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Group theory - Transfer function and commutator

I'm stuck with this one: Let $J$ normal in $H$, $H$ normal in $G$, with $G/H$ finite and $H/J$ abelian. Let $\operatorname{tr}$ be the transfer $G \to H/J$ and let $\operatorname{Im}\operatorname{tr} =...
Pred1602's user avatar
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I still don't know why does from $b\in \{a^n|a\in G\}$ follow that $b\in H$.

In my previous post: Question about normal subgroups I got an answer to help with canonical epimorphism $\pi:G\rightarrow G/H$. In this answer we didn't use anywhere that $H$ is a normal subgroup in $...
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Let $\mathbb{T}=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\mid|z|=1\}$ and $N=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\mid z^3=1\}$.

Let $\mathbb{T}=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\mid |z|=1\}$ and $N=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\mid z^3=1\}$. I was able to prove that $N$ is normal subgroup of group $\mathbb{T}$. Furthermore, I show that $\mathbb{T}/N \...
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Let $D_6=\langle x,y\mid x^6=y^2=e,xy=yx^5\rangle $ and $H=\langle x^3,y\rangle$, $K=\langle x^2\rangle$.

Let $D_6=\langle x,y\mid x^6=y^2=e,xy=yx^5\rangle$ and $H=\langle x^3,y\rangle$, $K=\langle x^2\rangle$. a) Are $H, K$ normal subgroups of $D_6$? b) Is the quotient group $D_6/Z(D_6)$ Abelian? I first ...
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Trying to classify a quotient group

Consider a $3 \times 3$ matrix with $1$'s on the diagonal, an $a_{12}$ entry from integers, and $a_{13}$ and $a_{23}$ entries from real numbers. What's the quotient of this group with the Heisenberg ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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$G/P$ is isomorphic to $C_4 \times C_4$

$G$ is the group of matrices \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ 0 & c \end{pmatrix} where $a, b, c \in \mathbb{Z}/5$ with $a, c \neq 0$. This is a group of order $80$ with one (normal) $5$-Sylow ...
ScintillatingWolves's user avatar
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Index of a subgroup is finite

Suppose I have a group $G$ and a commutative subgroup $H$ and another subgroup $K\subseteq H$. So I have $K\leq H\leq G$. Moreover, suppose I know that the index $\vert G:H\vert$ is finite. I have to ...
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Classify the group $(\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z})/\langle(1,1)\rangle$

Classify the group $(\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{Z}_3)/\langle(1,1)\rangle$ according to the fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups. My Attempt \begin{align} G=\mathbb{Z}\times \mathbb{...
Sooraj Soman's user avatar
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Question about the quotient group $a\mathbb{Z}/b\mathbb{Z}$

I know that $a\mathbb{Z} \cap b\mathbb{Z}=lcm(a,b)\mathbb{Z}$ and $a\mathbb{Z}+b\mathbb{Z}=mcd(a,b)\mathbb{Z}$. Is there something similar for $a\mathbb{Z}/b\mathbb{Z}$?
James Garrett's user avatar
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Difference between quotient group and quotient topology

Suppose $(X,\tau_X), (Y,\tau_Y),(Z,\tau_Z)$ are topology space, let $p: X\to Y$ is a surjective map, we have if $g: Y\to Z$ is continuous $\iff f:=g\circ p$ is continuous, then $\tau_Y$ is quotient ...
MGIO's user avatar
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(Weak) Commensurability is an equivalence relation on the class of groups

I got stuck trying to do this problem, it is Exercise 5.E.16 in Clara Löh's Geometric Group Theory: An Introduction. First, let me quote the definitions: Two groups $G$ and $H$ are commensurable if ...
Neckverse Herdman's user avatar
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Number of distinct decompositions of $Z/(p) \oplus Z/(p)$ in a direct sum of two proper subgroups

I have read some similar questions and answers but it was not easy for me to understand them. So I ask you to check my solution. The question is to find the number of distinct decompositions of $Z/(p)...
mathemaniac's user avatar
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Existence of an element of a group whose order is the same as that of its congruency class

