Papers by Rita Grīnvalde (Treija)
Valoda nozīme un forma / Language Meaning and Form, 2017
Viņa ir sējumu valodas -arī izlokšņu valodas -redaktore. Sarežģītais izdevums prasīja četrus inte... more Viņa ir sējumu valodas -arī izlokšņu valodas -redaktore. Sarežģītais izdevums prasīja četrus intensīva darba gadus, toties sagādāja trimdas latviešiem iespēju vieglāk iepazīt un ērtāk izmantot pētniecībā vērā ņemamu daļu no kopējās dziesmu bagātības. Trimdā Edīte Hauzenberga-Šturma nodevās pedagoģiskajam darbam ar augstskolu studentiem. Līdzās baltu valodām viņa pasniedza latviešu tautasdziesmu stilistiku -vispirms Baltijas Universitatē Hamburgā un Pinebergā (1946-1949), vēlāk Bonnas Universitātē. Viņa izstrādājusi arī vairākus tautasdziesmu valodas pētījumus.
Acquisition Policies and the Significance of the Ordinary Clíona O'Carroll (Ireland). Balancing '... more Acquisition Policies and the Significance of the Ordinary Clíona O'Carroll (Ireland). Balancing 'in the Now' and 'in the Future': Tightrope Walking in Community-based Collecting and Archiving 16:30-18:00 Reception at Riga City Council: a welcome address by Linda Ozola, Deputy Chairwoman of the Riga City Council; dižkokle performance by "Rīgas danči"
Treija, Rita (2007) The Theological Identity of Ludis Bērziņs as Reflected in His Manuscript ‘Mag... more Treija, Rita (2007) The Theological Identity of Ludis Bērziņs as Reflected in His Manuscript ‘Magnificent Songs’ (Greznas dziesmas). Based on the presentation for the international conference ‘Reflecting on Knowledge Production: The Development of Folkloristics and Ethnology’, Estonian Literary Museum & University of Tartu, 2007, May 17–19, Tartu (Estonia). Submitted to ‘Journal of Baltic Studies’ (USA).

Summary) The article is part of a wider study on Latvian cemetery epitaphs which is being carried... more Summary) The article is part of a wider study on Latvian cemetery epitaphs which is being carried out by Rita Treija at the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia. The source of the study is a wide material of the Latvian tombstone inscriptions covering the time period from the 19 to the 21 century. The bulk of materials obtained comes from the Archives of Latvian Folklore as well as the author’s private collection. The author seeks to analyse the multilayered nature of the memorial inscriptions on gravestones both from a philologist’s and folklorist’s perspective, focusing mainly on the use of biblical quotations and allusions in the epitaph textual tradition. The textual analysis of Latvian cemetery epitaphs shows that the Bible is an important source of reference used both directly and indirectly in the composition of the memorial texts for the deceased. There are four levels that can be distinguished according to the distance from the original source: (1...
Anthropological journal of European cultures, Mar 1, 2024
Climate change is occurring worldwide, affecting everyday life and cultural traditions cherished ... more Climate change is occurring worldwide, affecting everyday life and cultural traditions cherished for centuries. Intangible cultural heri- tage is vulnerable to climate change, as it depends on local resources and on the skills and knowledge of living in a certain environment. By studying the example of the lamprey fishing tradition in the vil- lage of Carnikava, Latvia, the article explores connections between climate change and intangible cultural heritage from the point of view of tradition-bearers, local community, local government, scien- tists and state institutions. This example shows that, when climate change equally affects both biological species and centuries-old fish- ing traditions specialised in harvesting these species, sustainable solutions are necessary to preserve both.
Letonica, 2021
This research was funded by the Latvian Council of Science, project "New approaches to the histor... more This research was funded by the Latvian Council of Science, project "New approaches to the history of Latvian folkloristics", project No. lzp-2020/2-0315.

Studia religiosa Rossica: научный журнал о религии, 2021
Saint Agatha is an Italian martyr of the 3rd century, who is honored by the Catholic Church as th... more Saint Agatha is an Italian martyr of the 3rd century, who is honored by the Catholic Church as the protector against fire accidents (she is also the patron saint of bell-makers, weavers, shepherdesses, wet nurses, sufferers of breast diseases, etc.). The article deals with the manifestations of religiosity of Latvia’s Roman Catholics–the tradition of Saint Agatha miracles. According to the examined folklore materials–folk beliefs, customs, Christian legends and notes on memorates –, the traditions related to Saint Agatha’s Day play a considerable role in the life of a practicing Catholics. Their importance emerges in honoring Saint Agatha, the practices of storing and using objects and substances blessed in the church on her commemoration day on February 5 (bread, water, salt), as well as in the stories about miraculous help in fire accidents (Agatha’s bread or water puts fire under control or distinguishes it). The miracle stories of Saint Agatha share a common textual structure: 1) The story is based on a real event; 2) The situation accelerates drastically; 3) Then comes a sudden turning point; 4) A happy ending. These memorates are stories whose key function is to assert folk religiosity regarding the intervention and help of the supernatural, divine force in the event of misfortune or accident.

