Walking is the perfect way of moving if you want to see into the life of things. It is the one way of freedom. If you go to a place on anything but your own feet you are taken there too fast, and miss a thousand delicate joys that were waiting for you by the wayside. Elizabeth von Arnim


Showing posts with label Hearts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hearts. Show all posts

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Last of the hearts

📷          📷          📷

Each day the sunrise gets later by the minute, today it was at 6:24.
Got to town and started walking at 6:25 this morning.
The temperature was 60 degrees and it was a rainy walk today.

No wind and the rain was a nice steady good soaking rain, the farmers loved it I'm sure.
I had my umbrella and I like hearing the rain on it.
Love the sound the rain makes falling on the corn too.

Once again I walked all over town, around both the cemeteries, and the ball park.

Up at the cemetery I spotted this deer having some corn for breakfast. 

Progress on the house being built. (Front and back)
They were busy yesterday, no work today probably because of the rain.

Rebecca was out in the rain running today.
Can't run with an umbrella very easily so she was soaking wet.

Morning walk steps were 12,738

🌧         🦌         ☔️         🥾

The book club meeting was today and because of the rain we met in the library this month instead of at the park.
There were 7 of us today and everyone one of us enjoyed the book as I expected.
Next months book is There, There by Tommy Orange.

Happy Thursday

Today is the last heart picture.
Tomorrow a new series starts.

Comment Replies:
Ginny - The pink flowers in yesterdays picture is Milkweed.

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Cloud, rain and finally sun

📷     📷     📷

This morning sunrise was at 6:23
Was surprised to see some light rain this morning, none in the forecast.
Threw my umbrella in the Jeep and got to town and started my walk at 6:25.
Rain had just about stopped and shortly after it stopped altogether.
BUT then it started raining again and I was near the Jeep so stopped to get the umbrella.

It rained pretty hard for a couple of miles and then finally stopped again and the last mile blue sky started to appear.

Had my usual walk around town and both the cemeteries and the ball park.

Didn't see anyone else out walking around this morning, but I did see Kermit out in his yard and Phil the Wiggleman was making his daily video.

Some progress has been made on the new houses being built in town.
Two are started so far with this first one having the side wall up.
I am curious to see if they will be two stories.

Driving back home after walking I saw the Doe with her triplets.
They are getting big!

It was 60 degrees when I walked and my morning walk steps were 12,915.

☁️     🌧     ☁️     🌤

We don't usually go to the car dealer for service like we did yesterday.
It was just that we had a coupon and the truck is still under warranty.
We usually go to the Accident Garage here in town or to Art Butler up the road and both places do a great job. 

🚘     🚘     🚘

Sure glad the rain stopped and the sun came out because I had a few loads of clothes I needed to get washed.

Most of the day was spend doing housework.

Finished reading The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg which is the book club selection for the book club meeting tomorrow.
It was a good book and I'm sure everyone else will have liked it too.
A quote I liked from the book is:  
"And she smiles. Good Lord, he's never seen such a smile.  It's like the sun came out in her face."

Happy Wednesday

I have one more heart picture for tomorrow and then I'll move on to another series.
Bet you can't guess what it will be.

Comment Replies:
Aritha - I probably will take a few pictures of the inside of the new shop in town and will certainly take one of what I end up buying.

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

A long wait


📷    📷    📷

6:22 was sunrise this morning.
Saw 5 deer as I drove to town.
Started walking at 6:05.
A little earlier than usual because had to leave the house by 8:30.
The temperature was 55 and it was very windy and cloudy.
One of those winds when it pushes you along or makes you take a step back.

Walked around both the cemeteries, the ball park, and the side streets.

The new antiques stop, A Happy Accident Antique, in town is now open but just part of it is done.
Only open on Sat and Sun from 11:00 - 6:00 for now.
Have peeked in the window but haven't been there when it has been open but plan to visit soon.  
Maybe this Saturday. 
I'm planning on buying something just to be supportive.

Rebecca was out walking Leo.

Saw a few rabbits hopping about.

Some tree limbs and lots of leaves scattered about around town from the almost tornado yesterday.  

Morning walk steps were 12,915

☁️    🐇    🙂    💨

The reason we left the house at 8:30 was because the truck had an appointment to get the oil change, rotate the tires, and just have a check up. 
Was supposed to take 45 minutes but we waited there 2 hours!!!
No problems, they were just very slow.
We won't be going back there anymore.
We went to the dealer because we had a coupon to use which we gave them and then had to reminded them about it when they didn't use it!!

Casselmans Market is right up the road so we went there afterward and did a bit of food shopping.

By the time we got home it was lunchtime.
This afternoon I did some reading, a little knitting, and sewing some squares together on the baby blanket for August.

It was cloudy all day and the temperature never made it out of the 60's.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, August 07, 2023

Nice to be back

 📷    📷    📷

Sunrise was at 6:22 
On the drive to town which is 2 miles I saw a few deer and some wild turkeys.
Started my walk around town at 6:25 and it was 64 degrees.

