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How can I do Gaussian elimination of a $32 \times 32$ bit matrix?

I have been looking at how to reverse the sigma operation in the sha256 hash and in several places I have seen that you have to make a $32 \times 32$ bit matrix and then solve it with Gaussian ...
jefrey's user avatar
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Using Gaussian Elimination to Reveal Secret Key

I've come across an article that shows how unknown information could be revealed from an ECDSA signature where there were some reuse of parameters use to calculate the signature. Specifically, the ...
Martin's user avatar
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Factoring $9788111$ via Gaussian elimination over $\mathbb F_2$

I am trying to follow page 142 to page 144 of An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography by Hoffstein, Pipher & Silverman, where they give an example using Gaussian elimination over $\mathbb F_2$...
unseen_rider's user avatar
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Solving a combined system of linear and bilinear equations

I am trying to solve a problem of breaking an amatuer cryptography. The problem boils down to solving a combined system of linear and bilinear equations having $50$ unknowns. For representational ...
Extreme Coders's user avatar
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finding the inverse of a matrx

In order to decrypt a cipher text using hill cipher, we must first find the inverse matrix of a given matrix. From this link, ...
sam lee's user avatar