Papers by Francis Balahadia
International Journal of Computing Sciences Research
Purpose-The legislative branch of a province is generally in charge of making laws. In addition t... more Purpose-The legislative branch of a province is generally in charge of making laws. In addition to this, they are also in charge of enacting programs and policies for the general well-being of the citizens within the province. The general public may not be able to keep track of legislative performances since there is a growing number of legislative-generated documents. This study developed a system that integrated the application of topic modeling in crafting ordinances, resolutions, and policies for the Province of Laguna.

International Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, 2022
Crime has a big impact in both the human lives and the society's growth, which needs to be addres... more Crime has a big impact in both the human lives and the society's growth, which needs to be addressed and controlled. Machine learning algorithms as the fanciest technology to assist decision makers in policy making has proven its reliability in showing unseen patterns in crime. This research aims to examine the capability of trees and ensemble trees in classifying crime through model development. Experiments were done to enhance the capability of the ensembles in both classification and regression. Feature extraction like synthetic minority oversampling technique was applied in order to address the problem in the imbalanced data. Different metrics relevant to classification and regression were considered in evaluating the performance of each model used. With the use of different metrics, Gradient boosted tree was found to have better classification capability in crime dataset after outperforming decision tree and random forest in both classification and regression problem. Furthermore, random forest was also found to have a promising capability in classification by regression. Therefore, it is highly recommended that this ensemble algorithm be further examined and considered in developing model in other datasets.
International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 2022
Purpose-This study developed an online crime reporting system that uses artificial intelligence t... more Purpose-This study developed an online crime reporting system that uses artificial intelligence to analyze crime incident reports to provide up-to-date crime statistics, map crime hot locations, and manage dynamic databases. Method-The knowledge discovery process in databases (KDD) was utilized for the model development. Scrum, an agile development technique, proved helpful in the iterative and Research Implications-The academe and local law enforcement agencies must collaboratively develop strategies that reinforce the importance of community engagement. The system provides public access through geo-mapping that supports the community, or locally based crime prevention, instead of targeting individuals, targets areas where the risks of becoming involved in crime or being victimized are high.

International Journal of Academe and Industry Research, 2022
This study assessed the awareness on the implementation of International Organization Standardiza... more This study assessed the awareness on the implementation of International Organization Standardization (ISO) 9001: 2015 in a university and the challenges encountered by the key stakeholders. It also tested the correlation of respondents' demographic profile to the level of awareness and challenges. The study used a descriptive research design and convenience sampling technique with a total of 100 survey participants from senior officials, professors, faculty, and non-faculty personnel. To collect responses, the study used structured survey questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, percentage, and weighted mean as well as Spearman were used for data analysis. The results of the study showed that employees are 'Fully Aware' and 'Aware' on the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, particularly in terms of the quality mission, vision, and objectives. However, employees "Disagree" with the various challenges in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015. In addition, there was no significant relationship among the respondents' profile, awareness and challenges in the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 at the university. The study found that while university employees are usually aware of the quality management system's fundamental objectives, they normally disagree on the challenges of putting it into practice. For this, information dissemination should be done on a regular basis while the employees are obliged to also internalize the university's quality management system's vision, mission, and objectives.

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 2017
Purpose-This research project seeks to design, develop, and test the acceptability innovative e-l... more Purpose-This research project seeks to design, develop, and test the acceptability innovative e-learning management system to transform traditional methods into Information Communication and Technology (ICT) based approach, to improve the quality of education, enhance teachers' teaching strategies, and to meet the demands of the 21st century teachers and learners as a result of the implementation of the K to12 ICT integration in Araling Panlipunan (AP). Method-The researchers conducted a series of surveys and interviews with the ICT heads, AP department heads, master teachers, and district supervisor. Questionnaires and literature were also employed to gather relevant information vital to planning, designing and development of a prototype. The design of the system is responsive to mobile and another portable device. The system development was divided in four phases: requirement planning, user design, construction or development and cutover. The developers used software development languages, such as HTML5 and PHP. The programmers employed MySQL database. In addition, other necessary software requirements were also used like internet browser, Notepad++, Adobe Dreamweaver, TinyMCE and XAMPP. Alpha and Beta testing were used to minimize the errors experienced by respondents. The result of system testing was analyzed descriptively using frequency, rank, and weighted mean. 22 Results-The system was tested and evaluated using the ISO 9126 Evaluation Model to determine the acceptance level of the proposed system. The overall acceptance rating in terms of functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability is highly acceptable. It was a good indication that the developers met the necessary requirement of a learning management system by incorporating additional features. Conclusion-The goal of creating this alternative approach of teaching and evaluation process is to support teachers and students' adaptation to e-learning and e-assessment. The study also achieved its goals to meet the demands of 21st century teachers and learners as a result of the implementation of K-12 curriculum through customized onlinebased responsive e-learning and e-assessment tool. These trends for Philippine education systems will empower the teachers and students to become more confident and competent in the use of technologies, shared resources, and collaborative learning. Recommendations-The system will bring new educational experiences to the young generations of both elementary teachers and students in particular to the DepEd-Division of Laguna. The system may be presented to the Department of Education for implementation as basis for creating e-learning tool not only for Araling Panlipunan but for all courses with more interactive and collaborative features in the system. Implications-The implementation of the said system is highly recommended to cope with the emerging trends of ICT in Education as a result of the implementation of the K to 12 programs. Furthermore, learning and assessment process can become more exciting and productive when ICT is being applied in public schools which can be a new student-centered assessment means to gauge learners and likewise recognize diverse learning styles.

