above you find a function and some questions I have to answer. I'll give you a more or less detailed input of what I did. I'll be glad if you could help me with the questions I inserted with "->".
Given is $f(x,y) = y^4 -3xy^2 +x^3$
First I have to determine the local and global extrema and the saddle points. Then I have to find the extrema on $ D = \{ (x,y) : |x| \le 5/2, |y| \le 2 \}$ Short:
$grad f (x,y) = (-3y^2+3x^2, 4y^3-6xy)^t$
$grad f (x,y) = 0 \leftrightarrow x^2 = y^2 \wedge y^2/x = 3/2 $
So possible extrema are at $ (3/2, 3/2), (3/2, -3/2)$ and $(0,0)$.
The determinant of the hesse matrix is: $Det H_f (0,0) = 0$, $Det H_f (3/2, 3/2) = 81$ and $Det H_f (3/2, -3/2) = 81$.
I conclude: at the point $(0,0)$ I cannot tell wether there is a minima or a maxima. At $(3/2, 3/2)$ and $(3/2, -3/2)$ I have local minima. I have no global maxima or minima, since $f(x,y) \to \pm \infty$ for $(-\infty, 0)$ and $(0, \infty$ (for example)
-> I wonder, if I truly cannot say anything about the extrema at $(0,0)$ ? Is it always like this: If determinant of hesse matrix at $(x_0, y_0)$ is $(0,0)$ than you cannot say if it's indefinite or positiv/negativ definite?
- for the second part I simply put $f(5/2, y)$ and $f(-5/2, y)$ as well as $f(x, -2)$ and $f(x, 2)$. Then I look at the first derivates and see possible maxima/minima -> I put those points in the regarding function and see, that $f(-2,2) = 32$ is Maximum - $f(-5/2, 0)$ is Minimum.
-> I wonder, if there is a better (meaning: mathematical cooler, more elegant) way to find this out? I thought about cutting my original function with a certain layer?!
Thank you very much for any help :)