顯示具有 Rhopalocera 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 Rhopalocera 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2012年4月9日 星期一



我們家在蕃薯藤自然新聞寫的書介就直接看這邊, 但是我在自己的blog就要說點其它的(也就是不需要在Yam那種大眾媒體上說). 對我來說這本書有什麼梗呢?
  • 說真的, 我們這種研究者已經沒有時間像攝影者或野外觀察者一樣, 可以整天在外面拍照. 我們一出門都是去採樣本回來抽DNA, 若要站在路邊撈花或是趴在河邊等某某蟲飛來, 那真的是大學的回憶了. 看到封面的青斑鳳蝶群集吸水其實挺感動的. 要知道我小時候(民國約70年)那時候所謂的多才真的是多(而且已經比蝴蝶工業全盛時期少很多了), 我永遠不知道青斑鳳蝶的野外幼蟲密度那麼低, 烏心石也不是高密度的樹, 為什麼會有那麼多成蟲可以群集出現在河邊. 那種景像是難以令人忘記的
  • 大大們看什麼? 當然是看有沒有拍到很少的東西啊. 這點我想這本書可以滿足很多人. 因為有些人一輩子也看不到這些蝴蝶活生生的樣子.
  • 錯字啊~ 形態的形是形, 型式的型才是型. 罰寫50次.
  • 眼蝶的眼紋其實不算是"干擾視覺". 所謂的干擾視覺指的是讓掠食者無法對焦或無法判斷輪廓. 眼蝶的眼斑基本上還是被當成一種警戒訊息(warning signal)
  • 蝴蝶命名演進那段, 我想不知道這個來龍去脈的人可能會有點霧, 但是對於蝶會的講師或義工來說, 這個段落的說明是可以提供解說的參考的. 不過我想這邊如果可以舉例, 把一些複雜蝶名(例如那些翠灰蝶)說清楚些, 舉個例, 會更清楚
  • 升天鳳蝶大聚集真的是太威惹~
  • 然後我想跟大樹/天下的編輯說, 你們訂的英文標題太冗長了. 跟著節氣賞蝶去翻成A seasonal guide to the butterflies of Taiwan就好了. 我不懂加那個eco-tourism要幹嘛. 以後稍微注意一下吧, 不要弄得好像高中英文例句翻譯.
  • 然後, 有人問我"這本書和陳維壽的台灣賞蝶情報還有張永仁的台灣賞蝶地圖"有什麼不同啊? 嗯, 陳老師的蝴蝶世界奇觀(1981)"大概是中文出版品中第一次提到"賞蝶勝地"的書籍, 當時所謂的賞蝶勝地是什麼地方? 新店, 碧潭, 指南宮, 烏來, 圓通寺...各位可以想像嗎? 我小學的時候參加的第一次由"少年科學勵進會"所舉辦的賞蝶活動地點就是在新店七張. 當時的七張有多少蝴蝶呢? 從羅斯福路往巷子裏繞, 就可以看到非常多的大琉璃紋鳳蝶. 我家在中和南勢角, 小二的時候後山到處都是台灣鳳蝶, 紅肩粉蝶, 還有, 大白斑蝶. 陳老師的台灣賞蝶情報比較像是對那個已經逝去的時代的勉懷, 讓大家看到"那曾經是台灣蝴蝶輝煌的過去". 而張永仁的台灣賞蝶地圖則是在"那裏找蝴蝶"之外, 帶給許多人更深刻的知識, 還有, 獨到的看法. 那麼蝶小小的書呢? 我覺得這是一本很輕鬆的書, 沒有什麼物種介紹, 也沒有什麼很深的故事, 就是單純地, 告訴你現在那邊還可以看到蝴蝶. 圖片漂亮, 排版精美, 讓從來不知道蝴蝶這麼美的人, 想要賞蝶, 也讓拍蝶多年的行家, 佩服功力, 努力與運氣.

2012年2月1日 星期三

根據序列與形態分析顯示尖翅翠蛺蝶與E. jpona是同種, E. phemius降為尖翅翠蛺蝶的一個亞種

文獻來源: Yago M, Yokochi T, Kondon M, Braby MF, Yahya B, Peggie D, Wang M, William M, Morita S, Ueshima R. 2012. Revision of the Euthalia phemius complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on morphology and molecular analyses. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 164(1): 304-327.

Adults of the Euthalia phemius complex, which is composed of three South-East Asian nymphalid species, Euthalia phemius, Euthalia ipona, and Euthalia euphemia, were genetically analysed by examining mitochondrial and nuclear genes. The E. phemius complex was also examined morphologically, with particular emphasis on wing markings and male genitalia. No significant differences amongst the three species in the complex were detected with respect to either genetic distance or genital morphology. We therefore conclude that the three currently recognized Euthalia species belong to a single species. Accordingly, E. ipona is synonymized with E. phemius. Euthalia euphemia is treated as a subspecies of E. phemius. Type specimens of all taxa and a synonymic list for the E. phemius complex are also given. In addition, we briefly discuss the evolution and biogeography of the species complex.

