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Life is not always clear and easy to figure out. So grab a cup of coffee and your bifocals and let's see what we can see.

Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2014

The One Blue Light

Every year we put 1 blue light in the window.  Only one. No other lights in any of the other windows, just this one.
A single blue light.
To light up the window
To remember all those police officers
Who gave it all
Who gave all they had
Who will never be coming home at the end of their shift
Because they gave all
Because they saved someone else
Because they ran into trouble when others run away
Because they went to work
Because they didn't come home
Because their families will never see them again
So every year, we put 1 blue light in the window to show those officers in blue that we know. We know that some will not go home.
We know that working at Christmas time is a lonely act.
We thank all those police officers who work on the holidays
We thank all those police officers who get up, get dressed, kiss their family good by and know that they may not come home.
We thank all those police officers families who share their loved ones with us knowing that they may not come home.
So we thank all those police officers and their families with 1 blue light.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

From Our House to Yours.

As we all celebrate this season, please remember why we celebrate.

Thousands of babies have become kings.
1 King became a baby. 

Merry Christmas to All 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Week and News Years Day

I hope that your Christmas was perfect!  I've been reading a few blogs and it sure does look like you had a wonderful time.
We sure did. It was just busy enough to be enjoyable and not so busy that we were worn out from it.  Gifts were opened and enjoyed, cards were shared, cookies were eaten, food was delicious and left overs were enjoyed for a few days. Some of the food never made it into us as we just ran out of space in our stomach.
The tree is still up and so are the decorations, they will start coming down this week and by the week end will all be back in the attic.
The dogs enjoyed their toys and cookies stuffed in their stockings and we enjoyed all the pictures of grandchildren and gifts as well.

Then we got snow!  No, not on Christmas day - that turned out to be a green Christmas, 2 days later - 7 inches of it, heavy wet stuff.  Hard to shovel but the dogs loved it!  Becke has no problem moving in 7 inches of snow and just plows through it to get outside and do whatever she needs to do. August has learned to cope. He "swims" on top of the snow to get to do what he must do.  He tries to follow Becke's foot prints but he's just too little and she is just too big.  So he swims across the top of the snow and sometimes hops over it.  He is so funny and he LOVES the snow. One issue is that he comes in covered in snow balls. We have to put him in the sink with warm water to allow the snowballs to melt and then we dry him and then comb out his hair and then he needs to go out again and it starts all over.
After consulting other Chinese Crested Powder Puff owners on FB and his breeder we are going to try coating his hair with Milk Oil to keep the snow from clumping in his hair!  We hope.

Hubby shoveled a path for him, but like all small dogs, he doesn't take the path laid out before him and instead, makes his own path.  Silly dog!

Saturday night we got more snow.  Not a lot (another 4 inches) but after what we already had, it was just  more stuff for the dogs to plow through. In fact in all we got 11 inches over 3 days and August is 11 inches tall!!

2012 is all done and I am glad it is. It had turned out to be a pretty hard year.  Not just for us but for the country as well. The shootings in CT were just one of the things that happened to us as a country this year.
I hope and pray that 2013 will be a much better year.

Do you make resolutions?  To loose weight? Get healthy? Exercise more? Pinterrest less?  To not make any resolutions this year?  Whatever it is, I hope you can achieve it with grace and humor. My resolution is to face whatever happens with grace and humor.  I'll let you know how that turns out.

Here is the video of August plaing in the snow before it got way too deep for him.

I hope you can see it.

If not, try here:   http://youtu.be/jsZfYeBE68E

So have a Happy New Year everyone.  If you're going out, stay safe, don't drink and drive, or text and drive.   If you're staying in, have fun.

Friday, December 21, 2012

I'm Still Here - Are You?

According to the Mayan Calendar the world ended for the upper right half of the USA at 6:11 a.m. this morning.  Well, I'm still here.

The Bible is very clear about when the world will end and it cannot be determined by man.
Matthew 24:36
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

So I'm celebrating life today by going to work where my boss is throwing us a Christmas Party. She is full of life and fun and doesn't mind one bit if we say "Merry Christmas", "Happy Holidays", or "Happy Chunakah" (she's Jewish). She lives life to help others, to laugh, to love, and give back in any way she can.  I know we will have fun and laugh about us all being there. 

