Showing posts with label Spoonflower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spoonflower. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Cyberflanerie: Pie and More Good Things Edition

Lonn Taylor, aka The Rambling Boy on pie (and how to tell thems Yankees).

My DC writer amiga Judy Leaver is Thankful for the Synchronicity of Good Things.

Poet, writer and translator Pat Dubrava just keeps falling in love with people.

For my next foray across Wyoming, I totally want this dinosaur fossil sweatshirt, available from Print All Over Me (hat tip to swissmiss). (This is along the lines of Spoonflower-- and by the way, for some curtains, I ordered some fabric with artist Kathryn Dunn's designs. PS Make and sell your own designs.)

If I had a little writing hut in the forest, this flooring could definitely work...

Not for me, but maybe you know someone who needs an inflatable unicorn head. Just sayin.

3D Printed salsa-dancing spider!

And Ten Pound Island has just issued a new catalog of rare books about world travels, "Get Me Out of Here!" (PDF).

More anon.

(Wrapped up in production issues this week. My book, Metaphysical Odyssey Into the Mexican Revolution, is now available in Kindle; the paperback has a been a bit delayed but should be available before the end of this year. The Spanish edition, Odisea metafísica hacia la Revolución Mexicana, translated (I am delighted and honored to say) by the amazing Agustín Cadena, will be available from Editorial Espejo de Obsidiana early in 2014, and in Kindle as well. Then back to the Marfa Mondays Podcasting Project...)