Walked up and down all the streets, the cemeteries and the ball park in no particular order.
I usually have a route in mind but hardly ever stick to it.

The corn has grown quite high and you can no longer see the barn.

Haven't seen Joy walking for a while now but she was out there today.
She has been walking in the afternoons and then was on holiday in Rome where her daughter is living.

Lisa was also out walking.
Her son is on holiday and she is taking care of his dog and was walking the dog this morning.

Last week a part of a tree came down by the Victorian house.
The first day I saw the big branch that had come down.
The next day they took down the rest of the tree.
And the third day not much was left of it.
Thank goodness it missed the house but did take out part of the fence and the square foot garden.

There was a mix of sun and clouds and even had a very light rain shower as I walked.
Morning walk steps were

🌤    🌧    ☁️

After breakfast we went out to do a couple of errands.

This afternoon we had some heavy thunder storms come through and even a tornado watch.  
It was very very windy but thankfully no tornado.

Nice to get back to blogging. 😀

Happy Monday 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Popping In

 Still on blogging break.

Popping in with a picture of Black Eyes Susans, Maryland's state flower,
 so you won't forget about me.

Wishing you all a happy day.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A little break

All is well

Not doing anything special

Not going anywhere

Just taking a bit of a blogging break

Be back to blogging soon.

Enjoy your day.
Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

In a mailbox


58 degrees this morning when I started out walking.
A calm morning with a mix of sun and clouds.
Sunrise 6:03
Morning Walk Steps 13,273

I picked up what I thought was a penny but it didn't feel right.
A little too big.
Looking at the picture off the camera you can kind of see what
it is but I couldn't see it that well when I first saw it.

Cleaned it up the best I could when I got home with copper cleaner
and a Brillo pad and come to see it is a nickel.

I walked all around town, both cemeteries and went down the main
road toward home and then back to town.
Stopped at the library and dropped a DVD down the slot.

Came across this interesting place a bird decided to build a nest.

Roger was out walking Prim up by the cemetery
and saw another man out running that I haven't seen before.

The church is now looking nice and bright with its new
white siding which is now done.

🌤    🥾    🙂   

The sheets got washed and hung outside today because yesterday
it was supposed to rain though it never did till in the evening.

Finished reading A Castaway in Cornwall by Julie Klassen.
It's a good story with a happy ending and though a bit
predictable I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I've read 5 or 6 other books she has written and liked them as well.

Started another knitting project a couple o days ago.
It is the same pattern as the small white afghan I just finished.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Tuesday

Comment Replies:
GrannyM - Yes, the Wedgewood heart is mine.  I have a small collection.  Bought some pieces when we lived in Scotland. At the time (70's) I didn't know what it was but just liked the blue and white.
No, no ice cream with the cake but we did have real whipped cream on top of a chocolate pudding cake.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Wedgewood Heart


62 degrees when walking this morning and it was cloudy.
Sunrise 6:03
Morning Walk Steps 12,987

Walked the Farm Loop and took my walking stick with me.
A nice quiet walk and didn't see any people
and only one car passed me by the farms.
A few pictures along my way.

Walking down the road from the school back to town I heard a 
little voice say HI.
I stopped, looked around and saw a little boy at the open window in his house.
He said hi again and waved.
I waved and said hi back. 🙂

Back in town I walked around the ball park loop to make up the
rest of my walk and then headed back to the Jeep.
Sheila's car was parked by the pond but never saw her.

☁️    🥾    🐄    🐓    🙂

Yesterday Ken and I played another game of corn hole.
This time he beat me
21 to 16.

Got a slow cooker of chili started this morning.
Baked some corn bread to go with the chili.
Then baked a birthday cake.
Today is David's birthday.

David and Liz came over in the afternoon for birthday cake.
We sat out on the front porch and ate our cake
and had a nice visit.

Thanks for stopping in
Happy Monday

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Happy Sunday

📖 Colossians 2:6-8 📖

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, 
so walk ye in him:

 Rooted and built up in him, 
and stablished in the faith, 
as ye have been taught, 
abounding therein with thanksgiving.

 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, 
after the tradition of men, 
after the rudiments of the world, 
and not after Christ.

A Blessed Sunday to all.
Jesus Love you

Comment Replies:
Latane and Deb - The two books in the series I got from the library to read are westerns by William W. Johnstone.  Taylor Callahan, Circuit Rider and Save it for Sunday.  Though I don't usually read westerns I read one by Johnstone and liked it so thought I'd give these two a try.  He has written a LOT of books so I'll have lots of books to read!!!
The book I'm reading right now is A Castaway in Cornwall by Julie Klassen.  I'm about half way done and think it is very good.  

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Painted Rocks


64 degrees with some low hanging clouds around.
They soon moved off and it was a sunny walk.
Sunrise 6:02
Morning Walk Steps 12,781

Walked around both of the cemeteries first.

