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Questions tagged [topological-dynamics]

Topological dynamics is a subfield of the area of dynamical systems. The main focus is properties of dynamical systems that can be formulated using topological objects.

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Existence Of An Orbit of the Tent Map whose Closure is the Cantor Set [closed]

How to prove that $$ T(x) = \frac{3}{2} - 3|x-\frac{1}{2}|, $$ has at least one point with dense orbit with respect to its invariant middle third Cantor set? Are there any basic solutions? Thank you ...
schneiderlog's user avatar
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Closed set of periodic points implies boundedness of primitive periods

I am trying to prove the following assertion, but I don't know how to proceed. If $(X, f)$ is a discrete dynamical system (i. e. $f: X \rightarrow X$ is a continous map on the compact metric space $X$...
Wojtekq123's user avatar
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Any periodic point has period q.

Here is the question I am thinking about: Show that if $f: S^1 \to S^1$ is a homeomorphism with rational rotation number $\frac{p}{q}$ where $p$ and $q$ are coprime positive integers, then any ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Equidistribution of orbits.

Here is a question I am thinking about: Let $X$ be a compact metric space. Show that if $(X,T,\mu)$ is an ergodic topological probability measure preserving dynamical system and $x \in X$ is generic, ...
Emptymind's user avatar
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Generic points in ergodic dynamical systems.

Suppose that $(X, T, \mu)$ is an ergodic topological probability measure preserving dynamical system on a compact metric space $X.$ I want to show that almost every point in $X$ is $\mu$ generic. ...
Emptymind's user avatar
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Ergodic T invariant measures that can not be Lebesgue measures.

Let $T: S^1 \to S^1$ be the rotation of the circle by $90$ degrees. I want to find an ergodic T-invariant measure. My question is: I was looking here Other invariant measures than Lebesgue measure? ...
Emptymind's user avatar
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Proving that if it is Dirac measure, then it is invariant.

I was reading this question here: Show that the only $f$- invariant probability measure is the delta measure at $0.$ And from my understanding, the meaning of "prove that the only invariant ...
Hope's user avatar
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Corollary of Banach's fixed point theorem

I tried to prove this corollary of BFPT. Here's the statement : "Let $\left( E, d \right)$ be a complete metric space and $f : E \longrightarrow E$ a mapping such that $f^p$ is a contraction for ...
Ceru's user avatar
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Other invariant measures than Lebesgue measure?

Consider a rational rotation of the circle. What are other invariant measures different than the Lebesgue measure? Any hints will be greatly appreciated!
Hope's user avatar
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What are the $f$- invariant measures?

Here is a part of the question that I am thinking about: Let $X$ be the unit circle in $\mathbb R^2.$ Let $A$ be a $2\times 2$ matrix with real entries, determinant 1, and which does not have finite ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Find all $\tilde{f}$-invariant measures on $S^1.$

Here is the question I am trying to solve: let $X = \mathbb R$ and let $f: X \to X$ defined by $f(x) = x + 1.$ 1- Use Poincaré recurrence to show that there are no finite $f$-invariant probability ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Show that the only $f$- invariant probability measure is the delta measure at $0.$

Here is the question I am trying to think about: Let $X$ be the open unit disk in $\mathbb C$ and let $f: X \to X$ be given by $f(z) = z^2.$ Use Poincaré recurrence to show that the only $f$- ...
Intuition's user avatar
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Proof of Lemma 4.1.3 in 'Translation Surfaces' by Masur and Athreya

I am having a hard time understanding the proof of Lemma 4.1.3. They make the assertion that $q' \in \alpha^+$, but this statement seems questionable. Here is my thinking. We note that the flow $\phi$ ...
Steven Cripe's user avatar
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Topological entropy equal zero in countable dynamics

Topological entropy Let $X$ a compact metric space with metric $d$. Let $f:X \to X$ a continuous function. For every $n \in \mathbb{N}$ define $$ d_n(x,y) = \max_{0\leq k \leq n-1} d(f^k(x), f^k(y))$$ ...
Jhon Freddy Perez's user avatar
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When $f \times g$ is such that every point has dense orbit?

For a compact metric space $X$ and functions $f,g: X \rightarrow X$, $f \times g: X^2 \rightarrow X^2$ is defined by $(f \times g) (x,y) = (f(x),g(y))$. We also write $(f\times g)^n(x,y) = (f^n(x),g^n(...
H4z3's user avatar
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More on rationally independent subsets of $\mathbb{R}$.

Suppose that $\lambda_{1}, \lambda_{2}, \lambda_{3}\in\mathbb{C}\setminus\{0\}$ and that $\frac{\lambda_2}{\lambda_1}, \frac{\lambda_3}{\lambda_1}\in\mathbb{R}^{+}\setminus\mathbb{Q}$ such that the ...
user 987's user avatar
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Are these mathematical symbols $\omega$-limit sets? [closed]

Given a system defined by a vector field in $\mathbb{R}^2$ with isolated equilibrium solutions, which of the following mathematical symbols could be $\omega$-limit sets for some point? $$\infty, \circ,...
Cyclotomic Manolo's user avatar
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Iterative application of continuous function $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ such that $\lim_{n \to \infty}f^{n}(x)$ exists $\forall x$.

