This is my first time ever unveiling of
WOYWW. I don't strictly speaking have a work the sense of a desk or table. The pic above is the coffee table in the living room where my beloved bigshot lives. Here you see all the bits I've been using for a gold on gold card I'm making.
Below is my 'lap-tray'. What it really is, is the lid of my largest storage box, I have a cushion on my lap, with the lid on top and it fits across the arms of my chair. This way I can craft in my daughters sick-room. My laptop is sitting on top of it right now of course, as I type this. See my embossing tool on top of the card...about to be used to score the centre fold...I broke it pressing too hard so glued paper around to fix it.... so!!'s a good tool!!....been like it for years and still works lol.
That is my crafting pair of glasses you see right there...I wear bi-focals, but I put this pair on with them and use them like a magnifying lense.
Hopefully I'll be showing the finished card in a few days. This is the main problem. I have to do everything 'piece-meal' (do you have that in America - means one part of the job is done and then passed on to someone else for the next part). I have to get a few bits out, put them away (on my to be put away pile) and get a bit more out - some stuff has to be done in another room...makes the process much longer. Still, at least it means I can craft.
Below we have a pic of what was on my work space before I gathered all my stuff together. I thought I'm having a picture of that darn cat (I mean darling princess) as that is my very last sheet of shimmery gold card she's sitting on. I'm going to tell you where I got it from because although it looked all ruckled up under her, it came to no harm. It's Craft Creations and called
Alchemy Pearlescent, I have to buy more now!!!
She's about 8 - a previously owned cat - and I called her Seri, short for serene as she just has such a serene vibe....until the other cat chases her or my elderly, half blind, harmless yorkie (also previously owned) wonders in reach of her paw...the serenity dents a little then lol.