International Review of Social Sciences Research, 2022
This study analyzed the cases on the Violence against Women and their Children (VAWC) in the prov... more This study analyzed the cases on the Violence against Women and their Children (VAWC) in the province of Laguna to determine the level of law awareness, reasons for unreported violence incidents and preferences on reporting VAWC cases. To assess the collected responses, descriptive statistics and Kruskal Wallis were utilized. Convenience sampling was used with 356 respondents, 34 of whom were witnesses to the abuse and 65 are the victims of abuse. Majority of witnesses to the abuse were women between 16 and 20 years old while the victims were between 16 and 30 years old. Emotional abuse is the most common type witnessed regardless of age, location, civil status, occupation, or educational attainment. While physical abuse is the most common type experienced by the victims, it is frequently perpetrated by their former husbands. Ironically, respondents were “Very Aware” of the VAWC law but the 70.5% of them do not report cases due to embarrassment, fear of being blamed, inability to ma...

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 2022
Purpose-Many educational systems across the world have shifted to online learning methodology as ... more Purpose-Many educational systems across the world have shifted to online learning methodology as a measure against Covid-19 Pandemic to continue educating students. This phenomenon is causing a lot of complications to the educational system around the world in the context of developing countries, especially to the public state colleges and universities. This paper aims to identify and describe the challenges of online learning from the perspective of Information Technology Education (ITE) students in the public state colleges and universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method-It used descriptive research for the conducted of the study wherein survey questionnaires were sent out via electronic survey in different state colleges and universities in the Philippines. The evaluations were calculated using descriptive statistics and Chi-square and responses were compared between their profilesusing a nonparametric test. Results-The findings obtained the demographic profile of the ITE s...

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 2019
Purpose–This study exploredthe utilization of ICT tools and resources in developing ICTeachMUqPO.... more Purpose–This study exploredthe utilization of ICT tools and resources in developing ICTeachMUqPO. Thisinformation e-learning module system is a web-based application designed to support the academic needs of bothfaculty and students, in particular to tracklearning progress.Method–The proponents conducted a group discussion andcollaboration with the end users andreviewed literature on faculty development andrelated studies to gather preliminaryinformation. They also identified all software and hardware specifications necessary in developing the system througha survey. The descriptive method of research was employed in designing the system evaluationprocess. Judgmental or purposive sampling was usedin selecting the respondents (n=113) who answered the evaluation survey. Result–The system evaluation survey was patterned after ISO 25010 and consisted of the following components: functionality, usability, reliability, performance, security, compatibilityand supportability. The overallrat...

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 2022
Purpose–Thispaperaimed to develop a system that applies VADER Sentiment Analysis to tweets collec... more Purpose–Thispaperaimed to develop a system that applies VADER Sentiment Analysis to tweets collected using adevelopedtwitter scraper toolto identify the insights of public responsesbased on their tweetson certain government servicesrendered to them thus providing legislators of the province of Laguna an additional tool in writing future legislations.Method–This study may serve as an additional tool tothe Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Laguna in identifying sentiments of the public in terms of government services that are rendered and lack thereof based on the collected tweets written in Tagalog, English or Taglish(Tagalog and English).Data collected through the Twitter scraper tool are preprocessed taking into consideration the special characters that also have impact on scoring sentiments, emojis,and emoticons. The compound score is computed by normalizing the sum of the polarityscores foreach tweet.Results–Aside from a tabular visualization of VADER’s results, the system also provide...

