have $E\to X$, a vector bundle over $X$ and $E'\to E$ a vector bundle over $E$. Composing the structure maps gives a smooth scheme $E'\to X$ over $X$. My question is, when is this a vector ...
Arun Kumar's user avatar
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Turn a coherent subsheaf into a vector subbundle by blowing up

I have some confusions on reading Narasimhan's paper Hermitian-einstein metrics on parabolic stable bundles. The following statements appears between page 103-104. Let $E$ be a rank 2 holomorphic ...
Skywalker's user avatar
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Proper smooth pushforward of vector bundle is a vector bundle?

Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are algebraic varieties over a field $k$, and $f:X \to Y$ is proper smooth. Then for a vector bundle $E$, and any $i\ge 0$, do we have $R^if_*(E)$ locally free? I know we need the ...
Richard's user avatar
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Chern Classes of $\mathcal{O}_E(1)$ on $\mathbb{P}(E)$ for $E = \mathcal{O} \oplus \mathcal{O}(n) \to \mathbb{P}^2$

Let $E =\mathcal{O} \oplus \mathcal{O}(n) \to \mathbb{P}^2$ and denote by $\mathcal{O}_E(1)$ the dual of the tautological bundle. How can I compute $c_1^2(\mathcal{O}_E(1)), c_1^3(\mathcal{O}_E(1))$, $...
fish_monster's user avatar
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Pullback of an ample bundle under an embedding is ample

In Example 11.8 on JP Demailly's book on Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry it is being said that The pullback of a (very) ample line bundle by an embedding is clearly also (very) ample. I ...
Leonhard's user avatar
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Irreducible $G$-equivariant vector bundles

Let $G$ be an abelian group, and let $E \to M$ be a $G$-equivariant complex vector bundle. If $E$ is irreducible, meaning it has no nontrivial $G$-equivariant subbundles, can anything special be said ...
Frank's user avatar
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Do Grassmannians classify numerable vector bundles over arbitrary spaces

The functor $k_{U(d)}$ of the set of isomorphism classes of numerable principal $U(d)$-bundles is represented by $BU(d)$ the Milnor construction of the classifying space. The restriction of $k_{U(d)}$ ...
Kanae Shinjo's user avatar
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Determinant bundle over homogeneous varieties

I am looking for a way to compute the determinant of a homogeneous vector bundle over any homogeous variety. I am awere of how these computations work for the $A_n$ case (i.e., for flag varieties), ...
AleK3's user avatar
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Universal picard variety of degree d

Let $M_g$ denote the moduli space of smooth genus $g$ curves over $\mathbb{C}$, where $g \geq 2$. Let $Pic^{d,g}$ denote the universal picard variety over $M_g$, parameterizing pairs $(C,L)$ where $C$...
maxo's user avatar
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Can we find a Jouanolou device for $\mathbb{P}^d$ having dimension $<2d$?

Let us work over an algebraically closed field $k$. A Jouanolou device for a $k$-variety $X$ is an affine space fiberation $f:Y\to X$ such that $Y$ is an affine scheme. (The condition on $f$ means ...
Uriya First's user avatar
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Explicit parallelization of an exotic sphere

I asked this question on MathStackExchange a week ago (see here), but, despite a few upvotes, I received no comments or answers. Ideally, I would love a detailed answer, but a yes/no would do the job! ...
User175a23's user avatar
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Example of stable bundle whose pullback is polystable

Kempf (1992): "Pulling back bundles" has the following theorem: Let $f: Y \rightarrow X$ be a finite morphism. If $\mathscr{W}$ is a bundle on $X$ that is stable with respect to an ample ...
user505117's user avatar
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Adelic description of moduli of stable vector bundle of rank n (over finite fields)?

