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7 votes
6 answers

Pi Day is approaching: What are some interesting math questions whose answer is exactly $\pi$?

In anticipation of Pi Day, which is (of course) March 14, I would like to ask: What are some interesting math questions whose answer is exactly $\pi$? The questions can be for any age group. Of ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Common mistakes in probability

$\DeclareMathOperator\Var{Var}\DeclareMathOperator\Bern{Bern}\DeclareMathOperator\Pois{Pois}$Question: What not-trivial mistakes do students often make when solving problems in probability theory, ...
Botnakov N.'s user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Proof by Contradiction vs. Proof of Negation

In constructive mathematics we make a distinction between "proof of negation" and "proof by contradiction". You can read a great account of the difference in this blog post of ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
12 votes
7 answers

Introductory Books easier than Dover

I'm looking to books introducing different topics of math with fun for my son, to give him a taste of different areas. My son roughly understands A-level topics until single variable calculus (of ...
athos's user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

Educators, what resources have you built to better serve your students?

What resources (Desmos, Geogebra, math3d, etc.) have you built to help your students better understand or visualize topics in mathematics?
10 votes
10 answers

What are examples of math-themed sci-fi appropriate for students?

What are examples of sci-fi books or short stories that have a mathematics theme? I'd like to have a pool of examples in mind that I could refer students to. The only example I've got in mind right ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Visual aids for understanding group theory

I want ideas for pictorial representation of groups which can help one understand the different group theorems. Here are some examples of the type of thing I am looking for. In this video by socratica ...
Brian's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Where can I find public repositories of past math exams?

I'm looking for public repositories/banks of past undergraduate math exams. No solutions necessary. I just want inspiration for writing my own exams and practice exams. It'd be nice to collect links ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Research on Waldorf/Steiner mathematics education

I am mildly interested in research on mathematics education in the Waldorf/Steiner educational context, primarily in the upper secondary school setting, but not exclusively. Information about Waldorf/...
Damian Reding's user avatar
54 votes
16 answers

Big list of "interesting" abstract vector spaces

When introducing an abstraction it is important (in my opinion) to have a wide variety of examples of this abstraction. Since finite dimensional real vector spaces are classified up to isomorphism by ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Ideal Features of Online Homework Platform?

If you could build an ideal online homework platform for mathematics, what combination of features should it have in order to be effective at levels from high school through undergraduate, and why? ...
Opal E's user avatar
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37 votes
10 answers

Interesting things you learned while grading?

What are some interesting mathematical things you have learned while grading student work (or marking, if you prefer)? It is final exams time here, so if anyone can help cast a more positive light on ...
Zach Teitler's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Dolciani and Sorgenfrey textbook collaboration

Would it be possible to get a complete list of math textbooks written jointly by Dr. Mary Dolciani and Dr. Robert Sorgenfrey? I'm particularly interested in focusing on how they collaborated while ...
think_meaning_buildß's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Examples of informal explanations that cause misconceptions

Every good teacher knows that giving an informal explanation (that is, an explanation not based on strict definitions and maybe making use of metaphors, intuition, or everyday language) of a ...
Jorssen's user avatar
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32 votes
23 answers

Quote to show students don't have to fear making mistakes

I have some high school students which seem to be afraid of making mistakes. They are hesitant to make exercises in class because they want their course notes to be super clean, without any mistakes. ...
dietervdf's user avatar
  • 431
7 votes
2 answers

Published papers for Intro Stat students to read

I am looking for studies and experiments in the literature that I can share with undergraduate students in an intro statistics course. I do not expect students to understand everything, and I plan to ...
Jordan's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Favorite datasets to use when teaching statistics

There are so many datasets available that it seems difficult to sort through them all and identify the best ones to use when teaching an introduction to statistics class. What are your favorite ...
eternalGoldenBraid's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Desmos Assignment: Make a graph that does this

I am interested in collecting/creating a compendium of lesson plans that are essentially just this. Lesson Plan: Appropriate for a precalc class and an algebra 2 course. Show the following graph: ...
Mason's user avatar
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7 votes
8 answers

List of realistic extremum problems

I am a student who would like to become a teacher, so I am currently following courses in education. One of the things I learned, is that students like authentic, realistic problems. However, much of ...
Student's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

what are some surprising result of math for a kid?

let's target kids at most of primary school, what are the surprising things that would let them wow ? Mobius strip would be one. first, it has only one side; then, as Dr Tadashi Tokieda shows, ...
athos's user avatar
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18 votes
9 answers

Good Examples of Questions to have Students Ponder Over Without Paper

A few times now I've found myself in a situation where I want to give a precalculus-level undergraduate student something to think about that's kinda fun and that's well outside of their coursework. ...
Mike Pierce's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

What are some recent, interesting, accessible pieces of mathematics

Mathematics can come across as a sterile, dead subject - a catalogue of techniques long-ago decided, and forever relearned by each successive generation of students. This is approximately true for ...
NiloCK's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Proving convergence or divergence of series: tips and recommendations

This is a follow up of my question on MSE. Which tips and recommendations would you give students who want to investigate series about convergence or divergence? So far we have collected: It is ...
Stephan Kulla's user avatar