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Questions tagged [teichmueller-theory]

Questions related to the work and continuation of Oswald Teichmüller on Teichmüller theory, especially Teichmüller spaces.

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Orientation for groups

I am significantly rewriting this question, as, I hope, I can formulate it now better from a different angle. Is there such a concept as an orientation for a group? (For some classes of groups?) Here ...
Taras's user avatar
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Why is bers' Beltrami differential harmonic?

I am reading the book "An introduction to Teihmuller spaces" by Y. Imayoshi and M. Taniguchi. In chapter 6, p153, when constructing a local inverse of Bers' Embedding, Bers' Beltrami ...
CharlieHo's user avatar
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Questions on Relative Forms and the de Rham Theorem in Geometry of Algebraic Curves, Vol. II

In Geometry of Algebraic Curves, Vol. II, by Arbarello, Cornalba, and Griffiths, they use the notation $\mathcal{A}^q_{X/Y}$ to define the sheaf of smooth relative $q$-forms for a smooth fibration $X \...
Framate's user avatar
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Induced flat metric from holomorphic quadratic differential

Given a holomorphic quadratic differential $q$ on a Riemann surface, there is a natural coordinate to make $q=z^kdz\otimes dz$ locally. On A Primer on Mapping Class Groups, p.312, it says, "The ...
Kat's user avatar
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Explicit description of Fuchsian group for hyperbolic surfaces of finite type

Let $S_g$ be a Riemann surface with genus $g>1$. Uniformization theorem says the universal covering of $S_g$ is the upper half plan $\mathbb{H}$ and $S_g$ is conformal equivalent to $\mathbb{H}/\...
CharlieHo's user avatar
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Renormalization in holomorphic dynamics

Renormalization seems to play an ever increasing in scope and importance role in the field of holomorphic dynamics, but there seem to be hardly any modern resources adressing the principal ideas ...
Prelude's user avatar
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Understanding Gauss-Manin connection on Arbarello's book

I am trying to understand the Gauss-Manin conecction in order to understand the definition of the Period Mapping on the Moduli space of algebraic curves of genus $g$ and its extension to the ...
Framate's user avatar
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Existence of critical trajectories of quadratic differential

Let $P$ be a polynomial with complex coefficients. A horizontal trajectory is a curve in $\mathbb{C}$ such that $P(z) \, dz^2 > 0$, i.e. a solution $\gamma$ to the differential equation $$P(\gamma(...
UtilityMaximiser's user avatar
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Split and differentiable locally trivial submersion, and more confusions on a proof in John H Hubbard's book

The "split" means Let E, F be Banach spaces, A surjective linear map $f:E\rightarrow F$ is said to split if $ker f$ admits a closed complement. More generally, a submersion is a split ...
Kenny S's user avatar
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A question about Möbius transformation and Beltrami forms

In the Page 170, Proposition 4.8.19 of John H. Hubbard's book "Teichmuller theory and applications to geometry, topology and dynamics", the author said: Let $A: P^{1}\rightarrow P^{1}$ be a ...
Kenny S's user avatar
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Moduli spaces of surfaces to algebraic stacks

I've been reading through Farb and Margalit's book on the action of the mapping class group on Teichmuller space to get a moduli space. This is a very topological/geometric construction, looking at ...
thechair28's user avatar
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Existence of extremal map in teichmuller class

Let $R$ be a Riemann surface, and define two quasiconformal maps $f_i : R \rightarrow R_i, i=1,2$ to be equivalent if there exists a conformal map $c : R_0 \rightarrow R_1$ and a homotopy $g_t : R \...
porridgemathematics's user avatar
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Holomorphic 1-forms as a subspace of the first de Rham cohomology group of a surface

If we fix a complex structure $c$ on a closed oriented surface $S$, then the space of holomorphic 1-forms $\Omega^1(S,c)$ has complex dimension equal to the genus $g$ of $S$ and - since they are all ...
Christian's user avatar
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Volume of strata of abelian differentials

I am reading this paper on the volume of strata in the moduli space of abelian differentials, and just have a small clarificatory question. On page 4, the volume ...
Peng Hao's user avatar
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Non-compact Riemann surfaces with zero Euler characteristics

The question arises because of a statement in John H.Hubbard's book "Teichmuller theory and Applications to Geometry, Topology and Dynamics, vol 1" Page 130, Chapter 4.4.It says that: The ...
Kenny S's user avatar
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Understanding a curve system on the boundary of Teichmuller space

I am reading the paper: and I try to understand the behavior on the boundary. I have some problems understanding this definition. On page 26, the authors give a ...
Framate's user avatar
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Are the Teichmuller spaces equivalent?

I have this question in my mind since a long time. But I am failed to find an answer. The following figures are closed, connected, orientable surfaces of genus $2$. Topologically both surfaces are ...
user1180312's user avatar
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What is Higher Teichmuller Theory?