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 2018
Purpose-The study aims to develop a portal helping victims in Violence against Women and Children... more Purpose-The study aims to develop a portal helping victims in Violence against Women and Children (VAWC). This VAWC Portal, map the area where VAWC incident happen. The VAWC portal also have e-reporting feature that will help the Women and Children in reporting when they experience abuse. 117 Conclusion-The system meets its objective to provide tool for the VAWC campaign. The high viability of using the Help2Juana web portal scores t from the participating government agencies and the women's community indicate their readiness to adopt and use the system in the said campaign. This positive attitude towards the project can make Help2Juana useful in getting insights for planning VAWC prevention programs and policies, by taking advantage of the empirical data that are provided by the statistical tools integrated into the system. Recommendations-It recommends that the LGU's and the Women's Community in Laguna consider employing the Help2Juana system in the near future, to test out its capabilities in facilitating and supporting anti-VAWC programs. Other features related to improving government procedures can be added in the process to improve the quality of response to VAWC incidents. Practical Implications-The Women and Children victim of abuses can easily seek help and report the VAWC incident without shame through the use of Help2Juana. The system can give assistance and awareness regarding to related abuses to women, children and government official especially to R.A. 9262.

Recoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journal
The Philippines’ location within the Pacific Ring of Fire brings enormous threat to its people. I... more The Philippines’ location within the Pacific Ring of Fire brings enormous threat to its people. Intervention and innovation are to be in place for survival and growth, since nothing can be done about its geographic location and the threats that come with it. This study aims to create a framework for developing a decision support system, a mobile and web application for the efficient implementation of the disaster logistics support system. The study will utilize Agile Methodology for the software development in the proposed framework. This proposed framework exhibits the features of the system such as identifying location, affected families, supplies, reports, management of inventory, vehicle outsourcing, and monitoring. The system framework can be a helpful tool for the efficient and speedy delivery of needed help and an effective approach to disaster supply chain issues.

International Journal of Computing Sciences Research
Purpose-The study aims to develop a framework that can be used in gamifying the LET reviewer and ... more Purpose-The study aims to develop a framework that can be used in gamifying the LET reviewer and determine the necessary gamification elements to be used and identify the area of improvement of the students based on their assessment in the system. Method-The researchers will use the descriptive research in order to accomplish the study and as for the development of the system, the researchers will apply the Iterative and Incremental Model Methodology. Results-Based on the literature, gamification is an effective technique in which necessary game elements should be implemented, namely: points, levels, leaderboards, points, and feedback with the game design. Through gamification, the framework was developed to apply in the creation of a gamified examination for teachers. Conclusion-As the results of different studies, gamification is a good approach to make a positive change in students' behavior and attitude towards learning that helps improves students' motivation and engagement.

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020
In the past years, crime becomes one of the main concerns in the Philippines for it affects drast... more In the past years, crime becomes one of the main concerns in the Philippines for it affects drastically in the economic growth of the country. Awareness was one of the key factors that a police officer must possessed to effectively reduced crime in particular location. Many criminologists study on the number or occurrence of a crime to resolve the problem, however, number vagueness and possible source are often encountered that compromises the possible real effects or pattern. Machine learning is well-known to produce new knowledge and discover hidden pattern intelligently in particular database which can be used to produce data-driven reasoning or policy recommendation. The key objective of this research is to develop a predictive model in investigating crime records in the province of Laguna. Following the famous concept of knowledge discovery in databases, the researchers found out that decision tree algorithm is the best machine learning algorithm in classifying crime occurrence...

Virtual Reality (VR) is a realistic and immersive simulation of three-dimensional environment, cr... more Virtual Reality (VR) is a realistic and immersive simulation of three-dimensional environment, created using interactive software and hardware. This study aims to assess the impact of VR as technological advancement for learning and a new experience for children, adolescents, and adults especially with autism disorder. The study objectives are to caught the attention of the children with autism using VR, immersing them inside the VR world. The study intent is to create an immersive simulation of different events about natural and human made disaster to raise awareness of these children towards disaster and calamity teaching them how to act and react in case these events happened in real life. It will consist series of decision making, giving them a choice of what is right and what is not. The proponent aims to create this simulation in a portable way, utilizing smart phones as a developing platform for this study.

