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Monty Hall Problem - $4$ doors where you pick one by one

The best strategy is to stay before the last choice and then switch, because you're reducing the problem to that of $3$ doors, but since this is a variant with $4$, the probability of winning by ...
Marco_O's user avatar
  • 11
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Hazard ratio as the odds of dying first

Take an example of two events whose time of occurrence are independently exponentially distributed with parameters $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ so $F_1(t)=1-e^{-\lambda_1 t}$ and $F_2(t)=1-e^{-\...
Henry's user avatar
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Is the variance of a product of a normal and an arbitrary density uniformly bounded with respect to the mean of the normal density?

I assume that $\sigma=1$ for simplicity, and I denote $f_1(x)=e^{-x^2/2}f(x)dx$ then the new probability $h_{\mu} $ belongs to the exponential family generated by $f_1$. The Laplace transform $L$ of $...
Letac Gérard's user avatar
1 vote

Distribution of N Car Platoons

The probability that at least $n$ cars follow a given one is the probability that the given car's speed is less than all previous $n$ cars. For iid speeds following a continuous distribution, this is ...
Brian Moehring's user avatar
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Failure theory in graphs and network

First, let's look at whether $2$ and $4$ are connected to $1$ when looking only at the left triangle (i.e. without considering paths like $1-2-3-5-4$). The possibilities here are: $C_2$ (only $2$ is ...
Misha Lavrov's user avatar
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independence of norms of normally distributed vectors

No. The simplest counterexample is probably to have $X$ and $Y$ both standard multivariate normal $\mathcal N(\bf{0},\bf{I}_n)$ where their magnitudes are independent (each $\sim \chi_n$) but their ...
Henry's user avatar
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3 votes

Estimate for Overshoot

This follows from Lorden's inequality (Wikipedia), which bounds the overshoot by $$ \mathbf{E}\Bigl[\sum_{i = 1}^N X_i \Bigr] - B \leq \frac{\mathbf{E}[X^2]}{\mathbf{E}[X]}. $$ See Chang (1994) ...
Ziv's user avatar
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Failure theory in graphs and network

The framework/theory which might be relevant to what you are asking about is Percolation theory. But this seems like severe overkill to your question. It seems to me that you are asking when the links ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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What is the flaw in the first solution given below?

This might be a more intuitive way to look at it. All in all, there are 4 distinct possibilities: A and B are both available, only A is available, only B is available, neither of them are available. ...
Jeroen De Nève's user avatar
10 votes

What is the flaw in the first solution given below?

The rule of addition - $P(X\text{ or } Y)=P(X)+P(Y)$ only applies if the events are disjoint, that is, they can't both happen. Here clearly the paths can both be available. In general, the rule ...
Especially Lime's user avatar
1 vote

Why is this not a valid Variance Covariance matrix, and inherently not positive semi-definite?

There have been two good answers on the impossibility of the covariance matrix. On the other hand, OP asked whether there is something "inherently wrong" with the matrix. This suggests that ...
Benjamin Wang's user avatar
1 vote

Why is this not a valid Variance Covariance matrix, and inherently not positive semi-definite?

Suppose we have a set of real r.v.s $\{X_k\}_{k=1}^n$ such that $\text{E}[X_k^2]=1$ for all $k$ and $\text{E}[X_jX_k]=-1/2$ for all $j\neq k$. Then the variance of $X:=\sum_{k=1}^n X_k$ would be \...
Semiclassical's user avatar
1 vote

Need an elegant solution for a geometric probability problem

I think you can simplify somewhat by thinking of a double integral. First define a function: for each pair of points $U, V$ on the square, compute the distance from the segment UV to the circle center;...
John Hughes's user avatar
4 votes

Two player coin flipping game

Let us start by calculating the expected value when you go first, we will call this $E$. We know that there is a 1/2 chance player one wins on the first round. We also know that if player 1 doesn't ...
Nic's user avatar
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Two player coin flipping game

Here's my attempt at a solution. Let the sample space be sequences of H and T till the first head. $S = \{H, TH, TTH, TT...TH\}$. Now consider a random variable X that calculates the amount earned/...
cps's user avatar
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Probability of selecting a desired chip

$P(B$ selects $12)$ = $\frac{{1 \choose 1} \times {13 \choose 4}}{{14 \choose 5}} \times \frac{2}{7} = \frac{5}{49}$ As other responses have indicated, a symmetry argument leads directly to the $~\...
user2661923's user avatar
  • 40.8k
2 votes

Balls are different or same?

