In Axler's proof of the dimension of sum formula (page 47 of Linear Algebra Done Right), there is a step that requires showing that $u_1,...,u_m,v_1,...,v_j,w_1,...w_k$ is a basis of $U_1+U_2$.
Now, I understand that first I have to show that this set of vectors spans $U_1+U_2$. However, he says:
"Clearly span($u_1,...,u_m,v_1,...,v_j,w_1,...w_k$) contains $U_1$ and $U_2$, and hence equals $U_1+U_2$."
Why does that chain of logic lead to $U_1+U_2 =$ span($u_1,...,u_m,v_1,...,v_j,w_1,...w_k$)? Isn't it supposed to lead to $U_1+U_2 \subseteq $ span($u_1,...,u_m,v_1,...,v_j,w_1,...w_k$)? What about showing that span($u_1,...,u_m,v_1,...,v_j,w_1,...w_k$) $\subseteq$ $U_1+U_2$? What does it exactly mean to say that $u_1,...,u_m,v_1,...,v_j,w_1,...w_k$ spans $U_1+U_2$?