Let $G$ a finite group , and $H$ a normal subgroup of G. Let $x$ be an element of $G$ and $\bar{x}$ its congruency class in $G/H$. Let $c \in G/H$, such that : $ord(c) \wedge |H|=1$. Show that there ...
Adam Boussif's user avatar
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Quotient group simplification exercise

I am doing some abstract algebra and it's been a hot second since I've done group theory. For both exercises, like $a, b, c, d$ all be free variables that generate a group with $\mathbb{Z}$ ...
cheeseboardqueen's user avatar
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If $G$ is finitely generated and $G/N$ is finitely presented, then $N$ is the normal closure of a finite set

Suppose $G$ is a finitely generated group and $N$ is a normal subgroup of $G$ such that $G/N$ is a finitely presented .Then show that $N$ is a normal closure of some finite set of $G$. Self studying ...
Neckverse Herdman's user avatar
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Quotient Groups and the Zero Element

I'm trying to understand tensor products from a rigorous mathematical perspective, and while there are definitely other ways to understand it, understanding it using quotient spaces will also help me ...
Aryan MP's user avatar
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How to find the generator matrix for the quotient group $C/C^{⟂}$ using a list of coset representatives of $C^{⟂}$ in $C$?

$C$ is the $[6,5,2]$ classical binary code. I am trying to find the generator matrix for the quotient group $C/C^{⟂}$ from the list of coset representatives of $C^{⟂}$ in $C$. My question refers to ...
am567's user avatar
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Let $\mathbb{R^*}$ be the multiplicative group of nonzero real numbers.Which of the following statements are true? [closed]

Let $\mathbb{R^*}$ be the multiplicative group of nonzero real numbers.Which of the following is true? 1. If $H\subseteq\mathbb{R^*}$ is a subgroup such that $x^2\in H$ for all $x\in\mathbb{R^*}$, ...
Sandeep Tiwari's user avatar
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If $G/Z(G)$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $\mathbb Q$ then $G$ is abelian.

I want to show the following two statements: a) Let $G$ be a group such that $G/Z(G)$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of $\mathbb Q$ then $G$ is abelian. For part a) I have the following facts "If $G/...
Fuat Ray's user avatar
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Counting the number of double cosets for subgroup

Let $H,K \le G$ and consider the set of double cosets $ H \backslash G / K$. If we have $H' \le H$, is there a formula expressing $| H' \backslash G / K|$ in terms of $|H \backslash G / K|$, $|H:H'|$...
J. S.'s user avatar
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Finitely Generated Group and Isomorphic Copy of Quotient Groups [duplicate]

Given finitely generated (not necessarily abelian) group $G$ and normal subgroup $N\triangleleft G$, then $G/N\cong H\leq G$. Is this statement correct? The reason why I am suspicious this to be true ...
J.G.131's user avatar
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Prove that $U(40)/U_8(40) $ is cyclic but $U(40)/U_5(40)$ is not cyclic.

I was reading the chapter about Factor groups in Joseph A. Gallian's Contemporary abstract algebra and I ran into the following problem. $$\text{Prove that }U(40)/U_8(40) \text{ is cyclic but } U(40)/...
Selim Bamri's user avatar
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Every abelian quotient group is a quotient group of $G/G'$ [duplicate]

A group theory book (not in English) I'm reading states the following: $G/G'$ is the largest abelian quotient group. In fact, every other abelian quotient group is also a quotient group of $G/G'$, ...
M_N1's user avatar
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The free product has the direct product as a factor group. What's the corresponding normal subgroup?