2011年8月16日 星期二

根據現生物種的地理分布資訊, 對寒冷氣候的耐受性及其在分子親緣關係架構中的保守性推測藍灰蝶起源於亞洲大陸並經由白令陸橋播遷至新世界

文獻來源: Vila R, Bell CD, Macniven R, Goldman-Huertas B, Ree RH, Marshall CR, Bálint Z, Johnson K, Benyamini D, Pierce NE. 2011. Phylogeny and palaeoecology of Polyommatus blue butterflies show Beringia was a climate-regulated gateway to the New World. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278(1719): 2737-2744. [link]

Transcontinental dispersals by organisms usually represent improbable events that constitute a major challenge for biogeographers. By integrating molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and palaeoecology, we test a bold hypothesis proposed by Vladimir Nabokov regarding the origin of Neotropical Polyommatus blue butterflies, and show that Beringia has served as a biological corridor for the dispersal of these insects from Asia into the New World. We present a novel method to estimate ancestral temperature tolerances using distribution range limits of extant organisms, and find that climatic conditions in Beringia acted as a decisive filter in determining which taxa crossed into the New World during five separate invasions over the past 11 Myr. Our results reveal a marked effect of the Miocene–Pleistocene global cooling, and demonstrate that palaeoclimatic conditions left a strong signal on the ecology of present-day taxa in the New World. The phylogenetic conservatism in thermal tolerances that we have identified may permit the reconstruction of the palaeoecology of ancestral organisms, especially mobile taxa that can easily escape from hostile environments rather than adapt to them.

2011年8月14日 星期日

使用四個核基因與兩個粒線體DNA序列重建藍灰蝶節親緣關係時發現大藍灰蝶(Maculinea)的單系性的確因雀斑灰蝶(Phengaris)的插入而不復存在, 而稀有的碇灰蝶(Caeruelea)則為其姐妹群

文獻來源: Ugelvig LV, Vila R, Pierce NE, Nash DR. 2011. A phylogenetic revision of the Glaucopsyche section (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), with special focus on the Phengaris–Maculinea clade. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61(1): 237-243.

Despite much research on the socially parasitic large blue butterflies (genus Maculinea) in the past 40 years, their relationship to their closest relatives, Phengaris, is controversial and the relationships among the remaining genera in the Glaucopsyche section are largely unresolved. The evolutionary history of this butterfly section is particularly important to understand the evolution of life history diversity connected to food-plant and host-ant associations in the larval stage. In the present study, we use a combination of four nuclear and two mitochondrial genes to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Glaucopsyche section, and in particular, to study the relationships among and within the Phengaris–Maculinea species.
We find a clear pattern between the clades recovered in the Glaucopsyche section phylogeny and their food-plant associations, with only the Phengaris–Maculinea clade utilising more than one plant family. Maculinea is, for the first time, recovered with strong support as a monophyletic group nested within Phengaris, with the closest relative being the rare genus Caerulea. The genus Glaucopsyche is polyphyletic, including the genera Sinia and Iolana. Interestingly, we find evidence for additional potential cryptic species within the highly endangered Maculinea, which has long been suspected from morphological, ecological and molecular studies.

2011年4月23日 星期六


[書名] 中國動物誌, 昆蟲綱, 第52卷, 鱗翅目粉蝶科
[作者] 武春生
[年代] 2010年11月
[出版] 科學出版社
[簡介] 粉蝶科隸屬於鱗翅目、鳳蝶總科。本志通過解剖我國所有已知種的成蟲雌、雄外生殖器,以及對外生殖器結構、脈序和外部形態的比較研究,對國內已知的24屬 154種粉蝶進行了全面訂正和系統總結,糾正了一些錯誤鑒定,澄清了一些分類疑點,提升和合併了一些種類。本書備有蝶類分科檢索表,粉蝶科分亞科、分族、分屬檢索表以及各屬的分種檢索表;每種都有完備的引證、別名、形態描述(含雌、雄外生殖器,並盡量包括幼期形態)、分佈、生物學及寄主植物;附有各屬的脈序圖、支序圖、雌雄外生殖器解剖圖、形態特徵等插圖174幅,成蟲彩色照片16版300多幅。在總論部分對粉蝶科的研究簡史、分類系統的演變、分類地位、形態特徵、生物學、寄主植物等作了介紹和總結,並對粉蝶科的地理分佈和區系成分等進行了總結與分析。本書是中國粉蝶科系統分類學研究在現階段的全面總結,為昆蟲學、生物多樣性保護、生物進化、生物地理學提供了基本資料,可供昆蟲學科研與教學工作者、生物多樣性保護與農林生產部門管理者、高等院校有關專業師生及蝴蝶愛好者參考。