Your answer to the original question is correct, though it might be clearer if written as $\frac69\frac38\frac57\frac26+\frac39\frac68\frac27\frac56=\frac5{42}$ to match your "RWRW or WRWR". ...
Henry's user avatar
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Normal r.v. convergence in law to a normal r.v. implies convergence of mean and variance

Let $N$ be a standard normal rv. We have $$\Bbb P\!\left(N>\frac{t-\mu_n}{\sigma_n}\right)=\Bbb P(X_n>t)\xrightarrow[n\to\infty]{}\Bbb P(X_0>t)$$ and therefore $$\limsup_{t\to\infty}\:\...
nejimban's user avatar
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Normal r.v. convergence in law to a normal r.v. implies convergence of mean and variance

Because the standard normal cdf is one-to-one, if $X_n$ converges in law to $X$ then $(x-\mu_n)/\sigma_n\to(x-\mu)/\sigma$ for all real $x$. That's a lot of information to work with!
John Dawkins's user avatar
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Finding a CI for variance using Chi squared, when mean is known and samples are normal but not canonized

Note that (A) $\left(\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n X_i^2\right) -\mu^2$ is almost certainly not equal to $\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n \left(\left(X_i -\mu\right)^2\right)$ even if $\frac{1}{n}\sum\...
Henry's user avatar
  • 164k
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Classical probability

As an extended comment to demonstrate that lulu's answer is better than the solution you saw, here is a simulation in R: ...
Henry's user avatar
  • 164k
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Classical probability

As @lonza leggiera has remarked in a comment, the book answer has computed favorable ways and total ways using stars and bars, which is inappropriate as stars and bars does not yield equiprobable ...
true blue anil's user avatar
1 vote

Classical probability

Alternative approach: This approach uses Stars and Bars theory, in a somewhat convoluted manner, to attack the problem. On the one hand, I consider the Stars and Bars approach to be significantly ...
user2661923's user avatar
  • 40.8k
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Drunk Passenger Follow-up

At each random selection only 3 things of significance can happen: The drunk person or a person with their seat taken randomly picks seat 1. The drunk person or a person with their seat taken ...
tkf's user avatar
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Binomial distribution and bernoulli

What is it that you are struggling to prove? (1) that if a probability space has a random variable $X\sim$Bin($n,p$), then it also has $n$ independent random variables each with Ber($p$) distribution. ...
Nicholas Burbank's user avatar
1 vote

How do you show something does or does not hold in finite samples?

They already give a proof in the text, but I think the most concrete (IMO, of course) argument is sort of shoved into a footnote. Perhaps developing it fully would help. Take $S_1, \cdots, S_n, S_{n+1}...
stochasticboy321's user avatar
4 votes

Classical probability

To do it your way: I am, of course, assuming that each letter is equally likely to appear. First, we ignore the restriction that $J$ should only get one free one. Consider the entire sample space, of $...
lulu's user avatar
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How to maximize Playerpower while minimizing Crest expenses World of Warcraft

You can formulate this process as a Markov Decision Process. In such a process, you have a state space $S$, an action space $A$, a reward function $R:S\times S\times A\to\mathbb{R}$ and a collection ...
Quaere Verum's user avatar
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Problem with 3 urns and balls of 3 different colors

The analysis in the posted question is valid, precisely because the urns, being numbered, are to be considered distinguishable, rather than indistinguishable. That is, with the urns distinguishable, ...
user2661923's user avatar
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Problem with 3 urns and balls of 3 different colors

This depends upon some assumptions made: If the model is that a child is given these balls, and asked to make all possible numbered heaps of the colored balls, your answer is correct If, on the ...
true blue anil's user avatar
2 votes

Source for a dialogue of Galileo about distinguishable dice?

The essay in question is titled "Sopra le scoperte dei dadi" ("On the Investigations of Dice"), written prabably between 1613 and 1623, in response to a request for an explanation ...
Tankut Beygu's user avatar
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Stein's method for non-unit variance

Strictly speaking, Stein's method does not establish convergence, but only provides a bound on the difference between $W_n = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ and $X \sim N(0,1)$ in the Wasserstein ...
Yalikesi's user avatar
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Why am I encountering two different formulas for unordered sampling with replacement?

$\binom{n+r-1}{r}$ is correct, here is a classical explanation. Suppose we are unorderedly choosing $r$ out of $n$ distinct items with replacement, then each possibility is one-to-one corresponding to ...
Zoudelong's user avatar
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When can you add probabilities?

