In Hoffman and Kunze's linear algebra, right after the definition of an eigenvalue for an endomorphism $T: V \to V$ (i.e. $a\in F$ is an eigenvalue if there exists $\alpha\in V$, $\alpha \neq 0$, such that $T\alpha = a\cdot \alpha$) there is a theorem that states the equivalence of three conditions:
- $a$ is an eigenvalue of $T$
- $aI-T$ is singular
- $\det (aI-T) = 0$
I understand $1 \Rightarrow 2 \Rightarrow 3$, but I'm unable to understand the argument that underlies 3 $\Rightarrow$ 1, the book states (and I paraphrase):
If the space $V$ is of finite dimension, then $aI - T$ is non-injective just when its determinant is 0
I know that, if $aI - T$ is non-injective, the existence of an $\alpha$ such that $(aI - T)(\alpha) = 0$ (and, therefore, $T\alpha = a\cdot \alpha$) follows, but I don't understand the relation between $\det(aI-T)$ and the non-injectivity of $aI-T$. Any hints?