Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday Aug 29 update

I did get a little stitching completed on Monday on my ABCs of aging artfully.
                                                                Joyce F / TX update


Hello,  I have a couple of updates.  First is the SAL.  I chose to do Halloween Rules.  I am a bit behind because I chose to start over so I could use the WDW and CC threads.  Its makes such a big difference and I am really happy with my choice.  Sorry for the pic.  My lighting is terrible, but I promise to get a better pic with the next update.

Lizzie Kate "Halloween Rules"
Next, I have two finishes (stitching finishes).  I still need to get these little guys made up, but I am happy with the Stitching.
I have "Sisters" in the background because its the second one I have stitched.  They are gifts for my baby sitter and her family.  Hello Spring will be made into a pin keep (if I can manage to follow instructions, he he he).  Well folks, that's it for this week.  Hopefully I can figure out how to use my camera and can get better pics up.

Feelin' festive?

I stitched this little guy for an exchange I took part in recently. It's Feelin' Festive from L*K Tiny Tidings XV.
Stitched on 28ct cream evenweave with DMC floss. Finished as a flat ornament.
Isn't he adorable! Love his button nose and the pink scarf :-)

Sadie x

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Christmas Rules

Hi all,  Thank you for the nice comments.  I did a little on this, but not a lot.  I sorta explained it on my blog.

I was wondering if anybody might have stitched ABC Christmas and would be willing to sell or lend me the chart.  I don't need the floss I prefer to stitch with DMC.

Thanks,  Linda

Email Account Hacked

My email has been hacked, all my contacts have been sent an email that I am in Scotland stranded and need money...PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE THIS....I am safe and well at home!

The b*****d has also cleared all my contacts etc out of the account too...I have now terminated the email so it is now dead and set up a new one...but I have lost all my friends email addresses...therefore please could you leave your email on the post on my blog ONLY...the link to this post is here...all my comments are for blog owner approval, so I won't publish any of the comments, but they will come through to my email so I can have your email address, I will then delete the comment hence it will not appear on my blog...hope this makes sense.

Thanks friends


Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Week's Update!

Here is my progress from both Monday and Friday's SAL. As soon as I've done this I'm off to stitch some more.

Can't wait to see everyone's progress.

Until next Monday, happy stitching.

Lesleyanne xxx

Thursday, August 25, 2011

12 Blessings SAL update

Since I took this photo, I've finished the charity square, so now its two down and ten to go. Must say I'm loving this pattern! Can't wait to get it finished and framed (hopefully just in time for Christmas this year).

Shelley :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Some Info

Hello everyone,  I want to say thank you for all of the wonderful comments I received on the Traveling Pattern.  I have not given up and am already frogging.  I received some requests for the colors I chose on "Life's a Stitch", so here ya go folks.....

Fabric: WDW Putty 30 ct.
All DMC Colors
Variegated #94 for the border
963 for the petals
223 for the center of the flowers
351 for the row under Life's
666 for the row under "A" and the heart
3363 for the leaves
937 for the words

Hope this helps, and I too love the border #94 color.  It just seems to sparkle. ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A finish and a WIP

Above is the finish of my LK Peace Love and a Cure, I chose my own colours for this and am really happy with the finish.  I am going to finish this into a Cube finish, it's for a Breast Cancer Charity Day at work and will be part of the raffle prizes. (and I have just realised it is not finished lolol, there is a heart I have to stitch on it yet ....oh well watch this space!!)

This one has come along slowly this week as I am working on several smalls for exchanges so it has not got much further than before!!  I have noticed an error too ............. but am dashed if I am going to frog, it will stay as is and be my version ......... can you tell what I have done wrong??

Weekly update Monday stitching

                                                              Joyce C F / TX update
I didn't have as much time to stitch as other things seem to get in the way of my stitching. But, I did get a little more stitched on my ABCs of Aging Artfully.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Finished, Sort of.

Traveling Pattern is ready to move on..........
Well, I sort of finished the Traveling Pattern Stitch.  The border is really off, but I refuse to hold up the pattern because of my "issues".  I tried the border 8 times, before conceding that the pattern is smarter than I am.  BUT, I enjoyed every minute of it.  Its a great pattern and I must stress that its not difficult.  I have some issues of my own that make a few things difficult for me.  So please know that I LOVEed this stitch and am ready to send it off on its new adventure.  Please pop on over to my blog,  My New Perspective, if you would like a chance to enter the drawing to be the next chosen in the Stitcherhood.  
As for my other LK stitches, I will be working on my Stitch-A-Long today and get a pic up later this week.  Hope everyone has a wonderful frog free week. ;)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I am still around even if I haven't posted for awhile. For the past 3 weeks I have been fighting bronchitis and it is still not much better. I have another Dr. appointment on Tuesday and hpefully they will get me on the mend, I am so tired of coughing!
Any way on Friday I got one more of my 12 Christmas Blessings done.