It will be simpler to understand if you take smaller figures, say P(crash) $= \frac1{10}$ and # of flights $=10$ P(it doesn't crash in $10$ flights) $= \left(\frac9{10}\right)^{10} \approx 31.87\%$ by ...
true blue anil's user avatar
2 votes

When is $X_n \sim N(\mu_n, \sigma_n^2)$ uniformly integrable?

Here's the proof of @geetha290krm's comment: The collection $\{X_n: n \ge 1\}$ where $X_n \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_n, \sigma_n^2)$ is UI iff $(\mu_n), (\sigma_n)$ are bounded sequences. "$\...
Thành Nguyễn's user avatar
2 votes

What will be the conditions under which- "If A and B are events such that P(A|B) = P(B|A)"

Assume $\mathbb{P}(A) > 0, \mathbb{P}(B) > 0$. The condition for the equality of conditional probabilities can be expressed as: $$ \mathbb{P}(A \mid B) = \mathbb{P}(B \mid A), $$ where $$ \...
Tefo's user avatar
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Proof of the delta method

Excellent point! Why is such a $\overline{\theta}$ even measurable? I congratulate you on your rigor. Here is a proof which avoids these difficulties: Lemma: \begin{align*} &\text{i)}\hspace{...
Kadmos's user avatar
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Money division based on partial game results

One can encode each match as a series of 0's and 1's, where a 0 indicates that S won the game and a 1 indicates that V won the game. This code has between 5 and 9 binary digits. There are 252 matches ...
R. J. Mathar's user avatar
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Number of tries in key guessing game

Perhaps the simplest way to see that your answer is correct is as follows. Suppose you choose a uniformly random order to look for the tiles in, and following that order you would take $R$ tries to ...
Especially Lime's user avatar
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Money division based on partial game results

This is a very interesting problem, and overnight I have come to a different way of thinking We have to realise that it is a new game with new rules, starting from $Varun /Sandeep $ having won $1/2$ ...
true blue anil's user avatar
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Number of tries in key guessing game

I guess this has been sort of highlighted but not stated explicitly. Without any information about where the key is, the order of your guesses and the formation of the tiles in the grid does not ...
Jerry Mahajan's user avatar
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What will be the conditions under which- "If A and B are events such that P(A|B) = P(B|A)"

The textbook answer is wrong. Assuming $P[A]$ and $P[B]$ are both nonzero so that the conditional probabilities exist, the condition $P[A|B] = P[B|A]$ can be rewritten as $$\frac{P[A \land B]}{P[B]} = ...
lily's user avatar
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Analysis of Digit Distribution in Powers of a Uniformly Distributed Random Variable

Let's get good enough (lower and upper) bounds for the sum, in closed form. Put $f_k(x)=(x+1)^{1/k}-x^{1/k}$, so that (for $b$-ary system, in our case $\color{blue}{b=10}$) $$ P(N_{m,k}=i)=b^{-m/k}\...
metamorphy's user avatar
  • 41.7k
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Uncountable random graphs

Indeed as Brian points out measure theory does not play super well with uncountability. His answer shows that the theory of random graphs is not "categorical" in any uncountable cardinal. ...
Jeremi F.-D.'s user avatar
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Secret Santa Perfect Loop problem

We're in the Hollidays Season and this play is quite usual here so I decided to spend some time on the problem. Consider just a simplification on your rules. Remove rules number 3 and 4 and for any ...
Caio Klein's user avatar
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Why is it that probability density times interval width is equal to probability

I think I get it since $f(x)$ is never going to be less than zero, therefore when you take $f(x)$ times the very small $dx$ you are going to get $0 \leq f(x)dx \leq 1$. Remember now that probability $...
Robert Mdee's user avatar
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Limit $\mathbb E[|(\text{Poi}(\mu)-\mu)/\sqrt{\mu}|^{k}]\, /\,\mathbb E[|\text{N}(0,1)|^{k}]$ as $\mu=k^{3}$ and $k\to\infty$

Let $X \sim \text{Poisson}(\mu)$ and $Y \sim \text{N}(0,1)$. Define: $$ Z := \frac{X-\mu}{\sqrt{\mu}}, \quad Z_k := \mathbb{E}[|Z|^k], \quad Y_k := \mathbb{E}[|Y|^k]. $$ We will show that, when $\mu$ ...
Thomas Ahle's user avatar
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Distribution function technique and exponential density

If $X_j$ is such that $$E(e^{-sX_j})=\int_0^{\infty}e^{-sx-\frac{x}{\theta_j}}\frac{dx}{\theta_j}=\frac{1}{1+s\theta_j}$$ and if $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are independent, then assuming that the $\theta_k$are ...
Letac Gérard's user avatar

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