I've been working my way through Cardano's formula for the cubic equation and I'm getting stuck at the end.
I'm clear on producing the depressed cubic, $$y^3 + Ay + B,$$ and from there, I'm clear on substituting $y = s + t$, on getting the system of equations, \begin{align} s^3 + t^3 &= -B\\ 3st &= A \end{align}
Clear on producing and solving the degree 6 equation, $$t^6 - B t^3 + \frac{A^3}{27} = 0.$$
\begin{align*} t^3 &= \frac{B}{2} \pm \sqrt{\left(\frac{B}{2}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{A}{3}\right)^3}\\ s^3 &= \frac{B}{2} \mp \sqrt{\left(\frac{B}{2}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{A}{3}\right)^3}. \end{align*}
$t^3$ has three cube roots, namely $t$, $t \omega$ and $t \omega^2$. And $s^3$ has has three cube roots, namely $s$, $s \omega$ and $s \omega^2$.
As $y$ is a sum of these cube roots, we have a total of 9 possibilities. The below chart shows the relationship between these 9 roots as dictated by the above equation, $3st = A$.
And this is where I get shaky. I can't convince myself that the true solutions are always the ones of the red path. Is there no ambiguity there? What if $t^3$ and $s^3$ are imaginary? Is there no other piece of information needed to definitively say what the roots are? It seems that every write up of this proof skips over this fact. I know I'm missing something here.
I appreciate any insight you folks can provide.