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Find rows of a matrix that are linearly dependent to some other rows

To avoid this being an XY problem, this is my background: I was reading theorem 2.2.2 of section 2.2.2 of this paper, which is about finding a relative interior point of a system $Ax \leq b$ ...
Jay Lee's user avatar
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How does row operation work in the simplex algorithm?

Reading through the wikipedia page for the simplex algorithm and I can't figure out how the row operation they have as an example works... $$ \text{Minimize} \\ Z = -2x - 3y - 4z \\ \text{Subject To} ...
Joff's user avatar
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Simplex decision about row operation

My question is very general, but i would be putting a very especific problem just to clarify and avoid doubts. Suppose i'm using the simplex method to solve the following problem: Maximize: $20 x_{1}...
S. Cow's user avatar
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How to check if any solution exists for a set of linear equations with non negative variables

Given a set of m equations with n variables x1, x2, … xn and there are more variables than equations (ie n > m and underdetemined) I am looking for an algorithm (which I will be coding into C#), to ...
Bbx's user avatar
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Removing redundant linear constraints using Gaussian elimination

I have a set of linear constraints in the form of $c_i x \ge d_i$ and I need to identify if an additional constraint is redundant with respect of the previously mentioned set. Here I found a similar ...
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