As we get closer to Christmas, enjoy the ones you love. Think of each day as a gift - because it is. Think of others before you think of yourself and remember, some day the world will really end - are you ready to meet God! If not, let's talk about it!

Merry Christmas to all from us!

Monday, December 17, 2012

The One Blue Light

We don't put lights in the windows here. Well, we don't put white lights in our windows here. In fact, we only put one light in one window...one blue light.

It's not for the military, and it's not for the King of Kings.  It's for all the police officers who will not celebrate Christmas this year. Not because they are working, or are overseas, but because they gave the ultimate sacrifice and died this year.

There are lots of YouTube videos of police officers working. Many of those videos don't show the good that they do. The videos show part of what I know must have been a long interaction and the policeman may not come across as the good guy.

But they are the good guys. They run into buildings, not know what is waiting for them. They enter homes where they know abuse is taking place.  They invade homes where drugs are being made and used. They stop cars of those who are drunk and again have no idea where that will end up.  Where others run away, they run in.  They show up at car accidents and find out the teens in the car are not going to graduate and they have to tell the parents.  They protect the innocent, help the helpless, and many times, they are not even thanked, but instead sworn at and attacked.
They will live the rest of their lives with the faces of those teens in their heads. They choose to keep them there. It motivates them to work harder to slow down the teen, get the drunk off the road, protect the spouse from abuse and get those drugs off the street.

Many will never go home. The dream of a long life ends in a heart beat. Another police officer will go to the family to tell them, that their police officer will not come home anymore.

So we put one blue light in the windowto honor their memory and to remind us that many police officers will not be home to see their children open gifts. They will not sing Christmas songs, or go to Midnight Worship or grow old. But, because of their sacrifice, others will.

I am not in any way trying to minimize what happened to the families in Connecticut last week. Those parents of those babies will hurt and cry and forever be changed, as will their entire community. They will never understand the evil that took the lives of those babies and those teachers who tried to protect them, shielding them with their very own bodies. Everyone lost that day. Everyone will suffer for a very long time.

I just wanted to remember the police officers who walked in those classrooms and who will forever have the photos of those babies in their minds and the photos of those teachers and administrators in their minds. All those precious bodies, all that blood, all that mess will forever change them.  No, no police officers died that day, but they ran into the building, knowing that they could.....

So we put out our one blue candle......

Hug your family.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thank you Joyce for taking time out of your busy week to come up with this weeks questions.  Come play.
Can you believe it's 12/12/12! I wonder who will be born at 12:12?  Now that would be impressive!

1. So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car?
We drove around last week to look at other people's homes and Christmas decorations.  What fun.

2. Are you sending Christmas cards this year? About how many do you send? Photo card or something more traditional? How do you display the cards you receive?
Yes, we mail some and hand out most at Church and work.  I make the cards and every year we display them differently so I guess we are still looking for the perfect way to do so. We decided to do this this year.

A ribbon down the middle of the kitchen cabinets, then the cards are taped to the ribbon.  So far I like it.

3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week?
I can't think of anything that I heard too much of this week. Sorry.

4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan? Plain or flavored? Marshmallows or no marshmallows?
I do like hot cocoa but I like it either plain or caramel hot cocoa with mini marshmallows (however in a pinch I like Fluff)

5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?
Watch a Hallmark Christmas movie. There are lots to pick from. Add a nice cup of tea or cocoa and relaxing just happens.

6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?
I have a bling iPhone case that I like.

7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.
"God bless us, EVERYONE" Hubby's favorite is "BAH! Humbug!"

8. Insert your own random thought here.
Last week I blogged about not putting up lights outside.  Well, this week, Hubby did just that. He decorated a tree and added a few deer to the side yard. So we officially have outside lights now. No idea when he will take it all down. March?

During the day, it looks like this.

At night, like this

Ok your turn, how would you answer the questions?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's a Wednesday Christmas Hodgepodge

Well you know the drill by now right? Answer the questions here, visit others, make a comment on their blog and enjoy learning about all of us.  Now to my answers.

1.  Share your traditions surrounding the Christmas stocking. 
We hang our stockings on the mantle and they get filled with small things for us and our "kids", a.k.a. our dogs.  Christmas Eve we open 1 gift, and our stockings. We open the other gifts on Christmas Morning.

