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Suppose $P$ is a $p$-subgroup of the $p$-solvable group $X$. Prove $O_{p'}(N_X(P)) \subseteq O_{p'}(X)$.

I want to prove the following lemma Suppose $P$ is a $p$-subgroup of the $p$-solvable group $X$. Then $O_{p'}(N_X(P)) \subseteq O_{p'}(X)$. $O_{p'}(X)$ means the $p'$-core of $X$. That is, $O_{p'}(X)...
Lee's user avatar
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Sylow subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)$ and $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$

Let $p,l$ be odd primes and $p\neq l$. I am interested in determining the $l$-Sylow subgroups of the groups $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}_p)$ and $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$. I have read that for $\...
Ben's user avatar
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Question regarding the properties of an automorphism group of a Sylow P subgroup

The context for this question has to do with proving: Groups of order $pq$ with $p < q$ have a normal subgroup of order $q$ and are cyclic iff $q$ is not congruent to $1$ mod $p$. I will leave out ...
froitmi's user avatar
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Let $G$ be finite & nonsimple such that all normal subgroups of $G$ are $p$-groups for a given prime $p$. Is it true that $G$ is also a $p$-group?

Let $G$ be a finite non-simple group such that all normal subgroups of $G$ are $p$-groups for a given prime $p$. Suppose also that the $p$-Sylow subgroups of $G$ are not normal. Is it true that $G$ is ...
Suoria's user avatar
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Show that $q\mid |N_G(H\cap K)|$ where $H,K\in\mbox{Syl}_p(G)$ with $|G| = p^nq$.

Let $G$ be a group of order $p^nq$ where $p,q$ are distinct prime numbers and $n$ is positive integer. Suppose $G$ has at least two distinct Sylow $p$-subgroup $H'$ and $K'$ such that $H'\cap K'\neq 1$...
one potato two potato's user avatar
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Groups of order $16$ and their subgroups of index $2$

Question: For each of the groups $P$ of order 16 determine the classes of subgroups of index $2$ under the action of $\operatorname{Aut}(P)$. Context: For almost $60$ years it has seemed to me that on ...
ancient mathematician's user avatar
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Understanding the definition of Sylow $p$-subgroups

Here is the definition of Sylow $p$-group (source: wikipedia) For a prime number $p$, a Sylow $p$-subgroup of a group $G$ is a maximal $p$-subgroup of $G$, i.e. a subgroup of $G$ that is a $p$-group (...
Esha's user avatar
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For a group $G$ of order $p^n$, $G\cong H$ for some $H\le\Bbb Z_p\wr\dots\wr\Bbb Z_p$.

This is Exercise 5.3.2 of Robinson's, "A Course in the Theory of Groups (Second Edition)". According to Approach0 and this search, it is new to MSE. The result is mentioned in the following ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Understanding the normalizer of a Sylow $p$-subgroup

The proofs I have seen of the second and third Sylow theorems use the following result (which my professor stated is the key as to why the Sylow theorems work): Lemma. Let $P$ be a Sylow $p$-subgroup ...
Frank's user avatar
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Let $|G|=p^7$ and $K\le G$ with $|K|=p^3$. Then $\exists M\le G$ of order $p^4$ such that $K \trianglelefteq M$.

Let $G$ be a group with order $p^7$ and $K\leq G$ with $|K|=p^3$. Then there exists a subgroup $M$ of $G$ of order $p^4$ such that $K \trianglelefteq M$. My immediate thought is to consider the ...
George Giapitzakis's user avatar
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Show that a group of order $175$ is not simple.

