Little thoughts

Little thoughts: need more sleep! :)
Showing posts with label buttons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buttons. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sewing class

Yay!  Sewing!  Oh how I've missed thee!  The sewing class that I told you about last time is still going strong, no drop outs yet and this week we made a six point star.  Now that sounds pretty easy doesn't it?  I looked at it and thought, six diamonds - no problem!  However, to the mathematically challenged like myself wielding a ruler and protractor again felt too much like the dark days of school...but I did it, I still can't quite get my head around it and probably couldn't replicate it without some help but I've made all the diamonds by hand on paper and then cut them out of fabric. 

The fabrics are a mix of pains I bought in a fat quarter bundle of plains and some random patterned ones that took my eye, I've placed them against my cream cord cushion as it was the easiest white background to hand being right next to me!
This lot still has the paper and tacking stitches in.  I'm not taking them out just yet as I've got the unenviable task of deciding whether to sacrifice it and use it in my workbook or keep it in the hope that I continue and make lots more to make a quilt and make another out of fabric that I'm less attached to so that I have something to show in the workbook.  Hmmmmmm...decisions decisions.

I've bought some more fat quarters from the fabric stall in my local market yesterday as they were too pretty to leave and we've got a new project to do next week.  It's a secret what the project is, can't decide whether the teacher is winding us up and hasn't decided yet or she knows certain members of the class won't like it so will just spring it on us on the day!! hehe!  I like the latter option but I'm evil like that!

Starting from the bottom up, stripes in light blue, turquoise, green, beige and brown in various widths.  Next is a dark brown with purple and cream tiny flowers in clusters with circles that have dots round them as a pattern.  Next is a light green with darker green polka dots and large old English roses in shades of pink and red and is my favourite.  The last is a lovely red with gold stars, they're reminiscent of Christmas or American flag style stars to me.

I think the colours go well together as there's at least one colour of each in every quarter, the patterns may not go together in everyone's opinion but I like the clash.  I've still got lots of plain fat quarters to go with them in matching colours as don't know how many different patterns I may need for the next project.  Ooooooh!  I'm excited!

I've also been a very lucky bunny and had a present of buttons from J's mum, she brought them back from their holidays in France last week and I love them!

White packet of loveliness!  Buttons in shades of blue, green and pink enamel and two cream with flower patterns on them

Apparently I would have broken the bank going into the shop where she found these as she said she'd never seen so many buttons and I would have been in heaven!  *Sigh*  Have no idea what they're going to be used for yet, I'm slightly tempted to make the enamel ones into a necklace...otherwise skirts with button decorations perhaps as there's only six of the enamel ones.

I had planned to make knickers this weekend as had my lovely knicker pattern from Mrs Scruffy Badger but when I got to the market stall they didn't have any knicker elastic like the stuff we'd used in the class, just that stringy stuff that doesn't look very enticing so have been trawling Etsy and have seen some amazing colours and patterns on elastic and was just glad the battery went on my phone before I could buy the lot last night!  I suppose I should have known there would be a wealth of colours out there as can see it on the stuff in my drawer and in the shops but I was amazed at how quickly I found so many lovely things!  The wonders of the internet!  I was also pleased that it wasn't as expensive as the ladies at the market stall had lead me to believe, phew!  Now I just need to measure just how much elastic each pair of knickers needs and work out how much to order.

So sewing plans out the window I'm going to make some Halloween style jewellery for a fair I have next Friday, finger's crossed they turn out as good as they look in my head!!  Watch this space!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I'll keep your heart under lock and key

I'm still addicted to cross stitch and self covered buttons so expect to see lots more!  I'm going to be selling these on my shop as a group as I think they're a cute group, it started off as just random things that were small enough to fit on the top of the buttons I had and then I had a brain wave...I could group them together!

left to right: red cross stitched heart on white background, light green cross stitched lock on dark green background and gold cross stitch key on red background

Close up of above

View of the backs of the buttons

And in a circle clockwise from top, red heart, gold key and green lock
I need to order myself some more buttons as running out fast.  I can see these on a cute chunky knit cardigan or with badge backs on a bag.

It's otherwise been a rather unproductive week, my sewing machine belt debacle is still raging on, it's a full blown dispute now with PayPal trying to sort it with the seller.  I've managed to find one other place that is selling the one I need but I'm frightened to order it in case they don't deliver the goods either.  Urgh.  Hate being let down like this.  It's annoying as I see other machine belts everywhere but the one I need is like hens teeth.

I'm also trying to be good and not buy any fabric but what with there being so many sales or discounts on in the online fabric shops my resolve is being tested to it's limit!  I'm thinking of starting a Christmas/birthday list so at least if someone asks what I want I can give them the list and tell them to pick from there...a bit like a wedding list I suppose but less stress.

What fun things have you been up to?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dresser-ing up with buttons

It's been a bit quiet here lately as unfortunately I've been ill as well as the sewing machine belt still not appearing through my letterbox (don't worry I've set up a dispute with PayPal now).  I have however managed a few bits of cross stitch and have forgotten to show you a new piece of furniture we have.  Well, I say 'new' but it's antique, it's just new to us.  I'm really really happy as I get to show off my lovely cake stands and teacups and saucers on the dresser, here, take a look see:

side view of dresser

head on view of dresser, they are fairy lights on the top not weird glowing blobs, honest!

