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Questions tagged [normal-distribution]

This tag is for questions on the Gaussian, or normal probability distribution, which may include multi-dimensional normal distribution. The normal distribution is the most common type of distribution assumed in technical stock market analysis and in other types of statistical analyses.

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Finding a CI for variance using Chi squared, when mean is known and samples are normal but not canonized

I've been meaning to find a $(1-\alpha)$ CI for the variance of a normal distribution given $n$ samples $X_1,X_2,\dots, X_n$, where the mean is known. Where in class we've been introduced to a ...
kal_elk122's user avatar
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Total variation distance of discrete gaussian and discrete uniform($-\lceil \sigma\rceil+1, \lceil \sigma\rceil$)

I want to find the statistical distance (Total variation distance) between a discrete gaussian centered in $0$ and standard deviation $\sigma$, and a discrete uniform with set $(-\lceil \sigma\rceil, \...
Barals's user avatar
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Prove that $Y=\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(X_i-\mu)^2$ and $\bar{X}$ are not independent

Given that $X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$, $X_1,X_2,...,X_n$ is a set of samples and $\bar{X}=\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^nX_i$, how to prove that $Y=\frac{1}{\sigma^2}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n(X_i-\mu)^2$ and $\...
GOSC's user avatar
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Sum of Cauchy distributions

Consider a sum of Cauchy distributions $$ L(x,\eta)=\frac1{\pi}\frac{\eta}{x^2+\eta^2}. $$ centred at $x=0$ and with widths $\eta_n=n$, for $n=1,2,\ldots$. Specifically $$ G_N(x)=\sum_{n=1}^Na_nL(x,n),...
yarchik's user avatar
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Asymptotes of an integral

Given the function $$f(x,y)=\int_0^{\infty } \frac{1}{\sqrt{u}} e^{-\frac{x^2}{u}} e^ {-\frac{(y-u)^2}{2}} \, du$$ for $x>0$, I am wondering if it is possible to find an explicit expression for it, ...
umby's user avatar
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Limit $\mathbb E[|(\text{Poi}(\mu)-\mu)/\sqrt{\mu}|^{k}]\, /\,\mathbb E[|\text{N}(0,1)|^{k}]$ as $\mu=k^{3}$ and $k\to\infty$

Consider a Poisson random variable $X \sim \text{Poisson}(\mu)$ and a standard normal random variable $Y \sim \text{N}(0,1)$. We're interested in comparing their normalized moments. For any positive ...
Thomas Ahle's user avatar
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Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be normal random variables. What is the distribution of $\sum X_i^2 \mid \sum X_i$?

Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be i.i.d. $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ random variables. Suppose that I have observed the sum, $\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$, and I want to know the distribution of the sum of the squares, $\sum_{i=1}...
Alex's user avatar
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Is a least squares minimization equivalent to taking the product of the gaussians described by the data?

Suppose you have $N$ independent measurements of linear combinations of a multivariate normal vector $X$ such that measurement $D_i$ is $A^T_iX = \mu_i \pm \sigma_i$. One way to estimate the mean $\mu$...
Physics_Questions_Abound's user avatar
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Generalised Laplace/Gauss transform of $\frac{\exp(-ax)}{x}$

Let $a>0$ be a constant and suppose $x\in\mathbb R_+$, how to prove: $\frac{\exp(-ax)}{x}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp(-x^2t^2-\frac{a^2}{4t^2})dt$ ? This seems like the ...
Talent's user avatar
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Auto-correlation Calculation

I am solving a problem where the noise in the system is given by a Wiener process $$\Phi_{L}(t) = \int_0^t \Phi'_{L}(\tau)d\tau $$ where $\Phi'_L(t)$ is modelled as a zero-mean white Gaussian process ...
SiPh's user avatar
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Convergence to Independent Gaussian Processes

Suppose $(X_n(t):t \in [0,1])_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ and $(Y_n(t):t \in [0,1]))_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ are two sequences of stochastic processes taking values in $C([0,1])$ (equipped with uniform topology). ...
yrq's user avatar
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Fixed-Length Confidence Interval Using Varying Sample Size [closed]

I had a question regarding an exercise aimed at creating bounded length confidence intervals using a varying sample size from which we compute the sample variance for a fixed number. More specifically,...
Ryan Sfeila's user avatar
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Distribution of the Square of the Minimum of Two Standard Normal Random Variables // Proving $Z^2 \sim \chi_1^2$ ​ for Z=min(X,Y) [closed]

Let $X$ and $Y$ be i.i.d. $N(0,1)$ random variables, and define $Z = \min(X, Y)$. Prove that $Z^2 \sim \chi_1^2$. Let X and Y be independent and identically distributed standard normal random ...
Evrim's user avatar
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How to relate a sequence following an error fuction and another sequence derived from the first sequence using their standard deviations?

