nlab provides a universal property of the cube category $\Box$.
Definition. The cube category is the initial strict monoidal category $(M,\otimes,I)$ equipped with an object $int$ together with two maps $i_0,i_1 : I \to int$ and a map $p:int→I$ such that $pi_0=1_I = p i_1$.
I will assume all categories to be small.
The existence and properties of the object int may be described as a functor $F : C \to M$, where $C$ is the category on two objects $c,x$, freely generated on two arrows $j_0,j_1 : c \to x$, and one arrow $q : x \to c$ under the relation $qj_0 = 1_c = qj_1$. Requiring $F(c) = I$ gives the same characterization of the object $int$ inside the strict monoidal category $M$.
However, I am not sure in what category one considers $(M,\otimes,I)$ (together with $int$) initial. Is it simply in the category of strict monoidal categories (under lax/strong/strict monoidal functors)? Or is it in the category of strict monoidal categories such that int-objects are mapped to int-objects, and arrows $i_0,i_1,p$ to the corresponding such arrows (under lax/strong/strict monoidal functors)?
I am assuming the last one, under strict monoidal functors.
In any case, I was wondering whether this concept has been expanded upon. In general, one may consider any pointed category $(C,c \in C)$, any strict monoidal category $(M,\otimes,I)$, and functors $F : C \to M$ such that $F(c) = I$. The category of such pairs $(F,(M,\otimes,I))$, under a suitable sense of what the morphisms should be, may contain an initial object $(F,(\Box^C,\otimes,I))$.
So the question is: does $(\Box^C,\otimes,I)$ exist, and is it possible to give it a nice description depending on $C$?
For C = *, the one-point category, one should simply retrieve $C$, with the trivial monoidal structure. For $C = (c \to x)$, the category on two objects and an arrow between them pointed at $c$, one should get $(\mathbb{N},+,0)$, where $F : C \to \mathbb{N}$ maps $c$ to $0$ and $x$ to $1$.
For $C$ the category on two objects $c,x$ and two arrows $i_0,i_1 : c \to x$ ($q$ is removed) one should get the cube category $\Box'$ without degeneracy maps, only face maps.
This seems to be a natural way of generating strict monoidal categories with a pointed category as basis. And I would expect that it has a right adjoint $U$, for a suitible sense of what categories we are working in are, such that $U$ forgets the monoidal structure of $(M,\otimes,I)$ and gives the pointed category $(M,I \in M)$.