[書名] 中國動物誌, 昆蟲綱, 第54卷, 鱗翅目尺蛾科尺蛾亞科
[作者] 韓紅香, 薛大勇
[年代] 2011年1月
[出版] 科學出版社
[簡介] 《中國動物志(昆蟲綱第54卷鱗翅目尺蛾科尺蛾亞科)》由韓紅香、薛大勇所著。尺蛾亞科隸屬于鱗翅目尺蛾總科尺蛾科,是尺蛾科中的第三大亞科,各種類大都是植食性害蟲。本《中國動物志(昆蟲綱第54卷鱗翅目尺蛾科尺蛾亞科)》主要對中國尺蛾亞科進行了系統分類學研究,在檢視絕大多數模式標本的基礎上,系統記述了67屬375種和亞種,其中,包括1新記錄屬、23新記錄種、6新異名、4新組合。本志內容分總論和各論兩大部分。總論包括了尺蛾科和尺蛾亞科的分類地位、分類系統、研究簡史、形態特征及分類學意義、寄主植物、生物學特性、地理分布特征。各論中編制了屬、種檢索表;總結了每個族的主要特征、屬的主要特征和鑒別特征;每種均有詳細的文獻引證、描述、檢視標本和分布等信息。附有各屬的翅脈圖,絕大部分種的雄雌外生殖器圖和腹部特征圖,共929幅,成蟲彩色圖版20版。本卷動物志可為昆蟲學、生物多樣性保護、生物地理學研究提供研究資料,可供昆蟲學科研與教學工作者、?物多樣性保護與農林生產部門工作人員及高等院校有關專業師生參考。

2011年3月22日 星期二


Photo by Dumbou

文獻來源: Wahlberg N. and D. Rubinoff. 2011. Vagility across Vanessa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): mobility in butterfly species does not inhibit the formation and persistence of isolated sister taxa. Systematic Entomology 36(2): 362–370. [Abstract]


異域種化假設了族群間受地理隔離而無法進行基因交流,最終形成兩個獨立的分類群,因此對於廣域且活動能力強的物種來說此機制似乎無法形成隔離且侷限分佈的姊妹種。蛺蝶科紅蛺蝶屬(Vanessa)包含了許多世界性廣域分佈物種,卻也擁有不少局限分佈種,因次此屬成為測試此假說理想的材料之一。此研究藉由涵蓋全球紅蛺蝶屬與其姊妹群的取樣,使用粒腺體COI與8段核基因序列,進行親緣關係的重建與分子鐘枝系分歧的時間推估,所獲得的結果為: 1. 各基因所重建的親緣關係樹見少有衝突,且樹型符合過去形態證據所劃分的烏個紅蛺蝶種群; 2. 外群Antanartia成為駢系群,其中改屬兩物種在此研究中與Vanessa形成單系群,故以此將其轉屬,現用組合名為V. hippomene以及V. dimorphica,現今紅蛺蝶共計22種; 3. 由生物地理分析的結果呈現多數的侷限分佈種,其姊妹種為廣域分布種,因而顯示擴散分布與異域種化的存在。然而就分子定年的結果顯示這些分枝分化時間都相當久(大於500萬年),此結果支持了長時間的隔離分化。然而作者認為紅蛺蝶屬的高活動力與異域隔離在此研究中,並無法完全解釋此屬在系統發生上的成因。

Allopatric speciation is thought to occur in the absence of gene flow, thereby suggesting that widespread vagile species might be less likely to generate restricted sister taxa because of a lack of isolation. The butterfly genus Vanessa provides an ideal test of this concept, as it contains some of the most cosmopolitan and vagile species of butterflies on the planet, as well as some highly restricted taxa. Given the age of these groups, this arrangement offers a special opportunity to examine the relationship between vagility and phylogeny in generating novel taxa; specifically, does the vagility of some lineages impede allopatric speciation, leaving restricted clades more speciose? A phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed for all species belonging to the butterfly genus Vanessa based on DNA sequences from one mitochondrial and eight nuclear gene regions. The resulting topology shows very little conflict among gene regions, with five well-supported clades corresponding to morphologically consistent species groups. The data very strongly indicate a polyphyletic genus Antanartia, and thus to preserve monophyly two species previously assigned to Antanartia are transferred to Vanessa, Vanessa hippomene comb.n. and Vanessa dimorphica comb. n., resulting in a total of 22 species placed in Vanessa. A biogeographical analysis shows that in many cases the most geographically restricted species are sister to geographically widespread species, suggesting dispersal and allopatric speciation. Surprisingly, in almost all cases the divergences between widespread and restricted species are quite old (>5 Ma), suggesting long-term isolation and stability of both vagile and sedentary species, despite the high (even intercontinental) vagility of many extant species and, by extension, ancestral species. The biogeography of Vanessa suggests that species vagility and allopatry do not fully explain the forces governing cladogenesis in this remarkable genus.

2011年1月6日 星期四

天冷 雌蝶就會從被追逐者變成求愛者

天冷 雌蝶就會從被追逐者變成求愛者 2011-01-07


耶魯大學的研究團隊觀察非洲一種黃褐斑蝶(事實上是一種眼蝶Bicyclus anynana),他們發現,蝴蝶在求愛的時候,身上的花紋會變得比較亮,這是人類用肉眼辨識不出來的,不過蝴蝶可以,這就好比一輛燒包車,在追求異性中,可以發揮的功能。


文獻來源: Prudic KL, Jeon C, Cao H, Monteiro A. 2011. Developmental Plasticity in Sexual Roles of Butterfly Species Drives Mutual Sexual Ornamentation. Science 331(6013): 73-75. [link]

2010年10月13日 星期三

[新書]A field guide to the butterflies of Singapore

[書名] A field guide to the butterflies of Singapore
[作者] Khew Sin Khoon
[年代] 2010/10
[內容] 此書為新加坡當地首次出版的野外賞蝶專用手冊, 其中包含高達超過260個物種, 其中不乏許多成蟲活體首次被發表的生態圖片. 由於新加坡位於馬來半島南端, 且臨近蘇門答臘中部, 對於瞭解馬來半島南端低地蝶相與高多樣性類群(例如Nacaduba等)有相當的參考價值.
[網頁] 請見此介紹

2010年5月24日 星期一

我覺得這是一個老話題耶....寄主植物可能並不是主要的問題, 蘭嶼目前那種殘破的環境倒底可以容納多大的族群量? 珠光鳳蝶真的可以像樺斑蝶那樣種個寄主就變多嗎?