I am an engineering student and want to derive a reasonable relation between a sequence derived from a normal distribution and the other seqence derived from the first sequence. I have a sequence of ...
barikata1984's user avatar
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Show a random walk bridge from $-N$ to $N$, with standard normal steps, converges in law to a Brownian bridge on $(-1,1)$.

Consider a random walk on $[-N,N] \cap \mathbb{Z}$, with Gaussian step disribution $N(0,1)$, conditioned on being $0$ on the boundary. Denote this random walk by $h_N$. I have an exercise which I can'...
mathematico's user avatar
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Berry-Esseen Bounds for Summation of CDF

Consider the Binomial Random Variable $X \sim Bin(n, p)$. I want to approximate $\sum_{x = 0}^a F(x)$ using the Normal, where $F(x)$ denotes the $Bin(n, p)$ CDF. We know that using Berry-Esseen ...
Haricharan B's user avatar
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Sample complexity of covariance matrix estimation of a Gaussian random variable (with explicit constants)

I'm looking for an explicit bound for the number of samples required to estimate the covariance matrix of a Gaussian distribution. In (end of page 31), the following ...
Antonio Anna Mele's user avatar
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Ratio of Gaussian Quadratic Form

Let $A \in \mathbb{R}^{d\times d}$ be a symmetric and PSD matrix. Let $Z \sim \mathcal{N}(0,\mathbb{I}_d)$ be an istropic Gaussian random variable. I am interested in an upper bound on \begin{equation}...
MMH's user avatar
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Standard deviation tells how a data is spread around mean. Then what is 1 SD (68%), 2SD (95%)?

I am learning statistics from scratch. I understand that SD would tell how datapoints are spread around mean. However, I do not understand how it is useful in finding outliers. Especially, these two ...
SVpk's user avatar
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How Does Random Cropping and Resizing Affect the Distribution of Features in Image Classification

I am working on an image classification task using deep learning. My network extracts features from an image using a feature extractor and then passes these features to a classifier for image ...
kkyub's user avatar
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Distribution of a Uniform between Two Gaussians

I am having some problems with this question: given two IID standard gaussians $X_1, X_2\sim\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$, let $Y_1, Y_2$ the correspondent order statistics such that $Y_1 < Y_2$, then let $Z\...
user405777's user avatar
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Using the symmetry of the normal to find $E(Z|Y)$ given $Z\sim N(0,1)$ and $Y=Z^2$

I know that this question has been answered before; namely here. I'm really struggling to understand the formulation of how this answer was reached. Specifically, as someone pointed out in the ...
monopoly's user avatar
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If $p(a | b)$ and $p(b)$ are Gaussian, does it imply that $p(b | a)$ or $p(a, b)$ are Gaussian too?

The title contains the whole question: If we only know that $p(a | b)$ and $p(b)$ are Gaussian, does it imply that $p(b | a)$ or $p(a, b)$ must be Gaussian too?
jordi's user avatar
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Understanding mathematics of heuristic-based outlier detection: concerns about scoring, weighting, and validity

I am trying to understand the mathematics and methodology behind a newly published outlier detection algorithm in the Computer & Security journal. This algorithm uses heuristic-based approaches, ...
Mario's user avatar
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Computing an expected value of a product of elements of the sample covariance matrix in two different ways with conflicting results.

Let $ N, T \ge 1 $ be integers and let $C:= {\tilde C} \cdot {\tilde C}^T $ be a positive definite matrix of size $N \times N $: Then let $ c:= X \cdot X^T $ where $X = {\tilde C} \cdot Z $ with $$ ...
Przemo's user avatar
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Why do powers of $\operatorname{sinc}$ converge to a Gaussian function?