Let $G$ and $H$ be groups. Consider the free product $G * H$ and the direct product $G \times H$. There is a particular way of identifying $G \times H$ as a factor group of $G * H$. Namely, the ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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Closed subgroups of the additive group of adeles and their "modulo 2" quotients

I was wondering if in the adeles ring over $\mathbb{Q}$, viewed as an additive group, any closed subgroup H is such that $((1/2)H)/H$ is finite or compact, where $1/2H$ is the group of adeles $x$ such ...
Eric Chopin's user avatar
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Ordering of group elements in MultiplicationTable vs CosetTable in GAP

I construct a finitely presented discrete group $G$ in GAP, a normal subgroup $H\triangleleft G$ of finite index $N$, and the factor group $G/H$ of order $N$. Assume for simplicity that $G$ has two ...
MathPhysGeek's user avatar
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Subgroups and Quotient Groups of Infinite bounded Abelian p-groups

I am looking to a reference to a solution of Exercise 13 (page 91) of L. Fuchs, Infinite Abelian Groups, Vol. 1, Academic Press, 1970. There is no solution to this exercise in a collection Exercises ...
George's user avatar
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Rules of Products of Quotient Groups [duplicate]

Suppose that you have 2 groups, $G$ and $H$, such that $H\trianglelefteq G$. I was wondering if we can say that $$ (G/H) \times H \cong G $$ I know some rules about product and quotient groups work &...
Joshua G-F's user avatar
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Example for $[G : G\cap H] \neq [H:G\cap H]$ with isomorphic subgroups $G \cong H$?

For isomorphic finite subgroups $G,H$ of a group $A$ it holds $[G : G\cap H] = [H: G\cap H]$, since $[G : G\cap H] = \frac{|G|}{|G\cap H|} = \frac{|H|}{|G\cap H|} =[H: G\cap H]$. Does this also hold ...
psl2Z's user avatar
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Let $K\le H\le G$ with $[G:H]<\infty$. Is $[G:K]<\infty$ necessarily?

While reading this proof for the Tower Law for Subgroups, the data for the theorem only stipulates that H is a subgroup of G with finite index, and that K is a subgroup of H. Later in the proof ...
giorgio's user avatar
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If $G \cong G'$ and $H \cong H'$ where $H \trianglelefteq G$ and $H' \trianglelefteq G'$, is then also $G/H \cong G'/H'$?

This seems pretty trivial, but I used it in an assignment and want to double-, triple check. If $G \cong G'$ and $H \cong H'$ where $H \trianglelefteq G$ and $H' \trianglelefteq G'$ are normal ...
soggycornflakes's user avatar
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Showing that a normal subgroup is equal to the kernel of a homomorphism.

I'm having trouble understanding part of the proof of the classical version of the Seifert-Van Kampen theorem in Munkres: Theorem 70.2 (Seifert-Van Kampen theorem, classical version). Let $X=U\cup V$,...
Ricky's user avatar
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Elements of $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ and prove it's simple group

I'm trying to understand properties of groups. Since $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ ($p$ is prime) is quotient group It should be set of all left cosets of $p\mathbb{Z}$ in $\mathbb{Z}$ which is, $ \{ m+pn ...
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Does $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q}$ contain a subgroup isomorphic to $\mathbb{Q}$?

I was wondering how to prove that $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q}$ contains a subgroup isomorphic to $\mathbb{Q}$. I know that $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Q}$ is torsion-free, but I don't know if using that would help ...
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In $(G_1\times G_2)/G_2$, I am confused since $G_2$ is clearly not a subgroup of $G_1\times G_2$

I have seen the following expression in the text book of algebra chapter$0$. $(G_1\times G_2)/G_2$. I am confused since $G_2$ is clearly not a subgroup of $G_1\times G_2$, and hence not a normal ...
azheng's user avatar
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First Isomorphism Theorem not concerned with Injectivity?

I have a question regarding the application of the First Isomorphism Theorem for Groups in proofs; why are the proofs not concerned with whether the respective map is injective? To clarify my question,...
Spectral's user avatar
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Classify $(\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z})/\left<(1,1,2)\right>$

I am following a solution to classify $G/H$, $G=\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}\times\mathbb{Z}$, $H=\langle (1,1,2)\rangle$, according to the theorem of finitely generated abelian groups. This is my first ...
hirdajarzu's user avatar
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How to represent elements from $\bar{E}=E/Z(E)$ in the form $(a|b)$

From Background The group $E$ of tensor products $\pm w_{1} \otimes \dots \otimes w_{n}$ and $\pm i w_{1} \otimes \dots \otimes w_{n}$, where each $w_{j}$ is one ...
am567's user avatar
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Quotient group and classification of quotient groups $\mathbb{Z}^3/H$

I'm studying quotient groups (by myself) and having a hard time with them. I will reference Calculate the quotient groups and classify $\mathbb{Z^3}/(1, 1, 1)$ - Fraleigh p. 151 15.8 Classification ...
hirdajarzu's user avatar
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What is the relationship between between the quotient groups $G/\overline{H}$ and $N(H)/H$?