$|G| = 175 = 5^2 \times 7$ After small calculation I found that only possible value of $n_5 = 1$ and $n_7 = 1$. How to prove that $G$ is not simple group?
Lifelong Learner's user avatar
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Let $p$ be a prime number and let $G$ be a $p$-group. Then $G$ contains a normal subgroup of order $p^k$ for every nonnegative $k\le r$

Let $p$ be a prime number, and let $G$ be a $p$-group: $|G|=p^r$ . Then $G$ contains a normal subgroup of order $p^k$ for every nonnegative $k\le r$ But are there any normal subgroup of order $p^n$ ...
BERAT's user avatar
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Prove that any group of order $945$ has at least one subgroup of order $9$

I'm trying to solve this group theory problem from my abstract algebra course. It goes like this: Prove that any group of order 945 has at least one subgroup of order 9. First, I noticed that $945=3^...
Alejandro Bergasa Alonso's user avatar
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Prove that any group $G$ with $|G|=588$ is solvable

I'm stuck trying to solve this problem from my abstract algebra course: Prove that every group of order $588$ is solvable (If you assume that all groups of certain order are solvable, you must prove ...
Alejandro Bergasa Alonso's user avatar
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Bounds for probability that two elements commute in a group?

Let $G$ be a finite non-abelian group, and lets randomly choose two elements of $G.$ It seems quit well known that the probability that they commute is at most $\text{Pr}(G)\le\dfrac{5}{8}.$ Here is a ...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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A problem from Isaacs's Finite Group Theory

I was revisiting group theory in detail and reading Isaacs's Finite Group Theory book in my own time. Sorry that I am asking an exercise question but this is the one I am stuck completely. Any help ...
usermath's user avatar
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Group of order $q^3p^3$, where $p,q$ are twin primes greater than $10$, is solvable

Let $q>p>10$ be twin primes, i.e., $q=p+2$. Show that every group of order $q^3p^3$ is solvable. This should be proven without using Burnside's theorem. Looking at the Sylow $p$-subgroup and ...
Roy Sht's user avatar
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A simple group with $|\operatorname{Syl}_p⁡ G| \le 6$ is cyclic

Let $G$ be a simple, finite group, s.t. for every prime $p$, it satisfies $k_p=\left|\operatorname{Syl}_p⁡ G\right| \le 6$. Show that $G$ is cyclic. My attempt: Let $n=p_1^{e_1}p_2^{e_2}\ldots p_r^{...
Roy Sht's user avatar
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Proving $P$ is a Sylow $p$-group of $PN$

I am having trouble solving the following problem: Let $G$ be a finite group of order $p^an$, where $p$ is a prime and $p \nmid n$. Let $P$ be a Sylow $p$-group in $G$ and let $N \unlhd G$. It can ...
Megahyttel's user avatar
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Cardinality of direct product of Sylow $p$-subgroups

Let $G$ be a finite group such that, for all prime number $p$, $P_p$ is a normal Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$. Let $I$ denote the set of prime numbers dividing $|G|$ and $$K=\bigcup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}\{g\ |...
user766969's user avatar
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Quotient of quotient groups and Sylow $p$-subgroups

Let $G$ be a finite group and $N$ a normal subgroup of $G$. Let $\pi:G\rightarrow G/N$ be the canonical homomorphism. Suppose $P$ is a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$. Then $\pi[P]\leq G/N$. Note that $G$ ...
user766031's user avatar
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Subgroup generated by Sylow $q$-groups of a finite group

Let $G$ be a finite group. Let $\mathfrak{P}$ denote the set of prime numbers and $n$ the order of $G$. Since $n>0$, there exists a unique family $(\nu_q(n))_{q\in\mathfrak{P}}$ of elements of $\...
user764593's user avatar
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Every finite group contains a Sylow $p$-subgroup

Let $G$ be a finite group of order $n$ and $p$ a prime number. Write $n=p^rm$ for some $r\in\mathbb{N}$ and $m\in\mathbb{N}_{\geq1}$ such that $m\not\in p\mathbb{Z}$. Let $$E=\{X\subset G\ :\ |X|=p^r\}...
user764205's user avatar
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On generalized fitting subgroup

I can't understand so much the second paragraph (page 160) of the proof of the lemma 31.17(1) (pages 160) in M. Aschbacher, Finite Group Theory about generalized fitting subgroup. Here I post the ...
user44312's user avatar
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If $P\le G$ is a sylow-$p$ and $Q$ is any $p$ subgroup, then $Q\cap P = Q\cap N(P).$

If $P\le G$ is a sylow-$p$ and $Q$ is any $p$ subgroup, then $Q\cap P = Q\cap N(P).$ I'd appreciate any help. I have a proof from some old notes but it says that it is sufficient to prove that if $...
user569685's user avatar
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Non-abelian finite group as a direct product of $p$-groups

My professor has given us some review material to help us prepare for our final. One of the questions is as follows: Let $M$ be a finite abelian group of order $|M| = \prod\limits_{i = 1}^{l} p_i^{...
hylian's user avatar
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Group of order $2^2 \cdot 3^n$, $n \geq 1$.