2.  How many hours of sleep do you average at night?  Is it enough?
I get a lot of sleep!! Often 9 or 10 hours with a nap in the afternoon. Yes that is a lot but it's all good!  For now, I need all that sleep so it is enough and my doctor is fine with it.

3.  If you had to give up one thing for the remainder of this year what would it be? 
Well, if I had to give up something, and clearly I get to pick the thing I'm giving up...... it will be laundry and I would just be fine with giving it up.

4.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (or Wills and Kate as I like to call them) have announced they're expecting a baby. Do you follow news of the Royals? 
I love keeping up with the Royals!  I am so happy for them and pray that Kate will be well throughout the pregnancy. I just so enjoy watching the kids grow up and remember watching Diana's wedding...  So to watch her two sons become men and fathers in their own right will be so much fun.

5.  For me,  the sound of childhood is beautiful, fun, exciting and a gift from God.

6.  Fruit cake-yay or boo? What's your favorite dessert made with fruit?
BOO. I wonder how long that fruit cake has been around both in terms of how long it's been in the cabinet and how many people re-gifted it.  
I really like any fruit pies, or upside down cakes, or, in the fall and winter, fruit cobbler!!  Bring it all on!!

7. What is one thing you want to accomplish before 2012 comes to an end?
I still need/want to get the rugs shampooed. They are usually done by now but as of today, they are not done!! I really need to get on that...maybe the weekend..

8.  Insert your own random thought here.
I know that I have not been blogging a lot the last few weeks. I am so glad that I got the Christmas shopping done early because I would not have the time to get it done now.  I have been working full time,  sewing gifts, making Christmas cards, caring for August who was neutered last week and sleeping. Did you see my answer to #2!  I hope to be back at it soon.  I do miss blogging about our lives here in the upper right hand corner of the USA. I just run out of time.

Ok so now it's your turn to answer  Ready, Set Go! Remember the Elf of the Shelf is watching.....

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday America!
Have a great Day
Enjoy love ones
Stay safe
See you tomorrow

Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekend Review - SNOW!!!

Congratulations to our friend Debbie who lives in Anchorage Alaska. Anchorage has broken the 1954-1955 record of the most snow in winter. They have received so far 134.5 inches of snow & it's still coming down.  Congratulations Debbie, I'm really glad you like snow!!!  It's wonderful hearing her stories on Face Book about the snow count and the daylight amount.  Sunday, it was 14 hours, 6 minutes and 47 seconds. Yes folks, in Anchorage seconds count.  I'm glad I don't live there. 
Debbie and Hubby and I all went to High school together (in fact hubby had a crush on Debbie) so it's nice that we still keep in touch.  Way to go Debbie!!! Enjoy shoveling. Keep posting the weather and day light times coming. It really is a very different life up there.

Saturday I got my wedding rings back.  I was so glad when they called telling me they were ready.  Sized down to 3 3/4 and all fixed I'm very happy with the result.  If you are in need in ring work being done, then Bellman's is the place!  The people were wonderful and even told me to hold on to the recept because if I need them made bigger, they will do so for free!  

Easter was wonderful. The usual ham, sweet potatoes, and veggies were followed by eclaires.  Easter candy and cards were exchanged and of course the Sunday Morning Worship message and Bible study made the day special, and perfect.

The dogs got to have some sweet potatoes (before we added the brown sugar of course) and a small amount of ham. It was August's first time eating this and he declared Easter the best ever!!!  Then he went outside to play fetch.  Ever see a Chinese Crested Retriever?  It's so fun to see him try to bark with a ball in his mouth, or see him put the ball down and place his paw on it.  Becke held down the couch because you never know when it might try to move all by itself!!

How about you? How was your Easter?

Friday, April 6, 2012

He Is Risen!!

When people ask you why God doesn't do anything anymore. Why God allows good people to die and allows bad things to happen to good people and why won't God do something! This weekend you have an answer. We celebrate what God did. He Rose from the dead.  
For those of us who believe in God, we know that because of Jesus we too can raise from the dead into a perfect world. That all tears will be dried, all pain will be gone.

Happy Easter to you all and remember, it's not about the bunny, it's about Jesus!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to 2012!

