La montagna: alle origini di un problema politico (1902-1919), Comitato consultivo montagna, Presidenza del consiglio dei ministri, Roma, Dipartimento per l'informazione e l'editoria , 1992
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Comitato Consultivo Montagna J SOMMARIO Prefazione 5 Introd... more Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri Comitato Consultivo Montagna J SOMMARIO Prefazione 5 Introduzione «La montagna e il Sud» 7 L'iniziatore: Luchino Dal Verme 11 La legge forestale del 1910 23 I precedenti -La legge del 1877 -Gli esperti: Valenti e Serpieri 23 25 11 dibattito parlamentare 27 I continuatori 35 Giuseppe Micheli e «La giovane montagna» 36 Meuccio Ruini e il «Quadrilatero per la montagna» 43 Il Comitato parlamentare per la montagna 51 Conclusione 57 PREFAZIONE Il testo Per una nuova legge sulla montagna, licenziato dal Comitato Consultivo Montagna istituito presso la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, sancisce la profonda trasformazione in corso nei territori d'alta quota che, da problema che erano, siavviano a diventare unafondamentale risorsa del nostro Paese. Gli studi sui quali esso si è basato, compiuti dall'Istituto Nazionale di Sociologia Rurale e confluiti nel rapporto Montagna 2000 presentato al Consi glio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Angeli 1992) dimostrano infatti che, nella me dia, lo scarto di redditi e consumi esistente tra tali territori e il resto d'Italia non è mai superiore al 10-15%.
Papers by Oscar Gaspari
delle città italiane (Statistical Union of Italian Cities; USCI). It explores their efforts in devising cost-of-living index numbers in the aftermath of the First World War and examines the factors leading to the dissolution of their work under the fascist regime. The distribution services were among the first to oppose the initiatives of the USCI. Aligned with the rise of fascism, this sector encountered fierce competition from municipal efforts aimed at supporting citizens during the war.
Additionally, industrialists resisted the index numbers devised by
municipal statisticians, fearing that these figures could reduce their
profits by contributing to potential increases in workers’ incomes
negotiated with trade unions relying on these indices.
The pivotal moment occurred in 1925 with the initiation of
the revaluation of the Italian currency (lira), fostering an alliance
between Mussolini’s fascist government and major industrialists.
The occurrence of the 16th International Statistical Institute
(ISI) congress in Rome in 1925 coincided with the economic turning
point that, in 1926, resulted in a decrease in consumption.
definition of statistical procedures to produce the quantitative indexes
used to assess policy choices. This observatory capture takes on peculiar
technocratic features in authoritarian contexts. This paper focuses on
the role of the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria)
in the construction of an official cost-of-living index at the time of the
Fascist regime’s corporatist turn and the revaluation of the Italian lira in
1926. Wage cuts were determined following the price index, and official
procedures to collect data on prices from workers’ outlets were adopted
to dispel Italian industrialists’ concerns about the rise in the cost of production.
Following the loss of archival documentation on this matter,
the authors have reconstructed the events from indirect sources. The
issue of cost-of-living index numbers in Italy under the Fascist regime
raises concerns about the credibility of statistics and economic data
under dictatorships.
protagoniste dell’evento innalzando croci e monumenti sulle vette
di casa: simboli di fede ma anche di spirito di comunità
The communities in the mountains, however, urged their dioceses to build monuments and crosses, each according to their own possibilities: bronze or cast-iron statues of Christ the Redeemer, monumental crosses or smaller ones, to be disassembled and carried on the shoulder.
Monuments and crosses are still almost all there, restored and rebuilt, thanks also to the contribution of the Italian Alpine Club, with popular subscriptions and the work of women and men of the mountains often led by leaders who believed in economic development and political commitment.
National history has almost ignored those artifacts of the Jubilee of 1900, inattentive to the community spirit and faith that animates, yesterday as today, the populations of the mountains.
delle città italiane (Statistical Union of Italian Cities; USCI). It explores their efforts in devising cost-of-living index numbers in the aftermath of the First World War and examines the factors leading to the dissolution of their work under the fascist regime. The distribution services were among the first to oppose the initiatives of the USCI. Aligned with the rise of fascism, this sector encountered fierce competition from municipal efforts aimed at supporting citizens during the war.
Additionally, industrialists resisted the index numbers devised by
municipal statisticians, fearing that these figures could reduce their
profits by contributing to potential increases in workers’ incomes
negotiated with trade unions relying on these indices.
The pivotal moment occurred in 1925 with the initiation of
the revaluation of the Italian currency (lira), fostering an alliance
between Mussolini’s fascist government and major industrialists.
The occurrence of the 16th International Statistical Institute
(ISI) congress in Rome in 1925 coincided with the economic turning
point that, in 1926, resulted in a decrease in consumption.
definition of statistical procedures to produce the quantitative indexes
used to assess policy choices. This observatory capture takes on peculiar
technocratic features in authoritarian contexts. This paper focuses on
the role of the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria)
in the construction of an official cost-of-living index at the time of the
Fascist regime’s corporatist turn and the revaluation of the Italian lira in
1926. Wage cuts were determined following the price index, and official
procedures to collect data on prices from workers’ outlets were adopted
to dispel Italian industrialists’ concerns about the rise in the cost of production.
Following the loss of archival documentation on this matter,
the authors have reconstructed the events from indirect sources. The
issue of cost-of-living index numbers in Italy under the Fascist regime
raises concerns about the credibility of statistics and economic data
under dictatorships.
protagoniste dell’evento innalzando croci e monumenti sulle vette
di casa: simboli di fede ma anche di spirito di comunità
The communities in the mountains, however, urged their dioceses to build monuments and crosses, each according to their own possibilities: bronze or cast-iron statues of Christ the Redeemer, monumental crosses or smaller ones, to be disassembled and carried on the shoulder.
Monuments and crosses are still almost all there, restored and rebuilt, thanks also to the contribution of the Italian Alpine Club, with popular subscriptions and the work of women and men of the mountains often led by leaders who believed in economic development and political commitment.
National history has almost ignored those artifacts of the Jubilee of 1900, inattentive to the community spirit and faith that animates, yesterday as today, the populations of the mountains.