Laura E. Herrera Castillo
Originally from Colombia, I spent several years conducting research in Spain before moving to Germany in 2014 where I have since been working and living. I am currently working as a temporary professor (Vertretungsprofessur) at the University of Munich (LMU).
I hold a PhD and Master's in Philosophy from the University of Granada (Spain) in 2013 and 2010, respectively, as well as a Bachelor of Philosophy from the Pontifical Javeriana University in Bogotá (Colombia) in 2007. A post-doctoral grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enabled two years of research at Leibniz University in Hannover (2014-2016). From 2018 to 2022, I led a DFG-funded project on the concept of 'expression' in the metaphysics of N. Cusanus, G. Bruno, and G.W. Leibniz. Before joining LMU, I worked at the Leibniz-Forschungsstelle in Münster.
Throughout my academic journey, I have had the privilege of working at the University of Granada in Spain, as well as the universities in Hannover, Münster, and Munich. Additionally, I occasionally serve as an external lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) at the University of Osnabrück. I also serve on the Direction Board of the Ibero-American Leibniz Network and the Editorial Board of the Spanish Leibniz Edition “Obras Filosóficas y Científicas de G. W. Leibniz.”
My primary scholarly focus centers around Early Modern and Renaissance Philosophy. My current research endeavors explore several vital themes, including:
- Investigating the concept of expression in the history of philosophy, with a specific emphasis on the works of C. Cusanus and G. W. Leibniz, and its reception by E. Cassirer.
- Delving into the metaphors of light, mirror, and perspective as utilized by Leibniz, N. Cusanus, and G. Bruno.
- Examining (parallel) developments in the history of mathematics and the history of art during the Renaissance and Early Modern Period.
- Engaging in metaphilosophical inquiries regarding the methodologies for documenting the history of philosophy, with a particular focus on the contributions of women.
I hold a PhD and Master's in Philosophy from the University of Granada (Spain) in 2013 and 2010, respectively, as well as a Bachelor of Philosophy from the Pontifical Javeriana University in Bogotá (Colombia) in 2007. A post-doctoral grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enabled two years of research at Leibniz University in Hannover (2014-2016). From 2018 to 2022, I led a DFG-funded project on the concept of 'expression' in the metaphysics of N. Cusanus, G. Bruno, and G.W. Leibniz. Before joining LMU, I worked at the Leibniz-Forschungsstelle in Münster.
Throughout my academic journey, I have had the privilege of working at the University of Granada in Spain, as well as the universities in Hannover, Münster, and Munich. Additionally, I occasionally serve as an external lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) at the University of Osnabrück. I also serve on the Direction Board of the Ibero-American Leibniz Network and the Editorial Board of the Spanish Leibniz Edition “Obras Filosóficas y Científicas de G. W. Leibniz.”
My primary scholarly focus centers around Early Modern and Renaissance Philosophy. My current research endeavors explore several vital themes, including:
- Investigating the concept of expression in the history of philosophy, with a specific emphasis on the works of C. Cusanus and G. W. Leibniz, and its reception by E. Cassirer.
- Delving into the metaphors of light, mirror, and perspective as utilized by Leibniz, N. Cusanus, and G. Bruno.
- Examining (parallel) developments in the history of mathematics and the history of art during the Renaissance and Early Modern Period.
- Engaging in metaphilosophical inquiries regarding the methodologies for documenting the history of philosophy, with a particular focus on the contributions of women.
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Books by Laura E. Herrera Castillo
[English below]
En septiembre de 1714, G.W. Leibniz escribió en Viena en francés el primer borrador de un opúsculo que a partir de la edición de H. Köhler se conocería como "Monadología". Con motivo del cumplimiento del 300 aniversario de la redacción de esta obra se celebró en Granada del 3 al 5 de abril de 2014 el II Congreso Iberoamericano Leibniz.
Se presentaron alrededor de 200 ponencias procedentes de 16 países diferentes. Este volumen recoge una selección de las contribuciones presentadas, organizadas en cuatro grupos temáticos: (1) racionalidad lógico-matemática, (2) epistemología, ciencia y principios, (3) psicología, lenguaje y antropología y (4) Teodicea y el problema del mal.