Saint Agatha is an Italian martyr of the 3rd century, who is honored by the Catholic Church as th... more Saint Agatha is an Italian martyr of the 3rd century, who is honored by the Catholic Church as the protector against fire accidents (she is also the patron saint of bell-makers, weavers, shepherdesses, wet nurses, sufferers of breast diseases, etc.). The article deals with the manifestations of religiosity of Latvia’s Roman Catholics–the tradition of Saint Agatha miracles. According to the examined folklore materials–folk beliefs, customs, Christian legends and notes on memorates –, the traditions related to Saint Agatha’s Day play a considerable role in the life of a practicing Catholics. Their importance emerges in honoring Saint Agatha, the practices of storing and using objects and substances blessed in the church on her commemoration day on February 5 (bread, water, salt), as well as in the stories about miraculous help in fire accidents (Agatha’s bread or water puts fire under control or distinguishes it). The miracle stories of Saint Agatha share a common textual structure: 1...

Post-socialism/colonialism, 2021
Raksts veltīts latviešu folkloristikas vēsturei padomju perioda stagnācijas gados – Latvijas PSR ... more Raksts veltīts latviešu folkloristikas vēsturei padomju perioda stagnācijas gados – Latvijas PSR Zinātņu akadēmijas Valodas un literatūras institūta Folkloras sektora (daļas) darbībai. Pētījuma pamata avots ir institūta iekšējais žurnāls Vārds un Darbs, kas iznāca no 1965. līdz 1988. gadam. Šai nelielās tirāžas izdevumā viņpus padomju ideoloģijas slāņiem ir daudz vērtīgas historiogrāfiskas informācijas – par folkloras pētnieku kopīgajām un individuālajām gaitām, profesionālajām virsotnēm. Papildu avots interpretācijai ir dzīvesstāstu intervijas ar kādreizējā institūta darbiniekiem. Analīze veikta, izmantojot institucionālās etnogrāfijas metodi un padomju postkoloniālo studiju instrumentāriju. Rakstā iztirzāta folkloristu darba vides dinamika, savstarpējās saiknes un padomju ideoloģijas klātbūtne institūtā. Lūkots rast atbildes uz šādiem pētnieciskajiem jautājumiem: kāda bija latviešu folkloristu ikdiena vēlīnajā padomju sociālismā? Kā institūcijā izpaudās valsts varas manifestācijas...

Aktuālas problēmas literatūras un kultūras pētniecībā, Mar 10, 2022
The birth and death remembrance anniversaries of Krišjānis Barons (31.10.1835–08.03.1923), editor... more The birth and death remembrance anniversaries of Krišjānis Barons (31.10.1835–08.03.1923), editor of folk songs and publisher of “Latvju dainas” (Latvian Folk Songs, 1894–1915), received widespread attention already in the interwar period, both in the humanities and in Latvian society in general. Shortly after Barons’ death, in honour of his memory, several significant projects in the history of Latvian culture and scholarship were launched: the Barons’ Society (1924–1940) and the Archives of Latvian Folklore were founded (1924), and the Krišjānis Barons’ Prize was established (1926–1940). However, the most ambitious cultural memory activities are associated with the celebration of his 150th anniversary between 1981 and 1985. This anniversary promoted works of research, art, literature, and cinema, the emergence of new cultural sites, as well as encouraged the general public to strive for Latvian independence. Of lasting significance was the tradition of the annual conference of Krišjānis Barons, which began in 1981 by A. Upīts’ Institute of Language and Literature at the Latvian SSR Academy of Sciences. The aim of the article is to understand the construction of the memory of Krišjānis Barons in a diachronic aspect, using the theoretical approaches of memory studies and postcolonial studies for interpretation. Based on the archival and published materials, the article traces the history of Barons’ commemoration activities during the 20th century and provides an analysis of their role in the context of cultural policy, ideologies of their time, and the disciplinary history of folklore studies.
Papers by Rita Grīnvalde (Treija)