I am looking to find an intuition for how powers of the $\text{sinc}$ function behave. Just for context, the $\text{sinc}$ function I'm looking at is the "unnormalized" one: $$ \text{sinc}(x)...
indnwkybrd's user avatar
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Mix of Gaussian laws and Cauchy laws

Let $n \in \mathbb{N}$ $X_1 ... X_n$ are independent and follow a gaussian law $\mathcal{N}( m, \sigma^2)$ $Y_1 ... Y_n$ are independent and follow a gaussian law $\mathcal{N}( m, \sigma^2)$ $(X_i)_i$...
zestiria fr's user avatar
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what is the function if I add a multiplier to a gaussian distribution

Gaussian distribution: $$ y = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}} \exp\left( -\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} \right) $$ we know that it has only 2 parameters and it has a peak $y_{\text{max}} = \dfrac{1}{\sigma ...
Firestar-Reimu's user avatar
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Proof that $Z = \frac{X}{Y}$ follows Cauchy distribution if X and Y are independent $N(0,1)$

In the book I am currently reading the statement in the title is proved by starting with: $$F_Z(z) = Pr(X/Y < z) = Pr(X-zY, Y>0) + Pr(X-zY > 0, Y<0)$$ Then double integrals are used and ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
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Conceptual links between exponential decay and the normal distribution?

The standard normal distribution is given by $$ f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-\frac{1}{2}x^2} $$ and exponential decay is given by $$ N(t) = N_0 e^{-\lambda t} $$ These formulae are equivalent if ...
pseudod's user avatar
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Variance of sum of differently weighted random variables with different variances and correlations?

I want to compute: $Var[\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_iX_i]$, where $X_i\sim\mathcal{N}(\overline{X_i},\sigma_{i}^2)$ are joint normally distributed and $Cov[X_i,X_j]=\rho_{ij}\sigma_{i}\sigma_{j}$. I would like to ...
anonymous 's user avatar
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Conditional distribution on the linear inequality

A paper I am reading states the following Lemma as a well-known formula, but I can not find this formula anywhere else nor a complete proof of the lemma. I am also wondering if this lemma or something ...
John Smitten's user avatar
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Finiteness of double integral involving conditional Gaussian density

Given that $\pi(W|V)$ and $\pi(W|V, Y)$ are both multivariate Gaussian distribution. $\pi(V|W)$ are some other proper density. Does the finiteness of $$\int \int \pi(V|W) \pi(W|V) \, dW \, dV$$ ...
Xiaotian Jin's user avatar
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Expectation of likelihood ratio involving Gaussian pdfs

I am interested in evaluating the following integral for a general value of $\mu \in \mathbb{R}$: $$ I(\mu) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{2 e^{-0.5 (x - \mu)^2}}{e^{-0.5 (x - 1)^2} + e^{-0.5 (x + 1)^...
Stan's user avatar
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How to calculate the tail probability for multivariate normal distribution

Univariate Case: if $\sqrt{n}(\hat\mu-\mu)\overset{d}{\to}N(0,\sigma^2)$, then the tail probability can be approximated by $$P\left(\hat{\mu}-\mu\ge t\right)\asymp e^{-nI(t)},$$ where $t\in\mathbb{R}$,...
J.Mike's user avatar
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Standardizing the Equation of the Normal Distribution Curve

For context, I am a new educator teaching statistics. The equation of any normal distribution curve with mean $\mu$, variance $\sigma^2$, and standard deviation $\sigma$ is $$y=\frac{e^{\frac{-(x-\mu)^...
PotusOtis's user avatar
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Suppose that one million people will vote in a primary with Candidate A vs. Candidate B. (Details below)

Suppose that one million people will vote in a primary with Candidate A vs. Candidate B. a. Suppose that the one million people will vote for the two candidates by flipping a coin. So, Candidate A ...
booklover 0197's user avatar
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Numerically stable way to compute probability between two points on a normal distribution

I want to compute the log probability between two points (x1, x2) on a normal distribution. The straightforward way is log(CDF(x2) - CDF(x1)) but this is not ...
user1389840's user avatar
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Has the countable sum of random variables with gaussian tails again gaussian tails?

my question is if the countable sum of (positive) random variables with gaussian tails has again gaussian tails. More precisely I'm interested if the following sum $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}2^{-n}X_n$ has ...
user21418740's user avatar
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Variance of linear combination of random variables conditional on another linear combination of the same random variables?

