So since this pandemic is going on, I thought to model the growth of the virus in my area (not seriously, just as an exercise). I tried some things on my own and took the average growth factor over the course of a week and did: (current no. of cases)*(growth factor)^(number of weeks). This method was kind of accurate but it was not realistic because the number of cases grew exponentially and didn't stop.
Later on, I learned about differential equations from YouTube and other sources (as calculus hasn't been taught to me in school yet). But I couldn't understand things fully.
In the logistic differential equation $\frac{dN}{dt} = kN(1-\frac{N}{L})$. Its solution is $N(t)=\frac{N_0*L}{N_0+(L-N_0)e^{-kt}}$. Where $N$ = number of cases at time $t$, $N_0$ = initial number of cases, $k$ = constant of proportionality, $L$ = limiting/carrying capacity.
I tried putting k as the growth factor but I don't know what to put as L as I don't know what the limiting capacity is. I can't put the limiting capacity as the total population as the number of cases asymptotes towards a number much lower than the total population. So then I decided to take the percent of the total population of countries affected by COVID-19, but I don't think that would work because there are differences in healthcare facilities and other factors between these places. How do I correctly model this? I hope the question was clear.