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How weird can the level set of a polynomial be?

Let me explain an upper bound on the number of components, which is asymptotically consistent with your conjecture. I will be using your notation where the dimension is $d$ and the degree is $n$ even ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
5 votes

Is every element of this sequence of polynomials irreducible?

As suggested in the comments by Mr. Sassatelli, we may alternatively define the polynomials $f_n$ by $f_1=X$, $f_2=X+1$, and $$ f_{n} = f_{n-1}^2 - f_{n-1} + 1 $$ for all $n \geq 3$. Writing $g$ for ...
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5 votes

Solve the equation $x^3-3x=\frac{a^6+1}{a^3}$

Let $A=a+\frac{1}{a}$. Notice that $$x^3-3x=A^3-3A\tag{1}$$ so it is clear that $x=A$ satisfies $(1)$. We then have $$x^3-3x-A^3+3A=(x-A)(x^2+Ax+A^2-3)$$ The quadratic polynomial has roots: $$x=\frac{...
cansomeonehelpmeout's user avatar
3 votes

Question about polynomials, their degrees and their real roots.

Since $A^2=(C-B)(C+B)$ and $A^2$ has degree $4$ it follows that one of $C-B, C+B$ has degree $1$ and one has degree $3$ and since the problem is invariant when dividing by a nonzero constant we can ...
Conrad's user avatar
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2 votes

Find $m \in \mathbb{Z} $ so that all roots of $x^2-mx+m+2=0$ are also integers.

To use your approach OP: The determinant of $x^2 - mx +(m+2)$ is in fact $m^2-4m-8 = (m-2)^2-12$. So for the polynomial $x^2-mx +(m+12)$ to have integral roots, $(m-2)^2-12$ has to be an integral ...
Mike's user avatar
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2 votes

Solution of coupled trigonometric equations

Using the tangent half-angle substitutions $u=\tan\frac12x$ and $v=\tan\frac12y$, we have $$\sin x=\frac{2u}{1+u^2}\quad \cos x=\frac{1-u^2}{1+u^2}\quad \sin y=\frac{2v}{1+v^2}\quad \cos y=\frac{1-v^2}...
Blue's user avatar
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1 vote

Solve the equation $x^3-3x=\frac{a^6+1}{a^3}$

$\textbf{The strategic approach:}$ Our equation is $x^3 - 3x = a^3 + \frac{1}{a^3}$. Bringing the $3x$ over, we see $$ x^3 = a^3 + 3x + \frac{1}{a^3} $$ The right side of the equation looks an awful ...
BobTheThird's user avatar
1 vote

Unit in $(\mathbb{Z}/5)[x]/\langle x^4-x^2\rangle$

In $\mathbf Z/m\mathbf Z$, $a$ is a unit if and only if $a$ and $m$ are relatively prime. Similarly, when $K$ is a field and $f(x) \in K[x]$, $f(x)$ is a unit in $K[x]/(g(x))$ if and only if $f(x)$ ...
KCd's user avatar
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