I'm reading Tu's intro to manifolds. He defines a critical point of a smooth map $F:N\to M$ to be a point where the differential $F_{*,p}:T_pN\to T_{F(p)}M$ fails to be surjective. He then gives illustration of the $2$ torus embedded in three space, standing vertically with a height function $f(x,y,z)=z$ given. So in this example, the differential at a critical point would have to be the zero map, as it would otherwise be surjective onto $\mathbb{R}$.
So I should be able to see just from the picture that there are four critical points as shown. But I don't know why. Is it because the tangent plane at each of these points is flat (i.e. every point in the tangent plane is at the same height)? If so, why would that make the differential not onto? After this example, he explains that $p$ is critical if $\frac{\partial f(p)}{\partial x^1}=,...,=\frac{\partial f(p)}{\partial x^n}=0$ for some coordinate neighboorhood of $p$, but since the example comes before this theorem, I should be able to understand the example without it.