I really like the eclectic mix of stuff we have on it, it's changed a bit since this photo was taken as have been given a plate that was my grandmother's and one that was my great grandmother's to go on it too.  I'm glad we could give it a home as it's been in my boyfriend's family for hundreds of years, it's had a few bits replaced but we're talking a long time ago, so it's good to see what each generation has added.

And now for something completely different...I couldn't think of a way of linking these two things so there you go.  I've made four cross stitch buttons as had this month's cross stitcher magazine come through the door when I was poorly and it helped keep my sanity as daytime tv is a little odd...

four cross stitch buttons

pear cross stitch button

red space invader button, if you spot the mistake - there was no way I was unpicking it all as didn't see it until the end!

purple space invader button

gold key button

The pear and the key buttons will go for sale in the shop as I'll make them into badges but the space invaders have been nabbed by J to go on his guitar strap.  I'm thinking of making all of the space invaders either on a strip of material to go on a t-shirt or on a laptop case for my brother-in-law's birthday as know he'll love that they're space invaders!  I've started a big piece of cross stitch that will either be a cushion or a tote bag as fell in love with the design but not going to show you all yet as not sure if it's going to be a present, depends on how well it turns out!

As I've been feeling lots better today I've also been working on a few sewing projects, tracing and cutting out and am going to try my hand at making bias tape as haven't tried it yet despite getting the gadgets to make it!  No photos yet sorry.  Hoping normal service will resume from now on, but I have made an important decision.  Despite having lots and lots of fun doing Me Made March and Me Made June I'm not going to participate in Self Stitched September.  I'm just too burnt out at the moment and making clothes for myself right now seems rather daunting as have lots of projects I want and need to finish.  I also want to start on making things for Christmas as would like to do as much of a hand made Christmas as possible like last year and need to get cracking now.  I'll be very happy to see everyone's Self Stitched adventures though!

Happy sewing everyone!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fluttering button

So after much demand (Sarah) I have finished the other cross stitch button I started last night.  This is going to be dangerous as I get something pretty and it's button shaped at the end and we all know I'm addicted to button making!

So here it is the next instalment in my button making bonanza!  Lets see how many I can make before the end of the weekend! haha!

Butterfly cross stitch button

Not sure what the next one should be, any suggestions?  May be a pretty birdie...

Wise buttons

I've been procrastinating about doing this for a good few months now and was shamed into it really.  My sister bought me a subscription to a cross stitch magazine, and although it's a beautiful magazine and there's more than just cross stitch in it as I hadn't done any cross stitch and found it a bit scary - as in it's something else to add to my ever growing hobby list - I had put it off. Then said sister came to visit and I admitted that I hadn't even tried any of the free gifts with the magazine or any of the other project she'd bought me.  Naughty naughty.  So after calling it a day with the clutch bags yesterday and needing something to keep me occupied other than the TV I decided to get all the magazines I've had so far and all the free gifts and see what I can do.

You know how I love buttons, so this isn't a great shock that the first cross stitch project I do was to cover a button!  What I will say though is the instructions lied!  They told me to cut a 5cm circle round the finished stitches to fit it to the button but it was a wee bit too small and I struggled and cursed it lots.  But I got it done in the end!

Mr Owl, cross stitch button
It's amazing what you can do whilst watching The Devil Wears Prada!  I even started a butterfly too, but then it got too late and my brain was shutting down and couldn't count the stitches so I'll finish that today hopefully!  So that's something else to add to my stall as they can be made into badges or magnets or rings or earrings or just plain old useful buttons!

Go on try something new that's been languishing in the bottom of a drawer/cupboard waiting to be loved!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

MMJ Day 26

I've been a busy little bunny making buttons all afternoon, here's some of what I've made:

Lots of buttons!
And here's me in my outfit for the day, including a sun hat as it was soooo hot today!  Yay!

Me with the buttons!
It's the Amy Butler Liverpool shirt dress that I made a little while back and have worn before this month.  I like it and am going to make another, possibly in cord with longer sleeves and of course more covered buttons!

I'm off to enjoy a cider in the garden as I can as have no work in the morning!  Yay me!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thank you Mr Postman!

Horray!  Talk about buses coming all at once!  I had three lovely parcels today!  Yay!

Customs and excise, otherwise known as Fizz the cat
Package number one:
The long awaited 100 self cover buttons!
Which has already been turned into these:
7 covered buttons
So I can now finish my shirt dress and hopefully wear it tomorrow!  Yay!

Package number two:
Charlaine Harris 'Dead Reconing' book
The latest in the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series of books.  I'm absolutely hooked on these and have been waiting for this on pre-order for ages so really glad it's here now and may need to start reading it...reading or sewing...tough decision.

And last but by no means least, package number three:

Anna Marie Horner Diamond Mine voile

Ordered this from M is for Make and must say it was the prettiest package of fabric I've had in a long time, all tied up with string and everything!  She even puts cute little luggage labels on them!  This is destined to be an Amy Butler Lotus cami for Sarah.  The colours look a little washed out here but it's a beautiful soft turquoise colour.

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend, long or not!