I know it's not the greatest picture, but you can see that I completed it.
Happy Stitching

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One down... Eleven to go!

I've finally made a start on my 12 Blessings piece. My fabric arrived on Friday so I've spent a couple of days stitching it. I'm going to do it as one big piece rather than ornaments.

I've just noticed by looking at the photo that I haven't finished that horizontal line properly yet.. Funny how I can look at it while i'm stitching and not notice.

The downside of starting this one is I suspect my Cat Lessons will take a back seat for a while. While I'm here though, I'll post a pic of the progress.

Happy stitching everyone!


Finally a Start

I have finally made a start on my SAL “12 Blessings”, I am stitching it as 12 separate pieces to make up as ornaments…I chose “Love” first…


Hugs & Stitches


Last Monday's Update

I am a little behind in posting my progress on my Monday stitching of the ABCs of Aging Artfully. I have now unpacked my camera and here is the picture from Monday Aug 15th.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Santa wants to Know Finish!

I finished Santa wants to know today as a cube. I am quite pleased with it for a first attempt. I can see where I need to improve but enjoyed finishing this, which for me in a miracle.

Hope everyone enjoyed stitching on Monday and again today, look forward to seeing your progress.

Until next time, happy stitching.

Lesleyanne xxx

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finally--a picture!

I have not yet posted because my camera was not working... needed a long charge I guess, cause it is working now! I finished my LK piece, 'Peace, Love and a Cure'. I think I will make it into a flatfold... we shall see...

Next up? I don't yet know... that is the fun of it! But I will try to post progress photos Tuesdays! I have been designating Mondays as LK days!



Tuesday, August 16, 2011

(Late) Monday update

Here is my progress on my Cat Lessons. Slowly but surely lol. This photo makes the fabric look a totally different colour but you get the idea.

I'm almost ready to start my 12 Blessings of Christmas. Just waiting on some more fabric to arrive (hopefully today). I grabbed some from Spotlight last weekend but I want to try a different colour. Am looking forward to making a start on it :)


Weekly update

I didn't get alot done on Monday.  But some is better than none.


PS  If you look at the top above the snowman you can see one of my helpers whiskers.

Two Motifs Done - Mon 15th

Hi all, I hope you all got lots of lovely stitching done on the SAL yesterday. Here's where I'm up to on my piece, All Things Bright and Beautiful . . .

I'm moving onto the flag shortly and continuing with the rest of the writing, that I have decided to stitch in all DMC 322, not a combination of the two. I'm also changing other colours as I go along, like the worm and the chicks' legs. This way, the design suits me :)
Best wishes to all,

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Monday Update on Halloween Pieces

Have really been enjoying stitching on my Halloween pieces. First one is Halloween Boo Club, have the buttons on and will hopefully get the second piece finished this week and hopefully on to the third.

The second one is really coming along, loving this one even more - good fun and I cannot wait to see it progress I want to make it into some kind of wall hanging in the end and not put in frame.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week End Update

Good Morning All,

Here are my LK updates.  I admit that I haven't had that much progress, but I was a bit burned out.  I have renewed vigor and will be finishing this little lovely pretty soon.

LK freebie "Hello Spring"
I also received this familiar little guy (the pattern).
I will announce when I am done with the stitching so everyone knows when I will draw the next stitcher. 
One more pic for today.  I was able to get my border supplies for the Stitch-a-Long together. 
If I am able to get the center motif for the Traveling Pattern done tonight, I will be starting this tonight also.  I will not stitch on it again until Friday.  AND, please forgive my tardiness on the stitch-a-long start, I was a bit burned out and just felt like I needed to play with my DS.  He was a bit angry at the last stitch (he he he).

Last Week's Progress!

This is my progress from last week. I stitched on this Monday and Friday.

Planning on stitching some more on this later.