Let $G$ be a group of order $2^2 \cdot 3^n$, with $n \geq 1$. The objective is to show that there is a normal subgroup of order $3^n$ or $3^{n-1}$; I can do the first part using the Sylow Theorems, ...
big_GolfUniformIndia's user avatar
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Finite Sylow subgroups of periodic groups

Let $G$ be a (possibly infinite) periodic group, and suppose that $G$ admits a maximal finite $p$-subgroup $P$. By this I mean that we do not assume that $P$ is not strictly contained in any other $p$-...
frafour's user avatar
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If $P$ is a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$ then there exists a normal subgroup $K$ such that $G/K$ is isomorphic to $P/P \cap G'$

In 'Finite Groups' by Gorenstein, it is stated that if $P$ is a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$ then there exists a normal subgroup $K$ such that $G/K$ is isomorphic to $P/P \cap G'$′. The proof is the ...
whereismymind96's user avatar
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Number of normal subgroups of order $p^s$ of a $p$-group

Let $G$ be a $p$-group. Show that the number of normal subgroups of $G$ that have order $p^s$ is $1$ $mod(p)$. I think I have to use Sylow theorems and the fact that every subgroup of order $p^s$ is ...
user392559's user avatar
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Why is $M(p)/L_p $ a Dedekind p-group? (Where $M(p)/L$ is the p-Sylow of $G/L$)

Let $G$ be a finite $T$-group (i.e. a group in which every subnormal subgroup is normal). Assume that $L$ is a normal abelian subgroup of odd order of $G$ and suppose that $G/L$ is a Dedekind group. ...
Mamadness's user avatar
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Intersections of $p$-Sylow subgroups of group of order $p^2q$

Let $G$ be a group of order $p^2q$ ($p$ and $q$ are distinct primes) and $P_1$ and $P_2$ be distinct $p$-Sylow subgroups of $G$. Then if $Z(G) = \{e\}$, $P_1\cap P_2 = \{e\}$ How do I go about ...
wrb98's user avatar
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Normal p-subgroup and maximal subgroup

Let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ a prime s.t. $p\big||G|$, and let $P$ be a normal p-subgroup of $G$, with $|P|=p^m$. I want to prove the following: If $M$ is a maximal subgroup of $G$, then $P\...
Arnulf's user avatar
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About the definition of Sylow p-groups

Here is the definition of Sylow p-group (source: wikipedia) For a prime number p, a Sylow p-subgroup (sometimes p-Sylow subgroup) of a group G is a maximal p-subgroup of G, i.e. a subgroup of G ...
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How do we know all Sylow $p$-subgroups of a given order are distinct?

Right now, I am in the process of showing that a group $G$ of order $35$ must be cyclic, for the purpose of then showing that there is a unique group of order $35$, namely $\mathbb{Z}_{35}$. To that ...
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Group of order $3^k5^l$ is solvable

So I'm not sure I'm proving this right and would appreciate a correction if needed. Let $G$ be a group of order $3^k5^l$, where $k,l\in\mathbb N$ and $k\le 3$. Prove that $G$ is solvable. Proof: ...
Kim Seel's user avatar
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Number of $p$-groups of a given size in a Sylow subgroup

Problem: Let $p$ be a fixed but arbitrary prime number and $a$ a non-negative integer. Let $P$ be a Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$. Then prove that the number of subgroups of $G$ of order $p^a$ which are ...
Subham Jaiswal's user avatar
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$|G|=pq$, where $p$ and $q$ are primes, is the semidirect product of subgroups of orders $p$ and $q$