The question Let $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function such that $\lim_{n \to \infty}f^{n}(x)$ exists $\forall x$. Define $S = \{\lim_{n \to \infty}f^{n}(x): x \in \mathbb{R}...
Debu's user avatar
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Non-wandering set of diffeomorphism with a unique fixed point

Let $M$ be a closed manifold and $f\in\mathrm{Diff}^\infty(M)$ be a diffeomorphism of $M$. Suppose that $f$ has a fixed point $p_0$, and that for every $p\in M$, we have $f^n(p)\rightarrow p_0$. Can ...
user815293's user avatar
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Bowen metrics induce the same topology

I'm dealing with the question proving the Bowen metrics induce the same topology. More specifically, given $(X,T)$ be a topological dynamical systems equipped with a metric $d$ ($X$ is compact, $T$ is ...
FactorY's user avatar
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Definition of orbit equivalence

I have a doubt regarding the definition of orbit equivalence as given by Fisher & Hasselblatt in their book Hyperbolic Flows. We say that two flows $\phi, \psi$ on $X, Y$ respectively are orbit ...
fresh's user avatar
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A question on showing $f$ is topological transitive.

Consider $\mathbb{T}^2=\mathbb{R}^2/\mathbb{Z}^2$ and the following unimodular matrix \begin{equation} A=\begin{bmatrix} 2& 1\\ 1& 1 \end{bmatrix}. \end{equation} We know $F\colon\mathbb{R}\...
Sunny. Y's user avatar
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Showing that the horseshoe set is locally minimal

I'm trying to prove the Smale's horseshoe set is locally minimal. More specifically, let $H$ be the horseshoe set described in Section 1.8 in the book "Introduction to Dynamical Systems" by ...
FactorY's user avatar
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References on semigroup actions

I would like to ask for references on semigroup actions on metric spaces from a topological point of view. Thanks
Marco Farotti's user avatar
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How to prove factors of distal systems are distal?

Let $(X,\Phi,d_X)$ and $(Y,\Pi,d_Y)$ be topological systems. Suppose $(X,\Phi,d_X)$ and $(Y,\Pi,d_Y)$ are distal, that is for any $x_1,x_2\in X$ with $x_1\not=x_2$, one has $$\inf\limits_{t\in\mathbb{...
R-CH2OH's user avatar
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Conjugacy of expansive flows

I'm reading "Expansive one-parameter flows" by Bowen-Walters. Let $(X,d)$ be a compact metric space and $\Phi:X\times \mathbb{R}\to X$ be a continuous flow on $X$. They consider the ...
felcove's user avatar
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Intuition of the concepts behind Ergodic Theory

As a graduate math and physics student, I am introducing myself to the study of Ergodic Theory, reading Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems, by Katok and Hasselblatt. I understand ...
ayphyros's user avatar
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Is there a general solution to $f(x)=f^{\circ n}(x)$?

This question has crossed my mind, and I tried finding some solutions to that functional equation, then to find a pattern. It's surprisingly hard to find real functional equation calculators online, ...
Pierre Carlier's user avatar
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If $\omega_f(y) \subseteq \omega_f(x)$ and $int(\omega_f(y)) \neq \varnothing$ then $\omega_f(y) = \omega_f(x)$

We let $X$ be a compact metric space and $f:X\rightarrow X$ a continuous function. For any point $x$ we define the orbit of $x$ under $f$ as $orb_f(x) = \{f^n(x): n \in \mathbb{N}\}$, where $f^n$ is ...
H4z3's user avatar
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Has this metric been considered anywhere?

Let $X$ be a compact metric space and denote by $d$ the metric on $X$. I wondered whether the following metric $d_\infty : C(X,X)\times C(X,X) \rightarrow \mathbb{R_0^+}$ given by $$d_\infty (f,g)= \...
Marco Farotti's user avatar
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There are dense orbits in the set of all allowed sequences

Lately, I have done an exercise in the book "Introduction to Dynamical Systems" by Brin and Stuck. Exercise 1.4.5: Assume that all entries of some power of $A$ are positive. Show that in ...
FactorY's user avatar
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Extending a covering map off an annulus

Let $R$ be a map from the Riemann sphere to itself, upon which its restriction to an annulus $A$ is a covering map to another annulus $B$. Suppose there are critical points in one of the complementary ...
OllyT777's user avatar
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Transitivity condition for monoid action

I am interested in a simple condition for a continuous monoid on a topological space to be topologically transitive. My setting is as follows: Let $X$ be a $2$nd countable topological space and let $M$...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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Critical points of rational mappings of annuli Fatou Component

Given a rational function $R$ from the Riemann sphere to itself and an annulus fatou component $A_0$ we can create the chain $$A_0 \xrightarrow{R} A_1 \xrightarrow{R} A_2 \xrightarrow{R} ...$$ One can ...
OllyT777's user avatar
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Power of minimal system is transitive?