我認為趙老師提出這個問題是對的, 不過我為什麼說這是一個老議題? 因為這件事早在10多年前就已經有人談過了. 但我覺得珠光鳳蝶復育工作最大的問題就是不知道整件事情的科學背景在那裏!
  • 請問有任何一種生物的族群量和個體數量會維持恆定嗎? 會一直維持成長嗎? 這是基礎生態學常識
  • 珠光鳳蝶會是一種種了寄主就要立竿見影的生物嗎? 就算是校園內的馬利筋, 也不一定有樺斑蝶來產卵吧? 請問怎麼不見有人跑出來說某某年的樺斑蝶怎麼變少了?
  • 蘭嶼的環境那麼糟糕, 已經不只是沒地方種馬兜鈴的問題, 請問蘭嶼有足夠的蜜源植物嗎? 蘭嶼的人工建設和破壞真的有人在管嗎? 還是反正離島建設基金要怎麼弄就怎麼弄?
  • 當一個環境已經破落到一定的程度, 當一種生物的遺傳多樣性已經差到一種程度, 我們能不能在理論上預期這樣的生物會因為多一點寄主植物而變多? 個體變多? 遺傳多樣性就會變高嗎? 還是我們只想看到個體變多?
  • 如果從當年農委會第一次補助珠光鳳蝶復育計畫, 到後來TESRI做了很多年, 整個思維都只想要看到個體變多, 那根本就沒有脫離蝴蝶農場的思維. 如果想要看到蝴蝶變多就弄人工網室養一堆出來放到外面給遊客看就好了不是嗎? 但是倒底要多到什麼程度才叫保育有成呢? 還是說看到台東龍田的裳鳳蝶那麼多, 珠光鳳蝶的保育就應該可以如法刨製呢?
馬兜鈴種錯地方 珠光鳳蝶銳減






【2010/05/25 聯合報】

2010年5月19日 星期三


文獻來源:L DAPPORTO. 2010. Satyrinae butterflies from Sardinia and Corsica show a kaleidoscopic intraspecific biogeography (Lepidoptera, Nymphlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 100: 195–212.

科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島等地中海島嶼因具有大量的特有種而受人矚目,蝶類更是備受關注。然而,科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島的蝶類並未與鄰近大陸或西西里島所產的族群進行廣泛的研究。本研究選取11個分布於科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島之眼蝶亞科物種,和其產於鄰近大陸及西西里島之族群,針對雄蟲生殖器結構進行幾何 形態矩陣的比較。利用相對扭曲計算、判別分析法、階層式分群法與交叉驗證測試,已鑑定包含島嶼和大陸族群的一致分布樣式。這十一個物種表現出多面向的分布樣式,但可歸納出以下三個重點:(1)來自北非和西班牙的族群一般而言和屬於義大利半島者不同;(2)來自薩丁尼亞島和西西里島的族群通常與北非/西班牙 的族群相似;(3)海洋屏障似乎是族群散佈的屏障,雖然其效力似乎與擴增無關。雖然科西嘉島與薩丁尼亞島之間的海峽和西西里島與義大利之間的海峽較短,但 在阻止動物相的交流上表現出強大的效力。而科西嘉島與北義大利之間、西西里島與突尼西亞之間的海域較廣,但卻各自表現出高度的相似性。這十一個分佈在島嶼 和大陸上的分類群之比較,有助於釐清關於地中海蝶類族群分布的歷史因素、避難所的動態和後冰河期(近代)遷徙等因子的複雜交互作用。

The Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica are known for their multitude of endemics. Butterflies inparticular have received much attention. However, no comprehensive studies aiming to compare populations of butterflies from Sardinia and Corsica with those from the neighbouring mainland and Sicily have been carried out. In the present study, the eleven Satyrinae species inhabiting Sardinia and Corsica islands were examined and compared with continental and Sicilian populations by means of geometric morphometrics of male genitalia. Relative warp computation, discriminant analyses, hierarchical clustering, and cross-validation tests were used to identify coherent distributional patterns including both islands and mainland populations. The eleven species showed multifaceted distributional patterns, although three main conclusions can be drawn: (1) populations from North Africa and Spain are generally different from those belonging to the Italian Peninsula; (2) populations from Sardinia and Sicily often resemble the North Africa/Spain ones; Corsica shows transitional populations similar to those from France; and (3) sea barriers represent filters to dispersal, although their efficacy appears to be unrelated to their extension. Indeed, the short sea straits between Sardinia and Corsica and between Sicily and the Italian Peninsula revealed a strong effectiveness with respect to preventing faunal exchanges; populations giving onto sea channels between Corsica and Northern Italy and between Sicily and Tunisia showed a higher similarity. A comparison of island and mainland distributions of the eleven taxa have helped to unravel the complex co-occurrence of historical factors, refugial dynamics, and recent (post-glacial) dispersal with respect to shaping the populations of Mediterranean island butterflies.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: geometric morphometrics – glacial maxima – Mediterranean – refugia.