I am currently working on the following exercise: Let $G$ be a group of order $pq$, where $p$ and $q$ are primes and $p > q$. Prove that $G = N \rtimes H$ for some subgroups $N$ and $H$ of ...
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A finite $p$-group cannot be simple unless it has order $p$

I am to trying to prove this theorem: A finite $p$-group cannot be simple unless it has order $p$. I have this: Let $G = P$ and $|G|=p$; then there exists $N$, a normal subgroup of $G$ by Lagrange'...
Ops's user avatar
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When does prime $p$ divide a term in the numerator and denominator of ${p^m \cdot k}\choose {p^m}$ the same number of times?

This has questions comes to me via a proof to Sylow's First Theorem where $G$ is a finite group of order $p^m \cdot k$, the number $p$ is a prime divisor of $|G|$, and $p^m$ is the highest power of $p$...
Jacopo Stifani's user avatar
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The order of the normalizer of a $p$-subgroup of $S_{p}$ [closed]

I found it In Exercise in abstract algebra by Dummit and Foote. Let $P$ be a Sylow $p$-group of $S_p$. What is the order of $N_{S_p}(P)$?
Seongqjini's user avatar
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Classify all groups of order $p^2q^2$ up to isomorphism

Let $p,q \in \mathbb{N}$ be prime numbers with the properties $2 < p < q$ and $q - 1 , q + 1 \notin \left\langle p \right\rangle$ Classify all groups of the order $p^2q^2$ up to isomorphism. ...
math189925's user avatar
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p-element centralizing a Sylow p-subgroup

Let $G$ be a finite group, $P$ a Sylow $p$-subgroup for a prime $p$ and $g$ a $p$-element with $gxg^{-1} = x$ for all $x \in P$. Then $g \in Z(P)$. Is this true? How can i prove that $g \in P$ ?
Boris's user avatar
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Difference between definitions of $p$-subgroup and Sylow $p$-subgroup

I'm reading Abstract Algebra by Dummit and Foote and the following definitions are made: $1$. A group of order $p^{\alpha}$ for some $\alpha\geq1$ is called a $p$-group. Subgroups of $G$ which are $p$...
Belgi's user avatar
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$|\{ x\in X: g.x=x \space\space\space \forall g\in G \}| = |X|\space mod \space p$

Let $G$ be a p-group. $|G|=p^n$ for some n. Let X be a finite set so that $\,p\nmid |X|\,$, G acts upon X. Denote $A:= \{ x\in X: g.x=x \space\space\space \forall g\in G \}$ I am trying to show $|...
John's user avatar
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Group of order $p^{n}$ has normal subgroups of order $p^{k}$

Q: Prove that a subgroup of order $p^n$ has a normal subgroup of order $p^{k}$ for all $0\leq k \leq n$. Attempt at a proof: We proceed by Induction. This is obviously true for $n=1, 2$. Suppose it ...
TheManWhoNeverSleeps's user avatar
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Sylow subgroups of soluble groups

Suppose $G \leqslant S_p$ acts transitively on $\{1,...,p\}$ for prime $p$. Let $P \leqslant G$ be a Sylow p-subgroup. Is it true that $G$ is soluble <=> $P \triangleleft G$?
user112072's user avatar
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Quotient groups of $p$-groups

Suppose I am trying to show that a group $G$ is solvable and I gotten to having $Z(G)$ be a p-group and $G/Z(G)$. Now if I can show that $G/Z(G)$ is also a $p$-group, then both are solvable implying $...
masszz's user avatar
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Existence of a normal subgroup in a finite group.

Let $G$ be a finite group. If a Sylow $p$-subgroup $P$ of $G$ is contained in the centre, then does there exist a normal subgroup $N$ of $G$, such that $P \cap N = \{e\}$ and $PN=G$? Thanks in ...
D. N.'s user avatar
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$H$ must contain every Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$

Let $p$ be a prime factor of the order of a finite group $G$. If $H$ is a normal subgroup $G$ whose index is not a multiple of $p$, show that $H$ must contain every Sylow $p$-subgroup of $G$.
rubin's user avatar
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