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    • Andragogy
All Cognitive Architectures have their unique ASMs that are necessary to drive decision making, learning and applicability. Though each Action Selection Mechanisms discussed in this paper presents a valid justification for “how and what”... more
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      Cognitive ScienceCognitive Architectures
In traditional fibre optic communications, light pulses are used to transmit data across transmission channels. To protect the data, it is algorithmically encrypted in each light pulse. This has a major drawback; the amount of data... more
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      Quantum ComputingQuantum Cryptography
Topic 1: Online sports training programs can be used to create the next generation of competitive student athletes. Just as education has moved away from a structured classroom time oriented approach, so too has the need for quality... more
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      Information TechnologyE-Commerce
Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions about the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software. Data analytics technologies and techniques are... more
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      Data AnalysisData AnalyticsBig Data
The University of the West Indies Open Campus (UWIOC) operates within seventeen (17) English-speaking Caribbean territories and provides a number of programmes across all levels of the academic landscape incorporating online, physical and... more
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    • Ornithology
Cognitive Computing within Healthcare is a large and expanding field for research and development. This paper will seek to examine the major developments in all aspects of this field and its application to the people of the Caribbean. It... more
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      Public HealthCognitive Computing