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Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Lavender Thank You

In my last post I said I had some loose ends still to be tied but that they might be fun to do. I was thinking about the “pay it forward” crafty exchange. Last October I promised to send a home made goodie within 365 days to the first three people leaving a comment on the post. I should of course never have committed to a time limit since I’m hopeless at keeping deadlines. The 365 days came and went. But I will keep my promise of sending a home made goodie together with the saying “better late than never”. These small Thanks giving houses filled with jersey lavender are about to be packed and sent on there way. Thank you for waiting!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Loose ends

Do you remember this scarf? The cherry scarf by Danish Helga Isager… I started with it back in January (how time flies!) and it has been laying in my knitting basket together with a dozen of other unfinished knitting projects, waiting to have its loose ends tied. I dread tying loos ends, at least those kinds of loose ends. Since I have been away for such a long time I actually have several other loose ends to tie as well. Luckily these are less dreadful, and some are actually fun. I´ll let you know in the coming posts.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I present to you...

…Our little daughter Astrid Vida who was born two weeks before her due date. After almost 24 hours of labour she arrived on Thursday October 23rd at 02:46 in the morning. She was 49 cm tall/long and weighed 2954 g. Giving birth was such an amazing experience!

After three days in the hospital, where they gave us an intensive course in breast feeding, we went home to practice. We have now been home for almost two weeks. She eats well, farts, sleeps a lot and exercises her lungs frequently when she cries and screams to let us know she’s hungry. We are utterly in love and think our princess is the best thing that could happen to us.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Finally finished & back again

After a long unplanned blog break I’m back to blog land.

Before I continue I would like to say a big THANK YOU (!!!) to everyone who has written to me during these nine months, either to ask me how I’m doing or to tell me that they miss me. All the mails and comments have been highly appreciated. It felt good to know that you thought about me and cared enough to write some lines. Your words gave me positive energy in an otherwise tough time and it motivated me to come back… although it has taken some time; now I’m here.

In February I found out I was pregnant; the week after, I found out that my employer wasn’t going to prolong my contract…I was without a job. The following days and worries took away all my energy. I needed to use all my time in finding a new job before my belly became too obvious.

Fortunately nothing is as bad as not being good for something. The situation gave me the opportunity to experience, and be reminded of how many good friends I have and how they are there for me when most needed. A former co-worker talked with his boss and after a week and a half I got a job interview. A couple of months later I had a new job. The best part was that my new employer new I was pregnant and still wanted to hire me.

Here in Norway we have nine months of 100% paid maternity leave (or 12 months with 80% paid maternity leave). The only requirement is that you have been working six of the last ten months before the leave starts (it usually starts three weeks prior to the due date). So as you might understand, this made it even more important to find a new job as soon as possible. I am therefore tremendously grateful for my friend that reached out a helping hand.

With the pregnancy end beginning of a new job it took me longer to come back than I thought, but here I am. And the first thing I want to show you is the finished needle book that I’ve made for Laurraine. I am especially in love with this needle book because it has its origin in a flickr-comment Laurraine made on the first needle book I made. She is an angle for being so patient with me, since this is a swap that has been on for more than a year, I hope you like it Laurraine…it’s finally on its way.