There are many reasons behind such Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) chose to work abroad sacrific... more There are many reasons behind such Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) chose to work abroad sacrificing their safety by seeking better opportunities in a foreign land. Although the government has its contingency plans for the migrant workers, the government cannot fully protect them and provide immediate assistance during emergency situations whether by different natural or man-made disasters occurred. The paper focuses on the application of Information Communications Technology (ICT) in a form of an android based mobile application that will provide Overseas Filipino Workers with tools to get in touch with the government agencies or embassies in terms of crimes, disasters and pandemics during their time of deployment abroad. The mobile application gives the user the capability to send an emergency incident report to prompt the government agencies of the status of the user. It will also serve as a communication for the OFWs and the government agencies for an immediate response during unwanted situations. It will also provide the location of the users with the aid of the GPS once the user registered and identify the other OFWs nearby their places and collaboration during emergency situation. A list of the consulates and embassies were provided to reach out for further assistance

Fire incidents are costly occurrences that may be preventable. This study aims to analyze fire da... more Fire incidents are costly occurrences that may be preventable. This study aims to analyze fire data in the City of Manila from 2011 to 2014 based on the various causes of fires. Temporal analytical techniques complemented by geo-mapping are used to determine fire patterns based on time, day, month and year. A total of 2,316 fire incidents were included in the study and fires due to faulty electrical connections occuring from 6PM to 9PM emerged as the time with the most number of fire incidents. The daily pattern does not show much variation although the montly pattern shows that the summer months have the more number of fire occurrences with faulty electrical connections as the main cause. The yearly pattern also do not offer much variation though the same cause of fire is noted to have the highest occurrence. Patterns identified may be useful inputs in formulating proactive fire preventive measures and in allocating fire resources. Future research directions in spatial and spatiotemporal analyses have been identified.

The paper promotes adoption of Opinion Mining in the faculty performance evaluation system by the... more The paper promotes adoption of Opinion Mining in the faculty performance evaluation system by the students using Naïve Bayes algorithm. The study may help the university administrators to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the faculty members based on the positive and negative feedback of the students either in English or in Filipino language. The system provides graphical representation of the evaluation result in pie chart with the percentage of positive and negative feedback of the students. Based on the result of the survey obtained the respondents highly recommend the proposed system. Thus, the school administrators and educators will be more aware about the sentiments and concerns of the students. The reports generated from the developed system could be utilized to enhance the performance of the concerned faculty. In addition, the results from the objective evaluation of performance could also be used as a basis for merit, awards, and/or promotion. Furthermore, the said innovation may encourage as well as improve fact-based decision making for university stakeholders.

The paper promotes the use of ICT for an E-Participation prototype for the Local Government Unit ... more The paper promotes the use of ICT for an E-Participation prototype for the Local Government Unit specifically in the Barangay level. E-Participation provides officials and the community interaction to produce information concerning policies and decision making through technological tools. The study incorporates the different types of E-participation namely E-informing, E-Consulting, E-Involving, E-Collaborating and E-Empowerment. The main feature of the system will focus on the application of Incident Mapping. Through this, citizens will be allowed to point areas in the community through a digital map that requires attention from the barangay officials. Social media integration is also included to allow the community receives notifications for every update done by the officials to the website. The paper will focus on the acceptability of the proposed system for Barangay 343 Zone 44 Sampaloc, Manila towards the implementation of the E-Participation Barangay Portal prototype. The system was accessed by the community having a total of 154 respondents using statistical sampling method such as clustering, stratified and fishball sampling. The result of the survey obtained from the respondents in the acceptability of the system shows that it is Highly Acceptable gaining an overall mean of 4.51. This study provides insight into potential improvement for transparencies, communication plan and services. Furthermore, the said innovation may encourage more users to improve fact-based decision making for Local Government Unit. Conducting e-participation in longitudinal research to better understand the different factors affecting the sustainability of active participation is therefore recommended.

The spatio-temporal analysis of fire could allow decision makers to prepare an effective fire man... more The spatio-temporal analysis of fire could allow decision makers to prepare an effective fire management plan that makes efficient use of needed resources. This study aims to analyze fire data in the City of Manila from 2011 to 2015 through spatio-temporal analysis. A total of 2,823 fire incidents were investigated and fires due to faulty electrical connections occurring from 4PM to 8PM emerged as the time with the most number of fires. Daily pattern does not show much variation although the monthly pattern shows that the summer months have higher number of fire occurrences compared with the rest of the months except for September, which had most number of recorded fires during the 5-year period. Further research direction can include determining the impact of socioeconomic and environmental factors in fire incidence likewise the utilization of geo-visualization techniques, prediction model and simulation as tools in improving fire service and management.
This research project seeks to design, develop, and test the acceptability innovative e-learning ... more This research project seeks to design, develop, and test the acceptability innovative e-learning management system to transform traditional methods into Information Communication and Technology (ICT) based approach, to improve the quality of education, enhance teachers’ teaching strategies, and to meet the demands of the 21st century teachers and learners as a result of the implementation of the K to12 ICT integration in Araling Panlipunan (AP).
Papers by Francis Balahadia