Let $Bun_G$ be the moduli stack of $G$-bundles on a (geometrically irreducible smooth projective) curve $C$ over a finite field $k$, where $G$ is a split reductive group over $k$. Since Weil, we know ...
Zhiyu's user avatar
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${\rm SL}_2(\mathbb C)$-equivariant K-theory of $\mathbb C P^1$

Consider the action of ${\rm SL}_2(\mathbb C)$ on $\mathbb C P^1$ induced by the action of 2×2 matrices on 2-vectors. Is it true that $K^{{\rm SL}_2(\mathbb C)}(\mathbb C P^1)$ is $\mathbb C[t,t^{-1}]$...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Hodge dual of curvature two-form

I'm trying to compute curvature invariants on a general Kähler manifold $X$. One possibility is taking the norm $I$ of the Riemann curvature two-form $\mathcal{R}$ induced by the Hodge-structure^[1], ...
Eweler's user avatar
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Weight space decomposition of smooth representation of complex algebraic torus

Question: Let $T=(\mathbb{C}^{*})^{n}$ and $\pi:\mathcal{E}\to \mathbb{C}^{n}$ a smooth complex $T$-equivariant vector bundle (i.e. $\pi$ is $T$-equivariant and $T$ acts on the fibers linearly). The ...
Acorn's user avatar
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Moduli space of stable bundles with fixed Chern class is bounded

This is an excerpt on a set of lecture notes I'm going over: Classically, a lot of interest in stable vector bundles is due to the fact that stability allows the study of moduli of vector bundles via ...
Johannes's user avatar
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Symmetric powers for a short exact sequence of vector bundles

If $0 \to A \to B \to C \to 0$ is a short exact sequence of vector bundles on $X$, is it necessarily true that $[{\rm Sym}^k B] = \sum_{i=0}^k [{\rm Sym}^i A \otimes {\rm Sym}^{k-i} C]$ in the ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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Unique Hausdorff topology on trivial vector bundle?

Question: Is there a Hausdorff topology other than the product topology on $X\times \mathbb{C}^n$, that turns $(X\times \mathbb{C}^n, \mathrm{pr}_1)$ into a vector bundle, where $\mathrm{pr_1}$ ...
PHmath's user avatar
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Vector bundle formed by tangent lines to a quadric curve in $\mathbb P^2$

Let $Q \cong \mathbb P^1$ be a quadric curve in $\mathbb P^2$. Consider the following rank two vector bundle $V$ on $Q$: the fiber of $V$ over a point $p$ of $Q$ is the two-dimensional subspace $V_p$ ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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$\mathbb P^1$-bundle on a partial flag variety

Let $X$ be the partial flag variety of flags $0 \subset V_k \subset V_{k+2} \subset V$ where $V$ is a fixed vector space of dimension $n$ and ${\rm dim} V_k = k$ and ${\rm dim} V_{k+2} = k+2$. Is it ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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What textbooks/papers should I read to try to make this rigorous?

Consider a surface of revolution $S$ and an embedding $e:S \hookrightarrow X^3$ for $X^3=[0,1]^3$ with cone points $p,q$ elements of $\partial X^3$ where $\partial X^3=X^3-(0,1)^3$ for $\mathrm {sup}~ ...
John McManus's user avatar
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Is there a non-semistable simple sheaf?

Let $C$ be a smooth projective (irreducible) curve over an algebraically closed field $k$. A sheaf is said to be simple if its endomorphism algebra is isomorphic to $k$. It is known that a stable ...
LOCOAS's user avatar
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Existence and injectivity of a map from $\mathrm{Num}(X) \otimes_\mathbb{Z} \mathbb{C}$ to $H^1(X,\Omega^1_X)$

I am currently reading a paper by Mustata and Popa on the Van de Ven theorem, you can read the paper here. On page 51 there is the following map $$\alpha_\mathbb{C} : \mathrm{Num}(X) \otimes_\mathbb{Z}...
Adil Raza's user avatar
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Surjectivity of a restricted Hitchin map

Let $C$ be a smooth projective algebraic curve over the complex numbers and let $V$ be a stable rank 2 vector bundle on $C$. Then consider the vector bundle $\mathcal{E}nd_0(V) $ of tracefree ...
clemens_nollau's user avatar
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When do quotients of $G$-vector bundles exist?

