My plan is to just relay interesting bits and pieces of our history and accompany each story with a genealogy chart, so you will be able to see how the persons in the stories are related to each of us.
I will also use this as a research diary for myself that I will be able to use anywhere I can get on the internet. My notes will be posted in this color. If anyone has any suggestions that will make this blog more useful for you or if you have any information, documents, family pictures, etc, please email me at
[email protected]
[email protected]
So, what and where is Light's Ridge? Light's Ridge lies off Hwy 7 between Cowell and Lurton AR. You won't find the name on any map, because it was a locally used name to indicate the original 120 acres of the Robert and Thillitha Patton Light homestead.
(Already reached my first stumbling block. Can't seem to incorporate a family card from my genealogy program. Will work on creating a family tree diagram of some sort that I
can put into a blog post. )
As of my last visit about 12 years ago and a Google map search today, Nellie's Craft Shop, HC 30 Box 102, Pelsor, AR (870) 294-5317, is just across the road from the main part of the homestead. In the early 1950's, Nellie and her husband purchased their first farm from Arthur Light, grandson of Robert and Thillitha, who was the last of the Light family to own any part of Light's Ridge. Nellie has built a nice craft shop on the site where she sells the crafts and needlework of local residents.
So, now you know a very little about Light's Ridge. Google "Nellie's Craft Shop" to get better idea of where it is according to Google (they make the statement that the location is approximate).