Showing posts with label Jace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jace. Show all posts

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Night of the Living Gouzous . . .

If you read the post just a couple down from this one, you know by now that Gouzous are graffiti art figures which appear in odd places all around the island of la Réunion, produced by an artist signing his work as "Jace". Spotting them is a challenge for any visitor. Here are a few more examples of Gouzous to give you a better idea of their variety and versatility. Gouzous are simply super little creatures . . .

The baby Gouzou at lower left here is barely visible, I almost missed it, although the beer bottle with a baby bottle drinking nipple on it caught my eye driving by right away. This is a take-off of the omni-present Bourbon Beer advertisements which are painted on walls all over the place on Reunion Island, "Bourbon" got transformed into "Biberon", which is French for baby bottle. Bourbon Beer, by the way, is a locally brewed Reunion Island beer, which is excelleng for quenching one's thirst there in the tropical heat . . .

Guess this Gouzou witch cast a spell on us . . .

Some Gouzous are evil, but are dreaming of becoming pure and good . . .

Gouzous are world travellers . . .

Some of the Gouzou scenes left me feeling like I'd just been listening to Bob Dylan's tune Ballad of a Thin Man, where there's the part that goes :
"And you say "what does this mean?"
And he screams back, "You're a cow
Give me some milk or else go home"
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is, do you, Mr. Jones . . ."

This last one may be about my favorite Gouzou spotted to date, I think he was on his way to a Grateful Dead concert . . .


Monday, March 1, 2010

The Gouzou Guru . . .

Shortly after we arrived on la Réunion island, we very quickly figured out that one of the important cultural elements of any trip there is to learn to keep one's eyes peeled for Gouzous, which can appear almost anywhere, and can be easily missed if one is not vigilant. What is a Gouzou, you may well ask ?
A Gouzou, as far as I can fathom, is a faceless, enigmatic, pudgy little yellow creature, who often finds itself in curiously mysterious situations which leave one wondering for long moments of head-scratching afterwards as to what exactly was going on. Gouzous are the main characters in a long-running series of street art productions done by an artist from la Reunion who signs his work as Jace, the Gouzou guru. Apparently they have multiplied since their beginnings on la Reunion, and can be found in other cities around the world, including, Paris, although I'd never seen nor heard of them before going to their birthplace.
The first one I photographed went by so fast I almost missed it, and while shooting from a car window failed to use a shutter speed fast enough to prevent the image from being blurred. Despite the flawed photo, am tossing it in here for your perusal, for the sentimental value . . . my first Gouzou captured in pixels . . .

These next two images were spotted along the road from the airport going into Saint Denis the first day we got there, before I'd ever heard of a Gouzou, but I didn't get back to photograph them until near the end of the trip. A Gouzou brain popping out the end of a trumpet-like instrument ? ? ? Talk about clearing one's head out . . .

The Gouzou mythology is often marvellously puzzling. A Gouzou brain is being examined here, but for what purpose ? ? ? Anyone's guess. I'd love to get into the brain of the Gouzou guru, Mr. Jace, and try to find out what is going on in there . . .

A Gouzou handshake . . .

This is the other end of the mechanical arm, with a sweating Gouzou. The work is signed "Jace 2005" with a little note in French "Désolé pour le repassage", or "Sorry for the ironing". . .

When we got back home to mainland France I wanted to see what was on the internet about Gouzous and their creator Jace; a quick search turned up the Gouzou website . . . I was quite amused to find that the image used on the Gouzou website menu page, with an animated video of trussed up Gouzous and a murdered cow rolling off a conveyor belt into a vat of red liquid (blood ???) is the facade of a building on the south coast of la Réunion, in an abandoned industrial site, which I found and photographed while there, in this last photo. I guess in some small way Mr. Jace and I must be working on the same wavelength. I can't imagine alot of tourists would take the trouble to go off the main road and up the side alley where this fabulous industrial cadaver is located. More on that site coming soon, with just a little nod at present to Tom Bejgrowicz, an aficianado of abandoned buildings and a fine blogger about them . . .
