I've been having a terrible time posting to blogger these last two days.....not sure why, but glad I finally got logged on since I'm leaving for the Gulf States Quilt Seminar in Baton Rouge, LA - BEFORE the crack
o'dawn tomorrow. I'm presenting the opening night lecture tomorrow night, which has caused some stress the last 7 days.
Last week during a demo, I realized my digital projector and camera were not interfacing properly and since ultimately, I didn't have the time for repairs, I had to purchase a new one.

My replacement projector arrived quickly, so the next step was to learn how to use it! With my lap top and camera connected......sitting in any available space to reach the projector, which needed to be positioned to project onto my wall so I could navigate the menu. (meaning, learn what the heck this thing does!) Note, the owner's manual close at hand.

So, you ask, what's the big deal? Look at all this stuff.....technology is supposed to make life easier. I hand carry all this equipment, plus the actual projector and my laptop since it's too delicate to be packed in checked baggage. My arms are 2" longer after every trip.

The packing process for every trip takes at least 1 day. I'm teaching 4 full-day classes, so this is just the beginning of the workshop materials that need to be packed. The guest bed is already loaded with quilts that must accompany me as well.

Yup, the suitcases are nearly full, and guess what? I have yet to pack any of my personal items.....such as important things like clothing! Note, I even have to pack my purse in my checked luggage because passengers are limited to two carry on bags. A few items such as my wallet are transferred to my computer bag which is one of my two carry on bags. (seen between the two larger suitcases which are checked baggage.)
The smaller roller board suitcase is my other 'carry on'. In it I carry any workshop kits, all of the projector cables, tripod, remotes, etc. and as many quilts as possible. The quilts are safely stored in a water proof bag. Seriously, I can't even carry
any toiletry items, or even a change of clothing, there's not room. I just have to pray my checked bags arrive when I do. More and more flights these days are commuter planes, and in that case, this bag is 'gate checked'....which makes me a little nervous. I'd rather have it where I can see it.
This packing routine has been repeated so many times now after 16 years travel teaching, you'd think I could do it in my sleep. But, each trip is unique with different class and lecture combinations, so there is no short cut for this important task.
I hope to be able to post during my travel, however the conference is being held at the Marriott Conference Center where free wireless is unlikely. My camera will be at hand though, ready to report news from what I'm sure will be a great seminar.