Showing posts with label fusing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fusing. Show all posts

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Porter Co Fair ---

I have posts on my other blog with all of my fair entries .... then, I remember, I have
more tatting friends who follow only this blog ....

so, to repeat ....

I had 15 entries into the Porter Co Fair this Summer.   These are the ones with tatting:

Category 1:  Arts + Crafts
Section 109 - Wearable Art
c. Accessories
Kanzashi flower (given to my MIL)
embellished with tatting and buttons
Comment Card:

Section 101 - Special Occasion (any Holiday, Special Event)
b. Tree Ornament

Tatted Bell
designed by Merie Lettieri

Section 115 - Miscellaneous Crafts
back side
Mixed Media Needlecase

Comment Card says:
"very nice design
very well done
like the way it is decorated
handy idea to store needles"

Category V - Needlecraft
Section 507 - Miscellaneous Needlecraft
b. Other (smocking, tatting, latch hook, etc.)
Mom's Butterfly
comment card
(gave this to my MIL on Sunday afternoon)

The other entries can be seen

Thursday, February 09, 2012


I finished the fusing + started to embellish
with buttons, tatting, and charms.

IMO, The class went ok + I think the NANI
members who signed up for the class enjoyed fusing
and creating a needlebook with items in their kits.

The fusing was completed during the class time + 
the ladies will finish the needlebooks with perle cotton, buttons,
beads, charms, whatever they have in their stash!

I hear snow back in forecast staring Friday afternoon and
continue with lake effect snow into Saturday a.m.
What a bummer.

Monday, February 06, 2012

F Word ....

Fusing ...

(What were you thinking????)

These are starts of needlebook projects.

Friends and I are going to enjoy sharing
a creative evening with NANI members.

I wanted to get out some stash and make a few models (so I'd do ok trying to explain to somebody else!!! --- why is it easier to just sit down and "do it" vs. instructing other people?)

I find by taking pictures --- I can easily spot things needing to be 'changed' or embellished before I call it quits on fusing.

I like using Misty Fuse.    I have a needlebook cover sewn (by machine) and like to use a layer of Misty Fuse, then layer with texture .... followed by paper, stamps, tatting practice pieces, and fiber orts.    So far, these have a couple layers of Misty Fuse.  

Next, I pause and take a photo.....  (take a pause before I continue)

Before I trim the edges I look at the overall flow of the images + see if it all relates to my theme.

---These pictures are just a start .... I have more embellishing to do:

I look at my pile of scattered images (from greeting cards or craft freebie images, etc.) to see what I might want to add.   (or peel off!).    I like to have a theme.

Once I'm ok with the overall flow, I take misty fuse + top with tulle.  Fusing done --- needle threaded for more embellishing.    Embellishing is so much fun - use  beads, charms, floss, perle cotton next.    Last, sew in the pages, button, and some kind of easy tie closure.

Maybe have some finished needlebooks in the next day or two.  

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mixed Media Needlecase

International Quilt Festival/Chicago
 April 16-18, 2010 Donald E. Stephens Center, Rosemont, IL Karol and I arrived & were greeted by a friendly lady giving away wrist bands for FREE entry into the Festival Woot!!! Among the quilts, lectures, shopping, shopping, shopping ... were workshops scheduled each day. Called Make it University!™ Chicago 2010 We tried our hand at One-of-a Kind Needlecase taught by Kristen Rodriguez Fiber on a Whim post from her blog My kit theme was PLAY Front Inside our kits were a cloth for texture, bits of scrapbook papers, bits of paper to embellish (ie ticket, map, music, dictionary page), button, and fiber (+needle) We received instructions for placing our paper pieces on the needlebook cover having the paper pieces stick on the fabric using a product called Misty Fuse lastly, we embellished with perle cotton Final touches: sewing on the button, a tie, and the pages inside Whole Needlecase (outside) Marjorie took a different class, Kelli Perkins - cartoon fabric paper collage pins see her post: Quilt Show; Oh we had fun!