So, did you go to a New Years Party? Did you stay up and watch the ball drop on TV? Did you already break your New Years Resolution? Did you make a New Years Resolution?  What a year 2011 was and I hope that 2012 is just as much fun.  After all 2011 is the year that Hubby retired and we got August. I look forwarded to 2012 with all the joy of a little child on the first sunny day after several rain days. Bring it On!!
We went over some friends house for New Years Eve but didn't stay to watch the ball drop. We came home about 9pm, put on our Jammie's and I went to bed! Hubby woke me up at midnight to tell me that the new year was here, I mumbled something and I think I kissed him but continued to sleep. I know, I'm such a big party girl!!
Sunday the temps up here were 45! 45 Degrees, no snow on the ground, sunny!  By Tuesday, we are suppose to get up to 18!!! It's where I live folks. I'm just glad that we don't have snow to shovel yet but man or man it will get really cold.

Keeping August warm has not been a hard thing at all in these temperatures. He can handle the mid 40's just fine.  And the fact that I can sew, he has also been styling as well.  Here is his New Year Harness.

I also made him a little coat to go over it so he can stay warm as well.  He likes his harnes' now as they mean he is going to go out for a ride and out to walk.  He likes both of these activities so once he has it on, he stays close because we are going "By- by".  Here is his coat.

In fact, he has several coats and several harnesses that he wears. Most of his coats are reversible because if I'm going to sew it with a lining, why not make it reversible so he can wear it two ways.  Here is the other side of this coat.  

I'll show you his other harnesses and coats as he wears them this month.  

So how was your New Years? What did you do? 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday Hodgepodge: Happy New Year!!

Click on the button above and join the fun. Thank you Joyce and these were hard (either that or I'm brane dead)

1. Share something you loved about your Christmas Day.
It was an easy going day. Just enough activity to stay busy, but not so much that we were over tired by the end of the day. We got to spend time with our granddaughters who are just so sweet. What a great job our daughter and her hubby are doing with them. And we got to Skype with our son, his wife and grandsons - Both our son and his wife are doing a great job with the boys.

2. You get to put five items in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years, what items would you choose and why?
Our Bible - it will still be true in 100 years
Our family photos - small photos so I can pack a lot of them
Small Christmas Tree - so that I will be ready in 100 years to celebrate Christmas all over again
My I-Pad because it has the contacts in it and my calendar of events.
Chap Stick - I use a lot of it!

3. What do you like on a cracker?
Cheese, I'm a simple girl

4. Do you make resolutions at the start of a new year? How'd that work out for you this past year?
Yes, I do make resolutions. Last year I resolved to walk a total of 400 miles in one year. I did a little over 2400 miles instead.

5. What's a song or song lyric you'll associate with 2011?
I really cant think of any song. Sorry.

6. How will you ring in the new year?
We will get some Chinese food, watch some old movies and then go to bed before 2012 shows up, sounds exciting doesn't it? We are big time party people here!!!

7. What is something you look forward to in 2012?
Getting even more healthy so that I can get off some of my meds!

8. Insert your own random thought here.
August was dressed as a jester for Christmas and he was sure cute. He enjoyed his gifts but had the most fun with the wrapping paper.  
Becke enjoyed her horse trachea the best.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Cookies: Low Carb Style

I like having some Christmas cookies around for the weekend.  I made Italian nut rolls and Chocolate Drop Cookies.  I made them lower carb by changing out some of the traditional ingredients. This way we can eat the sweets without it impacting either our carb count or sugar count.  Do you make the traditional cookies and suffer the consequence or eat less or do you change the recipe to meet your needs. 

Chocolate Drop Cookies

What I love about these is that they are no bake, just mix and drop onto wax paper. The traditional recipe is here with the low carb version in Parenthesis

1 stick of butter
2 cups sugar          (1 cup Splenda)
3 tablespoons unsweetened coco
1/2 cup milk           (1/2 cup chocolate Almond Milk)
3 cups oatmeal
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup peanut butter   (1/2 cup almond butter)

Mix butter, sugar (Splenda) , coco, and milk on the stove and cook until it begins to boil.  Add the peanut butter (almond butter) and let it dissolve. Boil mixture for 2 minutes and then add in the oatmeal and vanilla. Mix well.  Drop by teaspoon onto wax paper and let cool. 

