Wednesday, June 19, 2013

DHB Design Studio Summer Bazaar

 Lots of stuff happening with DHB Design Studio this summer...many changes that have been in the works for months now.  We are hosting a SUMMER BAZAAR that you will not want to miss!  We have been gathering, crafting, and finalizing all the goodies...home decor, candles, furniture, accessories and more...take a look at just a few of the items we will be offering!

Stay tuned for more details!  Happy Wednesday!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Year, New You

Well, I am feeling a bit rusty here...looking back over the last year or two of this is obvious life has been a bit chaotic!  I have much I need to say and catch up on...but not today!  Today, I simply want to post a few images of what's happening in my world - doing a lot of soul searching, examination of where I am going in 2013!  Happy Wednesday!

A series I am going through during the month of January by Lara Casey...if you desire to change your 2013 and don't know where to start - go HERE!

I picked up my crochet needles after many years...many...remembering what my grandmother taught me as a young girl and learning a few news things too...if you like this one, you can purchase in the right hand column!!!

Sweet encouragement from a friend...there is nothing better than doing life with people who believe in you...especially when you haven't found that belief for yourself yet!!!

New Chalkboards from DHB Design Studio...I have two sizes available - look for the purchase icon coming soon!

My precious blessed by these three!  I can't even believe God would allow me to shepherd and lead blessed!
And last...I think this summarizes what God has been doing in me over the last two years!  Internal change, external change...moving me to where He wants me to be!!!  Looking forward to 2013 and all that it holds!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is it really June???

Hello June!
I am REALLY behind on just about everything...including updating this little blog!  
So, please come back...changes are a comin!!!
Happy Wednesday and enjoy some random images from my computer!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's February already???

Happy Valentines Day to all! Well, as I type that, I realize January has come and gone AND with it my deadlines for several projects!!! On the "to be completed" list...some of which has not been in my control (urgghh!)
  • Putting our house on the market...deadline was January 31st...BUT that didn't happen because...
  • We JUST got most, NOT ALL, of our home repairs complete last week from storm roof, gutters, siding, etc...we still have one issue left and we will be ready!!!!
  • New website/blog up and running for DHB design studio...this has been totally a TIME FACTOR for me and somewhat difficult to finalize! God has been placing so many changes on my heart about the direction of my company, my family, my ministries...that it has a been a process to weed certain things out and to feel like the end result is exactly how I want it to hopefully, SOON!!!
  • Need to clean out the kid's closets...again - why do they have to grow so fast???

I'm sure I can add lots more to this list...but I keep telling myself one thing at a time...Here are a few things I have been up to in the month of January...enjoy!

A few design boards from a recent client me for E-Design services!!!
Then there is this fantastic company that my husband and I got involved with called Advocare! Amazing products, amazing company, amazing friends that have given us a great gift!
This product alone has saved my life, ha! If you haven't heard of AdvoCare, you soon will...and if you want to know more then email me at [email protected] . Or you can go to to see more. We are about to start a 24 Day Group Challenge and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone reach their health goals!

These babies keep me going...they grow so very fast and I find myself trying to slow that process down by being present - mentally and physically! I love the quote by missionary Jim Elliott..."Where ever you are, be all there!" I am trying to practice this daily!

Happy Tuesday, Happy Valentines Day, and have a blessed week!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yes, I'm still alive....

It has been soooo long since I've last has just been - changing!!! I've got several things in the I'm hoping to get things more settled this month! One obvious change is the look of this's a little bit chaotic but please hang in...I'm attempting to make some changes all by myself!!! Another big change is my DHB Designs website...which if you click on that little tab on the right, you will quickly find it is not there - changes in the works there as well so if you need my design services, please message me here or email me! LOTS of changes for 2012...good changes - changes I believe the Lord has been placing on my heart for some time now...guess I better quit fighting and just get on board with Him! Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hello again!

Hello again! It seems I just haven't been able to get back into a "blogging" groove since little Maggie arrived! It's hard to believe she is 6 months! Today I am posting for a blog friend...whom I don't know very well but she is on my heart today! Praying for you sweet Tracie!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Random happenings....

I know I've dropped the ball on this blogging thing...trying to get back in the groove so here goes! Random happenings...
  • my husband just got a new teaching job in a different school system after being at the same high school for 15years...bittersweet in many ways and big changes for him! We are all very excited though - especially knowing he will now be in the same school system the kids are at!!!! Go Tornadoes!
  • Maggie is now sleeping through the night - hooorahhh!!! She started sleeping until 6am about 3 weeks ago - talk about great! I actually feel human again!
  • Olivia lost her first tooth - David and I have never seen anyone more excited - she was giddy!
  • Braxton - my almost 9 year old - convinced me he needed to try out contact lenses...mainly because "as a baseball catcher, I need to be able to throw my face mask off during important plays", we are giving that a try this week!
  • working on some changes for DHB Designs...
  • snagged a pair of Henredon Wing chairs in near perfect condition...more to come on those!
  • David and I joined a company called Advocare....David is starting the 24Day Challenge this week and I am started some other products to see if I can't get my self back into some kind of shape after baby number three - my stomach muscles are shot!!! Go check it out...fantastic company, email me if you are interested in any of their products! Go HERE!
  • Joined about addictive!!! But I am trying to convert all my images saved on my hard drive over so I can free up some space and as a bonus, my images will be super organized and that will save me loads of time when I am designing for a client!!! Go here to check it out!
That is all for now, hope you have a blessed Monday!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Long overdue!!!