Until next time, happy stitching


Thursday, August 11, 2011

SAL Progress on Halloween Rules

Well here is the start of my Halloween Rules, am so enjoying this last!! Why do I say at last well......I took all my stuff on holiday with me so I could start on August 1st, but half way through what I had done I realised........................... a silly Moo that I am, that I had started the border for Halloween Boo Club Double Flip Its lololol. Well I wasnt going to start again and immediately got on the internet and ordered the patterns for this and some more fabric and decided, hey I'll do both!!
What a wonderful excuse to buy more was a mistake, honestly!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Monday Progress on Merry Christmas

Hi, well as you can see I still haven't managed to complete my 12 Days Of Christmas :( I was hoping to get it finished monday just gone but instead I got struck down with Tonsillitis & didn't end up visiting my stitching friends house (a monday event!) & just did very little in the evening.

I hope to give you an update on my LK SAL later in the week. Happy Stitching :)

New Project! - Mon 8th

Hello all! I finally have something to show this week. It's my new LK start, All Things Bright and Beautiful. Here's a close up of where I'm at so far . . .

And here's a picture of the whole design with my progress so far.

Stitched on 32ct Vintage Beige Belfast linen
DMC colours used

I'm really enjoying this design, it's one that I pick up and don't ever want to put down!
Can't wait to see what everybody else has been stitching, best wishes to all,

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Life is crazy!

I'm sorry I have been absent from "overseeing" the group and leaving comments on all of your beautiful stitching!

 My life has been turned upside down and without getting into any personal details I will be "away" from home for some time.  I won't have computer access and I am not sure how often I will be able to check in. 

Please continue to stitch on L*K Mondays and post pics of your projects.  The SAL has "informally" started but I have had to drop out at the present time but please feel free to post your progress pic's for us all to admire.

I will return when I can and will miss seeing all of your updates :(

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Alphabet - Monday August 8th Update

Hi everyone,

Here is my progress on the LK Summer Alphabet, started it about 2 weeks ago, but life has been problematic lately so haven't had a chance to post pictures.

I've chosen floss from my existing stash, don't think any of them are as charted. And I'm stitching over 2 on 40 count Birds of a Feather linen. I've decided to finish all the frames first and then the letters (a part from the N which was in the middle :))


Monday Aug 8th update

I am moved into my new apartment, but not completely unpacked. My camera is still in one of the boxes,so I scanned my Monday progress on ABCs of Aging Artfully piece.
Happy stitching;
joyce F/TX

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lizzie Kate yahoo group

I have tried several times to join the LK yahoo group.  I have never gotten a response.  Can anyone help me?


Christmas Rules

Hi,  Thank you for letting me join your blog.  I started Christmas Rules and will be working on it on Mondays.

14 ct summer khaki - DMC floss

Friday's SAL

I decided to the 12 Christmas Blessing, and I started on Family on Friday and finished Friday evening. I also decided that I will be making them into individual ornaments as I do them.
Not sure what I will work on this evening when I get back from running my errands.
Maybe I should work on finishing some stuff that I all ready have stitched.
That sounds like a good Idea!
Until next time
Happy Stitching

SAL progress!

I am stitching ABC Halloween for both Monday and Friday night's SAL. I won this in a giveaway from Danielle who got as far as the moon. I have stitched from the "b" and this is my progress up until Friday. As it is Monday I am off to stitch on it again and hopefully post my progress a bit sooner.

Until next time, happy stitching

Lesleyanne xxx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lizzie Kate - Hocus Pocus Finished

Chart - Hocus Pocus
Designer - Lizzie Kate

Fabric - 14ct Aida
Fabric From - CountryStitch
Fabric Colour - Wildflowers
Floss By - DMC
Floss Used - 210, 712, 731, 918, 939, 973, 3740, 3853, Candy Corn Buttons
Needle Used - Silver
Needle size - 28
Date Started - 30/7/2011
Finished Started - 6/8/2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

A late Monday stitchy update!

Ok so I know its Friday now and i'm not sure where this week has gone. But here is my progress from Monday night on my Cat Lessons piece. Not the best photo - but you get the idea :)

My charts arrived for the SAL earlier this week. I'm off to Spotlight on the weekend to see if I can find some fabric!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Monday night stitching....

LK Good Night-Santa '04

I made such good progress on my piece Monday night I decided to finish it up last night!  I have picked out a dark green fabric and hope to finish it into either a cube or flatfold.  

I'm so glad Angela suggested a weekly stitching night...I'm sure this one would be languishing in my To Do pile if I hadn't been motivated to stitch it.   Now I have to decide what to stitch next Monday night!

Karen T

Hocus Pocus

I started this on the 30 July. Am using DMC floss. I brought this one when it came out, i love it so had to do it :) Am using 14ct Aida and the fabric is from Countrystitch