Carb count is per cookie is 4 each.

Italian Nut Ball
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup soft butter
2 egg yolks -keep the whites
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond
2 cups  all purpose flour (*flour substitute below)
2 egg whites beaten
1 1/2 cup chopped nuts
1/2 cup  sugar free jelly (strawberry and orange marmalade)

*Flour Substitute
1 cup Soy powder
2 cups protein powder
2 Tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons Splenda
Mix all in a food processor and mix into a powder use in place of flour.

In a large bowl mix the first six ingredients well. Blend in flour and nuts well. Roll dough into 1 inch balls and place on greased cookie sheet and flatten. Brush with the egg whites and bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.  When taken out of the oven make a depression in cookie with your finger and fill with jelly while still warm. Cool before storing. 

Carb count for these are .83 per cookie.

So do you change the recipes to meet your needs? Share how you do that will you?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Past- As in this Past Weekend!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed being with your loved ones, had lots to eat and had a few great gifts. I hope that you had lots of laughter, some great music and through it all you remembered the true reason for the season. That Christmas was about Jesus Christ.

We started out getting the dogs a groom.  Becke is always clean, she doesn't like to get dirty and stays clean for a long time so she doesn't get a bath too often. In fact, her "before" photos look like her "after" photo. She just feels better, softer, with a lot less fur!
 August on the other hand is just beginning his "adolescent uglies". His body is changing, growing. He is up to 10 inches tall and his back side is taller than his front side.   
August's hair gets matted, the hair on his back gets all straggly and curly and his eyes have tear stains.  In fact he is funny looking, and considering most people think he is funny looking to begin with, he really needed the groom.
Angela takes really good care of him and once she is done, he looks like this.
His hair lays flat, his ears are all cleaned up and so is his face.
The hair on his back lays flat as well. He looks amazing and so people will say, "Wow, What kind of dog is the little one?"  It will be back to funny looking in a about 2 weeks and Angela will work with him again. I love what a great job she does!  

So, that is how we started out Christmas weekend.  More tomorrow. How did you start your Christmas weekend and where did it go from there?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend Review: 13 Days Until Christmas.

   Well, it's 13 days till Christmas, are you panicked yet? I hope not. Is your shopping done yet? I hope you have a least a big dent in it.  How about the baking? Done yet and all in the freezer? Now don't panic, you still have time to get it all done.  
   Part of the Holiday Joy this time of year are all the parties. There is the office party, the spouse's office party, the Church party, the neighborhood party. If you have children, there is the class party, the after school party, the after school activity party and the family party.  WOW can you add more to that list? I bet some of you can. And that is only Christmas, let's not talk about the New Year's Parties! That is a lot of parties and a lot of food.  No wonder so many people gain the Holiday 10 and why so many start the new Diet January 2nd.  Not to worry, there are some things you can do to help your self from feeling all the guilt of the Holiday 10.

1. Start every event with a prayer.  Having a little talk with God and knowing He is looking out for you is a good way to remember why we are celebrating Christmas.

2. Ask if you can bring something and then bring something that you can eat. Are you on a low fat lifestyle, then bring fruit or a  low fat dessert. Are you living a low carb lifestyle, then bring cheese and sliced turkey breast.  Are you a diabetic, dig out that diabetic cook book and makes something wonderful out of it. By bringing something you can eat, you are not as tempted to eat a lot of the other things you see on the table. 

3. Eat something before you leave for the party. You will not be as hungry.

4. Drink a large glass of water. You will feel fuller and feeling fuller is better for you.

5. If the food is all lined up in the dinning room, hang out in the kitchen. Why be in there getting tempted?

6. The reason for the get together is to enjoy each other's company. People make the party, don't let the food make the party.

7. Have something in your hands like a cup of coffee. It's hard to put it down in order to pick up those treats that are all over the place.

8. Walk around the food table and look at it all (no calories or fat or sugar in looking) then decide what is the best thing for you and put those things on your plate (a small plate). There will be no room for the other tempting things.

9. Parties are suppose to be fun, see that Chocolate Lava Cake that is calling you....have a small piece. Smile, it's  Christmas time and you are making good choices.