Given a group $G$ and a subgroup $H\subseteq G$, let $\overline{H}=\langle ghg^{-1}\mid h\in H\text{ and } g\in G\rangle$ be the normal closure of $H$ and $N(H)=\{g\in G\mid gHg^{-1}=H\}$ be the ...
AkDumb's user avatar
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Prove by universal property that epimorphism onto quotient group kills the subgroup

Today I'm obsessed with universal properties and I'm trying to prove that the universal property of quotient groups implies that the subgroup is killed by the cannonical epimorphism. I hope this ...
Al.G.'s user avatar
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How do we know that the quotient group $\bar{E} = E/Z(E)$ is an elementary abelian group

My question is: How do we know that the quotient group $\bar{E}=E/Z(E)$ is an elementary abelian group? Please find below some background information on the different relevant groups involved from ...
am567's user avatar
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$H$ acts on $G/H$. Show that $\mathrm{Fix}(H) = G/H$

So $H$ acts on $G/H$. Where $H$ is a subgroup of $G$. We are also given that $|G| = p^2$ and $|H| = p$, where p is a prime. $$ H \times G/H \rightarrow G/H, \quad (h, gH) \rightarrow h * (gH) = (hg)H $...
GodelEscher's user avatar
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Is there a way to relate the real numbers mod 1 to quotient groups?

My group theory textbook gives the following definition for the real numbers mod 1 Let $G = \{x \in \mathbb{R} \mid 0 \leq x < 1\}$ and for $x, y \in G$ let $x + y$ be the fractional part of $x + ...
Ethan Kharitonov's user avatar
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Series of nested normal subgroup (composition series) induces a sequence of quotient groups

In Group theory in a nutshell by A. Zee on pg. 66 he introduces sequences of nested normal subgroups: $G \rhd H_1 \rhd H_2 \rhd \dots \rhd H_k \rhd I$. Then he says that this induces a sequence of ...
Jens Wagemaker's user avatar
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Let $G$ be a group then does $\{e\}/G$ make sense?

For context, I was trying to show that the quotient of a solvable group is solvable. For a normal subgroup $N$ I was able to show that ${(G/N)}^{(k)}={G}^{(k)}/N$ and thus by using the fact that $G$ ...
Al-Amin Miah's user avatar
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Index of the multiple of a group in itself

Let $m, n \geq 1$, prove that $[\mathbb{Z}/m \mathbb{Z} : n\left( \mathbb{Z}/m \mathbb{Z} \right)] = \text{gcd}(m, n)$ When writing out the index as the cardinality of the quotient space, this looks ...
user1164922's user avatar
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What are the elements of the group $15 \mathbb Z/ 15 \mathbb Z$?

My question is: What are the elements of the group $15 \mathbb Z/ 15 \mathbb Z$? I am confused between if it is the 0 coset or the 1 coset. I want to conclude that $$12 \mathbb Z/ 24 \mathbb Z \times ...
Idonotknow's user avatar
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True/false: If $N\unlhd G$, then for any homomorphism $f:G\to G/N$, the kernel of $f$ contains $N$. [closed]

I want to know whether the following statement is true. And if it is, how one can prove it. "If $N\trianglelefteq G$, then for any homomorphism $f:G\to G/N$, the kernel of $f$ contains $N$."
FSY's user avatar
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Proving that $A_4/V_4$ can be generated by $\sigma V_4$ where $\sigma$ is a 3-cycle

Define $V_4 = \{ \text{id}, (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) \}$ I want to prove that given a 3-cycle $\sigma$, $A_4/V_4 = \langle\sigma V_4\rangle$. So far I have proved that $V_4$ is a normal ...
GodelEscher's user avatar

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