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This piece has been specially composed for the composer and jazz flautist Richard Worth. To create an improvising framework for Richard to work with, the piece uses modal scales, but in no systematic way. The various sections, melodies... more
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"The research presented in this volume is very recent, and the general approach is that of rethinking popular musicology: its purpose, its aims, and its methods. Contributors to the volume were asked to write something original and, at... more
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Dr. Nicola Smith Relatively little has been written about the physical act of dancing within popular music cultures. Angela McRobbie recognised this in 1991 yet there is still a clear lack of direct engagement with the specifics of dance... more
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This paper recounts an academic journey into fandom undertaken to enable the exploration of an underground British music scene (Northern Soul). Situated within an ethnographic methodology, this project conveys the significance of... more
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    • Acafandom
The research presented in this volume is very recent, and the general approach is that of rethinking popular musicology: its purpose, its aims, and its methods. Contributors to the volume were asked to write something original and, at the... more
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      Music IndustryBusiness ModelTheoretical FrameworkTheoretical Model
HEA Case Study
Editors: Jane Owens & Maureen Tibby
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationGraduate employabilityEnterprise Education The northern soul scene is a dance-based music culture that originated in the English North and Midlands in the early 1970s. It still thrives today with a mix of sixty-year-olds and... more
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      Music HistoryPopular Music StudiesPhotographyPopular Music
Rare Records and Raucous Nights: A Northern Soul Symposium, 2010 'Dancing Alone, Together: Pleasure, Competency and Competition on the Northern Soul Dancefloor' by Nicola Smith
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      Dance StudiesPopular MusicNorthern SoulAgeing Music Scenes
Module Guide (Level 5 programme; Sociology). Designed, written and originally delivered by Dr Nicola Smith on behalf of Liverpool John Moores University.
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      SociologyCultural SociologySociology of Children and ChildhoodYouth Culture
Taken from: The Northern Soul Scene (2019) eds. S. Raine, T. Wall and N. Watchman Smith. Chapter 4, pp. 60-80 (Equinox).
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicYouth SubculturesYouth subcultures (Sociology)
Conference paper by Dr Nicola Watchman Smith
Presented at IASPM International Conference, Mexico City, 2007
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyPopular MusicYouth Culture
Excerpts from conference paper presented by Dr Nicola Watchman Smith at the PCA/ACA 44th Annual Conference, Chicago, USA, April 2014
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural SociologyPopular Music
Module guide for Level 6 programme, Music and Society. Designed, written and delivered by Nicola (Watchman) Smith on behalf of Cardiff Metropolitan University
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      Cultural SociologyPopular MusicLearning and TeachingLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
Module guide for Level 5 programme Radio and Popular Music. Designed, written and delivered by Dr. Nicola (Watchman) Smith on behalf of Cardiff Metropolitan University.
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      Cultural StudiesPopular Music StudiesPopular CultureLearning and Teaching
Module guide for Level 4 programme, Being Sociological. Designed, written and co-delivered by Dr. Nicola (Watchman) Smith on behalf of Cardiff Metropolitan University.
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      SociologyLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationSociological Imagination
Module guide for Level 4 programme, Introduction to Popular Culture. Designed, written and delivered by Dr. Nicola (Watchman) Smith on behalf of Cardiff Metropolitan University.
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPopular CultureCultural Theory