2010年5月10日 星期一

[新書] 蝶蛾放大鏡

[書名] 蝶蛾放大鏡
[作者] 楊維晟
[出版] 天下文化
[年代] 2010
[內容] 請見天下文化官網
[雞婆訂正] 基本上我覺得這是本很不錯的書, 照片很威, 完全可以顯示出拍照以及對分類群理解的功力, 但我覺得還是想要雞婆一下....
  • p.7: 鱗翅目最早的化石記錄約在白堊紀(1億4550萬年前至6550萬年前), 而鎚角類(蝶類)的最早化石出現在史新世與漸新世之間, 但基本上鱗翅目的最早可信化石證據沒有超過1億年, 在此之前的紀錄, 如三疊紀的記錄, 都被認為是長翅目昆蟲化石的誤判
  • p.9: 長尾水青蛾應該是姬長尾水青蛾
  • p.14: 蓮霧赭夜蛾現在已經是隸屬瘤蛾科的物種
  • p.37: 魔目夜蛾現已隸屬裳蛾科
  • p.69: 展足蛾兩側突出的是後足, 不是後翅
  • p.80: 那隻所謂的衣蛾應該是斑螟亞科(Phycitinae)的物種
  • p.84: 斑蛾科幼蟲當然有毒, 而且還是氰化物, 而且這邊的有毒無毒定義是什麼呢? 如果指的是因為刺毛的細微結構造成過敏, 那是表皮性的過敏(allergy)啊, 但若是體內毒素或是特定腺體分泌物造成過敏, 那又是另一回事. 所以這邊的有毒無毒是什麼意思呢? 又是對什麼樣的生物來說呢? 燈蛾幼蟲體內有高度的PA, 有沒有毒呢?
  • p.104: 避債妙招2那個圖應該不是昆蟲吧? (至少不是避債蛾)
  • p.113: 右下圖應該是被內繭蜂寄生的, 不是姬蜂
  • p.152-153: 警戒色並不是人類覺得漂亮鮮豔就可以隨便叫他警戒色, 必須要配合某種防禦機制才可能算是警戒色
  • p.155: 枯球蘿紋蛾擬態貓頭鷹用心良苦? 我覺得有點想太多了
  • p.155-157: 我覺的把Mullerian mimicry譯為莫氏擬態十分不妥, 習慣用法就是穆氏擬態, 而且Muller怎麼唸都是"穆"的音, 不會是"莫"
  • p.157: 某種生物所具備的斑紋與那一種擬態有關, 取決於它在某個地方所參與的擬態群與所有參與物種相對的防禦機制而定, 因此直接指稱某某蝶類的斑紋就是貝氏擬態或穆氏擬態的代表是不妥當的
  • p.159: 那隻是蠟蟬??

2010年4月30日 星期五


文獻來源:Pen˜ a, C., Nylin, S., Freitas, A. V. L. & Wahlberg, N. (2010). Biogeographic history of the butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).—Zoologica Scripta, 39, 243–258.

蛺蝶科眼蝶亞科中具高多樣性的Euptychiina亞族過去被認為局限分布在美洲地區。然而,新的證據將東方區的銀蛇 目蝶(Palaeonympha opalina,又稱古眼蝶,分布於台灣和中國的中西部)歸入該亞族之下,使得該亞族的分布成為東亞-北美東部的間斷分布類型。這種東亞-北美東部分布類型雖然在其他動物群中已被發現,而在植物類群中也早在林奈時代之前就已知道,但是尚未在任何蝶類類群中被報導過。作者利用粒線體上的一個基因與四個細胞核 DNA片段,共計長度 4447 bp 的序列資料,分析102個 Euptychiina亞族下的分類群,以建立其親緣關係假說、評估其起源時間、主要分支之分化與生物地理學上的分析。Euptychiina亞族在 3100萬年前起源於南美洲。早期的Euptychiina亞族在始新世和漸新世之間、透過短暫的GAARlandia連接由北美洲擴散到南美洲。晚近之 東方區的銀蛇目蝶的間斷分布是由於南美洲一個支系朝北擴散、經由北美洲進入東亞。Palaeonympha屬的共祖與其姊妹群Megisto屬棲息在北亞和北美洲的帶狀森林中,過去曾以白令陸橋相連。而大約3100萬年前,白令陸橋的消失使得Palaeonympha屬和Megisto屬分開,且中新世晚 期(3150萬年前開始)的氣候巨變在北美洲西部造成嚴重的滅絕事件,故形成現在經典的「東亞-北美東部的間斷分布類型」。