Hello to anyone who is still tuning in here...I know it has been such a long time, but what can I say - being a mother of three has been an adjustment!!! I feel like I'm finally coming out of the fog here so I thought a quick little post would be nice!
So...introducing our newest addition: Margaret Grace Baumann...we are calling her Maggie for short! Born March 18th, 2011 at 9:18pm weighing 8lbs 5oz and measuring 21"long. She's perfect in every way and looks just like her big brother with her big sisters crazy hair!!!
These next two photos melt my heart...seeing my two oldest children with their baby sister has been such a blessing! They adore her and it shows!!!
She's already grown and changed so much...going on 7 and 1/2 weeks hard to believe! Be back soon to share more photos and changes going on here at the Baumann house! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Count down!

Well, it has been a long time since posting but that's the way it goes in the last month of just get by! We are now on count down...less than a week and a half - unless she decides to arrive early - which is a good possibility. My husband is going for Thursday of this week...I'm thinking it might be as early as Wednesday - guess we will find out soon enough! So happy Monday to all...not sure when I will be posting again...your prayers would be much appreciated in the next week or two!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy birthday to me....I am 36 today!!! I must say this last year has been a up and down year. Many changes, the biggest one being I am about to be a mom of THREE - something I had not planned it has been a year of "leaning" on the Lord and trusting in His plan instead of my own. God is good and I am blessed beyond measure when I think of all I have. Right now I'm sitting at home with my two wonderful of which is "cleaning" my house for me because she said "it's your birthday and you shouldn't have to clean on your birthday" sweet five year old girl - she makes me smile!!! My oldest has some big ideas about the two of them baking a birthday cake for me...on their own - we'll see how that goes :) My daughter keeps asking me what I want for my birthday...I told her just to be with my family and chill out tonight - which wasn't an acceptable answer so here are a few things on my wish list, plus a few more things I'm saving up for:
Some new sunglasses since I just broke my $5 Target pair....they lasted a year which is pretty amazing - mine typically don't make it through the summer! I'm also loving FRESH from Sephora...this "High Noon" bronzer would be fantastic since I'm looking pretty pasty white!
This Ikea Lack series bookcase in white...need it for the new nursery/playroom...and the Gulliver Crib from Ikea to finish the room off!
and last but not least these are a couple of things I'm saving up my Christmas and birthday money for...A Kitchen Aid stand mixer - my fourteen year old hand held is on it's last leg! And last but not least...this Canon 50mm 1.4 lens!
Happy Wednesday to all and thank you to all my family and friends for the wonderful birthday wishes!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Looking back...moving forward!

Please forgive my absence...we've been juggling a lot of things over here (9 weeks before our new addition arrives - or at least I pray she waits that long) and spending time looking back and moving forward into the new year. I will probably be taking more time away from this blog in the coming month as we prayerfully consider changes that we want to make in 2011...including changes to this blog! So many wonderful books and sites that I have been using to help us in this journey - looking forward to sharing those with you soon! I hope you have a wonderful week - we are snowed in here and loving it! Happy Tuesday! Family Christmas photo 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day!

"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a SAVIOR has been born to you; he is CHRIST the Lord...." Thank you Father for the gift you gave...may we always remember this in the hustle and bustle of what this season has become! Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I've been a busy bee...

Hello to all! It is Thursday and I am so very glad! I've been one busy bee for the past week with design work (which I am very thankful for!) So here is a glimpse of what I've been working on... A FEW DESIGN BOARDS FOR E-DECORATING SERVICE... Also decorated a house for Christmas with the help of a sweet design friend, Amanda...we really had fun and it turned out beautiful - will share those pics when I download from my camera! I am going to be taking some time off to enjoy the holidays with my family...I pray that each of you will take the time to remember the true meaning of Christmas! Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little problem over here...

I think I have a little problem over here at my house...I've been SOOOO busy over the last few weeks that I having NOTHING wrapped and placed under the tree! My problem is five year old has resorted to picking up random objects around the house and "wrapping" them (which consists of a little ribbon, glue, random boxes she finds) and placing them under the tree! In fact at this very moment I spy one of her baby doll cradles being used as a "box" for a present which is actually a book she pulled off the shelf in the playroom,ha! Gotta love kids! Be back soon!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baby it's cold outside!

We awoke to snow falling this morning...not enough to keep anyone from school or work, but it was so beautiful!!!! Here is a run down of my day.... Started off with some laundry in my new washer and it wrong to say that you are "in LOVE" with an appliance? Can I say this just might be the BEST gift I've ever received! Next, I had breakfast with this lovely little kitty cat...I even had to feed her the milk, ha...notice that "bed head"...she just crawled out of bed to get ready for school! Next stop after dropping off at school was Joann's in search of trim for a client's window treatment...but I have no pictures because I was so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of craft stuff!!! Then I made a stop at a shop that has really beautiful items...only most of it is out of my budget as well as my client's budget, but I love to go in a look....this is what I found - a mirror that would be PERFECT for a client's master bedroom (we've been searching for a while) only it is out of the budget - FOR now...we'll see what else we can find! This is a snapshot of a sofa that I'm dreaming family room walls are about the same color of the walls you see and this fabric is a stain resistant Sunbrella (outdoor) fabric...if you could see my existing sofa you would agree that it needs a major makeover - this fabric would do nicely!!!! After my dreaming session, I dropped off some used books, cds, and dvds at McKays Bookstore - gotta love this place! And last but not least...I decided to pickup my eight year old early from school today and surprise him with this... okay, so two of the donuts were for me - but the others were for the kiddos!!! Happy Tuesday...and I promise I will be posting for the ONLINE BAZAAR soooonnnn!!!