In September 1714, during his stay in Vienna, Leibniz wrote in French a first draft of a brief untitled treatise, that later became known as "Monadology". This name appeared by the first time in the German publication made of it in 1720 by H. Köhler. In commemoration of the 300 anniversary of the composition of this work, it took place in Granada, from April 3th to 5th 2015, the II Congreso Iberoamericano Leibniz.
It were submitted about 200 papers an in it participated the best international specialists from 16 countries. This volume includes a selection of those contributions, and are organized into four thematic-groups: (1) Logic-Mathematical Rationality, (2) Epistemology, Science and Principles, (3) Psychology, Language and Anthropology and (4) Theodicy and the problem of evil.
Papers by Laura E. Herrera Castillo
Palabras clave: actividad monádica, función, ley de la serie, perspectiva, punto de vista.
Ich beginne mit einer kurzen Darstellung des Ausdrucksbegriffs bei Leibniz selbst, werde mich im Anschluss daran mit Cassirers Lektüre befassen, um abschließend deren Tragfähigkeit zu diskutieren.
Um den Begriff schrittweise herauszuarbeiten, wird zunächst ein kurzer historischer Überblick hinsichtlich der Ursprünge des mathematischen Funktionsbegriffs gegeben, bevor die spezifische Bedeutung dargelegt wird, die Leibniz ihm gibt. Abschließend soll ein kurzer Ausblick auf die Formen eröffnet werden, in denen die Idee der Funktionalität in seiner Metaphysik erscheint.
Abstract: In this paper I will examine the explanation of the expressive relation as a functional one in the literature about Leibniz and I will propose a new interpretation of the concept of expression, giving an interpretation of Leibniz' metaphysics within the framework of —what I call— an expanded functionality.
Book Reviews by Laura E. Herrera Castillo
[English below]
En septiembre de 1714, G.W. Leibniz escribió en Viena en francés el primer borrador de un opúsculo que a partir de la edición de H. Köhler se conocería como "Monadología". Con motivo del cumplimiento del 300 aniversario de la redacción de esta obra se celebró en Granada del 3 al 5 de abril de 2014 el II Congreso Iberoamericano Leibniz.
Se presentaron alrededor de 200 ponencias procedentes de 16 países diferentes. Este volumen recoge una selección de las contribuciones presentadas, organizadas en cuatro grupos temáticos: (1) racionalidad lógico-matemática, (2) epistemología, ciencia y principios, (3) psicología, lenguaje y antropología y (4) Teodicea y el problema del mal.
In September 1714, during his stay in Vienna, Leibniz wrote in French a first draft of a brief untitled treatise, that later became known as "Monadology". This name appeared by the first time in the German publication made of it in 1720 by H. Köhler. In commemoration of the 300 anniversary of the composition of this work, it took place in Granada, from April 3th to 5th 2015, the II Congreso Iberoamericano Leibniz.
It were submitted about 200 papers an in it participated the best international specialists from 16 countries. This volume includes a selection of those contributions, and are organized into four thematic-groups: (1) Logic-Mathematical Rationality, (2) Epistemology, Science and Principles, (3) Psychology, Language and Anthropology and (4) Theodicy and the problem of evil.
Palabras clave: actividad monádica, función, ley de la serie, perspectiva, punto de vista.
Ich beginne mit einer kurzen Darstellung des Ausdrucksbegriffs bei Leibniz selbst, werde mich im Anschluss daran mit Cassirers Lektüre befassen, um abschließend deren Tragfähigkeit zu diskutieren.
Um den Begriff schrittweise herauszuarbeiten, wird zunächst ein kurzer historischer Überblick hinsichtlich der Ursprünge des mathematischen Funktionsbegriffs gegeben, bevor die spezifische Bedeutung dargelegt wird, die Leibniz ihm gibt. Abschließend soll ein kurzer Ausblick auf die Formen eröffnet werden, in denen die Idee der Funktionalität in seiner Metaphysik erscheint.
Abstract: In this paper I will examine the explanation of the expressive relation as a functional one in the literature about Leibniz and I will propose a new interpretation of the concept of expression, giving an interpretation of Leibniz' metaphysics within the framework of —what I call— an expanded functionality.