I am interested in representation of surface group. So, I am studying the book Lectures on Representations of Surface Groups by Francois Labourie. The main goal of representation of surface groups is ...
user1180312's user avatar
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$\Gamma_{\tilde{P}}$ is a free group generated by two hyperbolic transformations

Book: An introduction to Teichmuller spaces by Imayoshi & Taniguchi. Let $R$ be a Riemann surface whose universal cover is $\Bbb D^2$ (i.e. Hyperbolic surface). Consider cutting $R$ by a family of ...
one potato two potato's user avatar
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Pure mapping classes

I am a new guy in mapping class groups and I am very confused about pure mapping classes tonight. From the Primer by Farb and Margalit, I learned the definition of pure mapping class groups PMod$(S_{g,...
quuuuuin's user avatar
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Isometric embedding of Teichmüller spaces

Let $S_{g,k}$ be a genus $g$ surface with $k$ punctures. Let $\mathrm{Mod}(S)$ be the extended mapping class group of a surface, defined as the isotopy classes of the self-homeomorphisms of surface $S$...
ASH's user avatar
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Constructing a pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism

Let S be a genus 2 closed surface. Consider the two non-separating red curves (say $\alpha$ & $\beta$) in the picture. I want to construct a pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism $\phi: S \rightarrow S$ ...
W.Smith's user avatar
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Convergence in Teichmüller space

Question 1 Let $X$ be a compact hyperbolic Riemann surface and let $\{[\mu_n]\}$ be a sequence of points in the Teichmüller space $\mathcal T(X)$. Further, assume there are maps $f_n:X \xrightarrow{q....
Mohith Nagaraju's user avatar
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Does moving a small enough distance in Teichmüller space change the marking?

Let $S_{g}$ be a genus $g$ closed Riemann surface. The Teichmüller space $\mathcal{T}(S_{g})$ is the set of all pairs $(X,\phi)$ where $X$ is a Riemann surface of genus $g$ and $\phi : S_{g} \...
W.Smith's user avatar
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Why is the Thurston pullback map well-defined?

If $f:S^2 \rightarrow S^2$ is a Thurston mapping of degree $d$ (a finite ramified covering map with finite postcritical set $P_f$). The Thurston pullback map $\sigma_f: \mathcal{T}_{S^2 \setminus P_f} ...
Nick's user avatar
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Reference request: bundle of holomorphic differentials over Teichmüller space

Let $S$ be a compact orientable surface of genus $\geq 2$ and let $\mathcal{M}_{-1}(S)$ be the space of smooth hyperbolic metrics on $S$. Then one can define the Teichmüller space on $S$ as $\mathcal{...
Nikolas's user avatar
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Different definitions for the Teichmüller space of puctured spheres

My question is about understanding of equivalence of two different definition for the Teichmüller space of hyperbolic surfaces $\mathbb{S}^2 \setminus P$, where $|P| \geq 3$. The first definition for ...
A B's user avatar
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Question about Hubbard's analytic definition of quasiconformality. Aren't weak derivatives only defined up to a set of measure zero?

I'm a bit confused about something that appears in the fourth chapter of Hubbard's Teichmüller Theory text. In his statement of Weyl's lemma, he says that if $f$ is a distribution whose weak/...
cjohnson's user avatar
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Teichmuller space of the 4-punctured sphere

I'm a bit confused working with Teichmuller space at the moment. Let's think of Teichmuller space as the space of holomorphic/conformal structures on a surface, up to diffeomorphisms isotopic to the ...
Ethan Dlugie's user avatar
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When is a g-dimensional subspace of $H^1(S; \mathbb{C})$ the $H^{1,0}$ of a complex structure on $S$?

Given a closed surface $S$ of genus $g \geq 1$ there are lots of choices of complex structure, and each one singles out a subspace of the surface's first cohomology group with complex coefficients ...
cjohnson's user avatar
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Automorphism classes of branched covers of disks over disks

I was reading Hubbard's book (Teichmuller Theory Vol 2) and in a proof (9.3.2), he mentions that there is one branched cover of the disk over a disk with 1 ramification point (degree $k$) up to ...
Atrebor's user avatar
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Learning Roadmap for 3-dimensional Hyperbolic Geometry

I am interested in learning Teichmuller theory. Previously, I learnt 2 dimensional hyperbolic geometry from S. Katok's book. Now, I am interested in learning about significance of hyperbolic geometry ...
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Quotient of hyperbolic disc model

I am trying to learn decorated Teichmüller theory and reading Penner's "Decorated Teichmüller Theory" book. In Chapter 2 in "Punctured Surfaces" section I got confused. Let $\...
user794509's user avatar
7 votes
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What is Representation of Surface Groups?

