Suppose I have a group $G$ and a commutative subgroup $H$ and another subgroup $K\subseteq H$. So I have $K\leq H\leq G$. Moreover, suppose I know that the index $\vert G:H\vert$ is finite. I have to prove or disprove that $\vert G: K\vert $ is finite.
My attempt: I think it is true. So I tried proving the statement. By Lagrange theorem we have $$\vert G:K\vert = \vert G:H\vert \vert H:K\vert.$$ Thus
$$\frac{\vert G:K\vert}{\vert H:K\vert} $$ is finite. Which implies that $\vert H:K\vert$ is finite.
I am very iffy about this proof. Since some things could be infinite so it feels strange to me... Can someone help me understand this better or push me into the right direction?