Life is getting back to something more normal slowly and surely around here after everything seemed to be "breaking" for awhile. My mom fell and broke her wrist, my cat was having some troubles, both our computers broke down and the list went on. I'm happy to say that my mom is healing well without having to have surgery, the cat got a new diet and we are determinedly loading software and learning Windows 7 :-)
Not alot of sewing has been going with all the extra needs, but I have been able to get one quilt completed and several 'almosts' that I started in the fall. As I get these quilted I'll get back to taking some pictures and posting them. I can start with this one that is actually the picture I'll show for four of them!
I couldn't get any volunteers to quilt model for me but here is Elinor. I had added a quilt sleeve on the quilt I gave my sister in the summer, put it on the piano till I could give it to her and Elinor jumped up there immediately to bless it for me.
Hope you are enjoying the fruits of your efforts this year and are blessed with loved ones around you to share them. God's peace in my heart is the sweetest gift I have this year and I treasure it each moment. I pray that you are blessed with His presence during this season and all year long. Joy and Peace to your world!