Suppose $X=\sum_{i=1}^nb_iX_i$ and $Y=w\sum_{i=1}^nX_i$. Is the following correct? Conditional variance: $Var[X|Y]=\sum_{i=1}^nb_i^2Var[X_i|Y]+\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{i\neq j}^nb_ib_jCov[X_i,X_j|Y],$ with: $...
anonymous 's user avatar
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Concentration of measure for $X\cdot \mathrm{sign}(Y)- \mathbb E[X\cdot \mathrm {sign}(Y)]$ with $(X,Y)$ being multivariate Gaussian.

Say we have two $\mathbb R^n$ valued random vectors $X,Y$ such that $\left(\begin{array}\\X\\ Y\end{array}\right)$ is multivariate Gaussian with mean $0$. Given this one could apply similar methods as ...
crush3dice's user avatar
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Computing a Gaussian expectation

I am curious what the Bernstein-Orlicz norm of a (centered) Gaussian is. My Gaussians have pdf proportional to $\exp(-x^2/(2\sigma^2))$. I thus need to compute $$\tag{1} \int_{-\infty}^\infty\exp(-x^2/...
Mark Schultz-Wu's user avatar
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Integrate bivariate normal distribution over a polygon

Let $X\sim\mathcal{N}(0,I_2)$, with $I_2\in\mathbb{R}^{2\times 2}$ being the identity. I want to integrate its probability density function over a polygon $P$ whose (ordered) vertices are $\{p_1,\dots,...
Carlos Santi Toledo's user avatar
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Error propagation through rotations

Suppose you have a rigid body which goes through a sequence of rotations, each rotation is equal to a rotation matrix multiplied by some small random rotation parametrized by Euler Angles which are ...
maxical's user avatar
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Summation of any random variable and a gaussian random variable has a density function

I would like confirm if the below fact is true ask for a reference if it is true: Let $X$ be a random variable, which does not necessarily have a density function. Let $G_{\sigma}$ be a gaussian ...
Liu Wei's user avatar
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Summation of two elements where the second one is recursively written as the sum of two other (sub)elements, then turn it into a random variable

Assume $x_r=x_1+x_2$, with $x_2=x_{21}+x_{22}$. Then, $x_r=x_1+x_{21}+x_{22}$. In turn, assume $x_{22}=x_{221}+x_{222}$, so $x_r=x_1+x_{21}+x_{221}+x_{222}$. Assume $x_{222}=x_{2221}+x_{2222}$. Then, $...
anonymous 's user avatar
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Is a conditioned gaussian distribution sub-gaussian?

I am thinking that if $X_n$ converges to a gaussian distribution $N(0,1)$, whether $X_n|A_n$ converges to a sub-gaussian distribution, where $A_n$ is an event about $X_n$. Because we can show that $$ \...
Look's user avatar
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weird cosine approximation comprising some weird sums and the theta function. why and how?

I randomly got recommended a video of some guy approximating the cosine function, and they eventually arrive at $$\cos{\pi x}\approx\lim_{R\to\infty}\sum_{n=1}^{R}\left(\frac{-D^{-\left(x+1-2n\right)^{...
nyz's user avatar
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Derive a sharp bound of this integral using the transformation formula and/or Taylor's theorem

Let $d\in\mathbb N$; $\sigma\in\mathbb R^{d\times d}$ and $\Sigma:=\sigma\sigma^\ast$; $b:\mathbb R^d\to\mathbb R^d$ be Borel measurable; $\Delta t>0$; $\kappa(x,\;\cdot\;)$ denote the normal ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Logarithmic transformation of Poisson R.V. is asymptotically normal as $\lambda\to\infty$?

Let $K\sim\operatorname{Poisson}(\lambda)$ and $$ V(K)=\log(K/\beta+1) $$ for some $\beta>0$. Claim: The distribution of $V$ is asymptotically normal as $\lambda\to\infty$. Thoughts: Lemma #1: $K\...
Aaron Hendrickson's user avatar

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