Let $(X,f)$ be a minimal dynamical system. What is the best thing we can deduce about $(X,f^n)$, some $n\in \mathbb{N}$? In particular, do we know that it is at least topologically transitive? Even ...
User's user avatar
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Not every point is recurrent for a hyperbolic toral automorphism

Let $A: \mathbb{T}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{T}^2 $ is a hyperbolic toral automorphism induced by an invertible integer matrix $A$ with no eigenvalues of modulus $1$, we say a point $x \in \mathbb{T}^2$ ...
Xin Fu's user avatar
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Uniquely Ergodic Transformation on compact groups

I am currently reading Einsiedler & Ward's book Ergodic Theory with a view towards Number Theory (GTM259) and am stuck at one of the exercises: Exercise 4.3.2 (p.109): Let $T: X \to X$ be a ...
JNF's user avatar
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How can I check that the following subshift of finite type is topologically mixing?

Let me consider the matrix $$M=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.$$ I want to prove or ...
user123234's user avatar
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Flows Overtime in Dynamical Systems

I am using the textbook Stability, Instability and Chaos by Glenninding to learn dynamical systems. The following excerpt is from the textbook's proof of Theorem 1.14: (1.14) Theorem: The set $\...
Jordan Dennis's user avatar
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Is there a standard term for the log cardinality, or entropy, of the pre-image of an element with respect to a function?

Suppose $h: X \to Y$ where $X$ and $Y$ are finite, i.e., $|X|, |Y| < \infty$. Is there a standard name for the quantity: $$S_h(y) \equiv \log_2 |\text{Pre-image}_h(y)|?$$ For example, if the ...
rkp's user avatar
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Inequality involving minimal cardinality of open subcovers

I am working on the following exercise, where I am not sure if the claim actually holds since I may have found a (simple) counter example. Maybe I am missing something? Let $T \colon X \to X$ be a ...
noam.szyfer's user avatar
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Topological dynamical systems where all ergodic measures satisfy additional properties

Consider a topological dynamical system (tds) $(X, T)$, i.e. a compact metric space $X$ and a continuous map $T : X \to X$ (perhaps a homeomorphism). The ergodic probability measures for $T$ are ...
AJY's user avatar
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What is the definition of the $\omega$-limit set of a point for semiflow?

Let $T$ be a topological semigroup, not necessarily discrete, and $\varphi:T\times X\to X$, where we denote by $(T, X) $, be semiflow on topological space $X$. This means that $\varphi$ is continuous ...
user479859's user avatar
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Uniqueness of the Fixed Point when $f'(x) < 1$ at Fixed Points

For $f : [a,b] \rightarrow [a,b]$, show that if $f$ is continuous and differentiable and $f'(x) < 1$ at points such that $f(x) = x$, then $f$ has a unique fixed point. The proof of the existence ...
saba llama's user avatar
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Actions on Bernoulli space have almost the same orbits

Let $(\mathbb{B}, \nu)$ be the binary space with probability measure $\nu(0) = \nu(1) = \frac{1}{2}$. The map $T : \mathbb{B}^{\mathbb{N}} \to \mathbb{B}^{\mathbb{N}}$ is defined as left addition with ...
WafflesTasty's user avatar
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Left Translation Action is Ergodic with respect to Haar

I am trying to solve exercises on ergodic group actions, from the A. Ioana's lecture notes "Orbit Equivalence of Ergodic Group Actions". The following exercise (p.3, Exr.1.14) has two parts, ...
WafflesTasty's user avatar
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Prove that $\omega$-limit set of a recurrent point of a planar flow is a periodic orbit.

Let $f:U\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^2$ a $C^1$ vector field in an open set $U\subseteq\mathbb{R}^2$ and $p\in U$ a regular point of $f$. Show that if $p\in \omega_p(f)$, then $\omega_p(f)$ is a periodic ...
Daniel Checa's user avatar
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Every compact metric space contains some minimal set

A set $A$ is minimal if it is nonempty, closed, invariant (i.e. $f(A) \subseteq A$) and it does not contain any proper nonempty, closed, invariant subset. Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $f:X \...
Pan Miroslav's user avatar
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The tent map system is transitive. Can we actually identify any of the infinitely many transitive points, however?

$\newcommand{\O}{\mathcal{O}}\newcommand{\G}{\mathcal{G}}\newcommand{\T}{\mathcal{T}}$TLDR; skip to the end of the preamble - we know that the tent map system is topologically transitive. However, do ...
FShrike's user avatar
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Tent map is topologically transitive

Let $T:[0,1] \to [0,1]$ be the function $Tx= 2x$, if $ x \in [0, \frac{1}{2}]$ and $Tx = 2-2x$, if $ x \in ( \frac{1}{2} , 1] $. We say that a map is topologically transitive if, for any pair $U, V$ ...
Just Try's user avatar