本文章與台灣 產分類群相關者,是對銀蛇目蝶(Palaeonympha opalina)親緣關係地位之判斷,依據分子資料顯示,銀蛇目蝶應是Euptychiina亞族中某些局限分布在美洲之成員的姊妹群。此假說早在 1968年即由Miller提出,他發現Palaeonympha與Euptychiina亞族在形態上有某些相似性,這些發現促使他想要把這個東亞分布 的屬歸入原本僅有美洲產成員的Euptychiina亞族中,但是由於此奇特的間斷分布類型,最終Miller將銀蛇目蝶處理為分類地位未明的狀態。 Pen˜ a et al. (2006)的研究發現銀蛇目蝶和產於巴西東南方的Euptychiina亞族成員關係較密切,但是他並未全面地對產於北美洲和中美洲的 Euptychiina亞族成員進行採樣,故尚未發現經典的「東亞-北美東部的間斷分布類型」。本研究則進行較廣泛的採樣,進而重建並推論產於東方區的Palaeonympha的生物地理歷史,但本研究並未對每個屬中的每一個種作採樣,因此此親緣關係假說可能會受到較大屬的樣本增加而造成改變,此外,由 於只採樣銀蛇目蝶的其中一個產於台灣的亞種,因此無法確認銀蛇目蝶的每個亞種是否形成單系群。

The diverse butterfly subtribe Euptychiina was thought to be restricted to the Americas. However, there is mounting evidence for the Oriental Palaeonympha opalina being part of Euptychiina and thus a disjunct distribution between it (in eastern Asia) and its sister taxon (in eastern North America). Such a disjunct distribution in both eastern Asia and eastern North America has never been reported for any butterfly taxon. We used 4447 bp of DNA sequences from one mitochondrial gene and four nuclear genes for 102 Euptychiina taxa to obtain a phylogenetic hypothesis of the subtribe, estimate dates of origin and diversification for major clades and perform a biogeographic analysis. Euptychiina originated 31 Ma in South America. Early Euptychiina dispersed from North to South America via the temporary connection known as GAARlandia during Eocene–Oligocene times. The current disjunct distribution of the Oriental Palaeonympha opalina is the result of a northbound dispersal of a lineage from South America into eastern Asia via North America. The common ancestor of Palaeonympha and its sister taxon Megisto inhabited the continuous forest belt across North Asia and North America, which was connected by Beringia. The closure of this connection caused the split between Palaeonympha and Megisto around 13 Ma and the severe extinctions in western North America because of the climatic changes of the Late Miocene (from 13.5 Ma onwards) resulted in the classic ‘eastern Asia and eastern North America’ disjunct distribution.

2010年4月25日 星期日

Limbusa MOORE, [1897]亞屬的修訂:系統學上的處理與名錄

文獻來源:Yokochi, T. 2010. Revision of the Subgenus Limbusa MOORE, [1897] (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Adoliadini): part 1. systematic arrangement and taxonomic list. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. Hum. Hist., Ser. A. 8: 19-67.

Limbusa亞屬自中南半島香北分布至華中地區,由於包含了超過100個已發表的種類,因此過去一直未有人針對其系統分類學進行完整研究。本文列舉了目前翠蛺蝶屬(Euthalia)下Limbusa亞屬的118個分類群,並提供這些種類的標本照。台灣產的翠蛺蝶除了閃電蛺蝶外,其於四種皆屬於本亞屬的成員。另外,Adolias thibetana Poujade and Euthalia aristides Oberthür的選模標本則是在本文中被指定。

2010年4月19日 星期一

斑蝶移動路線 玉管處揭密

斑蝶移動路線 玉管處揭密【中央社╱南投縣19日電】
2010.04.19 08:56 pm













【2010/04/19 中央社】

2010年2月8日 星期一


文獻來源:SH EBERHARD,AL HIKL,CL BOGGS, AND HW KRENN. 2009. Saliva or Regurgitated Nectar? What Heliconius Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) Use for Pollen Feeding. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 102(6): 1105-1108 [link]

人們已經知道新熱帶的Heliconius屬蝴蝶會攝取花粉以補充其以蜜源為主的菜單,他們從花 粉粒中得到蛋白質與氨基酸,伴隨著利用來源不明的液體以便攝入花粉的行為。由於解剖學上的證據顯示蝴蝶只能透過口器釋放出唾液或是反芻的花蜜,故此未知來 源的液體被假設來自上述兩者。在此研究的試驗一,作者取27隻 Heliconius melpomene (L.) 給予帶有紅色染劑染色的糖水,接著觀察他們排出以幫助攝食花粉的液體是否帶有紅色染劑。試驗二則將H. melpomene分為兩組,分別給予/不給予糖水,然後用蒸餾水洗淨其口器,再給予花粉粒般尺寸的玻璃小珠誘導其攝食花粉的行為,將被口器沾過的玻璃小珠以微量的蒸餾水浸潤沖洗,進行是否含有還原糖的檢測(利用aniline phthalate,可測葡萄糖、果糖,但對蔗糖不產生反應)。試驗三則在哥斯大黎加雨林中捕捉野生個體,測試其口器上是否有還原糖。結果發現,除了試驗二的第一組給予糖水的測試之外,在Heliconius的口器上無法測得還原糖,而在試驗一中吐出的液體為透明無色且甚至可在排遺露滴中觀察到紅色染劑的存在。試驗二第一組少數樣本的差異可能歸因於沾染糖水的足再次接觸接受蒸餾水洗淨的口器,因而造成誤差。因此作者的結論為本研究證明了Heliconius屬蝴蝶攝取花粉食輔助攝食的液體為他的唾液、而非反芻的糖蜜。