Let's work in the category of smooth (paracompact, Hausdorff) manifolds. Let $M$ be a manifold and $G$ a Lie group acting on $M$. Suppose $E$ is a $G$-vector bundle on $M$ (that is, $G$ acts on $E$ by ...
skwok's user avatar
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Reality of connection or meromorphic function

Let's considering a family of connections: $\nabla^{\lambda}:\mathbb{C}^{*}\rightarrow \Omega^{1}(sl(2,C))$ of trivial rank2 bundle on $\mathbb{P}^{1}-\{ 0,1,\infty \}$ with simple pole. In this case, ...
Moumou Ye's user avatar
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Smooth version of the splitting principle

Inspried by this MO question A manifold whose tangent space is a sum of line bundles and higher rank vector bundles we pose the following question as a possible smooth version of the splitting ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Dual of slope semistable vector bundle on higher dimensional variety

Recall the definition of slope semistability, taken from section 1.2 of Huybrechts and Lehn's "Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves" book. Let $X$ be a projective $\mathbb{C}$-scheme and $E \...
maxo's user avatar
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A manifold whose tangent space is a sum of line bundles and higher rank vector bundles

I am looking for an example of the following situation. Let $M$ be a connected (if possible compact) manifold such that its tangent bundle $T(M)$ admits a vector bundle decomposition $$ T(M) = A \...
Bobby-John Wilson's user avatar
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Let $\phi : A \to B$ be a surjective $*$-homomorphism of star algebras, is there any good notion of "normal bundle of $B$ in $A$"?

Let $\phi : A \to B$ be a surjective $*$-homomorphism of star algebras (maybe more restricted kind of star algebra), is there any good notion of "normal bundle of $B$ in $A$"? By a "...
admircc's user avatar
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What is the adjoint bundle of groups $P\times_{G}G$?

It is said that G acts on itself by conjugation. I am familiar with another type of adjoint bundle in which a representation of G on a vector space is given. Can someone explain the differences and ...
Lefevres's user avatar
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Question on notation for definition of symbol of differential operator

I was looking at this definition of the symbol of a differential operator, and am unsure what "$T^*X\otimes_XE$" means. I couldn’t find an explanation anywhere on nlab either. My main ...
Barsa Jahanpanah's user avatar
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Stable homotopy of vector bundles

Consider the category $\mathsf{VectBun}$ of real vector bundles over topological spaces, where the morphisms are bundle maps that are fiberwise isomorphisms. This category has a stabilization functor ...
Derived Cats's user avatar
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Holomorphic fibre bundles over noncompact Riemann surfaces

Some days ago I came across the paper "Holomorphic fiber bundles over Riemann surfaces", by H. Rohrl. At the beginning of Section 1, the following theorem is quoted: Theorem. Every fiber ...
Don's user avatar
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Can we get a connection on the principal bundle from a connection on the associated vector bundle?

Assume $G$ is a Lie group, $P \to M$ is a smooth principal $G$-bundle, and $\rho \colon G \to GL(V)$ is a smooth representation of $G$. We can define a connection on the associated vector bundle $E := ...
mfdmfd's user avatar
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Origin of the name Trace resp Integral symbol for the trace map of Dualizing Sheaf

Let $X \subset \mathbb{P}^n_k$ be a normal projective subscheme over $k$ of dimension $n$. The dualizing sheaf is in context of Serre duality a pair $(\omega_X,t)$ (which exists in that case) ...
user267839's user avatar
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Extending the natural thom form of a vector bundle from the boundary of a manifold

(Edited after taking into account Tom Goodwillie's answer.) Let $E \rightarrow X$ be an orientable vector bundle. In this MO answer it is explained how to obtain a representative of the Thom class (...
Kai Hugtenburg's user avatar
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Is the subscheme parametrizing the k-th degeneracy loci Cohen-Macaulay?

Let $X$ be a Cohen-Macaulay projective variety (say over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0), and $E,F$ two vector bundles such that $E^*\otimes F$ is globally generated. Consider the ...
klerk's user avatar
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Identifying the circle bundle of the canonical line bundle $\mathcal{O}(-n-1)$ over a projective space $\mathbb{CP}^n$

It's not hard to see the following fact: the circle bundle of the tautological line bundle $\mathcal{O}(-1)\rightarrow \mathbb{CP}^n$ is $S^{2n+1}$, the unit sphere inside $C^{n+1}.$ I want to see ...
Partha's user avatar
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