10. Go for a walk, ride the bike, jump on the abs swing,  learn yoga, dance to the Wii. MOVE, it will help you burn off those extra calories, carbs, sugar and it will remind you that you are living a life style choice and not a diet. 

Before you know it, the parties are all over and you got to enjoy the season, enjoy the people, enjoy the food and enjoy life. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you Moms who have given up-
Sleeping in, sleeping late and sleeping at all.
Who have eaten after everyone else, eaten cold food, eaten over the sink, eaten only the leftovers of others while you did the dishes.
Who washed clothes, bed sheets, the vomit off the floor but is still wearing the same clothes from 3 days ago.
Who stays up worrying that the baby isn't sleeping, then is sleeping too long, baby moves into their first bed,  is out for their first overnight, is on their first date, is learning to drive, is going away to collage, is getting married and moves out.
Who tears up when her child cuddles, coos, laughs, talks, cries, is scared, plays make believe and dresses themselves for the first time.
 Whose heart melts when they hear "I Love You Mommy" and breaks when they hear "I Hate You Mom". 
Who everyday the one goal is to take this precious gift they were given and to help them learn to fly on their own then cries when they do. 
You are a Super Mom and Sunday is your  Special Day so enjoy it, relish in it. I hope you get spoiled and treated like a queen - Because you are one!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions

I was wondering what new years tradition you have. Do you get together with friends and play games, or do you join others for "First Night" events in your home town? It has never been a party night for us. Either Hubby is working and I am home alone, or we fall sleep long before the ball drop, - yes we are big time late owls who party with the best of them-but we set the alarm and wake up to watch the ball drop. Do watch it? Do you make new years resolutions? I've made many over the years, read a certain number of books, loose weight, and give up chocolate (why did I make that one!!!)  I hate it when I make a resolution and then break it two weeks into the new year. I feel like a failure. So last year I resolved to make no resolutions. I kept that one so picture me doing a happy dance here.  

This year I would like to try my hand at a new years resolution.  I think I will resolve to the following:
 Smile more - laugh more - hug more - tell people I love them more - write more - and trust more.
Watch TV less - get angry less - and complain less.  How about you, any resolutions?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Week End Review: The Early Christmas

I pray you all had a great weekend. Maybe finished your shopping, or finished the wrapping. No matter what you did, I'm glad you stopped by today, after all this is the week of Christmas!

Hubby came home on Saturday morning with a medium hot Caramel Latte for me. OH what  a treat that is because that is not low carb! But since I've not gained anything so far this holiday season, I drank it with glee!!! Thank you for such a sweet treat!  After, we ran the usual errors together - you know stop at this store to pick up that, go there to grab one on of those - nothing special all by itself but we did it together and so that made it special. After all its having some one to share your life with, and also to witness your life that makes life and this season special.

Saturday's Outfit #23

Late Saturday afternoon 2 boxes arrived at our door. One from the West Coasters who sent there gifts to us for under the tree.  Have I told you that I have the best Daughter In Law (DIL).  She sent a card and 3 gifts labeled "To Open Early"  OK you have to know that I have been know to open gifts for me, look at the gift, re-wrap it and then act surprised. I am a great actress when it comes to gifts.  Some family members have resorted to wrapping gifts with clear package tape over all the seams so I can't get it open easily.  I will not mention names here but they are so in trouble!!! Any how I showed Hubby the note and tore into the gifts.  A Christmas tree made from the hand prints of my grandsons, 2 new ornaments for the tree with there cute faces on them and a gold frame (or at least gold paint) of the 2 cutest grandsons in a big Christmas Box!! Plus school photos of them. My heart is full of love and joy for the gifts she sent. Thank you love, that will hold me over till Christmas when we open the others.

I'll tell you about the other box later this week.

Sunday I had our grand daughter over to play with me after morning Worship.  She is so fun and we did a craft that this time I took pictures of.  I glued the sticks together and added the photos on the back then rubbed the top with glue stick and let her shake the glitter all over them.  She likes to "shake - shake - shake" as she says.  Such fun to do a craft with a 21 month old.

After she left we headed off for small group where we continued to study the book of Luke. I really do love our small group. We talk, sing, study, comment and really get to know each better.
Sunday's Outfit #24
So what did you this weekend? I hope you found time to enjoy this week and not just ran around trying to get all things done.

Monday's Outfit #25