Papers by Amber G E Hood

Methods and Protocols, 2019
The DOSIVOX programme is used to reconstruct radiation transport in complex depositional environm... more The DOSIVOX programme is used to reconstruct radiation transport in complex depositional environments. Using two archaeological case studies from ancient Egypt, the burial environments for a selection of ceramic vessels are reconstructed using the DOSIVOX programme, allowing the simulation of the emission and transport of radiation throughout these burial environments. From this simulation we can extract the external dose rate of the archaeological samples, a measurement necessary for determine a luminescence age. We describe in detail how DOSIVOX can be used to best advantage at sites with complex depositional histories and highlight that DOSIVOX is a valuable tool in luminescence dating. This work illustrates that DOSIVOX is, at present, unparalleled in reconstructing a more accurate and detailed external gamma dose rate which can significantly improve upon simplistic scaled geometric models.
This paper introduces, and provides an overview of, a novel optically stimulated luminescence (OS... more This paper introduces, and provides an overview of, a novel optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sampling protocol, the minimum extraction technique (MET), which assists in the OSL dating of museum ceramics.
Vienna 2: Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century. OLA , 2016
Funde und Befunde aus der Umgebung des Satettempels. Grabungen von 2006-2009, Elephantine XXIV. Archäologische Veröffentlichungen , 2018
Regulski I., Lacher C., Hood A.G.E., (2010). Preliminary report on the excavations in the Second ... more Regulski I., Lacher C., Hood A.G.E., (2010). Preliminary report on the excavations in the Second Dynasty necropolis at Saqqara. Season 2009, JEOL 42. Pp. 25 – 53.
Köhler, E.C., Smythe, J, Hood, A.G.E., (2011). Naqada IIIC-D - The end of the Naqada Culture? Arc... more Köhler, E.C., Smythe, J, Hood, A.G.E., (2011). Naqada IIIC-D - The end of the Naqada Culture? Archéo-Nil 21. Pp. 101 – 110.
Hood, A.G.E., Valentine, J. (2012) The Application of Cladistics to Early Dynastic Ceramics: Appl... more Hood, A.G.E., Valentine, J. (2012) The Application of Cladistics to Early Dynastic Ceramics: Applying a new method. In: Knoblauch C., Gill, J., (eds.), Egyptology in Australia and New Zealand 2009: Proceedings of the conference held in Melbourne, September 4th – 6th. Pp. 47 – 59.
Conference Presentations by Amber G E Hood
First Australasian Conference for Young Egyptologists, Monash
University, Australia, September 2... more First Australasian Conference for Young Egyptologists, Monash
University, Australia, September 2009.
The Application of Cladistics to Early Dynastic Ceramics: Establishing a New Methodological Approach.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Valentine, J.
Old Kingdom Pottery Workshop, University of Warsaw, Poland, July 2011.
The Transition in the Old ... more Old Kingdom Pottery Workshop, University of Warsaw, Poland, July 2011.
The Transition in the Old Kingdom as Evidenced from the Ceramic Record: A View From Helwan.
Author: Hood, A.G.E.
Vienna II: Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century, University of Vienna, Austria, May 2012... more Vienna II: Ancient Egyptian Ceramics in the 21st Century, University of Vienna, Austria, May 2012.
A Royal Romance: Dating Narmer Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Schwenninger, J.-L.
Innovations in Ceramics, University of Southampton, England, September 2012.
The Application of ... more Innovations in Ceramics, University of Southampton, England, September 2012.
The Application of Cladistics to Egyptian Ceramic Material.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Valentine, J.
8th UK Experimental Archaeology Conference, University of Oxford, England, January 2014.
The min... more 8th UK Experimental Archaeology Conference, University of Oxford, England, January 2014.
The minimum extraction technique: applying optically stimulated luminescence dating to ceramic objects housed in museum collections.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E and Schwenninger, J.-L.
Egypt at its Origins 5 Conference, IFAO, Cairo, April 2014.
Poster: Dating of the Beit Khallaf c... more Egypt at its Origins 5 Conference, IFAO, Cairo, April 2014.
Poster: Dating of the Beit Khallaf ceramic assemblage using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL).
Authors: Hood, A.G.E and Schwenninger, J.-L.
Egypt at its Origins 5 Conference, IFAO, Cairo, April 2014.
A tale of six vessels: a multidiscip... more Egypt at its Origins 5 Conference, IFAO, Cairo, April 2014.
A tale of six vessels: a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of six Predynastic and Early Dynastic vessels from Abydos, Ballas and Naqada.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E., Dee, M. W., Woodworth, M., Schwenninger, J.-L., Ditchfield, P., Bronk Ramsey, C.
14th Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Conference, McGill University, Canada, July ... more 14th Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Conference, McGill University, Canada, July 2014.
Talk: Illuminating Egypt: absolute dating of Egyptian Ceramics using OSL and the novel minimum extraction technique.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Schwenninger, J.-L.
Papers by Amber G E Hood
Conference Presentations by Amber G E Hood
University, Australia, September 2009.
The Application of Cladistics to Early Dynastic Ceramics: Establishing a New Methodological Approach.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Valentine, J.
The Transition in the Old Kingdom as Evidenced from the Ceramic Record: A View From Helwan.
Author: Hood, A.G.E.
A Royal Romance: Dating Narmer Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Schwenninger, J.-L.
The Application of Cladistics to Egyptian Ceramic Material.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Valentine, J.
The minimum extraction technique: applying optically stimulated luminescence dating to ceramic objects housed in museum collections.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E and Schwenninger, J.-L.
Poster: Dating of the Beit Khallaf ceramic assemblage using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL).
Authors: Hood, A.G.E and Schwenninger, J.-L.
A tale of six vessels: a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of six Predynastic and Early Dynastic vessels from Abydos, Ballas and Naqada.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E., Dee, M. W., Woodworth, M., Schwenninger, J.-L., Ditchfield, P., Bronk Ramsey, C.
Talk: Illuminating Egypt: absolute dating of Egyptian Ceramics using OSL and the novel minimum extraction technique.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Schwenninger, J.-L.
University, Australia, September 2009.
The Application of Cladistics to Early Dynastic Ceramics: Establishing a New Methodological Approach.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Valentine, J.
The Transition in the Old Kingdom as Evidenced from the Ceramic Record: A View From Helwan.
Author: Hood, A.G.E.
A Royal Romance: Dating Narmer Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Schwenninger, J.-L.
The Application of Cladistics to Egyptian Ceramic Material.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Valentine, J.
The minimum extraction technique: applying optically stimulated luminescence dating to ceramic objects housed in museum collections.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E and Schwenninger, J.-L.
Poster: Dating of the Beit Khallaf ceramic assemblage using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL).
Authors: Hood, A.G.E and Schwenninger, J.-L.
A tale of six vessels: a multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of six Predynastic and Early Dynastic vessels from Abydos, Ballas and Naqada.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E., Dee, M. W., Woodworth, M., Schwenninger, J.-L., Ditchfield, P., Bronk Ramsey, C.
Talk: Illuminating Egypt: absolute dating of Egyptian Ceramics using OSL and the novel minimum extraction technique.
Authors: Hood, A.G.E. and Schwenninger, J.-L.