I had a question in my mind for a month ago. Mainly I am interested in Hyperbolic Geometry. I found a topic named "Representation Theory of Surface Groups". Let me tell about what is a "...
user2022's user avatar
3 votes
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References on hyperbolic geometry and Teichmuller Theory

I am asking a soft question here. I am learning hyperbolic geometry on my own. Recently, I have completed the book "Fuchsian Groups" by Svetlana Katok. Also, I have background in Lee's three ...
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Lemma 3.6 in Kerckhoff's "The Nielsen Realization Problem"

I am confused by the proof of Lemma 3.6 in Kerckhoff's "The Nielsen Realization Problem." Let $\gamma \in S$ ($S$ is the set of isotopy classes of simple closed curves) and $\bar{\gamma}(t)$ ...
discretephenom's user avatar
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Thurston Compactification

Sorry in advance for my English. I'm studying the Thurston compactification from the Jean-Pierre Otal's book "The Hyperbolization Theorem for Fibered 3-Manifolds". I have a question, what $\mathbb{...
Violet Rodriguez's user avatar
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When might Fenchel-Nielsen twist coordinates exceed 1/4?

When a compact Riemann surface of genus $g$ is cut up along $3g-3$ disjoint geodesic loops into $2g-2$ pairs of pants, the result is often described by giving Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates: one length ...
Lyle Ramshaw's user avatar
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Singularities of moduli spaces $M_g$

This survey paper from Lizhen Ji says: Teichmüller was aware that nontrivial automorphisms of Riemann surfaces caused difficulty in constructing $M_g$ and singularities of $M_g$, and he ...
6666's user avatar
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Fourier coefficients of a function

Prove that for $w(\zeta)=-\frac{(\zeta-1)(\zeta+1)(\zeta+i)}{\pi}\left\{\iint_{\Delta} \frac{\mu(z) d x d y}{(z-1)(z+1)(z+i)(\zeta-z)}+\iint_{\Delta} \frac{i \overline{\mu(z)} d x d y}{(\bar{z}-1)(\...
Faye Tao's user avatar
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Induced map from the universal cover of the base space to the Teichmuller space of the fiber is holomorphic

Let $\phi:X\to Y$ be a submersion and holomorphic map with not every two fibers are biholomorphic, where $X$ a compact complex surface, $Y$ is a Riemann surface. Let $\pi:U\to Y$ be the universal ...
6666's user avatar
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how do the Lp spaces sit inside Teichmüller space?

I've heard it said that Teichmüller space gives a metric to the space of all metric spaces. If this is so, where do the Lp spaces sit in the space of all metric spaces?
isomorphismes's user avatar
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Homeomorphism Between Closed Riemann Surfaces Homotopic to Quasiconformal Mapping

I'm re-reading a paper of Bers and for the second time, and I am yet again confused about the claim in the title, which Bers declares to be easy to prove. For context, I'll lay out some terminology....
Triangle's user avatar
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Atlas for hyperbolic pair of pants

I was reading about Teichmüller spaces and how you give a hyperbolic structure to a pair of pants via glueing two right angled hexagons, but I wanted to know if there was an explicit way to describe ...
user154658's user avatar
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A Third Derivative in Ahlfors' `Some Remarks on Teichmuller Space'

I'm slugging my way through Ahlfors' "Some Remarks on Teichmuller Space" and am stuck on the calculation of equation (1.18). The problem here is to compute the third derivative, on the unit disk $\...
Triangle's user avatar
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Surjectivity of parameters for torus double cover of sphere

Let $T=\mathbb{C}/\Lambda$ be a torus, viewed as a Riemann surface. Quotienting out by the relation $z\sim -z$ gives a double cover $\pi : T \to \hat{\mathbb{C}}$ of the Riemann sphere, ramified over ...
Antti S.'s user avatar
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Understanding Teichmuller equivalence of marked compact Riemann surfaces

Let me give some definitions to begin with. Let $\Lambda$ be a compact orientable two-dimensional (over $\mathbb R$) manifold of genus $p>2$. Let $g$ be a conformal structure on $\Lambda$, and $...
trisct's user avatar
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Could someone explain to me what a Teichmuller Space is?

In the simplest terms possible, for someone who understands the basics of Manifolds, Topology, but barely any of the more complicated topics. I've been using the following:
TherealAliG's user avatar
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Moduli Space of Tori identified with $\mathbb{C}$

I am currently reading through the book An Introduction to Teichmüller Spaces by Imayoshi and Taniguchi. In Section 1.2, we see that $M_1$, the moduli space of tori, can be identified with $\mathbb{H}/...
nilradical1's user avatar
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Why is the matrix representation of an almost complex structure like this?

Let $M$ be a Riemann surface, $J$ be an almost complex structure (i.e. a 1-1 tensor such that $J^2=-I$ and for any $x \in M,v,w \in T_xM, \{v,Jv\}$ is oriented). Consider a conformal coordinate at a ...
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