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Each day the sunrise gets later by the minute, today it was at 6:24.
Got to town and started walking at 6:25 this morning.
The temperature was 60 degrees and it was a rainy walk today.
No wind and the rain was a nice steady good soaking rain, the farmers loved it I'm sure.
I had my umbrella and I like hearing the rain on it.
Love the sound the rain makes falling on the corn too.
Once again I walked all over town, around both the cemeteries, and the ball park.
Up at the cemetery I spotted this deer having some corn for breakfast.
Progress on the house being built. (Front and back)
They were busy yesterday, no work today probably because of the rain.
Rebecca was out in the rain running today.
Can't run with an umbrella very easily so she was soaking wet.
Morning walk steps were 12,738
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The book club meeting was today and because of the rain we met in the library this month instead of at the park.
There were 7 of us today and everyone one of us enjoyed the book as I expected.
Next months book is There, There by Tommy Orange.
Happy Thursday
Today is the last heart picture.
Tomorrow a new series starts.
Comment Replies:
Ginny - The pink flowers in yesterdays picture is Milkweed.