The Neotropical Heliconius butterflies are well known to supplement their nectar diet by active pollen collecting. They extract proteins and free amino acids from pollen grains, exhibiting a particular behavior that involves the use of a fluid of uncertain origin. It has been assumed that this fluid is either regurgitated nectar or saliva, because for anatomical reasons a butterfly is able to release only these two fluids through its proboscis. In an experimental approach, 27 individuals of Heliconius melpomene (L.) were given red-dyed sugar solution and subsequently we observed whether the fluid used in pollen feeding was dyed or not dyed. Because regurgitated nectar should contain sugar, fluid samples were taken from the proboscis of butterflies from natural populations in Costa Rica. Samples of 44 individuals from seven species were tested for the presence of fructose and glucose with the aid of aniline phthalate. This study is the first detailed investigation of the origin of the fluid used by Heliconius butterflies in pollen feeding. The results are discussed in terms of already existing hints in literature concerning the true nature of that fluid.

KEY WORDS: heliconiines, Laparus, sugar assay, nutritional ecology

2010年1月20日 星期三


[書名] A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Vanuatu (Ol Buttaflae blong vanuatu) [NHBS]
[作者] John Tennent
[年代] 2009
[出版] Storm Entomological Publications
[ISBN] 978-0-9542045-1-8
[內容介紹] 請見ukbutterflies.co.uk之討論

另請參見Butterflies of the Solomon Islands

2010年1月16日 星期六

斑豹蛺蝶屬之分類綜述- 物種描述、模式標本影像與相關文獻

文獻來源:JC Dunford. 2009. Taxonomic overview of the greater fritillary genus Speyeria Scudder and the atlantis - hesperis species complexes, with species accounts, type images, and relevant literature (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). INSECTA MUNDI 0090: 1-74. [full text PDF]

本文為斑豹蛺蝶屬 Speyeria Scudder (= Argynnis Fabricius) 之綜述,並說明其置於蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae)毒蝶亞科(Heliconiinae)之原因。文中對於16個已被命名的斑豹蛺蝶屬物種以及 Speyeria atlantis (Edwards) 與 Speyeria hesperis種群下的(Edwards)25個亞種,均有物種描述、模式標本影像與相關文獻。本文指出過去命名上的錯誤,並更新分類處理、生活史與分布資訊,同時對模式標本產地資訊進行討論。最後,原有一亞種Speyeria atlantis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon, 1998, 被處理至另一物種之下,故有新學名組合產生:Speyeria hesperis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon.


A taxonomic overview for the fritillary genus Speyeria Scudder (= Argynnis Fabricius) and its placement within the Heliconiinae (Nymphalidae) is presented. Taxonomic accounts, type images, and relevant literature for the 25 subspecies within the Speyeria atlantis (Edwards) and Speyeria hesperis (Edwards) complexes and the 16 nominate Speyeria species are included. Errors in nomenclature are identified, taxonomic, life history, and distributional information are updated, and type locality information is discussed. Images of primary type specimens for all 16 Speyeria species and the 25 subspecies in the atlantis - hesperis complexes appear together in color here for the first time. One new combination of a species-subspecies is created: Speyeria hesperis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon, 1998, new combination, which was previously Speyeria atlantis hanseni Emmel, Emmel, and Matoon.

Key words. Argynnis, bibliography, fritillary, Lepidoptera, North America, Nymphalidae, Speyeria, synonymy, taxonomy, types

2010年1月10日 星期日

台灣的蘇鐵灰蝶大爆發肇因於本土灰蝶族群因外來蘇鐵引入而擴張, 而此種擴張可能危害本土之台東蘇鐵保育以及園藝用蘇鐵之培育

文獻來源: Wu LW, Yen SH, Lees DC, Hsu YF. 2010. Elucidating genetic signatures of native and introduced populations of the Cycad Blue, Chilades pandava to Taiwan: a threat both to Sago Palm and to native Cycas populations worldwide. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-009-9672-4

Foreign plants are usually introduced for food or aesthetic reasons. Most of these plants are non-invasive, but can alter the evolutionary trajectory of the associated native insects or inadvertently spread potential pests. A hitherto poorly documented example is the rapid expansion of Chilades pandava, a Cycas-feeding butterfly. Since about 1990, large numbers of the Sago Palm Cycas revoluta were introduced into Taiwan. Invading or introduced with this hostplant, Ch. pandava has rapidly spread to all major parts of Taiwan. To trace the source of outbreaks, we sampled 810 specimens covering 50 Taiwanese localities and other regions using mitochondrial COII sequences. Overall haplotype diversity was high (h = 0.791), but only 29 haplotypes were found. The haplotype C which dominates outbreak populations from western Taiwan was endemic to the island. This is consistent with the hypothesis of a local range expansion of Ch. pandava, rather than an introduction. In addition, the Taiwanese Central Mountain Ridge may constitute a primary biogeographic barrier restricting gene flow between eastern and western populations. Our study not only flags an important new invasive insect that needs to be monitored and controlled within the horticultural trade and for in situ cycad conservation, but also provides a clearly documented case of the transformation of a native tropical butterfly into a pest via introduced horticultural plants.