 Then down the road toward home a ways, turned and walked back to town.

Up and down the streets in town and around the ball park loop a 
few times and then back to the Jeep.

Eric was out walking Sparky
Rebecca was walking Leo.

Took another picture of the house being built.
Looks like it will have a garage.
I'm thinking it will be two levels otherwise it is going to be pretty small.

I'm pretty sure this is a funnel spider web.
There were a few of them in the grass at the ball park.

Spotted these painted rocks over by the day care center.
Some of the older kids must of painted them and they were drying.
If I had to guess I'd say that the watermelon slice was the one
that Kinsley made.

🌤    🚶‍♀️   🙂

If you remember I came home yesterday with book and realized it
was number 2 of a series so I put a hold on the first one.
Already this morning I had an email saying the book was ready for pick up.
The library opens at 9:00 on Saturdays so on the way to
the DG Market we stopped to pick it up.

Puttering about the house this afternoon.
Spent some time sitting out on the front porch.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Saturday

Friday, July 14, 2023


64 degrees this morning when I started walking.
Cloudy at first and even had a few sprinkles of rain.
Then some blue sky and the sun appeared.
Sunrise 6:01
Notice the sun now doesn't rise till after 6.
Morning Walk Steps 13,512

Walked around both cemeteries. 

Down the main road towards home and back again.
Around town and up and down the side streets.

Passed the new house being built.
Foundation and parging is done.
Looks to be a small house.

Walked a couple loops around the ball park and then back to the Jeep.

Sheila was out running and saw Eric walking Sparking
two different times.
Stopped to talk to Elaine (Kermit's wife).

☁️    🌥    🚶‍♀️ 

Did my usual morning routine.

Gave all my potted plants a good water and did a bit of
weeding the gravel around the house.
Weeds usually pull up pretty easy from the gravel.

We went to the library this afternoon to get a couple of DVD's.
Checked out a couple of books too.
A Castaway in Cornwall by Julie Klassen
Save it for Sunday by William W Johnstone.
When I got home I realized that Save it for Sunday
was book number 2 so I went on line and put the first one on hold.

Another book I put on hold is next months book club selection.
The Story of Arthur Truluv by Elizabeth Berg

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Friday

Comment Replies:
Meta/Roses - Our Dollar General has never been the kind where everything is a dollar.  It is mostly groceries with some seasonal items. Some aisles of clothes, cards, and kitchen items.  The name was changed because it now has meat, fruits, and vegetables in it.  The name change to DG market reflects the change.  I think quite a few of the stores will be updating all over.  Living in a rural area this store is very WELCOME HERE.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Another Sunny Walk


A sunny walk this morning.
65 degrees
Sunrise 6:00
Morning Walk Steps 12,505

Walked around both cemeteries, the ball park and all around town.

Since the Dollar General in town was remodeled and added produce 
it got new colors and a name change.
Yellow and green and is now called DG market.

Saw a few people out walking and they all were walking dogs.
Rebecca and Leo
Eric and Sparky
and a man I see often but don't know is name
His dog always barks at me when I walk past their house.

There were lots of rabbits out running around on my drive home.
Across the road, along the edge, and right up the middle.
Glad I was able to dodge them all.

☀️    🚶‍♀️    🙂    🐇

This morning was book club meeting day.
Since we the weather was so nice we met out at the park again.
We each brought our own chairs.
I noticed when we have the meeting outside we tend to stay longer.
The book for discussion was The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner.
Everyone liked it, I liked it to but not as much as the others.

When I got home Ken made us nachos for lunch.
Isn't he nice?!

I baked a yellow cake (box) in two square pans.
Put one in the freezer and the other we are going
to have a piece of it for our snack tonight.
No icing on this but will add lots of strawberries and 
a Redi Whip like topping.

Thanks for stopping by
Happy Thursday 

There are a lot of grave stones in the shape of hearts.
I'll just post this one with the double hearts.
Sadly the graves of a young couple.
Since they both died on the same day I'm thinking it was 
probably a car accident.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A Farm Loop Walk


This morning I walked under sunny skies.
60 degrees
Sunrise 6:00
Morning Walk Steps 13,361

This morning my walk took me around the Farm Loop.

Farmer Bill's corn is the tallest around here so far with it coming
up to my shoulder.

The farms around here grow corn (for feed) and soybeans.

When I got back to town still had to walk a couple of miles
so walked up and down the side streets.

My left shoe seems to have developed a squeak
which is driving me a bit crazy. 🥾

When I got back to the Jeep I saw Sheila's car in the parking lot
but never did see her.

☀️    🚶‍♀️    🙂

I am happy to say that one of my tomato plants out back 
in the pots is getting a tomato.
We might have a couple of home grown tomatoes after all.

Another nice sunny day in the 70's.

House chores in the morning.
Afternoon read and knitted.

Thanks for popping in for a visit.
Happy Wednesday