2009年12月27日 星期日


文獻來源:HM Heidel-Fischer, D Freitak, N Janz, L Söderlind, H Vogel, S Nylin. 2009. Phylogenetic relatedness and host plant growth form influence gene expression of the polyphagous comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album). BMC Genomics 10:506. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-506

關於限制植食性昆蟲食性範圍的機制目前尚未研究透徹,但是針對影響他們的機制與選汰力量之研究能使人們更了解較大尺度的生態交互作用。目前已知植物的化學防禦物質可影響植食性昆蟲的食性範圍,而植物的化學防禦物質則受植物親緣關係之影響、植物的生長形式亦會影響植物的防禦策略(首先是由Feeny, P.在1976年所提出的"plant apparency"假說)。在本研究中,作者希望藉由檢測取食三種不同寄主植物的幼蟲之基因表現,以分析出黃鉤蛺蝶(Polygonia c-album)能取食多樣化的植物之分子層次基礎,此三種植物為近緣關係(Urtica dioica and Ulmus glabra- 皆為蕁麻目)或有相同生長形式 (Salix caprea and Ulmus glabra -皆為樹木)。
作者在取食不同植物後的黃鉤蛺蝶身上總計找到120個具有差異表現的基因,其中55個位於中腸、65個位於幼蟲身體的其他部位。27個選取的測試基因中有14個 (10 in 中腸 and 4 in 身體其他部位)的表現樣式可以以獨立方法進行確認。對幼蟲中腸基因表現進行配對的相似性比較顯示,無論是在近緣的植物或具有相同生長形式的植物之間,均具有較高的相似性。相反地,幼蟲身體其他部位的基因與植物的類別間則無相對應的樣式。然而在取食不同寄主植物的幼蟲中腸中並未找到不同的解毒酵素以進行不同的調節。作者的研究資料顯示基因表現對取食不同寄主植物的反應是很複雜的,雖然每種植物需要幼蟲獨特的基因調節,但是寄主植物間親緣關係與寄主植物生長形式看來亦能影響廣食性的黃鉤蛺蝶之基因表現,此與蝶類寄主植物利用的親緣關係研究結果一致。

The mechanisms that shape the host plant range of herbivorous insect are to date not well understood but knowledge of these mechanisms and the selective forces that influence them can expand our understanding of the larger ecological interaction. Nevertheless, it is well established that chemical defenses of plants influence the host range of herbivorous insects. While host plant chemistry is influenced by phylogeny, also the growth forms of plants appear to influence the plant defense strategies as first postulated by Feeny (the "plant apparency" hypothesis). In the present study we aim to investigate the molecular basis of the diverse host plant range of the comma butterfly (Polygonia c-album) by testing differential gene expression in the caterpillars on three host plants that are either closely related or share the same growth form.
In total 120 genes were identified to be differentially expressed in P. c-album after feeding on different host plants, 55 of them in the midgut and 65 in the restbody of the caterpillars. Expression patterns could be confirmed with an independent method for 14 of 27 tested genes. Pairwise similarities in upregulation in the midgut of the caterpillars were higher between plants that shared either growth form or were phylogenetically related. No known detoxifying enzymes were found to be differently regulated in the midgut after feeding on different host plants.
Our data suggest a complex picture of gene expression in response to host plant feeding. While each plant requires a unique gene regulation in the caterpillar, both phylogenetic relatedness and host plant growth form appear to influence the expression profile of the polyphagous comma butterfly, in agreement with phylogenetic studies of host plant utilization in butterflies.

2009年12月9日 星期三


圖片來源:Paul J. Thompson
文獻來源:P Bierzychudek, KA Warner, A Mchugh, L Thomas. 2009. Testing the host-finding ability of a monophagous caterpillar in the field. Ecological Entomology 34:632–637. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2009.01112.x

2.作者選用瀕危的奧勒岡銀點蝴蝶Speyeria zerene hippolyta (Edwards)置於直徑10cm的透明容器中研究,將幼蟲置於容器中央,周圍擺放三株該幼蟲的寄主植物-鉤距堇菜(Viola adunca)與三株均為不同種類的非寄主植物,中間以裸露地區隔。在第二個試驗中,作者將二齡幼蟲放在間隔3–6 cm的寄主植物與非寄主植物之間,藉此觀察幼蟲選擇走向寄主植物的頻率是否比較高。

1. Relatively few studies of the host-finding ability of specialised, phytophagous insects involve direct observations of individual insects moving among intact hosts and non-hosts. Information from such studies can inform the design of restoration programmes for species of conservation concern.

2. The movement of caterpillars of the threatened Oregon silverspot butterfly, Speyeria zerene hippolyta (Edwards) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) was studied in the field in cleared arenas with 10 cm radii. Caterpillars were placed in the centre,
surrounded by three individuals of their host, Viola adunca, and three different nonhost individuals, separated by bare ground. In a second experiment, second instars were placed between a host and a non-host, 3–6 cm away. Caterpillars were observed to determine if they walked to their host more often than expected by chance.
3. Caterpillars walked to vegetation significantly more often than expected by chance. They did not, however, reach their hosts more often than expected, based on plant availability.
4. It is concluded that S. z. hippolyta caterpillars can distinguish vegetation from bare ground from 10 cm away. There is no evidence that they can distinguish their host plant from other herbaceous species at distances of 3 cm.

Key words. Conservation, experiment, host plant, Lepidoptera, movement behaviour, reactive distance, Speyeria zerene hippolyta.